Remove Classes? Yes or No?

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  • Logan9a
    Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's
    It baffles me that people like the restriction of classes, but OK.
  • moxiesauce
    Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's
    Welid wrote: »
    It wouldn't work, mixing up the class abilities would lead to imbalance.

    I still want this option! I just wanted to point out that this would put the nail on the coving for weapon abilities and there would be many players who would end up committing crimes against keyboards and other equipment's because they want to play with their 2h sword or Duel wield,

    ehh not completely it would just turn into a matter of balancing individual skill tree's, which I'm sure is what it's like now.
  • Tabbycat
    I have another idea
    The classes only make up 3 skill trees. It's just that people don't like the fact they can't have everything they want especially if they've just come into this game from playing Skyrim.

    All our weapons have skill trees, the armors have skill trees, the guilds have skill trees, the undaunted have skill trees. There are already so many skill trees that players have access to. And we will get even more when spellcrafting, dark brotherhood and the thieves guild comes out.

    Morrowind and Oblivion did have classes but you were never prevented from using all abilities. I want to wait and see how spellcrafting does in this game. I think it's going to open up class building quite a bit.
    Edited by Tabbycat on July 24, 2014 11:17AM
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • n0l
    Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's
    AngryNord wrote: »

    Why do people go on about this? The ONLY mainstream ES game to not have classes was Skyrim, EVERY OTHER MAINSTREAM TES GAME HAS CLASSES!!!!
    but they all also had the ability to create your own custom class. Also, no skills were restricted to any particular class, they were just buffed. i.e. Thieves get a +10 to lock picking and Warriors had +10 to two-handed, ect.
  • Paske
    No, classes are fine
    Remove common sence


  • OtarTheMad
    No, classes are fine
    Why remove classes? It would destroy the uniqueness of them all... and honestly a lot of people would walk away from this game I think.

    EDIT- Plus the classes are a general guideline anyway. I mean the best way to run a Fire Mage is to roll with a DK and use light armor and pretty much limit use to the Ardent Flame skill line. You can use the classes and still kind of play whatever way you want... the classes, the way I see them, are just the foundation of your character but are very essential to the game.
    Edited by OtarTheMad on July 24, 2014 5:27PM
  • Aeratus
    Yes, but with limits
    Yes, we should remove the classes, but there should be a limit as to how many class skill lines you can have.
  • BBSooner
    No, classes are fine
    No, classes are fine. If ESO was still in early concept development I suppose it would be a valid poll, but given 3+ months after release you might as well have a poll asking if ZOS should scrap Tamriel and have the whole game take place in akavir.
  • DenverRalphy
    No, classes are fine
    IMO, classes need to be reinforced even more than they are already. Specific class roles have always had the benefit when players form a group, at least everybody in the group could with reasonable assumption identify everybody else's role in a dungeon, raid, campaign, etc.. Even if one particular player had a bad build, there would be an outside chance to actually work with it.

    As it is now, the biggest problem with ESO is that you have to rely on each player's "claims" as to which role they can fulfill in a group. So far this method has been extremely unreliable. PUGS have historically been the least attractive option when forming a group. ESO has made the PUG exponentially worse.
  • Chuggernaut
    Yes, but with limits
    It wouldn't be a huge revamp to the system to add quest chains to the game that let the player unlock a skill tree from other classes. That's currently how mage guild, fighters guild, undaunted, soul magic, werewolf and vampire work.

    It would be awesome if each chain got harder and harder so to unlock all 12 class skill lines would require a ton of hard work. Also they could space them out over all the factions so you had something to work towards during vet levels in other factions. I'd envision it as the DC would get the night blade quest lines, AD would get sorcerer quest lines, EP would get dragon knights quest lines and Cyrodiil could get the templar quest lines. You can only do one chain at a time and once completed, the next chain's difficulty will get scaled up.
    Edited by Chuggernaut on July 25, 2014 3:56PM
    My comrades have returned. I erect the spine of gratitude. You are a hero today. - Bura-Natoo
  • BBSooner
    No, classes are fine
    It wouldn't be a huge revamp to the system to add a quest chains to the game that let the player unlock a skill tree from other classes. That's currently how mage guild, fighters guild, undaunted, soul magic, werewolf and vampire work.

    It would be awesome if each chain got harder and harder so to unlock all 12 class skill lines would require a ton of hard work. Also they could space them out over all the factions so you had something to work towards during vet levels in other factions. I'd envision it as the DC would get the night blade quest lines, AD would get sorcerer quest lines, EP would get dragon knights quest lines and Cyrodiil could get the templar quest lines. You can only do one chain at a time and once completed, the next chain's difficulty will get scaled up.

