Malpherian wrote: »Seems to be the common theme on the forums, all sorts of guild masters are reporting empty guilds, even my crafting guild (not mine but the one Im in) which had 500+ active people 2 weeks ago, now only has about 20 active people.
The consensus I'm gathering is that the sub ratio next month will be far less then it was this month int he report.
But in all honesty if ZOS would just remove classes, then 1.5 Million TES fans would come die hard running back. (As that's the reason they didn't buy the game or sub at release after beta).
But I don't think ZOS is wise enough to see that, especially after they ignored our please in the beta to ditch the things. We even told them they were going to lose a huge majority of TES fans because of it's restrictions.
Sleeping Giant is now working with ZOS apparently also, and their specialty is F2P marketing. So I guess ZOS is going F2P in the next 6 months to a year.
Malpherian wrote: »Sleeping Giant is now working with ZOS apparently also, and their specialty is F2P marketing. So I guess ZOS is going F2P in the next 6 months to a year.
Malpherian wrote: »Well, I mean the TES titles have been supported by us fans for over 15 years. If Beth/Zenni or whoever thinks they can just spit in the faces of the loyal fans by Butchering the TES title and get away with it. Well... Money and numbers show everything, and the results so far is that instead of selling millions of copies and begining with millions of players (like Skyrim) and the other TES games, TESO started with 500-600k or so (I'm probably being generous), and is now down to less then 200k.
And the Subs keep dropping, I counted 60 people on the forums in the last... 6 hours I think... that said they canceled their subs today, and that's just the people who actually said they did.
I am not canceling my sub, I may *** a lot and complain (And honestly most of my complaints are valid because many others are voicing the same ones), but I'm die hard. Although if it comes to that point, (where I feel I have had enough) I will never buy another product by Beth,Zenni, or anyone associated with them, simply on principle.
Which would be a sad day because I love Fallout also....
Malpherian wrote: »We even told them they were going to lose a huge majority of TES fans because of it's restrictions.
Malpherian wrote: »We even told them they were going to lose a huge majority of TES fans because of it's restrictions.
Any REAL Elder Scrolls fan (i.e. someone who didn't just become a "fan" due to Skyrim) know that classes have been in all Elder Scrolls games except Redguard.
Really? You think out of all the things wrong with the game, broken PvP, no competition with lack of guild tags, no roleplayer aids, no EU server, plethora of bugs, broken guild stores, boring gameplay, boring veteran levels, forced group endgame, 5+ hours maintenances, etc etc etc... It was the class division that made 1.5 million TES fans run away?Malpherian wrote: »But in all honesty if ZOS would just remove classes, then 1.5 Million TES fans would come die hard running back. (As that's the reason they didn't buy the game or sub at release after beta).
Malpherian wrote: »We even told them they were going to lose a huge majority of TES fans because of it's restrictions.
Any REAL Elder Scrolls fan (i.e. someone who didn't just become a "fan" due to Skyrim) know that classes have been in all Elder Scrolls games except Redguard.
Yes but they weren't restrictive classes, they basically just governed what skills leveled faster and what your primary attributes were. But there were never any classes that locked you into skill sets.
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »who is "sleeping giant" ??
Malpherian wrote: »Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »who is "sleeping giant" ??
Sleeping Giant is the marketing group / Studio that Designed SWTOR's F2P system.
murklor007neb18_ESO wrote: »Really? You think out of all the things wrong with the game, broken PvP, no competition with lack of guild tags, no roleplayer aids, no EU server, plethora of bugs, broken guild stores, boring gameplay, boring veteran levels, forced group endgame, 5+ hours maintenances, etc etc etc... It was the class division that made 1.5 million TES fans run away?Malpherian wrote: »But in all honesty if ZOS would just remove classes, then 1.5 Million TES fans would come die hard running back. (As that's the reason they didn't buy the game or sub at release after beta).
Removing the classes isnt going to make the game any more fun. All it would do is create a build meta and then you'd have 100% vampire insert-FOTM-here instead of just 25% now. The skill system in ESO is not nearly enough varied to allow for the removal of classes. You cant be whatever you want, all you do is gimp yourself.
Malpherian wrote: »We even told them they were going to lose a huge majority of TES fans because of it's restrictions.
Any REAL Elder Scrolls fan (i.e. someone who didn't just become a "fan" due to Skyrim) know that classes have been in all Elder Scrolls games except Redguard.
Malpherian wrote: »murklor007neb18_ESO wrote: »Really? You think out of all the things wrong with the game, broken PvP, no competition with lack of guild tags, no roleplayer aids, no EU server, plethora of bugs, broken guild stores, boring gameplay, boring veteran levels, forced group endgame, 5+ hours maintenances, etc etc etc... It was the class division that made 1.5 million TES fans run away?Malpherian wrote: »But in all honesty if ZOS would just remove classes, then 1.5 Million TES fans would come die hard running back. (As that's the reason they didn't buy the game or sub at release after beta).
Removing the classes isnt going to make the game any more fun. All it would do is create a build meta and then you'd have 100% vampire insert-FOTM-here instead of just 25% now. The skill system in ESO is not nearly enough varied to allow for the removal of classes. You cant be whatever you want, all you do is gimp yourself.
Most Die hard TES fans really could give a crap less about broken bugs as long as they can play the iconic game the remember from the consoles. (Or at least something very similar).
What passives do you think Nord's have that make them so amazing?Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »Malpherian wrote: »Seems to be the common theme on the forums, all sorts of guild masters are reporting empty guilds, even my crafting guild (not mine but the one Im in) which had 500+ active people 2 weeks ago, now only has about 20 active people.
The consensus I'm gathering is that the sub ratio next month will be far less then it was this month int he report.
