is Sheogorath in eso the same actor from Oblivion?
I was disappointed too when I heard the new Sheogorath. From what I understand the voice actor that played Sheogorath in Oblivion and Skyrim, Wes Johnson, wanted to voice the character again for ESO but they never asked him. You can check out his Twitter @WesJohnsonVoice, he mentions it and retweets when people ask him about it.
rbenkepub19_ESO wrote: »There's a guy whose voice reminds me of Tim Russ (Tuvok, Star Trek Voyager), so much so that I looked up Tim Russ on IMDB the other day. Turns out he's done quite a bit of voice work for games, but not this one. Anyway, whoever that is, he's one of my favs.
One of the actors does the voice of the Templar follower on Diablo 3. I always get a kick out of that.
Mr.Turtlesworth wrote: »Morgan Freeman.
( Zenimax pls )
As much as all would like to hear that, I have doubts there is no epic enough character on Nirn to be voiced by him.
Had no idea that was her. Makes since she would have a part being how her husband is chairman & CEO.There are a lot of them that I really like. I don't know if I could narrow it down to just a few. I smile every time I find an NPC with a voice I recognize from Skyrim.
One of my favorites is Linda Carter who does the voice of Azura.
Had no idea that was her. Makes since she would have a part being how her husband is chairman & CEO.There are a lot of them that I really like. I don't know if I could narrow it down to just a few. I smile every time I find an NPC with a voice I recognize from Skyrim.
One of my favorites is Linda Carter who does the voice of Azura.