I know why they made veteran levels easier, because people who don't like grouping and want to play there own way, blah, blah, blah and so on I am sure we all read the bumpf...
But has anyone noticed that it's now just a little too easy, I mean I have gone from thinking about first targets and strategy to just bundling in there like a numpty and hitting things 'til they die, and now I seem to have gone from very vulnerable to super human and immortal.
Ok you could of tweaked it a little but this change has just made it all a bit pedestrian which shouldn't be what Veteran is about. I play a Nightblade, pretty much pure stealth single strike dps set up, in medium armour, bow (for range and initiating combat particularly in the wilderness) and dual wield (for dungeons where room is limited and melee situations) btw, medium armour, yeah I know everyone says light is god at high levels which is another thing I have had issues with for a long time, but I posted a thread about this already, fix it it sucks and is just plain dumb and since it plays such an enormous part of the game do it soon. ('nuff said).
Anyway I know I can only speak for v1-3 areas, but other people have been complaining in my guild and in genral. Did when they shifted this to pander to the casual gamer who hasn't got time or inclination to group, consider all the people who weren't complaining, or did the most vocal types who created the most noise become the sole concern, because I have seen more complaints about it being too easy by a factor of 10 than I ever did about it being too hard, so I think they might of overdone it by some considerable margin, and even v10-12s are saying this.
I realize my guild which is quite large 200+ members, regularly has 20 people on line, hardly represents the entire server, but does anyone else think they have gone from a considerate tactician to a blundering buffoon who doesn't really care about strategy- overnight? Or is it like the people who got this nerf implemented in the first place, just a vocal minority of the more social/antisocial style player?
What exactly was wrong with grouping anyway, and if you didn't you just had to play your character better, where was the beef? Dying is not the end of the world is it? Is it because it's hard to learn to play your character well and you just want an in and out breeze of a game you don't have to invest with much time? What was the actual issue, and why did they fix it? I realize at higher V levels you need to group more often, but why is that an issue, its an MMO if you want to play a lone wolf, play any of the other ES titles that cater to solo play exclusively, surely?
Why should people who want a more group and or community style MMO (which is after all what the whole genre is about) have to be punished for the views of a few players. Now I am not sure you have to take it back to the original difficulty, perhaps to keep the antisocial players happy we could just take it up a notch. Bam with the spice weasle, if you will. Then there could be a happy medium between not swanning around like Captain Amazing and actually dying a bit, not once in a blue moon. If I wanted to play like I was doing normal content again I'd play my low level characters, so I could feel smug about my mad skillz I haz picked up, incidentally, when the content was challenging. Which was kinda the point...

So long ramble short, anyone else think they went too far?
WTS a rare racial motif for a price that reflects it's value, you're probably the only one without an obsession for useless cosmetic crap. Who needs style anyway when you already have it?