But in all honesty if ZOS would just remove classes, then 1.5 Million TES fans would come die hard running back. (As that's the reason they didn't buy the game or sub at release after beta).
But I don't think ZOS is wise enough to see that, especially after they ignored our please in the beta to ditch the things. We even told them they were going to lose a huge majority of TES fans because of it's restrictions.
Sleeping Giant is now working with ZOS apparently also, and their specialty is F2P marketing. So I guess ZOS is going F2P in the next 6 months to a year.
awesome post and complete truth from what i have seen. the classes are not balanced nor is the survivability of the lesser classes and damage output. its just not balanced and they claim they want to raise it slowly to come inline with the other classes, but i see that as an excuse to not do it.
eso is made for the people who love skyrim, the morrowind lovers just arent their main concern. my main belief that this happened was 2 reasons, which are 100% speculation and only a guess, but, my belief is that
1) sales = apeal to the skyrim lovers = high subs = make the nord type tank massive damage output and massive survivability.
and 2) again, purely speculation here, but, i think some one high up in eso likes nords and that massive tank nord type class and style so they made the game to put a big smile on one persons face.
as far as the guild's go, my guild had over 110 people in it the very 1st week of launch, i now have 3 active people who play daily and they have both stoped logging in recently and told me they went to play another mmo (darkfall) so basicly i am the only survivor left in my guild and i have heard reports that the same thing has happened to alot of guild's.
happened to me in eso
Am I the only person that did not see this as a continuation of the TES series? I was expecting a MMO in the TES universe, and that is exactly what I got. Anyway back on topic, I have noticed that my trade guilds have dropped in active members. I was in some pretty well known trade guilds from launch, and I too just like op took a two to three week break and came back to discover that my trade guilds were barely hitting 20 people active out of 500.
Trayyacakes wrote: »What passives do you think Nord's have that make them so amazing?Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »Malpherian wrote: »Seems to be the common theme on the forums, all sorts of guild masters are reporting empty guilds, even my crafting guild (not mine but the one Im in) which had 500+ active people 2 weeks ago, now only has about 20 active people.
The consensus I'm gathering is that the sub ratio next month will be far less then it was this month int he report.
But in all honesty if ZOS would just remove classes, then 1.5 Million TES fans would come die hard running back. (As that's the reason they didn't buy the game or sub at release after beta).
But I don't think ZOS is wise enough to see that, especially after they ignored our please in the beta to ditch the things. We even told them they were going to lose a huge majority of TES fans because of it's restrictions.
Sleeping Giant is now working with ZOS apparently also, and their specialty is F2P marketing. So I guess ZOS is going F2P in the next 6 months to a year.
awesome post and complete truth from what i have seen. the classes are not balanced nor is the survivability of the lesser classes and damage output. its just not balanced and they claim they want to raise it slowly to come inline with the other classes, but i see that as an excuse to not do it.
eso is made for the people who love skyrim, the morrowind lovers just arent their main concern. my main belief that this happened was 2 reasons, which are 100% speculation and only a guess, but, my belief is that
1) sales = apeal to the skyrim lovers = high subs = make the nord type tank massive damage output and massive survivability.
and 2) again, purely speculation here, but, i think some one high up in eso likes nords and that massive tank nord type class and style so they made the game to put a big smile on one persons face.
as far as the guild's go, my guild had over 110 people in it the very 1st week of launch, i now have 3 active people who play daily and they have both stoped logging in recently and told me they went to play another mmo (darkfall) so basicly i am the only survivor left in my guild and i have heard reports that the same thing has happened to alot of guild's.
happened to me in eso
The health regen? Health regen is worthless.
The Frost Resits and 3% max health? definitely not
Or the 6% damage reduction? This is the only passive is the only one they have that is good.
If you are talking about dragon knights? That is a class not a race, and tbh templars are tankier than DKs, but the reason DKs were made so tanky is because all of there class skills with the exception of 2 that don't do much damage are in melee range. Do DKs do too much damage? yes, but this is due to how well a certain ability meshes with the fire destruction staff.
Malpherian wrote: »Sleeping Giant is now working with ZOS apparently also, and their specialty is F2P marketing. So I guess ZOS is going F2P in the next 6 months to a year.
The company working with ESO is actually called "Sleepy Giant"
They specialize in GaaS or "Games as a service" (Sometimes called "Cloud Gaming") which is described somewhat in this post:
The company working with ESO is actually called "Sleepy Giant"
They specialize in GaaS or "Games as a service" (Sometimes called "Cloud Gaming") which is described somewhat in this post:
Well I re-read the description of that company a few times, still a little unclear but I think I get the bulk of it. Doesn't sound like a free to play dev.
Malpherian wrote: »Sleeping Giant is now working with ZOS apparently also, and their specialty is F2P marketing. So I guess ZOS is going F2P in the next 6 months to a year.
The company working with ESO is actually called "Sleepy Giant"
They specialize in GaaS or "Games as a service" (Sometimes called "Cloud Gaming") which is described somewhat in this post:
Well I re-read the description of that company a few times, still a little unclear but I think I get the bulk of it. Doesn't sound like a free to play dev.
They are not a FTP developer or marketing company.
Malpherian wrote: »Sleeping Giant is now working with ZOS apparently also, and their specialty is F2P marketing. So I guess ZOS is going F2P in the next 6 months to a year.
Do have any proof of this i mean link that back up what you are say for you do know if you can't show link that back this one up people will think you are trolling and spread bad rumors.
Beside it look like most of you have forgot about something call summer and school holidays and vacation time under the summer also we have heat way here in sweden atm do really think people is go to sit inside and play computer game when it nice weather outside???
I would be more worry about player number after summer month is over for it is know fact that all mmo have BIG drop in there player base under summer due to simple fact i post above