Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)


  • Oktaine
    I really thought you AD guys would've had more heart.
  • Breetigh
    Soul Shriven
    On Behalf of DiE: (AB)

    We are just giddy with joy! We are actually flattered about all these posts about us. It is a wonderful compliment that DC and EP have to come together to deal with our tactics. I know it is very frustrating when you see the DiE Skeleton crew come crashing down on you and then you have to respawn before your done yelling out help in group chat. We all have to adjust. But alas our core crew has become bored and some have found it not so fun and have decided to take an extended break rolling over this Raw/Pawsunrest, Lfehova (leftover?) emp crew is boring. Kimiey from EP we love how you keep at it we have much respect for your team and how you don't give up.

    Recently Leftover Emp made a comment about how we roll with over 40+ in our crew and use Pugs as fodder. Here is a DiE secret so that your crew can get better.

    1. Make more alt accounts on AD to keep track of us. Like this Paw Character and find more AD people that you can use to get into our keeps.

    2. Now that lag is fixed and FPS is on track. Take notice that we are a 12 to 24 man/lady crew and we move so fast and quick that it appears we are 40+ when in actualality we use tactics that make us MOVE AROUND a rock and hit you again once we smack you in the face, just be ready for the smack on yer @$$ attack next.

    3. A lot of our core members have taken a break in the last couple days so now we are training a new crew to our tactics so don't get comfortable. BTW thx for posting that garbage cuz now the core crew is coming back due to your lil smack talk but if they don't it does not matter.

    4. We really don't care about you guys at all. We find AB boring and no challenge for us so we moved to wabba for a lil while to play with our other guild friends and buddies. Come to Wabba if you like no one really cares bro. We been there done that with you and are over it. You won a few battles against us in the last cpl days because of secret #3 and this made you excited with joy and we are glad that we can help you smurfs out.

    5. We don't call our pugs/pugs we call them militia because we respect most of our militia and if they want to follow us and take our spawn camps go right ahead and fight along side of us.

    6. We want Rooty as emp again he was soo funny, worthless but hilarious.

    Take care and God Bless your guild! Moon Die likes his new pet name by Leftover we all call him that in TS, you guys are so cute.

    PS. I lied you guys got face rolled by the new recruits in the last few weeks.

  • Deadkitty
    Soul Shriven
    Breetigh wrote: »
    On Behalf of DiE: (AB)

    We are just giddy with joy! We are actually flattered about all these posts about us. It is a wonderful compliment that DC and EP have to come together to deal with our tactics. I know it is very frustrating when you see the DiE Skeleton crew come crashing down on you and then you have to respawn before your done yelling out help in group chat. We all have to adjust. But alas our core crew has become bored and some have found it not so fun and have decided to take an extended break rolling over this Raw/Pawsunrest, Lfehova (leftover?) emp crew is boring. Kimiey from EP we love how you keep at it we have much respect for your team and how you don't give up.

    Recently Leftover Emp made a comment about how we roll with over 40+ in our crew and use Pugs as fodder. Here is a DiE secret so that your crew can get better.

    1. Make more alt accounts on AD to keep track of us. Like this Paw Character and find more AD people that you can use to get into our keeps.

    2. Now that lag is fixed and FPS is on track. Take notice that we are a 12 to 24 man/lady crew and we move so fast and quick that it appears we are 40+ when in actualality we use tactics that make us MOVE AROUND a rock and hit you again once we smack you in the face, just be ready for the smack on yer @$$ attack next.

    3. A lot of our core members have taken a break in the last couple days so now we are training a new crew to our tactics so don't get comfortable. BTW thx for posting that garbage cuz now the core crew is coming back due to your lil smack talk but if they don't it does not matter.

    4. We really don't care about you guys at all. We find AB boring and no challenge for us so we moved to wabba for a lil while to play with our other guild friends and buddies. Come to Wabba if you like no one really cares bro. We been there done that with you and are over it. You won a few battles against us in the last cpl days because of secret #3 and this made you excited with joy and we are glad that we can help you smurfs out.

