Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PTS Patch Notes v1.2.2

  • Whitman
    Soul Shriven
    What I wouldn't give:
    • For materials to stack automatically in the guild bank as they do in the personal bank.
    • To be able to swap from guild bank to personal bank without having to listen to the bankers' idiotic refrains.
    • To be able to sort stuff in guild stores in a meaningful way.
    • And to have several chat windows simultaneously, so I can keep track of bother whispers, group and guild chat simultaneously.
  • davidetombab16_ESO
    Andy22 wrote: »
    Just letting you all know that we've been gathering all your feedback to this point, and are going to pass it around to specific teams today so they can review everything.

    My feedback:

    Why is the "Bleeding" status effect not able to critical strike and stack with itself, like "Burning" does?
    Why do all Class Ultimates need to scale of Magicka/Spell Damage, making using them in Stamina based build's less appealing, powerfully?
    Why are the first 5 hits of "Flurry" use spell resistance and not armor?
    Why is the final hit of "Flurry" not effected by "Hundings Rage" set?
    Why are the Craglorn Trial Set Boni so crappy?
    Why does the 2h line have no real decent dps spamable ability?
    Why do low damage light attacks in dungeons often don't generate Ultimate?
    Why is "Snake Blood" passive not working?
    Why is "Medical Use" only working on some rare, obscure effects, but not critical chance duration?
    Why are there 4 different spell crit chance high lvl set's and only one with weapon crit at 5 pieces?
    Why are "nearly" all stamina build based set bonu so crappy, compared to magicka?
    Why has the 2h pvp set the "Arcane" trait on its ring and not stamina and the Destro Staff pvp set Health and not magicka?
    What is a "heavy armored target" in relation to the DW passive skill using maces?
    Why is there still no official word on the whole "Animation Canceling" debacle?

    Why do many tooltips suck this much in explaining what things actually do and how they work?

    because this game is a beta?
  • TRIP233
    Adonikam wrote: »
    Templars are by far the worst class in the game. They're not even wanted in trials because Sorcs are better healers. Why would you want a templar healer when Sorcs have a Weapon Damage buff which increases Restoration healing. Templars cannot go to trials as DPS because they can only pull half the DPS of Sorcs, DKs, and NBs. There are serious issues with the Templar class ZOS and we need to hear you all acknowledge it before every Templar leaves the game. I've already seen 7 Templars on my friends leave the game within the past 2 weeks because they've yet to hear you all even acknowledge how bad Templars are in the game.

    ZOS has acknowledged Templars and Stamina builds in several other threads as well as this one.
    Edited by TRIP233 on June 18, 2014 12:28PM
  • ScardyFox
    TRIP233 wrote: »
    ZOS has acknowledged Templars and Stamina builds in several other threads as well as this one.


    They've "acknowledged" some of these things months ago. People want to see action and exacts on whats being fixed, instead of more nebulous "we know its not working" regurgitated responses.

  • Baphomet
    It was mentioned in an earlier patch note that Inner Fire now crits, and it mightbe possible that it does, but its morph inner beast does not.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Cogo
    BADEVIL wrote: »
    Man... is there only NB class in this game? Please give a proof that NB is OP now :wink:
    Have You see any Tank class using stamina and heavy armor to tanking?

    Do you even play this game or just read what people write?

    I do!

    I use only heavy armor and 2 pieces of medium for stamina regen.
    I am DK tank only, and add to that, I am pure group built tank. Stamina is my life blood, and I tank just fine. There are stamina enchants, potions and food.

    I have 0 skills for direct damage, unless you count my taunt, which cost stamina.

    YES, my stamina drains a bit more from dungeons after 1-50, but I do not have a BIG problem with it. I just need to really focus when I use my stamina abilities, NOT constantly hold down block....which drains more, but I block when I get an attack on me. I also MOVE when I can, from an attack, which was not always needed lvl 1-50.

    Warning, long post to explain why I say I can tank as heavy tank and using stamina as my life blood.

    Stamina is actually very interesting for me as a tank now, because I cant charge around to different adds, in a boss fight now, as i could as in level 1-50.

