Spottswoode wrote: »It would make much more sense for there to be a create-a-class added. The class system is ultimately designed to do three things:
1) Limit the power of the individual.
2) Foster cooperation.
3) Create a unique experience
I really think that after spell-crafting is in game, classes will be far less important... I wish they had gone the Elder Scrolls spell-crafting/skill line route from the beginning. It will almost be create your own class after all these updates.... Although, I will be totally disappointed if the assassin guild doesn't have something comparable to NB Shadow + Assassination skill line passives and my mage assassin is inferior because it's not a NB.
It would be just more catering to the min/maxers IMO. No, classes are just fine. Who wants to play a game where every person has the same skills set up?
Aett_Thorn wrote: »Having all of the "class" skill lines as independent trees that you could choose any three of when you begin your character would be great. And it would allow the Devs to balance individual skill lines without worrying about how it would affect a whole class, which in theory is easier to do.
Would it lead to some different balance issues? Yes. But they would just be different, not more or less severe.
Having access to all of the abilities would serve to make the classes self sustainable as opposed to make them interdependent. And the unique experience is unique to each class. I.e. playing as a rogue is different than playing as a warrior. (There was some length attached to that comment, but then again, I was typing with my phone. So I'll just pick up from here.) That criteria was directed toward class structure in RPGs as a whole. I don't think it's an entirely bad idea to open up the class abilities but if there isn't some predefined limitation in their structure we get Rift. (Not that that's a bad thing, mind you. That is, in my opinion, one of the things Rift does excellently.)moxiesauce wrote: »
2 and 3 would hold true if we had all the tree's,
Why do people go on about this? The ONLY mainstream ES game to not have classes was Skyrim, EVERY OTHER MAINSTREAM TES GAME HAS CLASSES!!!!
moxiesauce wrote: »Probably other posts made about this but, IMHO I think the game would be better if they just removed choosing a class, and every character had the free range to pick from any of the 12 class tree's. Perhaps put some restrictions on them, but it really would add to the "play your way" deal.
What do you guys think?
Vicente Valtiere, Dark Brotherhood, OblivionSpill some blood for me dear brother