    5. We don't call our pugs/pugs we call them militia because we respect most of our militia and if they want to follow us and take our spawn camps go right ahead and fight along side of us.

    6. We want Rooty as emp again he was soo funny, worthless but hilarious.

    Take care and God Bless your guild! Moon Die likes his new pet name by Leftover we all call him that in TS, you guys are so cute.

    PS. I lied you guys got face rolled by the new recruits in the last few weeks.

    From a 3rd party perspective, not picking sides, nor playing parties. I have to comment on this. Not only has this kind of behavior lost your guild respect, but you should also feel ashamed of yourself for even trying to go as low as all the other trolls on the forums. It is not only childish, but puts a bad name upon your guild. I used to look up to the DiE players, thought they were honorable people, at least that's the talk they gave, now I can see they are no better then the DC troll posts.

    Now lets go over some of the discrepancies of your so called rebuttals.

    1- Anyone can make any character, on any faction, to troll. Who is to say this isn't one of you guys trying to slander the DC names? At this point, this kind of childish, low post; I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of your own.

    2- I have streamed the fights on AB on weekend prime time play. I have first hand seen the numbers for both factions. I have several still frames of fights with the DiE crew with 20+ members when the DC crew had half the numbers. This statement, is not entirely true. At one point I counted 24 Skeletons to the DC's 9. Next on the subject, when you actually have close to even numbers, DiE group looses head on head fights, and instead uses the pugs to their advantage, still playing the number game to win.

    3- I have seen all of the big names of DiE in one form or another, whether in zone, or in chat; over the past 4 days.

    4- This is a false statement, I have screenshots from several players of DiE admitting that they need to defend the server for the pug players. Not only are they trying to play hero. So saying you have no care for AD, when in the past in chat you said you would defend them; it seems you have backstabbed the AD side.

    5- I will agree with point 5. You do appreciate the pugs.

    6- No comment

    Now, maybe its just my outlook, maybe I appreciate public image; but if you were a core group member in my guild, you would be kicked for this post. This is utter garbage and I hope you realize that this is childish and this behavior should not be allowed. This isn't a personal attack, but you need to rethink some things. Respect is easier lost then earned, and more was lost by your childish attempt to glorify your actions, using extreme exaggeration by the way, then would have if you would have handled it like a mature adult.
  • Rooty
    Breetigh wrote: »
    On Behalf of DiE: (AB)

    6. We want Rooty as emp again he was soo funny, worthless but hilarious.

    I do try to make people laugh, happy to bring some joy to your little hearts. It's too bad you couldn't take emp from me while I was awake though... that attempt on Aleswell when there was MAYBE 10 people online, only 5 from guild, versus your 3 bar pop was pretty sad.

    EDIT: For the first hour, 10v3-bar. The next hour and a half, when we had more guildees log on... lol.
    Edited by Rooty on July 11, 2014 8:24AM
    No Mercy
    Rooty, Rooty-san, Rooty-sama, Rooty-chan, Rooty-senpai
    Reality is for people who don't play video games.
  • Breetigh
    Soul Shriven

    1- Anyone can make any character, on any faction, to troll. Who is to say this isn't one of you guys trying to slander the DC names? At this point, this kind of childish, low post; I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of your own.

    - we do have them on our friends list and can see names of whom one log on with. It's a waste of our time to come troll other guilds and follow them around, lmfao! Spying on where one is when we don't give 2$hit$ where any guild is. We look for the best farm in the best situation like anyone else. And if we don't think we can do something we just move on. We are not dumb to stick around if we don't have the skill to fight any group and we won't let us be farmed lulz.

    Your comment on 2 is just hilarious that DiE with even numbers lose head to head and we use pugs and numbers to win. Fine whatever you say mate.

    3- I have seen all of the big names of DiE in one form or another, whether in zone, or in chat; over the past 4 days.

    - Are you in DiE? have you seen core players or awesome recruits? You have no clue who the core players are.