    BUT, I am learning to better control the use of my stamina cost abilities, as well as run and roll, in boss fights.

    YES, it is harder then 1-50 as people say, but not impossible.

    I can not use stamina all the time, but have to mix in magika abilities (14 points in attribute Magika, ring with + magika + less cost magika enchant on ring) gives me what I need for my magika based tank abilities and effects)

    Using my earthen shield morph that regains some of all of health, magika and stamina on use, along with skill points in passives that increases the effect, gives me more options when to use the ultimate.

    Yes, this does also make tanking harder, because I can not just wait for the moment I need heavy shielding to use my ultimate, I also use the ultimate as a fast regain magika/health/stamina use. This has made me use the ultimate at the wrong moment, but this is what I am learning right now.

    My build of course have the drawback that I do not have any direct damage abilities slotted, but I choose to be built that way. My team have to do the damage, I do the tanking.

    How well I do compared to other tanks, I do not know, but with other Vets in group, I have already tanked an instance successfully. I could be the worst tank on the server. Not saying I am best or anything.

    It took much more deaths, and less room for mistakes.

    Yes, it is much harder now and a lot more stamina use control then 1-50.
    That is my view as well. But isnt it supposed to be harder on vet level encounters?!

    I do find myself out of stamina a lot more then 1-50, BUT it is not broken for heavy tanks, at least in my build where all skills, and my personal tanking skill is based on resists, damage mitigation, CC, Stun, regen, self heal/drain health from mobs.

    I can also see how much more important the teamwork becomes after 1-50.
    So far I only done groups with my guild, we use vent and teamwork comes normally. We do not rush and work together on encounters.

    And I can still use the most powerful of my abilities, the interupt with my shield. Interupt is something everyone can do I think? Not all bosses could be interupted and it is a matter of my own skill in timing this. But it is VERY effective when I interupt, and costs almost no stamina. (if any)

    I have to control my tanking much more then 1-50, yes. But unless I am some kind of elite player, which I certainly am NOT. Then stamina works for me as heavy tanking, it is just harder on Vet and much more depending on me as a player, then on using my active stamina skills how much I want.

    I am still adapting because of the much more needed to control my stamina.
    I DO fail. I do misjudge and go out of stamina, but my stamina use is MY control.
    More then often, the reason I am out of stamina is because I overused it, or did not use it in the correct situation.

    People who have said that tanking on level 1-50 is nothing like after 50, are half correct. I am considering respecing for the first time, but it only got harder.

    It did not make me completely useless as a heavy tank.

    Broken? No. If it needs tweaking, I leave to Zenimax. I am adapting a lot. And I do need to rethink how I play tank, yes.

    Heavy tanks with stamina can not tank Vet dungeons? Sorry, I can. But it takes more learning, adapting and my own player skill to do it, then 1-50.

    The dungeon took A LOT longer to do. Yes. But if I am not mistaken, ESO is a skilled based game. Both character skills and the player skills in fact is very important. Even more now....So for, I see it from MY view, working as intended.

    Is not this how it should be? Harder the higher level you get, where you face harder encounters?

    I still have a lot of vet content to experience, so its possible I find an unbalance regarding heavy tanking.

    I do not care if a light cloth tank is better and clears a dungeon faster then me.
    I did my job, and as a team, we cleared the instance.

    Tanking as heavy plate, and using stamina abilities works! Harder? VERY!!!!
    Edited by Cogo on June 18, 2014 12:54PM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Lettigall
    ScardyFox wrote: »
    TRIP233 wrote: »
    ZOS has acknowledged Templars and Stamina builds in several other threads as well as this one.


    They've "acknowledged" some of these things months ago. People want to see action and exacts on whats being fixed, instead of more nebulous "we know its not working" regurgitated responses.

    Agree, problems with templars didn't start yesterday or weak ago not even month ago, templars are broken since day 1. And if they acknowledge that that templars are broken only now then how long it will take them to fix it?

    I wonder will there be any templar left in game when they finally fix it. At the moment there are 3 classes and templar. Hopefully not for too long...
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • galiumb16_ESO
    Lettigall wrote: »
    ScardyFox wrote: »
    TRIP233 wrote: »
    ZOS has acknowledged Templars and Stamina builds in several other threads as well as this one.


