Would you want an RP "Megaserver"?

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
ZOS had said in the past that they were considering an RP phase for tapers to play in, but they abandoned the idea, I believe due to its detrimental effect on server performance. Since an RP phase seems out of the Question, an actual server dedicated to RPers would be great IMO.
Edited by Eivar on July 5, 2014 10:28PM

Would you want an RP "Megaserver"? 122 votes

Yes! Please make with the RP land!
ItsMeToomichaelb14a_ESO2WraithAzraielLawfulEvilMaverick827NewBlacksmurfEivarclaytonjhouserb14_ESORatatouilleMoeCoastieRDMyers65b14_ESOreagen_lionelMango995Neizirmadmacb16_ESOVadrysAlienSlofLuisenAngryNordseneferab16_ESO 59 votes
No! I think there's a better option!
LazLauraVanathikevlarto_ESOSaint_JiubB14_ESOpechecklerSeliquexaraanLodestarfrankuguzzb16_ESOThatRedguardGuydennissomb16_ESOAnath_QbabylonidkJessieColtGundorf_GAShnozthegreatub17_ESOVannorSoulScream 52 votes
Maybe! Let me explain!
TabbycatChatoyancyAleriSadasIndorilTannakaobiSamadhidsalterWinkewrlifeboilozgod22_esoFleymarkSindala 11 votes
  • Tabbycat
    Maybe! Let me explain!
    Maybe later on down the road.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • Blackwidow
    Yes! Please make with the RP land!
    I asked for a open world pvp megaserver very early in beta.

    I really doubt they would make a RP megaserver.

    I would never go there, because it's mostly people who type in scottish accents, however, I'm all for choices and options.
  • Fleymark
    Maybe! Let me explain!
    I dig alternate rules servers and it's always nice to have an extra choice for a fresh start if you want one. Especially as account focused as this game is.

    Not sure how much roleplay will actually go on though. I've played on role play servers in other games and the actual role play is still pretty rare if that's what you are looking for.
  • Surinen
    Yes! Please make with the RP land!
    I'm not much of socialiser but I would prefer to be sorrounded by the Iolinarmo or Malnatiemar than Bobby The Sweat or Mock a Sock Ha'ha
  • Laura
    No! I think there's a better option!
    don't get me wrong I want RP in the game but I think dividing the already small player base would be terible.

    Maybe a toggle that changed the color of your name when moused over to green indicating that you are RPing

    maybe a toggle able phase for role players in certain zones
  • Dusty5
    No! I think there's a better option!
    A rp server for 6 people? really?
  • Dovel
    Yes! Please make with the RP land!
    Dusty5 wrote: »
    A rp server for 6 people? really?

    Most of the largest, and active guilds, on the sever are RP guilds. We are the only ones that can get anything accomplished. :)

  • reagen_lionel
    Yes! Please make with the RP land!
    Dusty5 wrote: »
    A rp server for 6 people? really?

    ....? Thats a real ignorant statement there. Lol.
  • idk
    No! I think there's a better option!
    We are already on this server together. This ship has sailed. Also, mega would not be part of the name, it would be just a server.

    Devs have said they are continuing to look for a solution to help you out. They have not abandoned the quest for a solution.
  • Chatoyancy
    Maybe! Let me explain!
    I wouldn't be opposed to an RP megaserver, and I would definitely play on it if there was one. However, I prefer the idea of RP instancing -- adding a new megaserver for RPing would mean we would have to have separate characters for the RP server from the main server, and we already have the main server.

    Another plus for having it as an instance -- there's a lot of people that don't RP that would likely participate in organized RP-based events/festivals. Blue Skooma's auction comes to mind. If they were only on the RP server, the other players who don't normally roleplay wouldn't get to participate it in.
  • Mordria
    No! I think there's a better option!
    No, I don't. I think it would be a waste of money. What's wrong with RPing on the current server?
  • Samadhi
    Maybe! Let me explain!
    Make it an open world PvP megaserver where I can "RP" an Assassin and I might be up for it.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Mordria
    No! I think there's a better option!
    or why not create a designated RP channel to RP in..
  • Evergnar
    No! I think there's a better option!
    I don't want to see players more separated than they already are. I want to see Zos make changes that bring players closer together in the same world (meaning on the same server too).
  • Eivar
    Yes! Please make with the RP land!
    Laura wrote: »

    maybe a toggle able phase for role players in certain zones
    Chatoyancy wrote: »
    However, I prefer the idea of RP instancing -- adding a new megaserver for RPing would mean we would have to have separate characters for the RP server from the main server, and we already have the main server.