    4- This is a false statement, I have screenshots from several players of DiE admitting that they need to defend the server for the pug players. Not only are they trying to play hero. So saying you have no care for AD, when in the past in chat you said you would defend them; it seems you have backstabbed the AD side.

    - AB not AD, We find AB boring atm. Coming to AB and seeing the same guild everytime that we beat on is not fun its demoralizing.

    - Anywhos laters Bud we love AD and pvp players here, absolutely love solid play like fighting against Gondor or Thrillhouse from DC and his group. I won't post again actually, we love Good play and ignore the rest of the crap. Wabba has awesome good times.

    We will see you all on the battle field we don't give 2$hit$ about crap talkers or exploiters or cheaters. Just bring your fight and don't talk $hit. Bye gones be bye gones and try to play right.
  • aksyong
    I actually miss playing on AB before the end of the previous campaign. Love clashing against Moon, Xiphy, Max, some other guys that I really couldn't remember their names.

    Particularly against Vae. Hahahaha.

    Looks like AB is dawning on a new era.
    NA Daggerfall
    The Three Brothers
    安特卫普 - Antwerp
    意大利牧师 - Italian Priest
  • Deadkitty
    Soul Shriven
    Breetigh wrote: »

    1- Anyone can make any character, on any faction, to troll. Who is to say this isn't one of you guys trying to slander the DC names? At this point, this kind of childish, low post; I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of your own.

    - we do have them on our friends list and can see names of whom one log on with. It's a waste of our time to come troll other guilds and follow them around, lmfao! Spying on where one is when we don't give 2$hit$ where any guild is. We look for the best farm in the best situation like anyone else. And if we don't think we can do something we just move on. We are not dumb to stick around if we don't have the skill to fight any group and we won't let us be farmed lulz.

    Your comment on 2 is just hilarious that DiE with even numbers lose head to head and we use pugs and numbers to win. Fine whatever you say mate.

    3- I have seen all of the big names of DiE in one form or another, whether in zone, or in chat; over the past 4 days.

    - Are you in DiE? have you seen core players or awesome recruits? You have no clue who the core players are.

    4- This is a false statement, I have screenshots from several players of DiE admitting that they need to defend the server for the pug players. Not only are they trying to play hero. So saying you have no care for AD, when in the past in chat you said you would defend them; it seems you have backstabbed the AD side.

    - AB not AD, We find AB boring atm. Coming to AB and seeing the same guild everytime that we beat on is not fun its demoralizing.

    - Anywhos laters Bud we love AD and pvp players here, absolutely love solid play like fighting against Gondor or Thrillhouse from DC and his group. I won't post again actually, we love Good play and ignore the rest of the crap. Wabba has awesome good times.

    We will see you all on the battle field we don't give 2$hit$ about crap talkers or exploiters or cheaters. Just bring your fight and don't talk $hit. Bye gones be bye gones and try to play right.

    Obviously since you so not care for public image, or humbleness, and would rather stoop to childish levels as the rest; I'll take the time to comment.

    1- I would like to see the screenshots of these said people on friends list to confirm this statement. The second part I find ironic, stating that you are looking to farm. You guys defended AB extremely hard for months in first campaign. This was a dead server for EP and AD. Looking at current scores, DC triples the AP of AD and EP combined. Now it would seem a more probable guess that you would get more AP farming another server such as wabba. Then again what do I know?

    2- Seeing as you are just trying to feed an ego, I do not think you comment has any gesture of balance swing in the matter. But if you insist, when I get home from work I can do some gramps editing and provide some nice pushes from the DC crew against DIE. A few fights stick in my mind already. The DC crew fought die with slightly fewer members then DiE and pushed you guys off two resources. Neither side had EMP or pugs present. DiE had NPCs. Good fighting from both sides. Now there is no doubt both sides have exceptional players, but to claim that you are invincible and do not use the numbers tactic, which is effective, is just laughable at best. Now I have hear DC crew challengers DIE to an even open field fight, which DIE would not accept. This is rumor, and could be DC ego boosting as I wasn't around for the conversation.