    They've "acknowledged" some of these things months ago. People want to see action and exacts on whats being fixed, instead of more nebulous "we know its not working" regurgitated responses.

    Agree, problems with templars didn't start yesterday or weak ago not even month ago, templars are broken since day 1. And if they acknowledge that that templars are broken only now then how long it will take them to fix it?

    I wonder will there be any templar left in game when they finally fix it. At the moment there are 3 classes and templar. Hopefully not for too long...

    Yes lets not forget that when they nuked restorative spirit just before release they told use they were 'looking into it'. Never heard from them again on the issue, certainly never addressed.
  • NerfEverything
    Lettigall wrote: »
    ScardyFox wrote: »
    TRIP233 wrote: »
    ZOS has acknowledged Templars and Stamina builds in several other threads as well as this one.


    They've "acknowledged" some of these things months ago. People want to see action and exacts on whats being fixed, instead of more nebulous "we know its not working" regurgitated responses.

    Agree, problems with templars didn't start yesterday or weak ago not even month ago, templars are broken since day 1. And if they acknowledge that that templars are broken only now then how long it will take them to fix it?

    I wonder will there be any templar left in game when they finally fix it. At the moment there are 3 classes and templar. Hopefully not for too long...

    I think it is already too late. All the VR12 templars in my guilds have either quit or rerolled different classes. I don't blame them, the class is useless. Literally useless.

    Last week there was a guy giving away 50k gold on the general forums to any Templar that could hit 700dps. No one could do it. The closest was 420dps. Yet you have NBs and DKs pushing 1200dps.

    Templars are supposed to be good healers, but with no resource management, NBs and Sorcs outheal Templars all day long.

    There is no situation where a templar is preferred over another class. There is no situation where a templar can outperform another class. They can't do much, and they can't do it well. The class is broken. There is no other way to describe it.

    I bet if the look at their numbers, there are only 8%-10% of VR12 population still playing templar. I would be interested to see how many people that cancelled their subs had templars as their main.
  • Xnemesis
    Kraven wrote: »
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    Why are the mobs inside the vet Crypt of Hearts level vr12? This is in a vet level 2 or 6 vet level depending on which faction the player is in. I don't think testing this with the vr12 mobs is going to provide an accurate test for this because you are going to need to reduce the vr levels to bring them in line with the level of content in those areas.

    BC, FG and Spindle are the T1 vet dungeons for VR 1-5.
    WS, EH, and Darkshade are the T2 vet dungeons for VR 6-10.
    CoH falls into the T3 range V10-12 since 12 is max, hopefully we'll see City of Ash and Arx Corinium with in that same tier pretty soon.
    Faction or starting alliance has nothing to do with the level of dungeons, standard or veteran.

    Although I think there needs to be a reason to run them. Vet dungeons are at the top of my list as favorite content atm however very few people actually want to run them more than once.

    This would be because the drops are far and few between and everyone is fighting over the cloth and staves.... everything else is just crafting mats for the crappy crafted gear... endgame seems like its in a bad spot
  • Anath_Q
    Will combat be fixed? Will ability lag and weapon swap be fixed? Nothing more frustrating then pushing a button to fire a skill results in nothing happening while in combat.

    We've identified the cause of lag specifically while in a group (including ability lag) and have a fix for it going in with v.1.2.3, which is going out next week.

    Hopefully, the same fix applies when the problem occurs when soloing as well...since the unresponsiveness of combat skills happens in both situations. Great news!
    | GM Cheesemongers of Nirn |
  • badg3rband1tb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    ZoS I'm not here to rant, I'm here to say thank you for your hard work; and to commend you for valuing caution instead of trying to instantly appease your crown with knee-jerk fixes that would only cause more problems.

