It wouldn't work, mixing up the class abilities would lead to imbalance.
I still want this option! I just wanted to point out that this would put the nail on the coving for weapon abilities and there would be many players who would end up committing crimes against keyboards and other equipment's because they want to play with their 2h sword or Duel wield,
but they all also had the ability to create your own custom class. Also, no skills were restricted to any particular class, they were just buffed. i.e. Thieves get a +10 to lock picking and Warriors had +10 to two-handed, ect.
Why do people go on about this? The ONLY mainstream ES game to not have classes was Skyrim, EVERY OTHER MAINSTREAM TES GAME HAS CLASSES!!!!
rob.shzaub17_ESO wrote: »It wouldn't be a huge revamp to the system to add a quest chains to the game that let the player unlock a skill tree from other classes. That's currently how mage guild, fighters guild, undaunted, soul magic, werewolf and vampire work.
It would be awesome if each chain got harder and harder so to unlock all 12 class skill lines would require a ton of hard work. Also they could space them out over all the factions so you had something to work towards during vet levels in other factions. I'd envision it as the DC would get the night blade quest lines, AD would get sorcerer quest lines, EP would get dragon knights quest lines and Cyrodiil could get the templar quest lines. You can only do one chain at a time and once completed, the next chain's difficulty will get scaled up.
diamondeyethunderbow_ESO wrote: »If you removed classes, there would be a whole host of new balance issues as people discovered new flavor-of-the-month combinations of skill lines. Then you'd have outraged posts here on the forums about how they TOTALLY DESTROYED BALANCE RARR!! by taking classes out.
Classes are my least worries.
Maybe we should worry about nothing but destruction staff being viable.
OtarTheMad wrote: »Why remove classes? It would destroy the uniqueness of them all... and honestly a lot of people would walk away from this game I think.
EDIT- Plus the classes are a general guideline anyway. I mean the best way to run a Fire Mage is to roll with a DK and use light armor and pretty much limit use to the Ardent Flame skill line. You can use the classes and still kind of play whatever way you want... the classes, the way I see them, are just the foundation of your character but are very essential to the game.
rob.shzaub17_ESO wrote: »It wouldn't be a huge revamp to the system to add a quest chains to the game that let the player unlock a skill tree from other classes. That's currently how mage guild, fighters guild, undaunted, soul magic, werewolf and vampire work.
It would be awesome if each chain got harder and harder so to unlock all 12 class skill lines would require a ton of hard work. Also they could space them out over all the factions so you had something to work towards during vet levels in other factions. I'd envision it as the DC would get the night blade quest lines, AD would get sorcerer quest lines, EP would get dragon knights quest lines and Cyrodiil could get the templar quest lines. You can only do one chain at a time and once completed, the next chain's difficulty will get scaled up.
In the beta I already thought how cool it was in Skyrim without classes; you could try anything at anytime. Morrowind and Oblivion did have classes, Skyrim didn't and I was really happy about it, and now it's back, I don't know why exactly.
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »if they remove all the classes then it would fix the stamina problem and also fix the complaints about unbalance in pvp
it should have been this way from the begining, and they were told that repeatedly by the pts team.
it's also exactly how all elderscrolls games were that we could do anything and use any skill with any class.
moxiesauce wrote: »
How? everyone just uses dress and staff anyway, as long as there wasn't a crazy OP class tree I can't imagine it would be horrible. Like really can you think of any 5 sets of abilities from all classes that would be god like?
but they all also had the ability to create your own custom class. Also, no skills were restricted to any particular class, they were just buffed. i.e. Thieves get a +10 to lock picking and Warriors had +10 to two-handed, ect.
diamondeyethunderbow_ESO wrote: »
You have that same ability to customize your class in this game by selecting your race, weapon, and armor. In Oblivion and Morrowind, your armor and weapon skills were things you selected (or not) as part of your class skills. In this game, class skills just mean your specialized skills that are not part of something else.
People keep losing sight of the fact that "class" in ESO does not mean what "class" means in most games that have them.