    3- I know more then you think I do. You are not only promoting a bad image for you, but for DIE itself. Sportsmanship and humbles will do you better. You catch more bees with honey then vinager.

    4- Also this statement is false. Both sides have equally beat each other. And I think DC is more at a disadvantage due to numbers. Give credit where credit is due.

    The last part of your post is where you actually has credit.
  • Breetigh
    Soul Shriven
    Deadkitty see you around lmfao. I love how I move you. Just bring it we give credit where it is earned and shown. Bad actions speak louder then rants.
  • FireCowCommando
    1- Q("Q)

    2- <("<)

    3- <( " )>

    4- (>")>

    numbah five

    Pew Pew ( . Y . ) Pew Pew

    I like practicing drawing and counting too =D
  • Animus0724
    This thread is seriously become pathetic.

    Can everyone just holster there online egos for 5 seconds and calm the **** down. Lets not turn ESO into a true daycare now.
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • Deadkitty
    Soul Shriven
    Breetigh wrote: »
    Deadkitty see you around lmfao. I love how I move you. Just bring it we give credit where it is earned and shown. Bad actions speak louder then rants.

    The whole trying to single out a single group of people, rather then the whole population in regards to exploiting. Every faction has it's bad apples. Speak about the general population and stop trying to bring criticism to an isolated group. I find that kind of action unprofessional and yellow. Also the fact that you are trying to speak on behalf of DIE, even though you are not a leader, in an unprofessional way; I find disgraceful. Trying to pick on a discriminate against one group will not fix the game, instead you have to target the whole population.

    And if you have solid evidence of these slanders, I would love to see them in PM.

    1- Q("Q)

    2- <("<)

    3- <( " )>

    4- (>")>

    numbah five

    Pew Pew ( . Y . ) Pew Pew

    I like practicing drawing and counting too =D

    First thing that comes to mind, Dave Chapelle. You made me laugh sir.

    1,2,3,4..... fifthf.

    Animus0724 wrote: »
    This thread is seriously become pathetic.

    Can everyone just holster there online egos for 5 seconds and calm the **** down. Lets not turn ESO into a true daycare now.

    I couldn't agree more.
  • MaximillianDiE
    I am a senior officer and long term core member of DiE. Moon Die does not have a forum account or post on these forums so I am posting on behalf of DiE officially.

    Breetigh DOES NOT speak for DiE. What he says is completely inappropriate and is not the view of our guild and is his opinion alone. We have discussed this in our guild hierarchy and he will be firmly reprimanded for this post.

    We respect our enemies. We respect or realm mates on AB and elsewhere. We apologise that one of our newer members has got so much so wrong as this is not who we are nor what we profess to be. That is all we have to say on this matter.

    We look forward to seeing you all back out on the battlefield.


    Maximillian Die Caesar - DC - [K-Hole] Retired
    Maximillian AD [[DiE]
  • Breetigh
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to make an apology to you guys. I hate *** talkers and I let you guys get under my skin when I shouldn't have. I am better then this and have zero respect for the ones who do it. Your exploits and actions last a life time in game and what was done and what you did. Keep posting your rants and name calling really don't care. Tootles..
  • Deadkitty
    Soul Shriven
    I am a senior officer and long term core member of DiE. Moon Die does not have a forum account or post on these forums so I am posting on behalf of DiE officially.

    Breetigh DOES NOT speak for DiE. What he says is completely inappropriate and is not the view of our guild and is his opinion alone. We have discussed this in our guild hierarchy and he will be firmly reprimanded for this post.

    We respect our enemies. We respect or realm mates on AB and elsewhere. We apologise that one of our newer members has got so much so wrong as this is not who we are nor what we profess to be. That is all we have to say on this matter.

    We look forward to seeing you all back out on the battlefield.