    It's not easy to make a game perfectly balanced, and the problems with stamina builds have been quite precarious. In the Elder Scrolls games I know, there has never been more than the three resources of: health, magicka, and stamina. While it worked just fine for the single player setting, unfortunately it just hasn't transitioned to the MMO setting as we all may have hoped. Though it may seem odd for the series, it's a necessary thing to add a fourth resource. The fourth resource needs to be a pool for blocking, dodging, cc break, and sprinting all by itself: so that frequent stamina users such as myself don't have to go to the extreme of choosing to do damage or stay alive.

    Indeed, spellcasters have been able to dish out damage freely with magicka, and have more spare stamina than stamina users to block, dodge, break cc, and sprint with. It seems a bit odd, since warriors should have such a hearty constitution, that they should be able to dish out damage freely and take evasive action without issue. After all, they should have improved athleticism compared to their mage counterparts. Now while mages should certainly not lose too much agency in the evasive action department, it does make little sense that they, who sit in chairs and peruse scrolls much of the time, are able to dance around battle-hardened warriors so easily. Not to mention, while dodging, the mage can throw more spells at the warrior or rogue than he or she can possibly hope to dodge...because the warrior is out of energy after only a few swings at the mage.

    I heard this new resource may be called Endurance, and that is quite brilliant! Endurance has been a primary stat for characters in the Elder Scrolls series for a long time (until Skyrim went a different direction which resulted in less headaches).

    I am also a templar, and while I can not deny our great powers of restoration, we are indeed in need of some improvements to our training in the stick-it-with-the-pointy-end area. Currently, our peers in Craglorn accuse us of holding it the wrong way, and we never get an invite! It's quite insulting, really, and makes us wonder if we should stop healing them at some point...but we're too nice! Our good nature has prevented us from breaking into their class training camps and stealing their techniques. Since we can't do this, we would be very happy if you could give us some new instructors at the Templar Academy to show us how to deal some damage...without the aid of large floating crystals or burning flags.

    ON BEHALF OF ALL OF US, and especially this devout light beam emitter who has an incurable addiction to stamina usage...THANK YOU! As our proud people in our templar stamina-using community say - If it's wrong, then we don't want to feel right! Well...hold on a tick...if the new training *does* go through, we may need a new motto...If we're completely fixed, and we're still saying it, then The Vigilants of Stendaar might think we're in league with those especially vulgar worshipers of Sanguine near Stormhold...
    Edited by badg3rband1tb14_ESO on June 18, 2014 5:09PM
  • Shaggygaming
    Lettigall wrote: »
    ScardyFox wrote: »
    TRIP233 wrote: »
    ZOS has acknowledged Templars and Stamina builds in several other threads as well as this one.


    They've "acknowledged" some of these things months ago. People want to see action and exacts on whats being fixed, instead of more nebulous "we know its not working" regurgitated responses.

    Agree, problems with templars didn't start yesterday or weak ago not even month ago, templars are broken since day 1. And if they acknowledge that that templars are broken only now then how long it will take them to fix it?

    I wonder will there be any templar left in game when they finally fix it. At the moment there are 3 classes and templar. Hopefully not for too long...

    I think it is already too late. All the VR12 templars in my guilds have either quit or rerolled different classes. I don't blame them, the class is useless. Literally useless.

    Last week there was a guy giving away 50k gold on the general forums to any Templar that could hit 700dps. No one could do it. The closest was 420dps. Yet you have NBs and DKs pushing 1200dps.

    Templars are supposed to be good healers, but with no resource management, NBs and Sorcs outheal Templars all day long.

    There is no situation where a templar is preferred over another class. There is no situation where a templar can outperform another class. They can't do much, and they can't do it well. The class is broken. There is no other way to describe it.

    I bet if the look at their numbers, there are only 8%-10% of VR12 population still playing templar. I would be interested to see how many people that cancelled their subs had templars as their main.

