ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »OVERVIEW
The Elder Scrolls Online v1.3.1 addresses some issues with combat, quests, Veteran Dungeons, and more. We have also seen your feedback on the forums and have made a number of changes based on feedback, such as adjustments to some of our item sets.
Alliance War
- Siege weapons will now degrade much faster when not being actively controlled.
- Siege weapon repair kits now repair double their prior healing value.
Combat & Gameplay
- Fixed an issue where some two handed axes had the wrong visual style.
- Monsters in the overland will no longer act erratically and bring in outside support during combat when they’re not supposed to.
- Earthen Heart
- Magma Armor: Fixed an issue where this ability was doing 10x damage than intended.
- Daedric Summoning
- Volatile Familiar: Reduced the damage of this ability to 12% maximum magicka from 20% maximum magicka. This is a temporary solution until we completely resolve the issue where the Familiar is exploding twice.
- Dual Wield
- Ruffian: This passive is no longer lost when you die.
- Dual Wield Expert: This passive is no longer lost when you die.
- Mages Guild
- Energy Orb: The damage bonus for this ability no longer stacks when multiple player characters activate the synergy.
Alliance War
- Assault
- Rapid Maneuvers: This ability now increases your movement speed while mounted.
Dungeons & Group Content
Veteran Dungeons
- Veteran Crypt of Hearts
- Edge of Darkness: The reward for this quest is now Veteran Rank 12.
- Veteran Elden Hollow
- You will no longer be blocked from resurrecting if you die during the fight with Kargand.
- Veteran Spindleclutch
- The boss health bar for the three Flesh Atronach fight now properly reflects the combined health of the trio
- Sud-Hareen will no longer despawn when a player enters with the quest ‘Blood Relations’ already in their journal
Exploration & Itemization
- Fixed a minor issue with the tooltip text from the Alliance War Shock Staff.
- Fixed an issue where Used Bait was incorrectly labeled as a usable bait item.
- Stranglers in Coldharbour now have a chance of dropping Tentacles for the achievement Nature’s Guardians.
- Nix-Hounds can now drop Multifaceted Eyes.
- All ghosts now have a chance to drop Ectoplasmic Discharge.
- Bull Netches will now drop Bile Gilt.
- Fixed an issue where Trial gear would occasionally appear without traits.
- Fixed an issue where several Veteran Dungeon item sets didn’t have traits.
Item Sets
Thanks to your feedback, we’ve changed some of the set bonuses on existing sets to be more in line with what they were before patch 1.3.0. This is especially true for Hist Bark, Willow’s Path and Twilight’s Embrace.
- Added traits to various item set pieces obtained from veteran dungeons.
- The following item set tooltips now refer to Weapon Damage instead of Weapon Power:
- Hunding’s Rage item set
- Skirmisher item set
- Adroitness: This item set now correctly restores magicka and stamina, instead of restoring magicka twice.
- Apprentice: Added shoes to this item set.
- Beckoning Steel: Fixed an issue where this item set could be removed by intercepting itself.
- Beserking Warrior: This item set now only applies to attacks with 2 handed weapons.
- Dreugh King Slayer: This item set now has new visual effects when equipped.
- Elf Bane: This item set no longer decreases the tick rate on the Destruction Staff ability Wall of Fire.
- Hist Bark: This set now provides 18% dodge rating while blocking.
- Night Mother’s Embrace: This item set tooltip now properly states that it gives a bonus to crouch cost, rather than sprint cost.
- Robes of Onslaught: This item set tooltip now states that it affects stun abilities.
- Sanctuary: This item set no longer stacks when you log out.
- Skirmisher: Fixed an issue where your weapon damage was not being increased properly. We also fixed an issue with Critical Strike where it was being increased by 100% of the critical strike value, rather than a flat percentage of 10%.
- Thunderous Plate Mail: This item set now has a target cap.
- Twilight’s Embrace: Updated the set piece bonuses on this set:
- 3 piece bonus: Increases Spell Critical by 4%
- 4 piece bonus: Increases spell power
- Willow’s Path: Updated the set piece bonuses on this set:
- 2 piece bonus: Increases maximum magicka
- 3 piece bonus: Increases Spell Critical by 4%
- 4 piece bonus: Increases health regeneration
- The achievements Catching Trophy Fish will now update the associated achievements properly.
- When you decide to flee before an overland group encounter, it will still remain active for others if they want to attempt it.
- Final Blows: Karulae and Calanyese will now respawn at a slightly slower rate.
- Harsh Lesson: Adjusted the level of the monsters in Saltspray Cave from level 9 to level 13.
- Troll’s Toothpick: The Skeevers and Trolls will now appear in the cave.
- Cave of Trophies: The Banekin are now correctly set to level 47.
- Race for the Cure: Fixed an issue where the step to “Observe Nilyne’s Treatment” would become blocked if you left the house before the treatment was completed.
