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CONSOLIDATION : Ideas to improve 2H skill line.

I feel at this point that ZoS has gotten the idea that we aren't happy :smile: .

I think we really need to start being constructive and provide feedback on what we think are solid changes to make the 2H skill lines more productive. And I apologize ahead of time for the length..but it was necessary, as My feelings revolve around almost a complete reworking of the skill tree to bring it up to the level of the magick based trees. it IS a huge read, but it IS worth it IMO. feel free to not read it, but if you disagree with my ideas, please read them first before responding off the cuff, or you will get ignored.

Stamina skills in General:


Stamina skills in general are too expensive for the utility and damage they do. comparative magick skills tend to do allot more damage point for point. the reason is multifold:

1) Stamina skills simply have little to NO synergy.
most magick trees synergize well with each other. Stamina skill lines do NOT. as an example...look at the sorcs proc for crystal shards. it procs with ANY magic skill to make it cheap and instant cast. i can spam cheap resto staff heals all day long and hit crystal shards only on proc, and i can do that regularly and consistently. There are currently NO stamina skills that synergize so well with class skills.

2) Stamina skills are expensive.
individual cost reductions in each tree don't seem to be enough, or aren't working as intended. And example of this is the 2h passive that should reduce skill cost by 20%...but people are getting results anywhere from 0% to 20% on their LCS.

3) Stamina skills use a resource that is already taxed by other GAME CRITICAL functions.
Dodge, block, and interrupt are critical to survival, ESPECIALLY for melee players. This robs you of the same resource that you need to do damage. Magick based setups do not suffer from this...in all actuality, they benefit MORE from being in melee range then a melee user does, as they have 100% of their stamina to interrupt, block, and then have a full resource bar for damage. even with full medium armor, it still uses your damage resource as a stamina based build, whereas it doesn't touch your damage resource as a magick user.

1) Reduce costs.
simple as that. across the board. we can add ideas for individual skills, but even with that, the stamina line could easly get a 30% cut in resources across the board, and still need individual tweaks to the skills to be on par with magick.

2) Increased damage
again, across the board. the fact that melee users almost NEED to open with stealth to do as much damage as a caster is telling. Some skills would need individual tweaking to come in line, but I feel its allot easier to simply up the damage across the board, then bring a few skills in line with the rest.

3) Separate action movements from Stamina as a resource.
Create a new resource. call it energy, call it gumption, call it wheaties...whatever. Stamina levels SHOULD impact its level and regeneration - This is very logical, and it would give stamina the additional impact it needs. Then it would be far easier to balance stamina skills against magick skills as we would no longer be working from a variable disparity.

At this point we'll discuss individual skill and possible ideas for individual trees. keep in mind that the above general concepts still apply to all of them.

biggest issue with 2H at this point (aside from stamina issues above) is that there isn't enough variation and synergistic impact in the tree. each skill should be able to stand alone, on it's own, comparably to other skills in other trees, but at the same time, work with one another to give you reason to use more then one.

Plus, the skill line needs to have more identity. it really isn't the burst line...unless you count the fact that it "bursts" your stamina down...hehe...

and while it has AoE elements, it's certainly not an AoE king. as a matter of fact, one single AoE from templars does what it takes 3 skills in the 2H line to do. SO, here's my ideas:


Forceful - splash damage should be Heavier. 20/40 wouldn't be a bad split. if it sounds excessive, keep in mind that the whole time a 2H player is cocking back that heavy hit, they are in melee range, getting pounded on. Risk = Reward IMO.

Arcane Fighter: Not a bad idea, but not very impacting IMO. I think it should be "25/50% increased chance of applying enchantment effect on weapon...when this occurs the proc does NOT use charges from the weapon" This would increase our base damage (weapon damage procs going off more often) AND reduce the need to constantly recharge them.

Battle rush: Should be direct Stamina return instead of increase in stamina regen. most of us are already hitting regen caps on an already badly itemized stat (stamina). the direct return would avoid this softcap, giving us much needed stamina back. Perhaps a small amount on a "per hit" basis.



base damage is too low. 136 on my current VR1 templar (purple level 50 weapon) is less even then a Templar's Puncturing strikes, and PS hits a single target as well for twice as much...and knocks it back. In order to get this skill up to par, we need to increase base damage. using an equivilant setup, it should be around 200 +, with a 200 DoT (10 second is a lifetime in VR). that would roughly be around 40% increase on overall damage. If were increasing damage across the board slightly, it would simply be less...say, 10% from overall buff, and 30% directly to this skill.