    The only reason I am still playing this game is because people allow me to heal as Templar in PVP. I gave up on PVE when I was denied groups in Trials as a Templar healer because Sorcs and NBs are better healers. The update to Templars will be my deciding factor on the game and if it doesn't come soon I may not last much longer. I've pulled close to 700 DPS, but it is tooo much work and we have constant magicka issues even when the situation is optimal with magicka regen from additional abilities other players are putting on the boss for us.
    Edited by Shaggygaming on June 18, 2014 6:55PM
  • Stamden
    vyal wrote: »
    Currently still broken, and/or not fixed by this patch, and/or not mentioned in the patch notes:
    • Deep Breath (Morph of Inhale) does not interrupt or stun. The entire point of the morph doesn't do what it says. It's completely broken, has never worked, and doesn't currently work.
    • Sea of Flames (Morph of Inferno) does not return magicka. Again, the whole point of the morph doesn't do as it says, doesn't work, and has never worked.
    • Burning Breath (Morph of Fiery Breath) does not increase damage (NPCs don't wear armor) in PvE.
    • Engulfing Flames (Morph of Fiery Breath) increases fire damage by 1, at Rank IV, against NPC's when compared to Fiery Breath. It's not 7%, nor anything close to 7%, nor higher. To be effective and/or worthwhile, it would have to be 20% minimum, considering how short the effect is (8 seconds).
    • Twin Blades and Blunt: None of the dagger or sword effects actually work. What is broken is not addressed with this patch. This passive doesn't do ANYTHING right now, for daggers and swords. No critical chance increase, no critical damage increase, no overall damage increase. Nothing.
    • Whirling Blades: The stamina regen timer stops if an enemy dies, in or out of combat. The regen value is absurdly small, too. This morph is either completely ineffective, or bugged, or both.
    • All abilities that reduce armor are ineffective in PvE, as NPC's don't wear armor. Trivial to test, as there is, at best, single digit damage increases from removing (for example) 40% of a target NPC's "armor".
    • Legendary VR Glyph of Hardening provides a damage shield of 181, and all NPCs auto attack for more than that. When the damage shield is removed, all other damage from that hit bypasses all defenses of the player (including armor) causing the player to take MORE damage, not less, with this glyph in combat.
    • Hunding's Rage crafted set does not increase any damage by 19% or anything remotely close to 19%. Either the tooltip is wrong or the effect is completely broken.
    • DW: Flying Blade; costs less, and has greater range than Bow: Draining Shot.
    • Bow: Draining Shot; costs more and has shorter range than DW: Flying Blade.
    Here's a thought for a fix for patch 1.2.2...
    How about letting us un-morph skills individually (and pay the 100g, per skill) so when we find these (and many other bugs) we're not dropping 10-20k to get back to a skill that works properly.

    If these abilities ARE supposed to be fixed, they need to be put in the patch notes. So far, this is not the case. Also, there are many many other abilities and morphs broken like this, I simply don't have the money to spend over 20k for every morph to do your testing for you, ZOS.

    And yes, I've bugged every one of these in game, so ... there's really no excuse.

    PC NA

    ~Currently taking a break from the game until my DK can become something more than just a crafter~
  • Moonshadow66
    I'm not sure if I understand the meaning of the PTS, but it would be nice if some bugs would be fixed in the "normal game" as well, such as "Soul Lock II". I just spent one of my remaining skill points on that, but it still says it's only 5%, not more than that.
    Venus Ocean - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Gixia - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Frances Demnevanni - Breton Dragonknight VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Raygee - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Lady Olivieri - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Donna Demnevanni - Breton Templar VR16, DC, Tamriel Hero
    Elaine Benes - Breton Templar VR16, EP | Ray McCluck - Breton Sorcerer VR16, EP
    Moonshadow Demnevanni - Dunmer Dragonknight Lvl 50, EP | Jamie Stacey - Redguard Templar Lvl 50, EP
    Caia Cosades - Imperial Nightblade, EP

  • Worstluck
    Raygee wrote: »
    I'm not sure if I understand the meaning of the PTS, but it would be nice if some bugs would be fixed in the "normal game" as well, such as "Soul Lock II". I just spent one of my remaining skill points on that, but it still says it's only 5%, not more than that.

    On the first page of patch notes; it's getting fixed.

