Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PTS Patch Notes v1.2.2

  • Axer
    Amesiel wrote: »
    Are the guys that work on stamina resource, werewolves and Templars on vacation? Is ZoS afraid to acknowledge that stamina users, werewolves and Templars are under performing right now? ZoS Can Templars get an independent forum post on things being worked on for them? Like how the Nightblades have one in the general forums?

    No, we agree that all three need fixes and improvements, and are working on them. We're putting together the very type of comprehensive update post you mention. It'll go up this week, as soon as it' done.


    You guys are severely nerfing Templars yet again this update.

    Your basically DESTROYING remembrance by cutting the duration in less then half. (yet another stealth nerf to templars, everyones favorite type)

    Yet you agree templars need improvements?

    Great way of showing it.

    Nerf the weakest class. Great game balance.
    Edited by Axer on June 17, 2014 1:18PM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Cogo
    WHAT are you talking about?
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Ysne58
    Why are the mobs inside the vet Crypt of Hearts level vr12? This is in a vet level 2 or 6 vet level depending on which faction the player is in. I don't think testing this with the vr12 mobs is going to provide an accurate test for this because you are going to need to reduce the vr levels to bring them in line with the level of content in those areas.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Just letting you all know that we've been gathering all your feedback to this point, and are going to pass it around to specific teams today so they can review everything.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • AelyinESO
    Just letting you all know that we've been gathering all your feedback to this point, and are going to pass it around to specific teams today so they can review everything.

    You mean: Including Feedback and Suggestion, WebSites Articles and General Official Forum, players feedback?

    IF so... Thank you @ZOS_GinaBruno

    NA PC Server - CP810 - Played Since Beta 2014, but left for 4 years, coz games got unbalancing, boring and too much expensive (still?)

    - MagSorc (50) - DPS
    - MagTem (50) - Healer
    - StamDK (50) - Tank
    - StamNecro (50) - DPS
    - StamTem (developing) - DPS
    - MagNecro (developing) - DPS
    - MagWard (developing) - Healer
    - Stamblade (developing) - DPS

    "Stop nerfing Sorcerers please"
    "Stop putting most interesting items inside a lucky Crate costing money"
  • Csub
    Just letting you all know that we've been gathering all your feedback to this point, and are going to pass it around to specific teams today so they can review everything.

    I know this needs a lot more time but please consider making VR 1-10 content optional, it scares away many people and kills the will to make alt characters.

    Or just make it like tutorial, you have to do it once but after that you can skip it, by, I don`t know, talking to Cadwell.
    We would have all quests in Cadwell`s Almanach completed, get the skill points for them but could return to the zones any time to explore and do side quests or just no quests completed at all.

    Or just come up with another compromise. Much as many of us are interested in exploring other factions, it would get too much with some alts.

    Thank you in advance!
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • Andy22
    Just letting you all know that we've been gathering all your feedback to this point, and are going to pass it around to specific teams today so they can review everything.

    My feedback:

    Why is the "Bleeding" status effect not able to critical strike and stack with itself, like "Burning" does?
    Why do all Class Ultimates need to scale of Magicka/Spell Damage, making using them in Stamina based build's less appealing, powerfully?
    Why are the first 5 hits of "Flurry" use spell resistance and not armor?
    Why is the final hit of "Flurry" not effected by "Hundings Rage" set?
    Why are the Craglorn Trial Set Boni so crappy?
    Why does the 2h line have no real decent dps spamable ability?
    Why do low damage light attacks in dungeons often don't generate Ultimate?
    Why is "Snake Blood" passive not working?
    Why is "Medical Use" only working on some rare, obscure effects, but not critical chance duration?
    Why are there 4 different spell crit chance high lvl set's and only one with weapon crit at 5 pieces?
    Why are "nearly" all stamina build based set bonu so crappy, compared to magicka?
    Why has the 2h pvp set the "Arcane" trait on its ring and not stamina and the Destro Staff pvp set Health and not magicka?
    What is a "heavy armored target" in relation to the DW passive skill using maces?
    Why is there still no official word on the whole "Animation Canceling" debacle?

    Why do many tooltips suck this much in explaining what things actually do and how they work?
    Edited by Andy22 on June 17, 2014 2:45PM
  • kirnmalidus

    Combat & Gameplay
    • Attack speed now correctly affects all weapons and weapon types.

    Does this mean that bows properly gain attack speed from haste and the medium armor passive? I really hope so.
    Yes, that's correct. :)

    If this works how I think it'll've just made NB bow users really oped.