Morphs are fine if you increase their base effects. so bigger damage shield. it needs to be able to last at bare minimum 3/4 of a hit per target. right now in VR its barely one hit per 2-3 targets. which means its gone the second i bring it up. it's almost a waste when i could be doing something else to cause damage. so it has to be worth it to choose this morph over the other.

Ultimate gen is OK, could use some buffing, but IMO its a meh morph. An alternative to this would be to have the ultimate morph instead increase DoT damage against all targets affected by Cleave bleed. this would be a great group based buff that we sorely need. I could go either way on this one, input from those using the ultimate morph would be appreciated.

Reverse Slash:

Probably our best base skill. cheap, does it's job...except other execution skills are more flexible, and have better Morphs. we either get to do a little bit of damage to 2 other mobs (piddly in comparison), or we get to increase our damage with other skills when a target is under 25%...which is a waste, since we will usually kill that same target with one RS...

Reverse slice splash damage is weak...It could be buffed. considering that by DEFAULT Puncturing Strikes (templar skill) hits 2x or more additional targets for 50% the damage of the main target, I think this morph would be fine buffing the damage to 2 secondary targets by 50-75% bare minimum. In other words, morphed, it would do MORE damage to 2 additional targets, but PS would do MORE targets with LESS damage. balanced tradeoff IMO.

Second morph is also weak. I'd prefer a passive morph that increases damage from other 2h skills the lower the mobs health is. This can be very minor at first, and build linearly until you hit the 25% mark, where it shoots up to the current value. This would provide incentive to use this morph on ALL setups (not just raid bosses), AND give 2h a much needed passive damage boost.

Critical Charge:

Probably our most balanced skill out there. Gap closer, solid damage (with the appropriate morph) and an option to immobilize (probably great for PvP, never use it in PvE myself). for the cost I feel that it's worth it. The only thing that I think we could benefit from is to add to the "immobilize" morph the ability to interrupt. that would actually make the immobilize morph viable in PvP and PvE. Other then that it should also be impacted by the new momentum changes below.


love the look of this skill. Damage isn't bad (if we can take advantage of splash damage from skills like my new momentum), but the cast time kills it.

Wrecking ball: since we put the damage morph on reverse, this needs to be different. keeping in line with other skills (and to synergize), we should make this morph "Uppercut does 30% more damage against foes with a bleed effect on them". this would tie in to cleave, and give us a reason to have both on our bar. and it would turn it into a serious haymaker if we decide to risk the cast time.

For Dizzying Swing instead change it to the new Morph, "Instant gratification: 40% chance upon execution of a stamina based ability to make the uppercut cast time instant, and hit one additional target." so...less damage on a single target, but instant and hits 2. worth losing the damage for that IMO.

This would give us procs to use during those nasty situations where you are too busy dodging to get in a cast. I can't even BEGIN to tell you now many times having an instant cast crystal shard on my sorc has saved my hide in tight fights. in those same tight fights, or biggest damage dealer is an almost guaranteed death sentence. these changes would fix that, or at least make it worth using it.


Great idea...bad execution. the damage boost from this is so needed in 2h builds, that many take it by default. problem is...with our synergies sucking so badly, we don't have enough slots to equip this AND equip enough skills to cover the variables we encounter in play. So because this is taking up a slot that would normally be either a utility or heal spell, it should cover both of those adequately. here's my re-iteration of Momentum:

base skill "WHEN SLOTTED, increases splash damage on all stamina based attacks by 10% on up to 2 additional targets. When this skill is TRIGGERED, it provides a 10% DR shield, and for the next 10 seconds, all your stamina based abilities have a 15% chance to stun the opponent for one second." Stamina cost should be doubled.

Morphs should be changed. Forward momentum should add an additional snare immunity for X seconds (short, but viable. 3 seconds or so) with an internal CD of 20 seconds, give or take. just being able to break free of a snare doesn't really feel like forward momentum... but being able to juggernaut for 3 seconds or so does.

Rally should be changed. 23 seconds is TWO lifetimes in Vr content. it should instead be a percentage of current healing Every time you do damage while effect is up. in VR content I don't normally need healing 23 seconds later...I need it NOW. because those 3 mobs are hitting me NOW. 23 seconds is usually the time frame that i need a rez....