    Glad to see this comment, much respect to die. This professional approach to the situation, dispite all the unrest, deserves a tip of the hat. DIE has my respect.
    Breetigh wrote: »
    I would like to make an apology to you guys. I hate *** talkers and I let you guys get under my skin when I shouldn't have. I am better then this and have zero respect for the ones who do it. Your exploits and actions last a life time in game and what was done and what you did. Keep posting your rants and name calling really don't care. Tootles..

    Takes the bigger man to come forward to admit a mistake then it does to try to back peddle out of situation. Much respect earned. I am glad you realized you do not need to dip down to the levels of low and trash talk. That is being the better man.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    What is the point of having a guild called DiE and dressing up as skeletons if you can't engage in a little friendly trash talking? It's sad that you publicly shame and punish your guild members for something as benign, harmless, and entertaining as this. The way you treat your fellow guildies speaks volumes more about your guild than your retroactive attempt at professionalism.

    Other MMOs have had chat channels dedicated to trash talking as it makes the game more fun.

    The nicknames are hilarious.

    Moon Pie vs Leftover in the great ESO dessert wars!

    I hope we see a sequel to this movie and I hope the guild master lets the skeleton army off their leash.
  • IKilled007
    I play on AB as a DC and I enjoy the fights between the skeleton crew of AD and our crew. I thought there was more mutual respect between our two groups. Just today we had a brutal battle for Alessia with the skeleton crew defending heroically against our persistent assault. It was lots of fun on my end and I am disappointed to read these comments from others on both sides.

    Covert Ops
    The only substitute for victory is overkill.
  • Deadkitty
    Soul Shriven
    IKilled007 wrote: »
    I play on AB as a DC and I enjoy the fights between the skeleton crew of AD and our crew. I thought there was more mutual respect between our two groups. Just today we had a brutal battle for Alessia with the skeleton crew defending heroically against our persistent assault. It was lots of fun on my end and I am disappointed to read these comments from others on both sides.

    Covert Ops

    I missed the fight due to work, but I agree 100% with you. I had lots of fun fighting until all the slanders started coming forward. I'd rather see sportsmanship over the bickering. That is just my opinion though, obviously not everyone will agree with that.
  • Taleof2Cities
    IKilled007 wrote: »
    I play on AB as a DC and I enjoy the fights between the skeleton crew of AD and our crew. I thought there was more mutual respect between our two groups. Just today we had a brutal battle for Alessia with the skeleton crew defending heroically against our persistent assault. It was lots of fun on my end and I am disappointed to read these comments from others on both sides.

    Covert Ops

    ^ THIS ^

    As another DC member who was involved in the Alessia assault last nite, I was pretty impressed how AD (and DiE guild) hung in there after being outnumbered for a majority of the time.

    Now if we can get some sort of EP presence, Auriel's Bow could become a vibrant campaign.
  • FireCowCommando
    I doubt you will find any EP in AB. The a couple of the few that remained for the very, very painful population imbalance left making it even more difficult.

    If you guys get bored, there is always dawnbreaker. I hear the EP out population the other two factions. Not sure how the numbers work out on AB or DB though so my comment may be off base
  • Halrloprillalar
    I doubt you will find any EP in AB. The a couple of the few that remained for the very, very painful population imbalance left making it even more difficult.

    If you guys get bored, there is always dawnbreaker. I hear the EP out population the other two factions. Not sure how the numbers work out on AB or DB though so my comment may be off base

    NA DB EP has too many people from prime time to oceanic prime time already. They need more presence day time (as does AD) but definitely not during 8pm-8am EST.
  • jquestb16_ESO2
    After the first 3 months on AB and winning I changed for new grounds at reset. I didn't want 3 month of all yellow again. If it's all blue maybe everyone else had the same idea.
  • Rooty
    After the first 3 months on AB and winning I changed for new grounds at reset. I didn't want 3 month of all yellow again. If it's all blue maybe everyone else had the same idea.

