Maybe you should reword your complaint. It is not the sorc class that is op, it is the light armor set with destruction flame staff you seem to have an issue with. None of the sorc class abilities are particularly op unless you listen to the anti bolt escape pvp crowd.
I play a sorc with flame staff (and all light armor) and I certainly cannot take on 3 mobs in VR2 content. Even switching to restoration staff for heals, I still die and die fast unless I use my ultimate. I sometimes barely get by when I pull 2 while I see DKs STILL pulling multiples and steamrolling them after the patch. I am not using whatever build most sorcs are using and it certainly would make things easier on me but I prefer to use what I find fun.
Considering anyone can play with any weapon, any armor and make any build they choose, calling one class op is a bit silly. Any class should be able to pull very good dps in light armor because they cannot take the hits so things need to die fast. Asking for the same damage output while wearing heavy armor and a shield is silly because that would be super op. Tanks are supposed to be the meat shields to absorb the hits while the squishy ones do the killing.
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »
Hence the thread they need to balance it before the vast bulk locks in this build and the game becomes a staff and robe fest - this would kill any MMO let alone a baby one like eso
Well actually its a true title . NERFS kill games . They always have . Tho why a DK would even begin to cry on the forums is beyond me .
The guy who posted this needs to look at some of the You Tube Vids of DKs .
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »
Spiteful is perhaps a strong word. If a build is OP it must be nerfed or the game will be unbalanced and players will exploit the build and ruin the long term viability of classes . This is an opinion I guess in as far as the Big Bang could be. It is basic game logic as old as the first MMO
If all the cool kids want to do one thing that makes the game easily beaten then they will however the game will be ruined in the process
*sigh*, another DK thread.
Melee gets the shaft in every game since 1998. Ranged (and even better, Ranged Caster) has been the golden child of every MMO since.
Why stand next to the terrible monster filled with spikes, auras, conals, tailswipes, breaths, and ground-pound? Stand back, have a coffee, and wiggle your fingers.
Roles are gone. No-one wants the social necessity of grouping to achieve a goal. Everyone wants to solo everything as a Bright Wizard (or reasonable hand-drawn facsimile thereof). Hate list? Nah. Two taunts is good enough! DPS or death! yeah! it's a new paradigm. (no, no it's not).
Soon, we'll get even more dancing out of the fire, and more DPS checks, and more of all the same crap that lacks creativity and has been done before.
As with every persistent multiplayer online game since 2004, every month there will be nerfs and buffs to skills. Players will adjust to these nerfs and buffs until all the "first round" players leave in disgust, because the game will be approaching the current lead designer goal (whatever insane goal that might be).
RantPost() {rant++;}
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »I notice sorcerers around me lowing through trash mobs - spamming a mass lift and drop stun every so often and I got to say.
Edit : no wonder all you see is sorcerer flame staff hardly any healers or tanks . GG
Its not the class itself that OP or UP. It is the fact that light armor and staff are the best builds for every single class. That is where the biggest imbalance lays.
Let me guess
The skill you are referring to is Volcanic Rune. It's not a sorcerer skill, it's a mage's guild skill that's accessible by all. If it's that good, then go pick it up. No need to call for (or imply the need for) a nerf of something just because you chose not to use it.
Then you are doing something very wrong watched a Sorc solo 6 VR7 Mobs yesterday . 2 of the mobs COULD kill my NB .
Maybe you should reword your complaint. It is not the sorc class that is op, it is the light armor set with destruction flame staff you seem to have an issue with. None of the sorc class abilities are particularly op unless you listen to the anti bolt escape pvp crowd.
I play a sorc with flame staff (and all light armor) and I certainly cannot take on 3 mobs in VR2 content. Even switching to restoration staff for heals, I still die and die fast unless I use my ultimate. I sometimes barely get by when I pull 2 while I see DKs STILL pulling multiples and steamrolling them after the patch. I am not using whatever build most sorcs are using and it certainly would make things easier on me but I prefer to use what I find fun.
Considering anyone can play with any weapon, any armor and make any build they choose, calling one class op is a bit silly. Any class should be able to pull very good dps in light armor because they cannot take the hits so things need to die fast. Asking for the same damage output while wearing heavy armor and a shield is silly because that would be super op. Tanks are supposed to be the meat shields to absorb the hits while the squishy ones do the killing.
Commonpain wrote: »redundancy is ridiculous
mmh... somehow this thread reminds me of another recently opened thread... aah yes there it was
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »Oh and by the way it needs a nerf HARDCORE volc rune. I'm watching a sorcerer literally spamming it for 30 secs on two mobs - that is too OP and completely unbalanced.
Anyone who disagrees is simply someone who uses it
Don't worry the game is clearly going to be magecraft. When my subscription ends I will complete whatever quests I have then wait for WoD stuff this game
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »Oh and by the way it needs a nerf HARDCORE volc rune. I'm watching another character who invested time and a skill point in the mages guild to which I also have access but clearly can't be bothered literally spamming it for 30 secs on two mobs - that is too OP and completely unbalanced.
Anyone who disagrees is simply someone who uses it
Don't worry the game is clearly going to be magecraft. When my subscription ends I will complete whatever quests I have then wait for WoD stuff this game
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »This will not be a long post. I will not give you complicated convoluted reasoning. This game is becoming not fun at V5. I play a DK Sword and Board of which you nerfed down to the ground with a Bow off spec . I notice sorcerers around me lowing through trash mobs - spamming a mass lift and drop stun every so often and I got to say.
What the hell. You nerf a little dps on the bash and allow sorcerers to absolutely destroy . Good luck with the game - I am contemplating either cancelling my tank altogether and re rolling something else or alternatively returning to warcraft. The lack of balance is shocking and must be addressed before it gets to be a deal breaker.
For me it is close
Edit : no wonder all you see is sorcerer flame staff hardly any healers or tanks . GG
JessieColtub17_ESO wrote: »
First of all, this is a player forum with Moderators. ZeniMax developers, etc., have better things to spend their time on then reading butthurt threads by the user base. (They may show up if a specific issue is pointed out to them that may require an official reply/response).
Second, if you want to send a comment, complaint, or information to ZeniMax officially, use the /feedback function in the game. That is why it is there.
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »Oh and by the way it needs a nerf HARDCORE volc rune. I'm watching a sorcerer literally spamming it for 30 secs on two mobs - that is too OP and completely unbalanced.
Anyone who disagrees is simply someone who uses it
Don't worry the game is clearly going to be magecraft. When my subscription ends I will complete whatever quests I have then wait for WoD stuff this game
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »Oh and by the way it needs a nerf HARDCORE volc rune. I'm watching a sorcerer literally spamming it for 30 secs on two mobs - that is too OP and completely unbalanced.
Anyone who disagrees is simply someone who uses it
Don't worry the game is clearly going to be magecraft. When my subscription ends I will complete whatever quests I have then wait for WoD stuff this game
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »
I suggest you lose the term but hurt from your vernacular , honestly only children say that and it isn't the best visualisation or implication either.
Aside from that - General discussion is for ... General discussion. I am not sure what you are saying perhaps it is that we should t discuss the game .
P.S. Seriously you do know what but hurt refers to?
ss.ioannidisnrb18_ESO wrote: »
Sorry Yankee I like you but it's true - needs a 30s cd or even 10s spamming it is crazy and would never be allowed in other MMO w