I don't work for ZOS - so well thought out, detailed feedback is really not something I am interested in giving them. If they want me on the payroll monitoring this kind of stuff - hey I'll listen and write them excellent reports.
Troll some more. No one is crying. The constant bugs, lag, and issues on Wabba are basically out of control. That's the point.
I have been asking them to take the live servers down for days now.
They really need to rework so much of Cyrodil it cannot possibly be done on the fly.
Pushing everyone into a test environment and forcing certain activities - rewarding players taking part - this needs to be done.
How long is the list now?
1) Keep doors constantly bugging out
2) Mercs become invincible unless you go out of range.
3) Lag is out of control.
4) Weapon swap does not work.
5) Delay in door entry when you can actually hit E to enter.
6) Scroll issues - one listed here.
7) Placing siege - it sometimes fails due to lag - but then you can't place more.
8) Forward camps bugging out.
9) Repairing a postern door wall and then not being able to use that door - until the wall gets knocked down.
Those are just the highlights on my list.
It's basically a joke in AvA - and it's why I came here. People joke about it more than they complain because the whole damn thing is a joke and so many have left the game already because so little is done to fix it.
But - hey - go ahead and troll some more.
wllstrt75b14_ESO wrote: »Do you know what trolling is? I merely disagree with the fact that the issue is game breaking when a huge number of layers can't play and a ton of other issues prevent progression.
I understand the issues in wabba I play there but I still have fun there it's the only reason I am still here cause despite the issues you can still be tactical and have fun pvping. The rest of the game is in much more dire conditions. Look at the folks stuck at molag bal..or other progression halting quests those are potential future pvpers that won't make it as a result.
Learn what trolling is and understand bigger pictures.
wllstrt75b14_ESO wrote: »Do you know what trolling is? I merely disagree with the fact that the issue is game breaking when a huge number of layers can't play and a ton of other issues prevent progression.
I understand the issues in wabba I play there but I still have fun there it's the only reason I am still here cause despite the issues you can still be tactical and have fun pvping. The rest of the game is in much more dire conditions. Look at the folks stuck at molag bal..or other progression halting quests those are potential future pvpers that won't make it as a result.
Learn what trolling is and understand bigger pictures.
You were really not the troll I was speaking to. I get that there are other issues in the game. The fact that there are so many at this point - makes me wonder. And all they have done has yielded so few results. Thinking they just getting us to pay them to play Beta - and the "Beta" tests were just Alphas.
This Guy:
No, figure all of that out for yourself as if you was there, BUT DO IT NOW! You don't have time to try and reproduce the issue with no details about it at all, BUT YOU BEST FIX IT NOW!
Who did not even read the OP - yeah - he is the troll.
I want the campaign servers to go down. I want them to force everyone - EVERYONE - to play on a test Cyrodil and let them log every damn thing that goes on. ( you know like what was supposed to have happen in the stress test beta event weekend?).
Let them take the logs - schedule events - and let them figure out what is really going on and fix the problems.
Not the PvE servers - I could not care less about PvE in this game.
alexandru987eb17_ESO wrote: »Vote with your wallet.
Fortunately a moderator ear marked this one. Ranting here is fine in my book, however you never straight forward answered the question: did you report it?
You can always paste a link to a forum post in-game.
@Fairydragon3 the game was not ready for release. taking it down and fixing it before attempting another release would be better than waiting for everyone to get sick of the bugs.