Completely disagree. The achievement for Hero of Tamriel would be far to easy to get. Everyone will be able to get it.
If you're the hero of tamriel you should have braved through the PvP zone at least once or you aren't deserving of the achievement. You don't even have to fight anyone to do these quests, every class can stealth.
You already got easy mode for VR zones.
You ask for something that you cannot have. If you remove the PvP, you remove part of the experience. This robs you of the true experience leaving you with an imposter pretending at Cyrodiil. The thrill of the area is the chaos of war.
Moonscythe wrote: »Completely disagree. The achievement for Hero of Tamriel would be far to easy to get. Everyone will be able to get it.
If you're the hero of tamriel you should have braved through the PvP zone at least once or you aren't deserving of the achievement. You don't even have to fight anyone to do these quests, every class can stealth.
You already got easy mode for VR zones.
That makes no sense at all. The OP asked for A as in one neutral quest. The ability to walk unmolested through Cyrodiil would obviously not count towards a hero achievement. The question was posed here in hopes of avoiding the hate heaped on anyone who would prefer to not fight or be killed by other players.
Fuzzylumpkins wrote: »the initial intent behind Cyrodil was that it would be where most players ended up doing their end game
Neutronium_Dragon wrote: »Fuzzylumpkins wrote: »the initial intent behind Cyrodil was that it would be where most players ended up doing their end game
That isn't how it has worked out though, is it? Even if PvP was supposed to be part of the Cyrodiil experience, as someone suggested earlier, the reality of it is that a large swath of the player base isn't having any of that Cyrodiil experience.
Incorporating a PvE version of the campaign - which can have appropriately-challenging (and scaling) PvE enemies - will not only help to deal with one of the major problems of the PvE game right now (the "endless zone quest grind") that is costing it players (and subscriptions) - but it will also be likely to improve the PvP version in the process. Not only will the people who join the PvP campaigns actually want to PvP (which may help to give them some semblance of a pulse back); having a large chunk of the player base shunning the zone in its entirely simply encourages the developers to turn their attention elsewhere, leaving the zone and any potential future development of it on ice.
So yes, give people who want a PvE Cyrodiil a PvE Cyrodiil and keep (and improve) the PvP Cyrodiil alongside it. Both aspects of the game will be the better for it.
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »ok, then, what will the pve people do with the keeps, castles, farms, and resources? (just curious)
Either buck up and adventure regardless or keep wishing for everything to cater to you.
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »your saying that people are unsubscribing from eso because there is just ONE zone that has pvp in it that they want removed?
Neutronium_Dragon wrote: »
this could have all been avoided in the first place if not for the questionable decision to throw a big wad of PvE content into what was supposed to be the designated PvP zone. They should have been kept separate, because those two play styles really do not mix.)
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »oh but that is incorrect (the part about it not being repeatable) because as we all know that once you reach engame, you may then turn around and continue on in the repeatable area of the next alliance. (which to us pvp lovers is almost unacceptable because there in No pvp in that area(s).
the implimentation of an open world pvp server would fit perfectly for those of us who want to live in that type of enviroment.
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »so, let me get this straight, just so i understand correctly.
your saying here in this quote that you do not like it that we pvp lovers have an area that contains things to keep us from the boredom of constant pvp by adding in a small portion of pve content?
we are happy with our area, we just wish it was global. since we cannot come to your world due to your protests then we have a small world of our own. can we not keep our world in that small area? or must you insist that our world be devoid of pvp and placed within your hands?