    No Mercy and coordination with our pugs took AB with force. It was far from empty.
    No Mercy
    Rooty, Rooty-san, Rooty-sama, Rooty-chan, Rooty-senpai
    Reality is for people who don't play video games.
  • galiumb16_ESO
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Can everyone just holster there online egos for 5 seconds and calm the **** down. Lets not turn ESO into a true daycare now.

    Your other posts in this thread were hardly great examples of holstering your ego.
  • Unlikely_Ghostbuster
    What I find ironic, now that the DiE crew has mostly quit AB -- Blue has become the new Yellow, in every important sense.

    I've always homed on AB with the Pact. I guested once or twice on Wabba and Dawn, but never switched. About a month ago, I was picked up on AB by the only organized EP guild left on Auriel's Bow, LS, so I was part of the loose alliance that allowed the map to be turned Blue. Mostly, that alliance entailed our guild staying out of DC's way while they went after emperor. There were a couple of joint operations, but only when there were only one or two Yellow targets left on the map. I must admit that the alliance was fun while it lasted. We even organized some formal duels after we finished flipping the map.

    It's unclear to me why, precisely, it fell apart. After a week of deliberately not fighting with DC, watching DC swap emperorship from one person to another... Well, I cannot speak for my guild-mates, but the whole thing left me feeling disgusted. After all, our guild has been trying very hard to crown our top-scoring player, Kimiey -- swapping emperorship cheapens what's *literally* supposed to be crowning achievement in this game. So having DC engaging in the same sort of emperorship trading that populated DiE with "Former Emperor" titles, but this time, actually collaborating with them, being a complicit accessory in such a scheme -- that was not fun, at all. I felt especially cheap when DC offered to "hand" Kimiey emperor to sweeten the deal. It shouldn't have come as a shock to us when DC did not hold up their end of the "alliance."

    So now the map is blue, at least half a dozen DC players were crowned during the DC/EP Auriel's Bow alliance, and DiE has rage-quit the campaign, possibly the entire game. Auriel's Bow is even less fun than it was when AD were the gate camping exploiters -- at least they never had to ask EP to "stay out of the way" when pushing for emperor.

    I'd like to say that it is my personal opinion (not the opinion of my guild) that the DiE crew demonstrated a phenomenally childish and predictable characteristic of bullies, everywhere -- you could dish out, but you couldn't take it when the roles were reversed. As for DC, it's amazing how they got up on their soapbox over AD's obnoxious gate camping, emperorship swapping, and their use of game exploits, only to step in and do *precisely* the same thing, given the opportunity.

    As for our guild, the last organized EP guild on AB -- we started guesting on Dawn, popping back over to AB from time to time, trying to crown Kimiey. We lost interest in fighting on AB, exclusively, after the "alliance" culminated in more of the same garbage. Swapping out Blue for Yellow, swapping out Moon Die for Lefhova (an exact clone of Moon Die's build who also rolls with a crew of emperorship swappers -- again, staggering irony) has sucked the majority of fun out of Auriel's Bow for everyone.

    So despite all the indignation shown by DC on this thread and elsewhere in the forums over AD's behavior on Auriel's Bow, DC has become the new AD -- emperorship farmers who gate camp the other two alliances for the buffs, who have no interest in actually fighting on AB -- they fight in other campaigns, going back to AB only when their buffs are put at risk.

    So I'd like to congratulate DC for following the brave path to failure pioneered by the DiE crew. Check the campaign populations. DC now has more players online during peak hours across the different campaigns than AD. The fair-weather zerglings have found another exploitation umbrella. Every trash player who wants to be on the winning team have rerolled DC characters, while every "honest" player who doesn't share the "emperorship swapping" model of play will stay put until they eventually quit the game -- real life is already unfair, so paying a monthly fee to play a game that is systematically imbalanced by exploitable mechanics isn't the least bit enjoyable.

    What saddens me the most, however, is that I really enjoy this game. Were it played as intended, it would probably persist indefinitely. Unfortunately, there are too many players with other ideas (like "cheating and winning is more fun than playing fair and losing") and the developers are too concerned with the "Future Direction" of ESO to bother fixing what's broken, now.