    Soul Magic
    • Soul Lock II: Corrected the tooltip for this passive ability so that it lists the right percentage in which it can automatically trap a soul in a Soul Gem upon weapon kills.
    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
    ―Uriel Septim

    Daggerfall Covenant
  • Lyall84
    Small suggestion. This is going to sound odd, but I think it may help some of the problem. Make the CC break use ultimate resource instead of stamina. Please hear me out, not use instead of your ultimate ability, just use the same resource. Say like 50, or 100. So if you have 250/150 ultimate, you can CC break (-100 ultimate lets say), and still have 150/150. It would help alleviate the 25 or 30% max stamina cost that he currently uses to help the stamina users.
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    Yay WW love.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Pele
    +1 for improved guild store filtering.
  • Seroczynski
    Typo: Summon Changed Atronach > Summon Charged Atronach
    “To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.” ― Homer J. Simpson
  • rwood0604_ESO
    Adonikam wrote: »
    Templars are by far the worst class in the game. They're not even wanted in trials because Sorcs are better healers. Why would you want a templar healer when Sorcs have a Weapon Damage buff which increases Restoration healing. Templars cannot go to trials as DPS because they can only pull half the DPS of Sorcs, DKs, and NBs. There are serious issues with the Templar class ZOS and we need to hear you all acknowledge it before every Templar leaves the game. I've already seen 7 Templars on my friends leave the game within the past 2 weeks because they've yet to hear you all even acknowledge how bad Templars are in the game.

    Well my man if you understood what a Templar is suppose to be you would understand your arent going to get as much dps as a sorc. This class is an alternate tanking class to DK which offers more damage mit while blocking and also has real healing skills as well as other useful skills to assist in tanking. also to say that a Sorc is a better healer only because of Surge skill it ***, sorcs do not have a purge heal with resto staff and if they want one they would have to use the Pvp skill line which costs way too much mana, not to mention the major lack of any decent instant healling abilities on staff, so no sorcs are not better healers by far a resto Temp is as good as it gets all you need to do is build for your Temp properly.
  • smercgames_ESO
    Selodaoc wrote: »
    If your going to buff Nightblades, why are most notes on NIgthblade topic and PTS tweaks to skills noone uses, and wont use after patch, or nerfs?

    Remove leeching/siphon debuff.
    Make Preassure point a 2 point passive 15%/30% with 1 assassin ability equpied.
    Increase dmg of Suprise/Concealed attack, add a healing component per hit since its the main dmg using NB class skill.
    Lower cost of Cloak and make it last longer, still take dmg but dont break out of it during duration.
    Make NB skills stamina based, increase stamina skills dmg.
    Make a separate resource for dodge/block/sprint to not make magicka even more superior.

    Wow these are awful ideas.

    Removing the debuff from siphon would make us have infinite resources with no drawback except 1 less slot (Bad Idea).

    Pressure point gives 15/30% crit!? Why not just give NBs 100% crit... I hate the idea that crit rates can even get to the point they can. Crits should be rare but even if I didn't think they should be that rare 15/30% would bring my crit to close to 75% and I should not be critting more than I hit normally.

    Veil strike give healing? Why should you main damage ability give a heal when it already gives you speed or armor reduction and also stuns from stealth? That just makes no sense.

    Cloak just needs a fix, not a buff. If it worked correctly we would have no problems with it.

    NB skills using stamina, ok this one I agree with. Siphon should be magicka but veil strike, assassins blade.. things like that should be stamina.
  • rwood0604_ESO
    I will say I find it funny everyone was clammering over being a templar in Early access because the main powerlvlers in the beginning were templars getting to vet1-10 in less than 48hours of gameplay and now they are all mad cause at endgame they aren't as good at dps as others. Personally I am a Redguard sorc and that for sure isnt a good combo and yet I still play the game, and for people complaining you don't get into trails cause you are a templar and sorc's heal better I have been denied many times as a healer when I use to be a heal spec because everyone told me they wanted a temp healer so idk who to believe these days. Also btw I am Redgaurd cause when I started I was a sorc tank up till vet3 then I went heals/dps looking back now if i knew i was gonna change I probably would have choosen another race, which could be a good idea for zeni to put a race change in the store like they have a horse for lvl 10, maybe make it $5 though lol I would buy it atleast nothing wrong with making extra money where you can.
  • rwood0604_ESO
    Selodaoc wrote: »
    If your going to buff Nightblades, why are most notes on NIgthblade topic and PTS tweaks to skills noone uses, and wont use after patch, or nerfs?