    Time to start ranking up Haste!
    Life of a Nightblade (Screenshot Tumblr)

    Attention Zenimax: Stamina builds don't hold up to magicka builds, and this is causing most of your class imbalance. It makes melee weapons and bows weaker than staves and class abilities. It makes medium and heavy armor less desirable than light armor. Fix this imbalance, and you'll address most of your balance issues.

    - @ruze84b14_ESO
  • Anath_Q
    Will combat be fixed? Will ability lag and weapon swap be fixed? Nothing more frustrating then pushing a button to fire a skill results in nothing happening while in combat.

    This! These problems became a lot worse after 1.1.2, leaving the game close to unplayable. Any information regarding when and if these problems will get fixed would be very, very welcome. Thank you!
    | GM Cheesemongers of Nirn |
  • Worstluck
    dragnier wrote: »
    Was just testing Haste morphed to Incapacitate with bow/staff and it seemed not to affect heavy attacks much, if at all. Light attacks do seem to be much faster with it, but not the heavy attacks.

    Also, the %dmg increase to heavy attacks does not work either. Just tested on some v10 enemies in Reaper's March w/ staff and bow. Same damage before and after casting Incapacitate.

    I even tested the passive under destruction staff that is supposed to make heavy attacks 10% faster... same speed with and without it.

    Further testing using a Newly made character instead of one from prior to the patch shows that the damage increase component of Incapacitate does work sometimes. Perhaps it has something to do with it being a new character, though.

    Tested the weapon speed again using this same new character and it doesn't seem to work with heavy attacks from bow or staff again. Same number of heavy attacks in the same time period with it on or off.

    Yes Haste seems very inconsistent. I had different results than you initially, but now you are seeing the same thing I did. Kind of seemed like it worked? I don't know, regardless I don't think the skill is really up to par, considering it is the last skill in the Assassination tree. I think something 'cooler' needs to be in it's place, something you will want to put on your bars.
    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
    ―Uriel Septim

    Daggerfall Covenant
  • zazamalek
    BADEVIL wrote: »
    So far I see only empty words about stamina build balance. Today came another patch note and I do not see there any information on this subject.

    Like their words about NB balance was empty? I see people complaining about OP NBs now.

    I'm actually struggling to recall a single unfulfilled promise. There is real evidence that ZOS eventually makes good on their wood. As for "empty words" I see zero evidence. ZOS take too long to respond to concerns, that's not good. They do eventually respond (and act) to them, making your statements complete and utter falsity.

    I'm a completely gimped stamina NB with little hope of respeccing to magicka. I would much rather have a thoughtful stamina balance effort than a rushed mess to appease people who are never happy with anything.

    I've even become frustrated with how long it takes them to do this stuff, but honestly, their balance fixes have always been better than any suggestion that the community has made (my suggestions included). They are worth the wait.
  • Kraven
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    Why are the mobs inside the vet Crypt of Hearts level vr12? This is in a vet level 2 or 6 vet level depending on which faction the player is in. I don't think testing this with the vr12 mobs is going to provide an accurate test for this because you are going to need to reduce the vr levels to bring them in line with the level of content in those areas.

    BC, FG and Spindle are the T1 vet dungeons for VR 1-5.
    WS, EH, and Darkshade are the T2 vet dungeons for VR 6-10.
    CoH falls into the T3 range V10-12 since 12 is max, hopefully we'll see City of Ash and Arx Corinium with in that same tier pretty soon.
    Faction or starting alliance has nothing to do with the level of dungeons, standard or veteran.

    Although I think there needs to be a reason to run them. Vet dungeons are at the top of my list as favorite content atm however very few people actually want to run them more than once.

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • Aoifesan

    Combat & Gameplay
    • Attack speed now correctly affects all weapons and weapon types.

    Does this mean that bows properly gain attack speed from haste and the medium armor passive? I really hope so.
    Yes, that's correct. :)

    If this works how I think it'll've just made NB bow users really oped.
    Not really. Light attacks being faster won't make the difference between, sub standard and OP.

    It will make them as powerful as the quick light attacks from Resto/Destro.
  • Eivar
    Worstluck wrote: »
    vyal wrote: »
    [*] Twin Blades and Blunt: None of the dagger or sword effects actually work. What is broken is not addressed with this patch. This passive doesn't do ANYTHING right now, for daggers and swords. No critical chance increase, no critical damage increase, no overall damage increase. Nothing.

    It's funny. I just tried this. I put two points into Twin Blade and Blunt. My VR12 Nightblade template with all the medium armor skills, passives whatever has 24% crit with no weapon equipped. I equip one dagger (they only provide you with one) and my crit went down to 21% hahahaha.