At any rate, there you go. Please feel free to add whatever you think would work with the skills, and ill update the original thread with them (or delete some of my spam above if the general populace thinks it's horribly ***).
Edited by temjiu on June 4, 2014 10:09PM
  • Moonchilde
    Sounds like you want Stamina to work like Magika, which is broken.

    Firstly, stamina never 'synergizes' with anything, it just enables your body to do what it has been trained to do for a shorter or longer duration of time. Stamina is not 'strength', so it should never be able to make attacks stronger.

    Secondly, TES games were designed on the principle that Magika was a 'charge' that got depleted quickly, and it was supposed to be very hard to replenish in the middle of a combat. The only way to have sustained Magicka was to be in a fight against another caster, and be born under the Atronach sign, which enabled you to absorb Magika from spells cast at you.

    This is broken in ESO, they treat Magika like Stamina, resulting in a huge imbalance in output. Physical skills should be inferior to spells, but be able to sustain output for longer.

    All they need to do is prevent the ability to have enough Magika to sustain spells longer than Stamina can sustain physical attacks.
  • Baphomet
    A few of the stamina feats could use a little tweaking but overall the cost and damage of stamina feats are fine.

    Why are many so hellbent on trying to change the game into their personal playstyle and not adapting to how the game was designed to be played in the first place - the way where stamina feats supplement your magicka feats (and vice versa). Pure magicka builds have around 2000 points of magicka to use from where a build which alternates between magicka and stamina has around 3500 hundred - that's much more than any pure magicka build will ever get. If you max your stamina and use that resource for your main damage output, try using some magicka feats as supplements, or alternatives, to blocking and dodging all the time.

    Look at what smart and potent stamina builds do for instance. They use magicka abilities to control combat like sun shield, honour the dead, dragon's blood, dark cloak, swallow soul, cripple, razor armor, haste, lightning form, conjured ward etc. etc. etc. so that they don't have to use their stamina to block, CC break and dodge roll all the time. They free up their stamina resource for raw damage output by utilizing some magicka abilities - it's kinda pointless to let 1300ish free magicka points go to waste, right?

    Also, if you can't get your stamina feats to dish out roughly the same amount of damage as your magicka feats at roughly the same cost, you're doing it wrong. It's right there, black on white. Stamina feats deals about the same damage and cost about the same amount of resource. If you choose to block and dodge alot, that's your choice. The problem lies not in the stamina abilities, it lies in how you use your resources - and the abilities the game provides.

    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • steinernein
    I think there needs to be more context before anyone sane would agree or disagree with you; basically, I don't think you have done your homework.
  • Still_Mind
    Yes, all Stamina builds need a lot of work. The only "good" Stamina weapon I've experienced is the bow, but it's still inferior to mana-based Destro\Resto setup, buth, raw performance and flexibility-wise. 1h\S also does its job, cheap blocks and everything, I suppose.

    I also find it hilarious that I have better survivability in a dress than in a set of reinforced chainmail with thick metal plates covering it, because of the sheer utility of Magicka skills - they heal, they buff, they mitigate damage, and of how accessible light armour bonuses make them. Armour mitigation is horribly underpowered, and there's just too many, too potent sources, other than actual armour, that you can get armour rating from. And don't get me started on the passives. Light has everything a caster needs, and then some, Medium and Heavy look like half-hearted thematic designs.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Baphomet
    You are on the right path, Still_Mind. Want to address the issue with stamina feats, address the armor passives.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Armitas
    Good points.

    I would like to add a point to problem 3. You can cast magicka while blocking so you can run right up to a 3group of mobs and cast pulsar while blocking so you don't have to worry about all those power attacks. If you are melee you have to stop dps to block because you cannot attack with your mind...(lol).

    I think the majority of momentum needs to be passive as you suggest. You can't take a slow weapon, with already low dps and throw on all these rebuff requirements like we have now. Momentum increases your dps, but then you lose it again recasting and consuming even more stamina.

    I think evil hunter needs to go the way of mage light. It needs to consume 5% of your stamina, lose the deadric requirement, and apply a constant melee weapon dps or crit buff. I think this would also give them a global point at buffing Melee weapons as a whole.

    Edited by Armitas on June 5, 2014 2:37PM
    Nord mDK
  • Baphomet
    Just for clarification, there actually are a number of stamina feats which you can use while blocking.

    Edit: Or at least you used to be able to do that. Need to re-check it.
    Edited by Baphomet on June 5, 2014 2:42PM
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Still_Mind
    Valid points, as well, I concur.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Armitas
    Baphomet wrote: »
    Just for clarification, there actually are a number of stamina feats which you can use while blocking.