    Maybe I should make a financial argument for ZOS -- your sales of the console version of this game are going to be NILL if the online community has already collectively agreed that the game is just one big hassle not worth the time, effort, or money invested. Consider the countless reviews written by rage-quitters and the effect that has on future and current subscriptions.

    Balance the game, end the exploits, or prepare to become the next major MMO to squander the potential of a beloved intellectual property before fading into free-to-play obscurity, like Star Wars.
    Edited by Unlikely_Ghostbuster on July 27, 2014 10:00PM
  • bruceb14_ESO5
    My home is on Dawnbreaker but I do have friends and guildmates on Auriels Bow, AD. I've participated in gate camping on both campaigns.

    I've seen the desertion of AB by Die's group, for whatever reason. We go to whatever campaign is fun for us, I'm not in the Die guild btw.

    Most of us like having a sense of accomplishment, thus the reason for balance in a game. Exploits, macros, bugs, overpowered abilities all take away from that enjoyment and accomplishment. Jumping to multiple campaigns in a day as a guild to control a map takes away that balance as well.

    It is easy to see that a small amount of action on AB map will bring forth an organized group, some of whom appear to be using questionable tactics. Good reason to leave a campaign. Also good reason to have more AD and EP organized and take it back.

    Regarding exploits, macros, bugs used by any faction or player, hopefully ZOS eliminates more of the grey areas and inbalances that are created.
  • McCracken79
    @Unlikely_Ghostbuster. AB is my home for the AD as well. We had a good run last Friday and you guys had a great run on Saturday. DC has fantastic strategies and defense, no doubt they are tough. A couple weeks ago I talked with the DiE group to see if they would give us a hand that night but they would not because they did not have the top of the leader board anymore on the AD side. I guess being Emperor is more important then helping out your alliance and hey if they feel that way it's okay, I'm not mad.

    Hey, I'd love to be emp just as much as the other person but helping out my guild is my number one priority. And if it happens that we are helping out another guild (joining forces) in our alliance and the top player is there it would be a pleasure to help crown that person.
  • Unlikely_Ghostbuster
    @McCracken79, I know what you mean. Our guild has been PvP'ing almost exclusively on Dawnbreaker, since the "alliance" with DC soured us to playing on Auriel's Bow. We were coordinating with the EP "Coalition" of guilds that have a presence on Dawnbreaker, helping them take keeps and take the Imperial Island a few times. We did so because we were hoping that, just once, before Update 3 wipes all the campaigns, we'd go back to Auriel's Bow with help from the Dawnbreaker EP Guild Coalition to crown our top guy, Kimiey. Unfortunately, despite the fact that we brought a full raid to guest Dawnbreaker and fought hard on their behalf for a solid week (we were guesting -- no AP, no movement on our leader boards), when we made the push to crown Kimiey on Auriel's Bow, not very many people from the Dawnbreaker EP Coalition showed up to help us.

    It was very disappointing, frankly. We pushed hard on Dawnbreaker in good faith that we'd get some help on AB before the campaigns get wiped. So I know what it feels like to be let down by members of your own alliance, simply because they have nothing to gain. Nothing to gain anymore, that is -- I'm aware that the DiE crew used call on AD players from outside their guild, quite often, to defend Moon Die's emperorship. For them to give you the one-finger salute when you called on them is not the least bit classy. I'm sorry DiE displayed so little loyalty to your alliance, but hey, the DiE crew pioneered every exploit that's gone viral in this game, from spamming bat swarm to swapping emperorship. They're not exactly brimming with integrity as players.

    My hope is that the EP Coalition on Dawnbreaker includes players with more integrity than that, but honestly, given the very small number that joined us in our push for Kimiey on AB, I have my concerns.