    Another plus for having it as an instance -- there's a lot of people that don't RP that would likely participate in organized RP-based events/festivals. Blue Skooma's auction comes to mind. If they were only on the RP server, the other players who don't normally roleplay wouldn't get to participate it in.

    Sadly as I said in the op they considered RP instancing but abandoned the idea, I would be very happy if it were possible though.
  • Chatoyancy
    Maybe! Let me explain!
    Eivar wrote: »
    Sadly as I said in the op they considered RP instancing but abandoned the idea, I would be very happy if it were possible though.

    They could always un-abandon the idea, haha. Perhaps one day that can make it possible; it seems like they have to adjust instancing anyway to make group instancing work correctly, so they might as well give us an RP instance, right? Right?

    I can dream.
  • Eivar
    Yes! Please make with the RP land!
    Chatoyancy wrote: »

    They could always un-abandon the idea, haha. Perhaps one day that can make it possible; it seems like they have to adjust instancing anyway to make group instancing work correctly, so they might as well give us an RP instance, right? Right?

    I can dream.

    Lol well the reason I remember for the abandon was that it impacted server performance, if they find a fix that would be tremendous.
  • Soloeus
    No! I think there's a better option!
    Eivar wrote: »
    ZOS had said in the past that they were considering an RP phase for tapers to play in, but they abandoned the idea, I believe due to its detrimental effect on server performance. Since an RP phase seems out of the Question, an actual server dedicated to RPers would be great IMO.

    We don't need more areas for player population to divide itself between. Maybe you can also make a hardcore full loot server, a server where Cyrodil is just a PVE zone and a server where...

    oh wait, just don't.

    Within; Without.
  • Fleymark
    Maybe! Let me explain!
    The thing that's always cool about role play servers is even though there's never a lot of role play going on, that I've seen, it also tends to weed out a lot of the kids and uber types. Not sure why but they tend to have a more chilled out player base. Even though that's probably not that cool for roleplayers.

    Not sure how that would translate to ESO. You really don't have to deal with people all that much anyway. Maybe less goofy names, I guess.
  • Swordguy
    Yes! Please make with the RP land!
    This game is lacking in RP serverness.

    Do you Troll bait?

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  • SFBryan18
    No! I think there's a better option!
    I'm almost afraid to ask, but what exactly would make it anymore of a role play from the server we already have, and why would it be worth splitting the player base anymore than they have to? The OP asks a question, attaches a poll, but fails to explain exactly what they are interested in.
  • Eivar
    Yes! Please make with the RP land!
    SFBryan18 wrote: »
    I'm almost afraid to ask, but what exactly would make it anymore of a role play from the server we already have, and why would it be worth splitting the player base anymore than they have to? The OP asks a question, attaches a poll, but fails to explain exactly what they are interested in.

    You seem to have missed the point, what exactly I'm interested in is irrelevant, the question stands on its own.
  • badmojo
    No! I think there's a better option!
    I said no because it's a role playing game. I don't think we need to segregate the role players. I say this as a role player myself.
    Edited by badmojo on July 6, 2014 1:19AM
  • pinstripesc
    No! I think there's a better option!
    Maybe I should've said "Maybe"..

    From a roleplayer: while I think it could use some help - maybe offer up some instancing options, titles for roleplayers so we can tell who does, or a number of other solutions, I wouldn't want to have to play on a server with only roleplayers to attain it. I'd prefer not to play with only roleplayers, especially since I don't RP (and would prefer not to be expected to RP) all the time.
    Edited by pinstripesc on July 6, 2014 2:13AM
  • SFBryan18
    No! I think there's a better option!
    Eivar wrote: »

    You seem to have missed the point, what exactly I'm interested in is irrelevant, the question stands on its own.

    If you can't explain how it would be any different, then obviously no. We don't need to split up the player base, especially not for some unknown reason.
  • UPrime
    No! I think there's a better option!
    You don't need RP server, just RP chat channels. This would also group RP'ers in same map instances whenever possible instead of throwing them in other non RP maps with everybody else.
  • Eivar
    Yes! Please make with the RP land!
    SFBryan18 wrote: »

    If you can't explain how it would be any different, then obviously no. We don't need to split up the player base, especially not for some unknown reason.

    I didn't say i couldn't explain, I simply said that What I would want is irrelevant as it's a general question, As for what would be different? quite a bit potentially, but honestly I'm to tired to explain at the moment.
  • ozgod22_eso
    Maybe! Let me explain!
    The reason every RP server has failed in most other MMO games is because everyone has a different idea of how they want people to RP towards them. Most people's view of RP is "you will RP to me the way I want you to".
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Yes! Please make with the RP land!
    At this stage I'd be happy just to have some small title that I could use that indicated my character was open to RP.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • KariTR
    What is a 'taper'?
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