    Edit: Or at least you used to be able to do that. Need to re-check it.

    I think cleave works iirc. It's been so long since I used a melee weapon that I forgot about cleave, and didn't use it long because it kills your stamina.

    Edited by Armitas on June 5, 2014 2:59PM
    Nord mDK
  • Baphomet
    Just checked - shield charge, puncture and low slash can all be used while blocking.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    you missed alot. like the 2h mace passive (heavy weapons) adding a consistent 4 damage. like uppercut saying it has a 1 second cast time but taking longer. like no crit passive ( see daggers in dual weild)

    and the largest problem being that giving up a proc and set item slot doesnt return the corresponding increase in damage.
    Edited by Jeremy_gelber_ESO on June 6, 2014 4:14AM
  • Still_Mind
    Armitas wrote: »
    Baphomet wrote: »
    Just for clarification, there actually are a number of stamina feats which you can use while blocking.

    Edit: Or at least you used to be able to do that. Need to re-check it.

    I think cleave works iirc. It's been so long since I used a melee weapon that I forgot about cleave, and didn't use it long because it kills your stamina.
    Bolded the important part.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • killedbyping
    Funny thing with Arcane fighter is, that there IS NO CHANCE of applying weapon enchantment. It simply applying every 4 seconds so this passive is totally useless.
    Same goes to some proc sets like Dragon Blood. It suppose to give 10% to do fire dmg on every hit, but it actualy proc every 4 sec.
    Viper sting suppose to work only on melee attacks but it actualy work on any attacks even ranged.
  • killedbyping
    Forcefull also broken.
    It suppose to do 27% splash damage to 1 nearby target near target you attack(why only 1 ?).
    Instead if have 27% chance to deal 100% of damage to 1 nearby target near YOU, not the target you attacking.
    It proc almost 100% on ambushes thou.
    Also range of this passive is redicilous. It is about 1 meter only so it is only happening on ambush. After the fight started, mobs never to close to each other or to you to make this passive proc again.
  • SirPuppingtonVonHat
    Forceful in general isn't very good. Its a cool concept (love the idea of smacking multiple enemies at once), but it just doesn't do nearly enough damage to justify the skill point investment right now. At most, I've seen it do five or six damage per second, and its almost useless in a boss fight.

    @Jeremy_gelber_ESO‌ I agree that the 2H line could use a good damage boosting passive, but I don't want to see any of the passives in the line either "catch up" to DW or outright copy it. Instead of increased crit chance, how about increased crit damage?
    The Psijic Order
  • Armitas
    Thinking a little more about Arcane fighter.

    Arcane fighter is really the only savior the line could have when it comes to mitigating its slow attack speed. With such a slow speed one can easily lose dps due to boss mechanics without being able to catch back up. If you think of the attacks as a beat pattern then DW might look like
    and 2hand
    X X X X X
    ^ We really need something to go in between the hits like.
    X x X x X x X

    "x" could be a stronger Arcane fighter (guaranteed with a dps buff to each type) or it could be crits.

    The only way I have been able to get any decent dps, and I use the term loosley, was by trying to run both burning and poison dots in between my attacks by taking advantage of Arcane fighter.

    I think they really need to look at this as a way to mitigate the slow speed.
    Nord mDK
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    I want 2h to have an ultimate that cause all 2H melee attacks do deal 50% more damage and ignore block for 15 seconds. Before morphs. Call it Intense Rage. *Duration increases through rank up to 18 seconds

    Morph - Calmed Rage. Reduce stamina cost of 2h weapon abilities by 50% *Cost reduction increases to 60 % through rank up

    Morph - Massacre. Increase duration by 7 seconds after defeating an opponent. * Duration increase increases to 10 seconds through rank up.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on June 9, 2014 10:07PM
  • sCouraGeFire
    I can agree with some of your points but think it should be done differently.

    Stamina skills cost too much to be shared with cc break, dodge, block and sprinting. Reducing the costs of those skills would further tip the scales in favor of magicka users. So I agree that it is stamina skills that should be reduced to compensate.

    Looking at 2h skills:


    Needs to deal more base damage. Should deal damage to target enemy instead of area, but should hit enemies near target for slightly less damage say 75%. Should apply additional effect based on weapon type used, battle axe does x bleed for 10 seconds, mace reduces armor by x%for 10 seconds and sword increases your weapon damage vs targets by x for 10 seconds.

