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Does ESO feel 'epic' to you?

  • Arreyanne
    Nope, no epic encounters, mannimarco was easy, molag bal was interesting. But there isn't a single AHHA moment in this game
  • Cogo
    I just spent over 2 hours in the main quest line fighting Mannimarco. And I read everything. I LOOOOVED this. Beyond epic! Everything from the event, to the 3 companions talking among eachother that made sense! And talking to each was every more funny. Of course Cardwell was there in the start saying funny stuff.

    The Whole event was EPIC. I am totaly beat. Had to use every focus I could. Probebly used up more then 20 potions and died lots of times before I figured out how to do it.

    This is EPIC.....
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    Nope, needs another year in development as the game is still in beta.
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    The quests up to 50 were pretty darn good. Not quite epic tho. The game really needed a couple badass cutscenes in key moments of the storyline.
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • MorthanDarksoul
    So far as comparing with other games and Epicness, I really liked the path to Dark Council as Imperial Inquisitor in SWTOR (It went all downwards from that point though). But the story really let you feel like you were becoming a force to be reckoned with. I tend to agree with ESO Epic moments mentioned by OP. Sea monster fight is my favorite so far.
  • Arreyanne
    So far as comparing with other games and Epicness, I really liked the path to Dark Council as Imperial Inquisitor in SWTOR (It went all downwards from that point though). But the story really let you feel like you were becoming a force to be reckoned with. I tend to agree with ESO Epic moments mentioned by OP. Sea monster fight is my favorite so far.

    have to agree the sea monster fight was fun the let down however was fighting the boss guy can't remember his name and standing at the opposite end of the ship and snipe him three times to kill him with my bow DUH

    And like you my favorite SWTOR story line is the Inquisitor one it was fun and interesting.

  • Arreyanne
    Cogo wrote: »
    I just spent over 2 hours in the main quest line fighting Mannimarco. And I read everything. I LOOOOVED this. Beyond epic! Everything from the event, to the 3 companions talking among eachother that made sense! And talking to each was every more funny. Of course Cardwell was there in the start saying funny stuff.

    The Whole event was EPIC. I am totaly beat. Had to use every focus I could. Probebly used up more then 20 potions and died lots of times before I figured out how to do it.

    This is EPIC.....

    Cogo that amazes me I did it with a vampire NB DW/Bow user and was like a five to seven minute fight used about 4 pots you're a Dk what took so long?

  • Azzuria
    I guess my idea of 'epic' is a little more Homer's Odyssey than some. Being involved in a world-altering event, like freeing Velyn Harbor from attack and seeing it go from occupied territory to active trade post is 'epic'. Every zone, so far, has had an 'epic' story where I'm required to literally change the world, one fight at a time.

    I agree with a few people who stated that Alduin wasn't an 'epic' battle so much as it was an epic story. And there, I think, is the heart of the matter. To my mind, ESO is filled with stories, some of the epic in scope, some epic in scale and some simply small little deeds of goodness that lend themselves to a feeling of being a force for good in the tumultuous world of Tamriel. To me, that feels 'epic' in that I and my friends are literally making the world a better place one spell / bowshot / sword-swipe at a time.
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • Cogo
    Arreyanne wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    I just spent over 2 hours in the main quest line fighting Mannimarco. And I read everything. I LOOOOVED this. Beyond epic! Everything from the event, to the 3 companions talking among eachother that made sense! And talking to each was every more funny. Of course Cardwell was there in the start saying funny stuff.

    The Whole event was EPIC. I am totaly beat. Had to use every focus I could. Probebly used up more then 20 potions and died lots of times before I figured out how to do it.

    This is EPIC.....

    Cogo that amazes me I did it with a vampire NB DW/Bow user and was like a five to seven minute fight used about 4 pots you're a Dk what took so long?

    I am built as a pure group tank. Everything I am built for is ESO tanking.
    I have very few damage abiltiies. Took me a while to figure out the fights.

    Also, I NEVER rush anything, the place was awesome. Had to look around.
    The fight itself was very challenging. Keeping the adds from killing me, while getting away from the boss "red" things, then charge back and do the damage I can.....took a while. BUT, I did it.

    I dont know your build, but NB, vampire, DW ans bow = massive damage. If you could take him down and let your compainions deal with the adds without them killing you....I understand why you killed him fast.

    This is the wonderful thing about ESO. Everything isnt the same for everyone.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • drowned.thought_ESO
    Wintersage wrote: »
    For me, it's too linear to feel epic. And by "epic" I mean in the same vein as "the entire world lies open before me just begging to be explored" like you'd get, say, standing on a mountain in Skyrim.

