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Picking up Items in the World

First and foremost thank you for the fact that you would prioritize this little detail because i think it is what sets the Elder Scrolls apart in a general sense from other games where you feel like you can really pick up anything in the world.

However I have some issues with this being implemented in the next patch because of the following reasons

1. Only Weapons/Armor
2. No Crime System (free merchant loot)
3. You can't pick up Potions/Trinkets
4. The loot sells for nothing

Now I understand it Is early, and from the way you are implementing things it seems as if you do plan to include all of it but I can't help but feeling you may just be including this to appease some players.

But because of the reasons I listed above I think this feature will be rather lackluster.

What do you guys think?
Edited by Zepheric on June 4, 2014 10:12PM
Sanguine's Tester
  • SirAndy
    Since there really isn't that much stuff to pick up, i think it should be worth 1g each. that way it isn't *completely* useless but it also won't be easy to farm for gold.
  • spliffmaster2b16_ESO
    Probably they have the same system in place where the items will reset when you relog. So in order to prevent bots from getting endless free gold they decided to make the items worth 0.
    If container respawns were time based we wouldn't have to deal with illogical/immersion-breaking worthless weapons and armors. I don't know if this is too much of a performance impact on the servers or if Zenimax actually thinks the current system is better.
  • dolmen
    Coming into ESO with some "expectations" from the single user series, I'm happy to see this. I don't expect to find anything worth "farming", to me it's just a nice touch.
    The Sidekick Order
  • nudel
    What dolmen said. I am fine with them having 0 gold value. To my mind, they are just fluff, much like the radishes and grapes you can pick up now. They have no value and serve nearly no purpose. I like knowing I can pick them up if I want.

    In terms of practicality, this is a more convenient way of ensuring you get the weapon type you want out of the gate if you don't have a crafter or any mats yet. A lot of people who dual wield had this problem if they did not find a second one-handed weapon in the tutorial. They would be forced to level one-handed and shield until they found a second weapon. This would let them at least pick up a junk weapon to level the skill they want from the start.
  • driosketch
    Some things I've notices:
    -Some of these pick up weapons are weaker than base items of the same level.
    -I did however find a pair of green quality pants with an enchantment in the Wailing Prison.
    -I managed to pull shoulder armor out of the cabinet in the Daggerfall bank. This may have been a bug.
    -The experience from deconstructing seems decent. I did manage to extract one racial item from deconstructing a few of them.
    -They seem to be scaled to your character and not the area you find them.

    This seems like a decent way to fill out your gear early on. Cosmetically it just adds to the interaction with the world.
    Edited by driosketch on June 7, 2014 6:34PM
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • Dolnor
    The reason for the picked-up-loot-selling-for-nothing is so that the Bots don't have yet another avenue to make gold. The Bot Masters will note where every item laying on the ground are located and send their bots to get it before players can....but if they are worthless! -)

  • dragnier
    Aye, I'm glad to see this. Out leveling and got a broken piece of armor but don't want to repair it? Still wearing a level 20 blue at level 30 because you haven't found a better reward but need to upgrade anyway simply for armor value's sake? Grab another white one from somewhere.
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