    Brawler should give a better base damage shield and then improve it by 25% for each enemy hit. So currently if you get 100pt shield vs 3 enemies its a 300pt shield. It should give a base 300pt shield vs 3 enemies is a 525 pt shield. Even if it was lowered to 200 pt at 50%, 3 targets is 500 points vs 300 points and 1 target is

    Carve should give 2 ultimate per target, deal full damage to front area instead of target+nearby and increase the additional effects.

    Reverse slash

    Base skill is fine as an execute, hits like a truck when it should. I agree with OP, the morphs are lackluster.

    Executioner does enough damage under 25% that adding the 15% damage to all weapon abilities is really just a 15% buff to executioner. What it should do is passively give all melee attacks a 15% chance to proc executioner. Using the skill within 5 seconds of it proccing will deal a full damage execute no matter what the targets health is.

    Reverse slice should increase the damage of the ability but lower the increased damage to 100% when target is below 50% hp and also deal 50% of damage dealt to 2 nearby targets. This would make the skill more viable to use between refreshing the cleave debuffs.

    Critical Charge

    I can agree with OP, this skill is great. however I dont think it should interrupt. The immobilize morph should snare for 40% for 2 seconds when immobilize is over instead.

    Critical rush hits hard and is a good opener, also great to fight against bosses that like to move around. I could do without the increased damage based on distance though. Would be nice if it instead had a momentum built in, where it increased my weapon damage by x for 20 seconds after impact.


    Should be a .5 second cast. 1 second is too long for a melee ranged skill that isnt doing damage from the beginning.

    Wrecking blow should cause your next attack within 5 seconds to ignore x% armor.

    Dizzying swing should change from knock back to knockdown and set target off balance for 6 seconds after knockdown ends.


    As I added the base effect (increased weapon damage for x seconds) into critical rush, this skill should change.

    Momentum should break caster out of cc effects and grant immunity to cc effects for 4 seconds.

    Forward Momentum should add increased movement speed by 15% for 10 seconds and increase weapon power by 2% every 2 seconds for the duration.

    Rally should add increased stamina regen by 10% when slotted and when activated heal self for x over 10 seconds. Heal starts small and every 2 seconds heals more. Example: heals every 2 seconds for 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 so it heals for 175 over 10 seconds. Does not stack with itself and instead refreshes heal with lower amount.


    Forceful - Increase melee crit by 3/5% and light and heavy attacks deal 15/30% splash damage to 1/2 nearby target(s).

    Heavy weapons - the bleed damage and ignore armor is just bad, but I believe this is due to it scaling with the wrong stat. Everyone uses swords because of this. Even still bleed damage is not desirable, too many things don't bleed. keep this the way it currently is but:

    Arcane Fighter: Bleed damage is changed to magic damage when striking targets that cant bleed, also has a 50/100% chance to apply status effects like burning, chilling, etc and has a 5/10% chance to not consume a charge when applying weapon enchants.(Op's idea)

    Battle Rush: Increase critical strike chance by 1.5/3% for 10 seconds after killing a target, stacks 3 times and increase stamina regen by 5/10% for 10 seconds when activating a 2h weapon ability.

  • Baphomet
    A lot of good suggestions in this thread.

    I'd also like to point out that reverse slash should have its range increased to 7 meters. When short distance abilities like power bash and flurry have a 7 m range, a feat based on a long weapon like two-handers should have the same range. 5 m range abilities are very hard to execute in PvP unless used right after a gap-closer due to latency and the pace of combat.

    Uppercut definately needs to have its cast time reduced, too. Either 0.5 sec or completely gone. It is so akward and unreliable to use in PvP as it is.

    I really like the idea of stampede adding a snare when the immobilization effect ends - just like bombard (bow).