    Remove leeching/siphon debuff.
    Make Preassure point a 2 point passive 15%/30% with 1 assassin ability equpied.
    Increase dmg of Suprise/Concealed attack, add a healing component per hit since its the main dmg using NB class skill.
    Lower cost of Cloak and make it last longer, still take dmg but dont break out of it during duration.
    Make NB skills stamina based, increase stamina skills dmg.
    Make a separate resource for dodge/block/sprint to not make magicka even more superior.

    Wow these are awful ideas.

    Removing the debuff from siphon would make us have infinite resources with no drawback except 1 less slot (Bad Idea).

    Pressure point gives 15/30% crit!? Why not just give NBs 100% crit... I hate the idea that crit rates can even get to the point they can. Crits should be rare but even if I didn't think they should be that rare 15/30% would bring my crit to close to 75% and I should not be critting more than I hit normally.

    Veil strike give healing? Why should you main damage ability give a heal when it already gives you speed or armor reduction and also stuns from stealth? That just makes no sense.

    Cloak just needs a fix, not a buff. If it worked correctly we would have no problems with it.

    NB skills using stamina, ok this one I agree with. Siphon should be magicka but veil strike, assassins blade.. things like that should be stamina.

    just gonna say I agree with you being agaisnt him but the class skills being stamina how would that make anything better lol when blocking crouching sprinting dodgeing CC break all take from stamina already why on earth would you want to include your class skills to that it would make NB ever worse than it is already, if you use mostly weaponskills as it is then you should be able to find a easy balance between softcapped stam and enough magicka for when you would use a class skill, but changing the class to stam is just horrible idea.Just commit to one thing if you are using a bow there is no reason to why you can't keep distance with all of snares knockbacks spell interupts not to mention if you combine bow skill line with CC's from anything else you should be able to kite all you need to.
  • Nickdorlandb16_ESO
    Adonikam wrote: »
    Templars are by far the worst class in the game. They're not even wanted in trials because Sorcs are better healers. Why would you want a templar healer when Sorcs have a Weapon Damage buff which increases Restoration healing. Templars cannot go to trials as DPS because they can only pull half the DPS of Sorcs, DKs, and NBs. There are serious issues with the Templar class ZOS and we need to hear you all acknowledge it before every Templar leaves the game. I've already seen 7 Templars on my friends leave the game within the past 2 weeks because they've yet to hear you all even acknowledge how bad Templars are in the game.

    This !!! I quit doing trials, because well we suck.. PvP Templars are decent with certian builds ( healing builds in pvp, they do own pvp healing, but thats about it )

  • rwood0604_ESO
    As much as I liek some of the things, the main reason, the grind of veteran is still untouched.. if this is the case when 1.2 hits, i am afraid ill quite. So I hope there is still something in the works that we do not know yet for 1.2!
    You will Quite? You mean Quit? You Sure your 18 years of age and are old enough to be playing? You know What I have noticed?... People who are of poor skill in these games seem to be the ones that Cry and "Bit@# about the games construction, and it has nothing to do with the way it was made but everything to do with your internet connection which you most likely pay 3 bucks a month for and your skill level, so take some time to play to game or quit but for gods sake stop Crying about stuff that dose not really matter you just suck... I suck at this game I work 7 days a week go to school full time 40 hours + have a wife and a kid on the way, But I still manage to set aside some "me" time and I doubt they will miss you if you quit, Due to the fact they have over a million players all of which are paying 15 bucks a month lol

    Took the words out of my mind I just was gonna bother saying it anymore lol, seems like everytime I do more pop up.
  • rwood0604_ESO
    Adonikam wrote: »
    Templars are by far the worst class in the game. They're not even wanted in trials because Sorcs are better healers. Why would you want a templar healer when Sorcs have a Weapon Damage buff which increases Restoration healing. Templars cannot go to trials as DPS because they can only pull half the DPS of Sorcs, DKs, and NBs. There are serious issues with the Templar class ZOS and we need to hear you all acknowledge it before every Templar leaves the game. I've already seen 7 Templars on my friends leave the game within the past 2 weeks because they've yet to hear you all even acknowledge how bad Templars are in the game.