    Interesting solution, I'd be open to this. I'm all for increasing the trait lines that people have access to, usually in regards to the addition of stuff (thieves trait line, sword saints, dragonguard, companions, etc.) But using the actual class lines as lines to learn could be cool.

    I'm open to seeing this kind of change fleshed out.
  • moxiesauce
    Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's
    If you removed classes, there would be a whole host of new balance issues as people discovered new flavor-of-the-month combinations of skill lines. Then you'd have outraged posts here on the forums about how they TOTALLY DESTROYED BALANCE RARR!! by taking classes out.

    How? everyone just uses dress and staff anyway, as long as there wasn't a crazy OP class tree I can't imagine it would be horrible. Like really can you think of any 5 sets of abilities from all classes that would be god like?
  • Daethz
    No, classes are fine
    Classes are my least worries.
    Maybe we should worry about nothing but destruction staff being viable.
    Waiting, and watching, for the return of Melee Weapons.
    -Subsidiary of The Fighters Guild
  • moxiesauce
    Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's
    Daethz wrote: »
    Classes are my least worries.
    Maybe we should worry about nothing but destruction staff being viable.

    Agreed they need to balance out the weps, but for the sake of this would it really be so awful to have an extra 9 tree's on your character?
  • moxiesauce
    Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's
    Paske wrote: »
    Remove common sence



    That was Ironic, Sense* ;)
  • moxiesauce
    Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    Why remove classes? It would destroy the uniqueness of them all... and honestly a lot of people would walk away from this game I think.

    EDIT- Plus the classes are a general guideline anyway. I mean the best way to run a Fire Mage is to roll with a DK and use light armor and pretty much limit use to the Ardent Flame skill line. You can use the classes and still kind of play whatever way you want... the classes, the way I see them, are just the foundation of your character but are very essential to the game.

    But what if the foundation of your character was 12 tree's not 3. Seems like you could build something a little bigger. :)
  • SirAndy
    No, classes are fine
    The basic class structure is fine. The individual skills still need some tweaking ...
  • moxiesauce
    Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's
    It wouldn't be a huge revamp to the system to add a quest chains to the game that let the player unlock a skill tree from other classes. That's currently how mage guild, fighters guild, undaunted, soul magic, werewolf and vampire work.

    It would be awesome if each chain got harder and harder so to unlock all 12 class skill lines would require a ton of hard work. Also they could space them out over all the factions so you had something to work towards during vet levels in other factions. I'd envision it as the DC would get the night blade quest lines, AD would get sorcerer quest lines, EP would get dragon knights quest lines and Cyrodiil could get the templar quest lines. You can only do one chain at a time and once completed, the next chain's difficulty will get scaled up.

    This would be awesome :D
  • Moonshadow66
    Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's
    In the beta I already thought how cool it was in Skyrim without classes; you could try anything at anytime. Morrowind and Oblivion did have classes, Skyrim didn't and I was really happy about it, and now it's back, I don't know why exactly.
    Venus Ocean - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Gixia - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Frances Demnevanni - Breton Dragonknight VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Raygee - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Lady Olivieri - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Donna Demnevanni - Breton Templar VR16, DC, Tamriel Hero
    Elaine Benes - Breton Templar VR16, EP | Ray McCluck - Breton Sorcerer VR16, EP
    Moonshadow Demnevanni - Dunmer Dragonknight Lvl 50, EP | Jamie Stacey - Redguard Templar Lvl 50, EP
    Caia Cosades - Imperial Nightblade, EP

  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's
    Raygee wrote: »
    In the beta I already thought how cool it was in Skyrim without classes; you could try anything at anytime. Morrowind and Oblivion did have classes, Skyrim didn't and I was really happy about it, and now it's back, I don't know why exactly.

    Still not the same , before it was just a set of guide lines , something you can pick that does not limit your char at all. Just says what you are better at the start, you can still develop all the rest.

    In ESO classes actually limits your char , being a templar means never getting DK skills for example.

    Not the same at all.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Gilvoth
    Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's
    if they remove all the classes then it would fix the stamina problem and also fix the complaints about unbalance in pvp :)

    it should have been this way from the begining, and they were told that repeatedly by the pts team.
    it's also exactly how all elderscrolls games were that we could do anything and use any skill with any class.
    Edited by Gilvoth on July 25, 2014 1:33AM
  • Troponin
    You cannot deny that Skyrim is the game that has the most impact on why they decided to create this game and clearly used it as the main platform. The ONLY thing that separated any alt were simply the races. By the time you hit high levels, the racials ended up being only a very small part of your character and it wasn't game breaking.