    Further, I think momentum should be a flat out damage increase the same way surge is for sorcerers. It should basicly be the stamina version of surge.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    I rather like the increased damage based on distance of critical rush, and think it should probably be increased.

    uppercut does indeed need its cast time reduced to .5 sec. To compensate tho the stun should be reduced to 2 seconds. But I like dizzying swing's reducing targets damage by 20%. It may not match the name of the morph (almost none of the extras match the name of the morph) but that 20% reduced damage can help you live longer. I just think that the reduced damage should start AFTER the stun ends. Right now you just lose 3.5 seconds of reduced enemy damage from the stun, unless its another player and they CC break right after being hit.
  • Baphomet
    And battle rush should just give a flat amount of stamina back instead of this regen thing, just like killing something with a destruction spell will give you 240 magicka back. That would seriously address aome of the stamina build complaints many people have.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • SirPuppingtonVonHat
    Battle rush would be great if it acted like a mini-potion. I'd also like it if it had an alternate activation condition as well, so that it comes in handy in longer boss fights were the sustainability is needed the most.
    The Psijic Order
  • Armitas
    I think the line needs an overall theme something that would concretely define the weapon line. One would think the theme would be high base damage but the overall impact of that damage is a loss due to the slow speed. The theme of dual wield is damage through speed. The theme of 2handed is not a lot of damage through really slow attacks.

    I think one thing that would really define the 2handed line is an intrinsic crit modifier. I think it should have a +20% crit modifier for any 2 handed weapon. (weapon attacks/abilities only) So instead of crits for 1.5xdmg one would crit for 1.7xdmg.

    As a reference point one can consider the shadow mundus stone which gives us a 10% higher crit modifier.

    Having a higher crit modifier is another way to bridge the gaps between our slow attack speed.
    Edited by Armitas on June 13, 2014 1:29PM
    Nord mDK
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    That would mean go for a crit build or don't do 2h then.
  • SirPuppingtonVonHat
    The way the game is, if you plan to deal damage, you get your crit chance up as high as possible. Its just kinda the way things are.

    I think that bigger crits with 2H abilities is a good place to start developing the skill line's identity, but I also think it needs something more. No idea what that "something more" is though.
    The Psijic Order
  • Armitas
    That would mean go for a crit build or don't do 2h then.

    True, but that is already the case. If you want to get any dps out of a 2hander you will be in medium armor. Unless they make heavy armor an option for dps it will not be any different then it is now.
    Edited by Armitas on June 15, 2014 12:50PM
    Nord mDK
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Heavy armor already is an option, its just that the melee damage bonus from it is pretty weak, only gets up to 7%.

    What heavy armor needs is an armor pen trait for melee attacks. Or they can put it in the 2h skill line, possible replace Arcane fighter with it.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on June 15, 2014 2:25PM
  • Armitas
    Heavy armor already is an option, its just that the melee damage bonus from it is pretty weak, only gets up to 7%.

    What heavy armor needs is an armor pen trait for melee attacks. Or they can put it in the 2h skill line, possible replace Arcane fighter with it.

    Heavy armor is a shadow of what it should be in all respects, damage and defense, but i don't think that, even in a fulfilled state, it will ever match medium for dps. If it does then medium armor becomes questionable; a loss of all defense without a comparative gain. When you choose heavy you choose to lose some dps to gain some defense. (a notion not shared by light armor due to armor DR and blockcasting)

    I think you make a valid point, in that there would not be any significant crit source through heavy armor to make use of the crit. There needs to be an external crit source outside medium armor. There should be anyway to compare with mage light. Mage light is just too good not to have a weapon mirror (20% crit and 2% max magica and recovery). They should either make mage light do all crit types or turn evil hunter into a comparative toggle that includes a crit source.
    Edited by Armitas on June 15, 2014 3:33PM
    Nord mDK
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    It would be better if they made modifications to the medium and heavy armor traits instead.

    For medium armor, add onto the crit chance trait to also increase crit strike damage done, 1% per piece of medium armor maxed out. The crit strike chance could probably do good to effect all attacks, not just physical ones.

    For heavy armor add on Armor penetration to the melee attack damage trait, 5% per piece of heavy armor equipped maxed out.

    I'd rather they just get rid of "spell crit" and "melee crit" and make just crit, so mages light is useful for everyone who wishes to use it.
  • mar1ano1987nrb18_ESO
    What about incresing the stamina recovery soft cap? Since stamina is used for DPS,block,dodge,sprint,sneak ,CC break ..why it has the same recovery soft cap as magicka wich is only used for DPS/HEAL ? . Thats my opinion. Make stamina recovery go in soft cap around 150 every 2 secs.

    Actually ...all the recoverys could use a buff in their soft cap, right now its almost a waste using stat s recovering beverages buff since almost everyone has at least 1 of the recoverys in soft cap (you can even have the 3 in soft cap) without using drinks, compared to the food buff wich raises your main stats.

    Stukha - Dragon Knight - Ebonheart Pact
    Bazhinga - Nightblade - Ebonheart Pact
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