- Bad Medicine: Fixed an issue where Aerona would not be present when you entered the house.
- Hall of the Dead: Reynir will now pursue you farther during combat.
- Themond Mine will now scale to veteran difficulties.
- Turning of the Trees: Upon leaving and returning to Deleyn’s Mill, you will now be able to resummon the torchbug as needed.
- A Lasting Winter: Fixed an issue where Brelor would not interact with the Welkynd Stones.
- Grip of Madness: Entering the Cathedral will no longer cause the quest to advance incorrectly to a step you cannot complete.
- Staff of the Magnus: All group members will now be able to enter Marbruk’s Vault.
Reaper’s March
- Two Moon’s Path: Fixed an issue that was preventing Rid’thar from spawning and blocking your quest progress. We also fixed an issue so if you log out during a vision, you will be able to interact with the crystals.
- The First Step: Logging out, dying, or leaving the area will no longer prevent you from advancing the quest when you return.
- The Blood-Splattered Shield: Reezal-Jul and the Contess Eselde will now reset if they become stuck.
- Trail of the Skin Stealer: Adjusted the scene between Ukatsei and Nedrasa so it’s now clearer.
- Saving Hosni: If you die in Hosni’s dream, you will now resurrect at the tower where you originally entered the dream.
- Ending the Ogre’s Threat: Updated Skull Crusher in Shinji's Scarp to only spawn if you’re on the appropriate step.
The Rift
- Concealed Weapons: Aera will now be available to all members of a group for the quest step “Talk to Aera.”
- Fixed an issue when improving an item where the Attempt Item Improvement UI would reappear, displaying a 100% chance to improve when the chance to improve was actually reset.
Guild Store
- Added a sound effect when you attempt to purchase an item without having enough gold.
- Fixed an issue if you went from Mail to Inventory and back to Mail, items would occasionally not be visible to attach to new mail.
It will be called 1.3 when it hits but will included fixes and improvements to whatever the last patch was that was on the PTS.
The PTS version is never the final version of any patch that hits. Expect the released patch to be different from what was on the PTS. Not hugely so, but a bit different.
Ofc we will get both of them. They can't apply 1.3.1 without 1.3.0, because it's an incremental update.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »It will be called 1.3 when it hits but will included fixes and improvements to whatever the last patch was that was on the PTS.
The PTS version is never the final version of any patch that hits. Expect the released patch to be different from what was on the PTS. Not hugely so, but a bit different.
No, it will be called 1.3.x, depending on which version they're up to. Remember that the Craglorn patch was 1.1.2 and the latest update was 1.2.3. They patch the game up to whatever version of the update they reached on the PTS.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »It will be called 1.3 when it hits but will included fixes and improvements to whatever the last patch was that was on the PTS.
The PTS version is never the final version of any patch that hits. Expect the released patch to be different from what was on the PTS. Not hugely so, but a bit different.
No, it will be called 1.3.x, depending on which version they're up to. Remember that the Craglorn patch was 1.1.2 and the latest update was 1.2.3. They patch the game up to whatever version of the update they reached on the PTS.
So we will get 1.3.1 (if it's the last one on the PTS) or will we get 1.3.2 if they make improvements over the PTS?
nerevarine1138 wrote: »It will be called 1.3 when it hits but will included fixes and improvements to whatever the last patch was that was on the PTS.
The PTS version is never the final version of any patch that hits. Expect the released patch to be different from what was on the PTS. Not hugely so, but a bit different.
No, it will be called 1.3.x, depending on which version they're up to. Remember that the Craglorn patch was 1.1.2 and the latest update was 1.2.3. They patch the game up to whatever version of the update they reached on the PTS.
So we will get 1.3.1 (if it's the last one on the PTS) or will we get 1.3.2 if they make improvements over the PTS?
nerevarine1138 wrote: »It will be called 1.3 when it hits but will included fixes and improvements to whatever the last patch was that was on the PTS.
The PTS version is never the final version of any patch that hits. Expect the released patch to be different from what was on the PTS. Not hugely so, but a bit different.
No, it will be called 1.3.x, depending on which version they're up to. Remember that the Craglorn patch was 1.1.2 and the latest update was 1.2.3. They patch the game up to whatever version of the update they reached on the PTS.
So we will get 1.3.1 (if it's the last one on the PTS) or will we get 1.3.2 if they make improvements over the PTS?
nerevarine1138 wrote: »It will be called 1.3 when it hits but will included fixes and improvements to whatever the last patch was that was on the PTS.
The PTS version is never the final version of any patch that hits. Expect the released patch to be different from what was on the PTS. Not hugely so, but a bit different.
No, it will be called 1.3.x, depending on which version they're up to. Remember that the Craglorn patch was 1.1.2 and the latest update was 1.2.3. They patch the game up to whatever version of the update they reached on the PTS.