    Probably one of those character sheet display issues eh ;)

    EDIT: I also tested this with a sword and two points into Twin Blade and Blunt. Equip one sword, hit NPC with heavy attack, I do 234 damage. Equip one axe only, 234 damage. So yeah, I can verify this as well.

    Actually you're wrong, twin blade and blunt is in fact working. The part you seem to have overlooked is that twin blade and blunt is a dual wield passive, in order for it to grant any bonus you have to be dual wielding, so if you just equip one sword or one axe, you get no bonus, you equip a second weapon and poof there it is.

    I tested this just now on my nb in my tanky spec, with no weapons i had 6% weapon crit(thankfully i cast mainly spell crit abilities right? lol) equip a sword, no change, equip a dagger in my OH, it goes up to 13%, 5% for the dagger 2% for the precise trait. when they first fixed this I was thrown off too til i realized i was missing the obvious key component, that you don't get dual wield buffs if you aren't actually dual wielding.
  • Storm1732
    Whenever you push some more werewolf fixes can I suggest that you please make the berserker the black fur model? thanks!
  • Worstluck
    Eivar wrote: »
    Worstluck wrote: »
    vyal wrote: »
    [*] Twin Blades and Blunt: None of the dagger or sword effects actually work. What is broken is not addressed with this patch. This passive doesn't do ANYTHING right now, for daggers and swords. No critical chance increase, no critical damage increase, no overall damage increase. Nothing.

    It's funny. I just tried this. I put two points into Twin Blade and Blunt. My VR12 Nightblade template with all the medium armor skills, passives whatever has 24% crit with no weapon equipped. I equip one dagger (they only provide you with one) and my crit went down to 21% hahahaha.

    Probably one of those character sheet display issues eh ;)

    EDIT: I also tested this with a sword and two points into Twin Blade and Blunt. Equip one sword, hit NPC with heavy attack, I do 234 damage. Equip one axe only, 234 damage. So yeah, I can verify this as well.

    Actually you're wrong, twin blade and blunt is in fact working. The part you seem to have overlooked is that twin blade and blunt is a dual wield passive, in order for it to grant any bonus you have to be dual wielding, so if you just equip one sword or one axe, you get no bonus, you equip a second weapon and poof there it is.

    I tested this just now on my nb in my tanky spec, with no weapons i had 6% weapon crit(thankfully i cast mainly spell crit abilities right? lol) equip a sword, no change, equip a dagger in my OH, it goes up to 13%, 5% for the dagger 2% for the precise trait. when they first fixed this I was thrown off too til i realized i was missing the obvious key component, that you don't get dual wield buffs if you aren't actually dual wielding.

    @Eivar WOW cannot even believe I overlooked that. Thanks for pointing that out <3
    Edited by Worstluck on June 17, 2014 5:53PM
    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
    ―Uriel Septim

    Daggerfall Covenant
  • Ysne58
    Kraven wrote: »
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    Why are the mobs inside the vet Crypt of Hearts level vr12? This is in a vet level 2 or 6 vet level depending on which faction the player is in. I don't think testing this with the vr12 mobs is going to provide an accurate test for this because you are going to need to reduce the vr levels to bring them in line with the level of content in those areas.

    BC, FG and Spindle are the T1 vet dungeons for VR 1-5.
    WS, EH, and Darkshade are the T2 vet dungeons for VR 6-10.
    CoH falls into the T3 range V10-12 since 12 is max, hopefully we'll see City of Ash and Arx Corinium with in that same tier pretty soon.
    Faction or starting alliance has nothing to do with the level of dungeons, standard or veteran.

    Although I think there needs to be a reason to run them. Vet dungeons are at the top of my list as favorite content atm however very few people actually want to run them more than once.

    Those mobs still should not be VR12 in Crypt of Hearts.

  • Thejollygreenone
    The last of the feedback I can provide is merely this:

    Fix stamina dps builds. For the love of Akatosh. Bows need some significant help. 2h could use some help. DW could also use a little help. Medium Armor is your platform to make the universal changes needed to get stamina builds in line with magicka/class ability builds. Focus on Medium Armor (heavy could probably use some help too) while on the side throw a couple of bones to the stamina weapon trees, and VOILA! Problem solved.

    That's all I have to say, but I'm sure you all at ZOS know this stuff already.
  • TheBucket
    I just want to see a warlock set, but for stamina :) Thanks!
    William Reignes
    Magic Nightblade - Rogue Bomber
    Creator of Thirsty Thief Build (Retired 1.5)
  • Kraven
    The last of the feedback I can provide is merely this:

    Fix stamina dps builds. For the love of Akatosh. Bows need some significant help. 2h could use some help. DW could also use a little help. Medium Armor is your platform to make the universal changes needed to get stamina builds in line with magicka/class ability builds. Focus on Medium Armor (heavy could probably use some help too) while on the side throw a couple of bones to the stamina weapon trees, and VOILA! Problem solved.

