Commonpain wrote: »redundancy is ridiculous
mmh... somehow this thread reminds me of another recently opened thread... aah yes there it was
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »Edit : no wonder all you see is sorcerer flame staff hardly any healers or tanks . GG
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »This will not be a long post. I will not give you complicated convoluted reasoning. This game is becoming not fun at V5. I play a DK Sword and Board of which you nerfed down to the ground with a Bow off spec . I notice sorcerers around me lowing through trash mobs - spamming a mass lift and drop stun every so often and I got to say.
What the hell. You nerf a little dps on the bash and allow sorcerers to absolutely destroy . Good luck with the game - I am contemplating either cancelling my tank altogether and re rolling something else or alternatively returning to warcraft. The lack of balance is shocking and must be addressed before it gets to be a deal breaker.
For me it is close
Edit : no wonder all you see is sorcerer flame staff hardly any healers or tanks . GG
You do realize that the "sorcerer flame staff" build can be used by any class, and arguably works even better for a DK? And with weapon swap it does not stop people from having a healing bar.
Sword and Board DK? I had no problem in V5+ areas soloing to V10.
What's your gear and spec look like? How about action bar sets?
Its not the class itself that OP or UP. It is the fact that light armor and staff are the best builds for every single class. That is where the biggest imbalance lays.
Nope. They nerfed bash two weeks ago. I was still V7, almost wrote: »I assume pre nerf
I think you missunderstand something: You don't need to give us a reason why you want to leave. If you don't want to play, don't play. I won't have a problem with it. It's one of the reasons "I quit" posts are against the TOS. Nobody is interested and nobody is helped by your wrote: »What the hell. You nerf a little dps on the bash and allow sorcerers to absolutely destroy . Good luck with the game - I am contemplating either cancelling my tank altogether and re rolling something else or alternatively returning to warcraft. The lack of balance is shocking and must be addressed before it gets to be a deal breaker.
I think you missunderstand something: You don't need to give us a reason why you want to leave. If you don't want to play, don't play. I won't have a problem with it. It's one of the reasons "I quit" posts are against the TOS. Nobody is interested and nobody is helped by your post.
People who try to start balancing discussions with "the game is so unfair I am planning to quit", those I do have a problem with.
Whatever you intention was, with that sentence you pretty much shoot yourself into the "trying to get attention regardless how wrong the point is" territory.
If that was not your intention, you should start over.
Its not the class itself that OP or UP. It is the fact that light armor and staff are the best builds for every single class. That is where the biggest imbalance lays.
This is true. But many people use it in VR because it works and avoids death on 3 mob pulls.
And why do people link the destro staff AoE build to "OP" Sorcerer class. Any class can use it so maybe whenever they see it they think it is a Sorcerer class?
That build uses mostly destro staff and mage skills with light armor passives. The only clsss skill required is some sort of heal. And if you keep the mobs knocked down with Volcanic Rune not even much heal is needed.
And also, why do people call for nerfs on that build that works (and even more ludicrous, nerfs to the Sorcerer class) instead of for buffs on stamina builds?
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »
The ability I was referring to was a mass raise in the air and drop to stun that was close to spam able. Not sure of the particulars but it's is too OP and needs a serious balance
And Yankee you have a good point and one I must agree with on reflection. Buff stamina builds instead seems a better way to do it.
And it's costly, if you consider Dark Talons costly, from a Magicka perspective.
The real problem is that armor is pretty much meaningless, when you can keep every mob not a dungeon boss permanently CC'd.
So, you might as well go with light armor, and break out the Volcanic Rune and spam Impulse.
It's what all the cool kids are doing.
Agree, but that is because it works. And you have to keep the mobs CCed wearing cloth, or have lots of healing going on.
My point was that nerfing that stuff is going to do nothing to help stamina builds.
Unless the whole point of people calling it OP just want to watch the impulse build people die too. That does not make sense to me, just seems spiteful.
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »
I assume pre nerf
I have no problem per se.
Just when I witness another class absolutely steam roll well.... That is the point .
Sorcerers are OP particular with flame staff. They steam roll 3 mobs where I have to work hard.
I don't mind but it will ruin the game as most people wont be purists and will switch it up to get the OP goodness