So we will get 1.3.1 (if it's the last one on the PTS) or will we get 1.3.2 if they make improvements over the PTS?
I'm still confused. I blame this summer cold bug I have.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »nerevarine1138 wrote: »It will be called 1.3 when it hits but will included fixes and improvements to whatever the last patch was that was on the PTS.
The PTS version is never the final version of any patch that hits. Expect the released patch to be different from what was on the PTS. Not hugely so, but a bit different.
No, it will be called 1.3.x, depending on which version they're up to. Remember that the Craglorn patch was 1.1.2 and the latest update was 1.2.3. They patch the game up to whatever version of the update they reached on the PTS.
So we will get 1.3.1 (if it's the last one on the PTS) or will we get 1.3.2 if they make improvements over the PTS?
I'm still confused. I blame this summer cold bug I have.
If the latest version they have is 1.3.1, then that's what we get. If they make some last-minute tweaks between taking the PTS down and bringing the update to the game, we'll get 1.3.2 (or 3 or 4, depending on where they are in the development stage). These patches aren't separate entities, which is why the new number always comes another decimal. Each new version of the patch builds on what's previously there.
This is correct. If we don't push any more builds to the PTS, then Update 3 will be 1.3.2 when it's rolled out. It includes everything from 1.3.0, 1.3.1, plus any additional changes we make in between the time we pushed 1.3.1 and when Update 3 is released.nerevarine1138 wrote: »It will be called 1.3 when it hits but will included fixes and improvements to whatever the last patch was that was on the PTS.
The PTS version is never the final version of any patch that hits. Expect the released patch to be different from what was on the PTS. Not hugely so, but a bit different.
No, it will be called 1.3.x, depending on which version they're up to. Remember that the Craglorn patch was 1.1.2 and the latest update was 1.2.3. They patch the game up to whatever version of the update they reached on the PTS.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is correct. If we don't push any more builds to the PTS, then Update 3 will be 1.3.2 when it's rolled out. It includes everything from 1.3.0, 1.3.1, plus any additional changes we make in between the time we pushed 1.3.1 and when Update 3 is released.nerevarine1138 wrote: »It will be called 1.3 when it hits but will included fixes and improvements to whatever the last patch was that was on the PTS.
The PTS version is never the final version of any patch that hits. Expect the released patch to be different from what was on the PTS. Not hugely so, but a bit different.
No, it will be called 1.3.x, depending on which version they're up to. Remember that the Craglorn patch was 1.1.2 and the latest update was 1.2.3. They patch the game up to whatever version of the update they reached on the PTS.
Is everyone thoroughly confused yet?
In that case, mission accomplished.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is correct. If we don't push any more builds to the PTS, then Update 3 will be 1.3.2 when it's rolled out. It includes everything from 1.3.0, 1.3.1, plus any additional changes we make in between the time we pushed 1.3.1 and when Update 3 is released.nerevarine1138 wrote: »It will be called 1.3 when it hits but will included fixes and improvements to whatever the last patch was that was on the PTS.
The PTS version is never the final version of any patch that hits. Expect the released patch to be different from what was on the PTS. Not hugely so, but a bit different.
No, it will be called 1.3.x, depending on which version they're up to. Remember that the Craglorn patch was 1.1.2 and the latest update was 1.2.3. They patch the game up to whatever version of the update they reached on the PTS.
Is everyone thoroughly confused yet?
More excited then confused
We don't have a set date yet, but the current target is early August.Lord_Draevan wrote: »Any idea when we'll be seeing Update 3 on the live servers? Next week, week after, first week of August, or later?
My armor's a-cryin' out for some dyeing and tabards, and I can't wait for the new "5 campaigns only" PvP to hopefully kill the Emp farmers
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We don't have a set date yet, but the current target is early August.Lord_Draevan wrote: »Any idea when we'll be seeing Update 3 on the live servers? Next week, week after, first week of August, or later?
My armor's a-cryin' out for some dyeing and tabards, and I can't wait for the new "5 campaigns only" PvP to hopefully kill the Emp farmers
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We don't have a set date yet, but the current target is early August.Lord_Draevan wrote: »Any idea when we'll be seeing Update 3 on the live servers? Next week, week after, first week of August, or later?
My armor's a-cryin' out for some dyeing and tabards, and I can't wait for the new "5 campaigns only" PvP to hopefully kill the Emp farmers
To those looking to always moan I'd have thought it was a good sign.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We don't have a set date yet, but the current target is early August.Lord_Draevan wrote: »Any idea when we'll be seeing Update 3 on the live servers? Next week, week after, first week of August, or later?
My armor's a-cryin' out for some dyeing and tabards, and I can't wait for the new "5 campaigns only" PvP to hopefully kill the Emp farmers
That's not a good sign !
Literally willing the hands on my clock to move faster towards August (for the 1.3 release, of course) ...