    That's all I have to say, but I'm sure you all at ZOS know this stuff already.

    I actually suggested that Stamina not be the resource used for EVERYthing else in the game. Sprinting, dodging, interrupting, blocking, stealth all reduce the stamina pool which already does not have the same type of bonuses magicka does. You get stamina reduction from jewelry and magicka shares this but the light armor reduction in magicka cost 21%+ set bonus items on top of the sets and abilities that proc magicka return not counting in racials. Side by side a stamina build is going to run out of stamina much faster than a magicka build. While that magicka build holds block and spams abilities, stam weapons don't work that way since blocking drains their primary resource.

    I'd also like to see more stamina based trees than the 5 we currently have (not counting werewolf because it's pitiable). Sta pet tree for example.

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • Thejollygreenone
    Kraven wrote: »
    The last of the feedback I can provide is merely this:

    Fix stamina dps builds. For the love of Akatosh. Bows need some significant help. 2h could use some help. DW could also use a little help. Medium Armor is your platform to make the universal changes needed to get stamina builds in line with magicka/class ability builds. Focus on Medium Armor (heavy could probably use some help too) while on the side throw a couple of bones to the stamina weapon trees, and VOILA! Problem solved.

    That's all I have to say, but I'm sure you all at ZOS know this stuff already.

    I actually suggested that Stamina not be the resource used for EVERYthing else in the game. Sprinting, dodging, interrupting, blocking, stealth all reduce the stamina pool which already does not have the same type of bonuses magicka does. You get stamina reduction from jewelry and magicka shares this but the light armor reduction in magicka cost 21%+ set bonus items on top of the sets and abilities that proc magicka return not counting in racials. Side by side a stamina build is going to run out of stamina much faster than a magicka build. While that magicka build holds block and spams abilities, stam weapons don't work that way since blocking drains their primary resource.

    I'd also like to see more stamina based trees than the 5 we currently have (not counting werewolf because it's pitiable). Sta pet tree for example.

    Yes the fact that one's stamina pool always has the underlying detriment that you need that resource to block/dodge/sprint/interrupt(from melee)/ccbreak is something that also should be examined when discussing the magicka/stamina damage disparity.

    However, I'm not sure simply removing these mechanics from the stamina resource pool and giving them their own, or anything along those lines, is the best choice.

    I propose that the current system is able to be adapted to put that extra utility/defense weight on magicka to go along with the medium armor changes and weapon tree changes. Basically my idea is that stamina has a bunch of alternate uses that inevitably need to be used mid combat, primarily blocking for most. Instead of removing these effects, why not find a way to force magicka users to use their magicka pool for some utility just as stamina users would be forced to use some stamina for their utility.

    The way to accomplish this seems quite simple, while all of our alternate stamina functions are semi-passive in the sense that they do not require an active ability slot, so too are there alternate magicka functions for similar utility and defense, the only difference is that these require an active ability slot and therefore can be morphed for further interesting use. (Examples: Bolt Escape, Dark Cloak, any sort of damage absorbing bubble, speed boosts etc.)

    These two utility functions from opposite resource pools would act as counter balances to eachother based on the type of build being played. In a pure magicka build, one could forego magicka utilities in favor of only using the classic stamina block/dodge etc, but be much less efficient at it for not investing in stamina, but could also choose to use magicka based active abilities that get the job done similarly and virtually ignore the stamina mechanics which are inefficient due to no investment anyway, or choose to invest a bit in stamina to have better stam utilities and therefore be able to skip on the magicka active utilities.

    Likewise in a pure stamina build one could choose to either to forgo magicka utility actives and draw from the resource they've invested in, or they could choose to ignore their stamina utilities most of the time in favor of magicka active abilities to draw form a resource pool theyre not using for damage, just like the magicka builds are doing now with stamina utilities. Or that same stamina builder could invest slightly into magicka just as a magicka user could do under these circumstances to better be able to use those magicka utilities and devote his whole stamina pool to damage.

    Sorry for the wall of text!! But I've thought hard on this topic before and I believe this system could work without disrupting the system already in place.

    Thanks for reading!
    Edited by Thejollygreenone on June 17, 2014 7:44PM
  • NerfEverything
    Amesiel wrote: »
    Are the guys that work on stamina resource, werewolves and Templars on vacation? Is ZoS afraid to acknowledge that stamina users, werewolves and Templars are under performing right now? ZoS Can Templars get an independent forum post on things being worked on for them? Like how the Nightblades have one in the general forums?

