TequilaFire wrote: »I feel they are about right.
That being said I wish there was an easy, normal, uber hard setting settable
by the group leader to please everybody.
If you are solo you would be considered the group leader having the same option.
My vote is nerfing vet zones make them seem harder.
TequilaFire wrote: »I feel they are about right.
That being said I wish there was an easy, normal, uber hard setting settable
by the group leader to please everybody.
If you are solo you would be considered the group leader having the same option.
Hmm, I've never tried but could a high level VR player actually solo the lower level vet Dungeons ???
The only one that is hard is COH and its only hard because of one boss road blocking progression the bone golem and the dumb adds that spawn adds.jpredwards10b16_ESO wrote: »Me and my group have been stuck on the second boss on Fungal Grotto for around an hour, I personally think the amount of health on these bosses needs to be toned down, the rest of the game does not prepare you at all for the challenge you face in vet dungeons. I would love to run them but they are simply too hard. Does Zenimax need to patch these?
madangrypally wrote: »ZoS is making dungeons with scalable difficulty based on how the group is doing.
If Group A wipes a few times then Boss A will be easier then if Group B does not wipe and tries to fight Boss A.
Not sure how I like such a feature but it is coming to ESO.
jpredwards10b16_ESO wrote: »Me and my group have been stuck on the second boss on Fungal Grotto for around an hour, I personally think the amount of health on these bosses needs to be toned down. I would love to run them but they are simply too hard.
jpredwards10b16_ESO wrote: »The rest of the game does not prepare you at all for the challenge you face in vet dungeons.
madangrypally wrote: »ZoS is making dungeons with scalable difficulty based on how the group is doing.
If Group A wipes a few times then Boss A will be easier then if Group B does not wipe and tries to fight Boss A.
Not sure how I like such a feature but it is coming to ESO.
TequilaFire wrote: »I feel they are about right.
That being said I wish there was an easy, normal, uber hard setting settable
by the group leader to please everybody.
If you are solo you would be considered the group leader having the same option.
Hmm, I've never tried but could a high level VR player actually solo the lower level vet Dungeons ???
If you provide a rundown/summary of how your group is built, I'd be willing to bet some people here would give you a few pointers. Better that, than questioning the difficulty.jpredwards10b16_ESO wrote: »Me and my group have been stuck on the second boss on Fungal Grotto for around an hour, I personally think the amount of health on these bosses needs to be toned down, the rest of the game does not prepare you at all for the challenge you face in vet dungeons. I would love to run them but they are simply too hard. Does Zenimax need to patch these?
What I mean is that by nerfing the difficulty of the Vet+ and Vet++ alliances that players are left less prepared for the difficulty spike of vet dungeons, thus making them seem harder.
Before vet nerf I actually had to dodge aoes or interrupt power attacks when possible and use an ultimate to get through 3 mob groups.
Now I can pretty much just stand around basic attacking something with a weapon I'm just training and not skilling and maybe have to use a couple offensive abilities.
While maybe it was a little too hard before, now its just plain too easy to do vet zones, thus you are less prepared for dungeons.
and also, the 2nd boss in FG is not really that hard if your group knows what they are doing. I despise L2P people, but im going to be one now. that boss is not really that hard; heck, its bugged atm. when she summons those adds that chain you down and summon the spectral sword, that sword DOES NOT kill you, when it hits you. that bug makes that fight really easy if your group is prepared for it. what level is everyone in your group? what is their builds/gear? iv done FG vet 3 or 4 times over, and the only boss I think is hard, is the giant spider daedra.(that's the boss I see most groups get stopped on)jpredwards10b16_ESO wrote: »Me and my group have been stuck on the second boss on Fungal Grotto for around an hour, I personally think the amount of health on these bosses needs to be toned down, the rest of the game does not prepare you at all for the challenge you face in vet dungeons. I would love to run them but they are simply too hard. Does Zenimax need to patch these?