    The only thing that I noticed was that, the higher you level, the harder it became to level some spells and abilities, and, there was also an early game penalty hidden within the development; if you tried to level too many things early on, your character would level, and the monsters would scale with you to a certain point. the content got REALLY difficult if you didn't level certain things first.

    Regardless, I would love to get out of the class thing. It's so cliche, but also, I wonder if creating classes ends up solving many, many problems that many types of games just can't seem to work it in without breaking something else. (Does that even make sense?).
  • madangrypally
    Yes, but with limits

    I picked yes but I dont want them to just remove them willy nilly.

    Step 1: Character picks his class at level 1 like normal and levels to 50.

    Step 2: Character is now Veteran Rank 1 and is starting AD. They can now pick a new class. They have access to 2 class trees.

    Step 3: Character is now Veteran Rank 6 and is starting the EP. They can now pick a new class. They have access to 3 class trees.

    Step 4: Character is VR10 and has completed Gold quest chain. They now unlock the last class. They have access to all 4 class trees.

    The issue now would be stacking of all 4 class passives. They would need to change some of the passives to make sure stacking wont make the game to easy.
  • Anastasia
    No, classes are fine
    if they remove all the classes then it would fix the stamina problem and also fix the complaints about unbalance in pvp :)

    it should have been this way from the begining, and they were told that repeatedly by the pts team.
    it's also exactly how all elderscrolls games were that we could do anything and use any skill with any class.

    And anyhow Hlaren, following your line of thought...(*sarcasm hugely ON): Why the heck did they even make TESO an MMO...they should have let Bethesda know that the ZOS pros were in actuality working on the next single player installment of ES with some social chat room action going on and promoted it as thus. MMO's. Pfft.


    Edited by Anastasia on July 25, 2014 2:05AM
  • Lizelle
    No, classes are fine
    I would love if ZOS would remove classes from ESO!

    It makes sense. ESO has great story and it's fun to explore but it's tedious to go through that multiple times with different characters just to level up another class. It would be much better if you could just build up one character that would allow you to REALLY play the way you want to play. Also as others have stated it's more true to the TES series.

    *Edit* For some reason my vote didn't register as "Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's"... Oh well, that's what I would like to have my vote count as!
    Edited by Lizelle on July 25, 2014 2:50AM
  • DuelWieldingCheesyPoofs
    Yes, every character should have free reign to all class tree's
    May as well open them up now specially with spell crafting and champ coming
  • diamondeyethunderbow_ESO
    No, classes are fine
    moxiesauce wrote: »

    How? everyone just uses dress and staff anyway, as long as there wasn't a crazy OP class tree I can't imagine it would be horrible. Like really can you think of any 5 sets of abilities from all classes that would be god like?

    I can't think of one now because I can't combine them in that way to actually test it out. As for everyone using cloth + staff, that's only true for high-end content, and it won't stay true forever.. and probably not for long.

    In fact, it sort of illustrates the point. Everyone figured out the high DPS combo and gravitated to it. That's exactly what they'd do if they could combine class skill lines any way they wanted.
  • diamondeyethunderbow_ESO
    No, classes are fine
    n0l wrote: »
    but they all also had the ability to create your own custom class. Also, no skills were restricted to any particular class, they were just buffed. i.e. Thieves get a +10 to lock picking and Warriors had +10 to two-handed, ect.

    You have that same ability to customize your class in this game by selecting your race, weapon, and armor. In Oblivion and Morrowind, your armor and weapon skills were things you selected (or not) as part of your class skills. In this game, class skills just mean your specialized skills that are not part of something else.

    People keep losing sight of the fact that "class" in ESO does not mean what "class" means in most games that have them.
  • AlexDougherty
    No, classes are fine

    You have that same ability to customize your class in this game by selecting your race, weapon, and armor. In Oblivion and Morrowind, your armor and weapon skills were things you selected (or not) as part of your class skills. In this game, class skills just mean your specialized skills that are not part of something else.

    People keep losing sight of the fact that "class" in ESO does not mean what "class" means in most games that have them.

    That's true, there's nothing stopping you playing your sorc in heavy armour, or your DK in light armour. Your class is just a selection of abilities and passives, which you add to the abilities and passives available to everyone.

    I played SWTOR, and you couldn't do the same with those classes.

    ESO classes are just a theme you build on, not a restriction against anything.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Akiainavas
    Yes, but with limits
    I'm fine with classes. Although I think allowing each class to freely choose 1 additional skill tree from the pool of all skills would be a good idea.
This discussion has been closed.