    No, we agree that all three need fixes and improvements, and are working on them. We're putting together the very type of comprehensive update post you mention. It'll go up this week, as soon as it' done.

    The class has been broken for 2 months...and this "comprehensive update post" seems like an afterthought. This is something that should have been addressed in the first balance patch.

    There are no templars left. Look at your numbers. How many cancelled subs had a templar as their highest level? What percentage of VR12s online right now are Templars? 8%? 10%?

    Have any of the devs even tried playing a templar? (Rhetorical question, I watched the dev videos and they don't because they can't do the content if there is a templar bringing the whole group down).

    Sorry, but a "comprehensive update post" is too little too late.
  • Xsorus
    Worstluck wrote: »
    I am trying out the Incapacitate morph of Haste with my bow and I do not see any increase in speed of light or heavy attacks, so I am not sure if this is working.

    Also, my heavy attack dmg (no points in stam attributes) went from 321 to 361. I still don't think this skill is worth using, ever.

    That's what i noticed, i didn't see a speed increase when i went to test it out...I assumed it either doesn't work the way i think and sucks....or its just not working still.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Will combat be fixed? Will ability lag and weapon swap be fixed? Nothing more frustrating then pushing a button to fire a skill results in nothing happening while in combat.

    We've identified the cause of lag specifically while in a group (including ability lag) and have a fix for it going in with v.1.2.3, which is going out next week.

    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • Thejollygreenone
    Will combat be fixed? Will ability lag and weapon swap be fixed? Nothing more frustrating then pushing a button to fire a skill results in nothing happening while in combat.

    We've identified the cause of lag specifically while in a group (including ability lag) and have a fix for it going in with v.1.2.3, which is going out next week.

    Good work guys, keep it up. We all appreciate all your doing and especially how much you all are communicating with us, even if it doesn't seem like we're all always so grateful ^.^

    On a side note, do said 1.2.3 changes include any changes to the responsiveness of weaponswap? That particularly is something I'm excited to see improved so any news on it would be appreciated.

  • Cogo

    We've identified the cause of lag specifically while in a group (including ability lag) and have a fix for it going in with v.1.2.3, which is going out next week.


    I know this was fixable!

    1 down, 1 to go, then its "normal" caring for the game.

    I'm making a special tomato oats cookies for your techies!
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • WebBull

    Crosses fingers that this fix includes weapon swap not working properly.
    zazamalek wrote: »
    BADEVIL wrote: »
    So far I see only empty words about stamina build balance. Today came another patch note and I do not see there any information on this subject.

    Like their words about NB balance was empty? I see people complaining about OP NBs now.

    I'm actually struggling to recall a single unfulfilled promise. There is real evidence that ZOS eventually makes good on their wood. As for "empty words" I see zero evidence. ZOS take too long to respond to concerns, that's not good. They do eventually respond (and act) to them, making your statements complete and utter falsity.

    I'm a completely gimped stamina NB with little hope of respeccing to magicka. I would much rather have a thoughtful stamina balance effort than a rushed mess to appease people who are never happy with anything.

    I've even become frustrated with how long it takes them to do this stuff, but honestly, their balance fixes have always been better than any suggestion that the community has made (my suggestions included). They are worth the wait.

    Man... is there only NB class in this game? Please give a proof that NB is OP now :wink:
    Have You see any Tank class using stamina and heavy armor to tanking?

    Do you even play this game or just read what people write?
  • ScardyFox
    At the risk of being a negative so-and-so, I hope this werewolf fix isn't considered the crowning jewel in the archetype of its fixes. Not having a cool down (on devour) is good, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't fix the core issues of no CC break, tissue armor, etc, etc, etc, or fixes the idea that you (the devs) put forth as a supposed play style.

    I won't bother to get into all that, but point out that a lack of cool down in PvP is borderline meaningless unless you are part of a zerg. Werewolves were described as packs of stalkers (and all that). Its not like that at all.

    Hard to stalk anyone (or coordinate anything)in a handful of seconds. I hope you guys are planing to dramatically increase the time, because your original idea, that so many of us flocked to (about being pack hunters), will never ever happen as is. I hope you guys actually do put something forth. There have been reams and reams of player suggestions, I hope you guys haven't just put together something born in mediocrity...

    As it is now if you saw a group of werewolf charging you, all you'd have to do is take two large steps back and watch them de-transform at your feet.

    Edited by ScardyFox on June 18, 2014 9:36AM
  • ARtChi
    Still nothing for templar... loveless class in ESO...
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