    This !!! I quit doing trials, because well we suck.. PvP Templars are decent with certian builds ( healing builds in pvp, they do own pvp healing, but thats about it )

    Adonikam wrote: »
    Templars are by far the worst class in the game. They're not even wanted in trials because Sorcs are better healers. Why would you want a templar healer when Sorcs have a Weapon Damage buff which increases Restoration healing. Templars cannot go to trials as DPS because they can only pull half the DPS of Sorcs, DKs, and NBs. There are serious issues with the Templar class ZOS and we need to hear you all acknowledge it before every Templar leaves the game. I've already seen 7 Templars on my friends leave the game within the past 2 weeks because they've yet to hear you all even acknowledge how bad Templars are in the game.

    This !!! I quit doing trials, because well we suck.. PvP Templars are decent with certian builds ( healing builds in pvp, they do own pvp healing, but thats about it )


    This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, how can you own at pvp healing (which most battles last 30mins atleast) over everyone else but you fail to own at pve healing? Does everyone else that heals in pvp get a debuff and templars don't? or is it the fact that you suck at pve healing and blame it on your class, I AM a Sorc healer and I get set aside all day for a templar so I just go DPS when I do dungeons and trails unless someone cant find a temp and they really need a healer. A templar with a resto staff is the best healer in the game they have a low cost purge skill and amazing instant heal that can heal up to 1.5k or more damage instantly and they get the great HoT's from the resto staff.
  • rwood0604_ESO
    Maybe instead of complaining about dps and healing Templars should try being tanks, with the lack of any real group aggro pulls in the game a templar is on pair with its tanking ability on a single target and depending on the boss even more useful with skills like eclipse,backlash and blindlight not to mention you have better damage mitigation when using a sheild and sword to block with, and while you do not have armor/sheilding buffs and a damage reduc ultimate like DK you still have many useful skills to bring to the table and not to mention if it really came down to it even though you dont have the armor/sheild buffs you do have class skill heals that can be used with any weapon set up to heal yourself without having to use a weapon swap to a resto staff
  • rwood0604_ESO
    People are just taking this you can play how ever you want thing way to serious, That statement it true you CAN play how you want, however what most people fail to realize is that it does not continue to go on stating that if you do choose to play how ever you want that you will still be just as good as everyone else. If that was the case, then every class would have the same skills and passive but with different names and animations and I am sure we can all agree on how crappy a game like that is, unless you just want to play an MMO for Pvp only, in which cse there used to be a game on the PC called Fury which was such a game and it was awesome but it was pvp only no gear no items just everyone gets the same list of skills to choose from and you kill each other to see who was better prepared or just more skilled, sadly however this game no longer is up and running so goodluck finding another game like it.
  • Vuron
    People are just taking this you can play how ever you want thing way to serious, That statement it true you CAN play how you want, however what most people fail to realize is that it does not continue to go on stating that if you do choose to play how ever you want that you will still be just as good as everyone else. If that was the case, then every class would have the same skills and passive but with different names and animations and I am sure we can all agree on how crappy a game like that is, unless you just want to play an MMO for Pvp only, in which cse there used to be a game on the PC called Fury which was such a game and it was awesome but it was pvp only no gear no items just everyone gets the same list of skills to choose from and you kill each other to see who was better prepared or just more skilled, sadly however this game no longer is up and running so goodluck finding another game like it.

    I've posted the same argument in threads, but people either refuse to listen or don't want to acknowledge the truth.

    It's basic common sense. I can't run around naked, fight with my bare hands, and slap 5 random skills on my bar and expect to be just as effective as someone thats spent a hundred hours testing a build.

    The "but ZOS said we could" is getting really old. Wake up.

    Sure, we hope that stamina builds and weapon skills become viable, but there will still be a meta and an optimal build for each class and it may not be the one you want to play.
    Edited by Vuron on June 19, 2014 2:16PM
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