Tintinabula wrote: »Isn't burning a passive off of flame enchants?
Tintinabula wrote: »hmm wonder if it ahs to do with that light attack. I have never dealt this kind of damage or seen it that I know of..Were they using a staff?
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »Is the recap reporting burning the way it reports Soul Assault (adds up all the ticks and lists only the total amount)?
I think it's more a reporting damage bug than an absolute dmg dealt issue. I have seen other weird attack reports in the death recap - especially when I'm getting healed thru some of the damage. If the same attack keeps hitting you - and you are getting healed - but not to full - I think it reports the damage as one lump sum instead of the ticks of the damage.
demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »Yea.... ok. So the damage from the same person does just so happens to show up as a huge burning hit followed by a light attack on multiple occasions.
Zero_Tolerance wrote: »
I mean, wtf.... See all those dead around? Took 1s, they all also think WTF....