    What's likely the case -- the only reason I'm not bad-mouthing the leadership of the Dawnbreaker EP Guild Coalition -- is that, because that coalition is made up of four or five different guilds, it was far too easy for each guild to shrug their collective shoulders and shirk the tail-end of things (crowning Kimiey on AB) onto the other guilds, assuming someone else would get it done. The result was that about half as many players showed up on AB and fought about half as hard for about half as long as we needed them to. A guild I won't name got wiped once and pulled out of AB with their tails between their legs -- I suppose they weren't accustomed to an up-hill battle.

    Let's all hope that the developers have understood that making inter-campaign hopping as easy as breathing was, fundamentally, a mistake. Otherwise, the three shared campaigns (vets & non-vets) are going to play out precisely the same way as Auriel's Bow, Wabbajack, and Dawnbreaker have -- one map gate camped by one alliance 24-7 by emperorship swappers who want the buffs from steamrolling a map to fight in the other two campaigns, or even the veteran-only campaign.

    In fact, smart money says an alliance tries to do just that: gate-camp one of the shared campaigns for the bonuses that'll boost their characters in the 30 day vet-only campaign for an unfair advantage over the competition.

    So they better solve the overall issue of population imbalance and gate-camping before the Imperial Island content is released. At QuakeCon, the developer panel suggested that entry into the island might be determined by who holds emperorship. If jumping campaigns, gate-camping, and population imbalance are still issues when the Imperial Island content gets released, and entry is based on who holds the emperorship, a gate-camped map will simply fill up with fair-weather PvE players who want access to the Imperial Island content, giving the gate-camping alliance a HUGE numbers advantage to hold the entire map, indefinitely.

    That'll only compound the problem of population imbalance. More and more people will re-roll characters in whichever alliance most easily gives them access to the Imperial Island, and there won't be anymore "epic battles" in Cyrodiil -- just stealth gank parties from the ONE alliance in control, roaming the map. The developers have already given WAY WAY too many incentives to steamroll and gate-camp maps, like Auriel's Bow is perpetually camped. Throwing the Imperial Island into the mix of rewards only gotten by WINNING (at any cost) is probably going to be the last nail in this game's coffin.
  • Rooty
    *stuff about the temporary DC/EP alliance on AB*

    To be fair, it was your leaders that called off the alliance because you had not benefited much from it yet/did not have the force to take things. Even after that alliance was broken though, we always had a "Crush AD First" mindset before taking your territory.
    No Mercy
    Rooty, Rooty-san, Rooty-sama, Rooty-chan, Rooty-senpai
    Reality is for people who don't play video games.
  • Unlikely_Ghostbuster
    Rooty wrote: »
    To be fair, it was your leaders that called off the alliance because you had not benefited much from it yet/did not have the force to take things. Even after that alliance was broken though, we always had a "Crush AD First" mindset before taking your territory.

    @Rooty Sorry, but I have to call BS on your version of events. We held off fighting you guys and kept our pugs inline via zone chat for more than a week and saw ZERO return. It's not that we didn't get much for our trouble, we got nothing.

    More to the point, when we did make a push to crown Kimiey weeks after the alliance crumbled, your leader whispered Kimiey directly, and told him that he would never allow him emperorship out of spite because we hurt his feelings when we chose to leave the completely one-sided alliance.

    We were the ones who acted in good faith. You were the ones who reaped all the rewards. Can you honestly blame us for quitting the alliance? How long do you think you would have put up with it, had the roles been reversed?

    No kidding, dude -- your "leader" (whoever it is) is nothing but a snake, and your alliance wouldn't have been able to flip the map without our help. You didn't have the numbers to fight a two-front war, which is why your "leader" kept whispering us, asking if we would hit certain targets to draw AD away from your forces. Which we did -- every single time.

    My hat is off to your leader on one account, however -- he knew you couldn't fight both us and AD concurrently, but a load of empty promises took care of that problem, didn't it? Why fight us directly when a big smelly pile of hype and assurances could do the job? A fairly craven move, but hey, it worked.

    It was our mistake for thinking DC was any better than the DiE crew.
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