So my templar just used disintegrate..?

I just switched to a destro staff for my alt bar on a 48 templar. I had an enemy at low health, but not too low, and using either force shock or a light attack with my inferno staff (forget which) instantly killed the target. FTC told me I did 650 non-critical damage with "disintegrate," which best I can figure, is a sorcerer ability. Sooooo what just happened? I'm very confused. My best guess is that FTC registered something weird with force shock, but I don't know. It seemed to have hit way harder than it should have.

Also, while we're at it, what's up with the force shock animation? Does it just not exist? I don't see anything except an occasional small flash on my staff on both of my PCs.
Edited by jrgray93 on July 14, 2014 11:49PM
EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job
  • andre.roques.3b14_ESO
    My Templar using fire enchants on melee weapons sometimes causes targets to "disintegrate" or poof into a pile of ash...guessing it is the same effect when you overkill a target.
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  • zScars
    if ur under 20% and get hit by mages wrath, and eclipse they take the disintegrate dmg
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  • dragonhawk
    I believe any ability can cause the disintegration effect. I know i have gotten it on my Templar but cant remember if it was with a Templar ability, a staff or my bow. You can also be disintegrated as it has happened to both myself and teammates in dungeons.

    As to the Force Shock animation i believe it uses the same animation as an ice staff light attack, but the effect has seemed to be lessened since patch 1.25.
  • jrgray93
    Well I know it will turn them to ash with the right abilities. What confused me was my mod identifying 650 damage and calling it disintegrate. I don't know of any ability actually dealing increased damage. I thought it was always a cosmetic thing when enemies turned to ash by being killed with elemental effects.
    EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job
  • Tamanous
    The abilities on weapons has nothing to do with your class. A class may also have additional similar abilities or may not.
  • Jimm_ay
    same thing when the frost staff turns the to ice then they break up into pieces.
  • Cinna
    I had thought disintegrate was the super proc of shock damage, that can happen to non-sorcerer too when target is weak to it, like the better known explosion effect on fire weak enemies such as undead. Have not been able to confirm this as it is a rare effect and don't know what mobs have the weakness. I have experienced proccing disintegration damage with lightning staff as templar, but rarely. What mob were you fighting?
  • Baphomet
    Explotion, incineration, disintergration...those are PvE effects which can proc on specific monsters which are vulnerable to certain damage types.
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  • Hilgara
    Disintegrate seems to happen on any ability who's damage goes way over what is required to kill a target. Hit any target on low health with a big-hit ability that crits and you will get disintegrate
    Edited by Hilgara on July 15, 2014 7:45AM
  • bugulu
    This could be an underlying issue with the Burning exploit bug.
    See threads here:

    Seeing as you mentioned that you might have used a light attack from the inferno staff.
  • jrgray93
    Thanks, guys. This has been very useful. I saw it happen again as "explosion." It's as if destro staves weren't powerful enough! I honestly don't like unaccounted damage procs with no explanation. I may as well have somebody else follow me around and attack things for all of the mathematical precision a random proc gives me.
    EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job
  • nerevarine1138
    jrgray93 wrote: »
    Thanks, guys. This has been very useful. I saw it happen again as "explosion." It's as if destro staves weren't powerful enough! I honestly don't like unaccounted damage procs with no explanation. I may as well have somebody else follow me around and attack things for all of the mathematical precision a random proc gives me.

    It's got nothing to do with staves. I disintegrate enemies regularly with enchanted melee weapons. As others have tried to tell you, this is a random PvE proc that comes from critical elemental damage.
  • jrgray93
    It was also mentioned I could be seeing an exploit with "burning." I really haven't seen this happen until I started using the staff, even with Vampire's Bane ticking away constantly. But yes, I understand what you're saying.
    Edited by jrgray93 on July 15, 2014 12:40PM
    EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job
  • Fuxo
    Baphomet wrote: »
    Explotion, incineration, disintergration...those are PvE effects which can proc on specific monsters which are vulnerable to certain damage types.

    This is correct. For example hitting a zombie (or any undead) with fire can cause the disintegrate effect.
  • jrgray93
    It was undead that it was happening to, so that clears that up. I just wish there was any indication in-game instead of it just kind of happening.
    EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job
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