Making it so in addition to melee playstyle struggling in VR to having the mage playstlye (destro staff/mage guild skills) sharing that misery will only result in too few players bothering to do VR.
That is my prediction and all I was trying to put forth.
But I guess I have beat that poor horse to death, sorry.
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »Nerf should be to volcanic rune .
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »I am looking at the skill now.
It reinforces the issue though does it now.
Is there anything even close in the fighters guild. Should we be pursuing these things instead of building real melee builds. What happens to the game when hardly anyone cares to be a tank anymore ?
I think this is the question that plagued WoW and still does . Seems ESO has begun badly in this regard
nerevarine1138 wrote: »
Melee isn't "struggling." Melee is balanced to the content. Destro staff skill/synergies are allowing players to solo 12-player group content.
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »That is a ridiculous thread ?
Please explain why this is ridiculous and I did read them and I saw no improvement.
Plus I think you should read the code on conduct regarding flaming.
I guess you think it is balanced is that it?
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »
I suggest you lose the term but hurt from your vernacular , honestly only children say that and it isn't the best visualisation or implication either.
Aside from that - General discussion is for ... General discussion. I am not sure what you are saying perhaps it is that we should t discuss the game .
P.S. Seriously you do know what but hurt refers to?
Youre the one getting bent ou of shape and threatening a forum of wow haters with going back to wc3: the mmo expansion because of an ability you can get.
You too, can softcap magicka regen in plate.
I'm trying to get why the tank thinks the glass cannon dps shouldn't do more dps than said tank.
Because the "glass cannon" tanks better than the tank too. Because a dress provides more substantial protection overall, than a set of heavy armor. Im trying to get how that makes sense. Riddle me that, Batman.
No, tanks are rare in wow because of jackholes, nothing with whats in this thread.
Former paladin, dk, druid and warrior tank here. Player attitudes in need of adjustment are what killed tank numbers. Nothing else.
Certainly not abilities any class can have.
Think of it like Dragons Breath from Warrior talent tree. Does damn near same thing. And that was in my tank build.
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »This will not be a long post. I will not give you complicated convoluted reasoning. This game is becoming not fun at V5. I play a DK Sword and Board of which you nerfed down to the ground with a Bow off spec . I notice sorcerers around me lowing through trash mobs - spamming a mass lift and drop stun every so often and I got to say.
What the hell. You nerf a little dps on the bash and allow sorcerers to absolutely destroy . Good luck with the game - I am contemplating either cancelling my tank altogether and re rolling something else or alternatively returning to warcraft. The lack of balance is shocking and must be addressed before it gets to be a deal breaker.
For me it is close
Edit : no wonder all you see is sorcerer flame staff hardly any healers or tanks . GG
Well, 1 thing I think will happen is they will nerf sorcerers. And, when the sorcerer nerf does come down, it will be epic. No, legendary.
It will be the nerf to end all nerfs.
Sorry you got nerfed bro, but DK is still 10x better than Templar and Nightblade, so I can't really feel too much sympathy.
I'm pretty sure their strategy is to make everyone suck like we do. Templars that is. That should make the game super duper fun for everyone, and then ZOS can proclaim it is balanced.
Now people are crying about nerfing Guild skills like Volcanic rune? LOL Everyone can use that skill.... Waaaaa NERF the skills everyone has access to because?
Oh let me guess you don't have enough spaces on your skill bars.
You don't want to take the time to level Mages Guild skills?
Mages guild skills don't fit into your RPing experience so therefore everyone must suffer?
Now people are crying about nerfing Guild skills like Volcanic rune? LOL Everyone can use that skill.... Waaaaa NERF the skills everyone has access to because?
Oh let me guess you don't have enough spaces on your skill bars.
You don't want to take the time to level Mages Guild skills?
Mages guild skills don't fit into your RPing experience so therefore everyone must suffer?