    I mean, don't get me wrong. I know it's pretty much impossible to do open world in an MMO setting. Or at least hard enough to make it not worth the energy.

    But ESO is so linear, it's almost Final Fantasy XIII. Well, until the brick wall at the end apparently.

    That, and most of the bosses have....very lackluster drops, if they drop anything more than a couple'a gold. That really takes away from the "Ahhhhh!" moments that might have been. Oh sure, you might get a nice piece of gear as a quest reward...but that makes the 1-50 questgrind basically 50 levels of handouts.

    I don't want to be rewarded from some random nobody npc all the time. I want to carve my reward out of the ass of whatever boss I laid low. Or perhaps a nice instanced booty chest at the end of a dungeon, in a bandit's tent, whatever. That was pretty much one of my personal favorite things about Skyrim. Ass-kickery until I found the nice fat chest at the end. I grew to love those chests.

    ESO has the dungeons, but not the reward.

    So, I guess:
    Enkil wrote: »
    Epic potential..
    Pretty much this.

    I fully agree with you.
    World of Warcraft, however, was able to be a sandbox MMO... kinda. Still had linear leveling but even then, there were no restrictions. (Till Burning Crusade but that's when the development team began to cash out and leave Blizzard so that's a discussion for another time.)
    My problem with this game is the amount of restrictions.

    I should be able to hit V12 without doing 1 main story quest, and never setting foot and the other factions zones. Infact when I set foot in those zones, the other factions should be killing me, but that's besides the point.

    MMOs are about making epic adventures with other players. That's part of the reason why the world is designed with other players in mind.
    However, MMOs are not about designing an epic adventure to force players through.

    No solo/2-man quest, animation or phasing is epic to me.
    What makes something feel epic to me?

    Hundreds of people (players) being involved in something.

    Even though I never did either raid, Ahn'Qiraj and Naxxramas(vanilla) experience was awesome. As well as seeing Onyxia's head spiked in the capital city after one faction managed to kill her.
    The things are epic because the game involved everyone in the same event.

    If I want to play a game that has a whole bunch of instanced off experiences (phasing) I'll buy a solo game.

    I'm not sure what this game is, but it's not Elder Scrolls.
    There is no real modding.
    It is not a sandbox.
    I can't kill Joe Shmoe cause he looked at me funny.

    ESO doesn't have any of these 3.
    I understand that's hard to implement in an MMO, but that's why people were asking for an Elder Scrolls MMO, so they could have that experience in an MMO.

    What we didn't want, was an MMO with an Elder Scrolls paint job.

    B for effort.

    F for detrimental world design.

    Reason why I'm ranting?
    I want to be entertained with this game. I've sincerely given it my best shot, but there is no fun in it for me anymore. I burnt myself out so hard trying to get to v12 and keep up with the max level pace they seem to be pushing.

    Just ain't worth my time, and I got plenty of it so that's saying something.

    After 8 years of waiting for this title when I first heard about it, I have to say, I feel like I've been swindled and I am very disappoint.

    Going to play Stomping Lands now (which is buggy as can be and is in alpha :D ), and probably Skyrim cause that is a real Elder Scrolls game and doesn't require a subscription.
    Only things that are kinda keeping me here are, I am in a guild of good people and the hopes that there is some huge update that makes the game into a world, instead of a series of phasing.
    Edited by drowned.thought_ESO on June 3, 2014 8:08PM
  • MrDenimChicken
    No this game does not feel epic overall.

    This game is just single player questing.

    There is just nothing else to do. Grouping while questing is horrendous.People don't actually group up to do world bosses (which are so boring and unimaginative in this game), and the group dungeons you can do while leveling are POINTLESS. The dungeons themselves are so small compared to group dungeons in WOW, The exp is minimal, and the drops are not rewarding. Everytime I do a group dungeon pre-50 all I can think is, "wow, that's it? that last like 30 minutes max and I didn't get any XP, and no loot". There are no low level battlegrounds, only cyrodil, and if you are low level you will get dominated.

    At the end of the day, this game FORCES you to only do quests, so people get bored questing even when the quality of quests, relative to other games, is decent. Yeah they get repetitive, (like every MMO), but since there is nothing else to do or focus on, you start to notice how most quests are regurgitations of the same plot type, and you lose interest in the dialogue.

    I tried playing Guild Wars 2 after playing this game...and needless to say the world bosses there make the ESO world bosses look half-assed. In the first major zone I leveled in, there was a huge boss that like 60 people all killed, and the loot was awesome. Where is that in this game??? This game just has random bosses around that look like regular NPC's and don't drop crap. No one cares about those dark anchors because they aren't rewarding, and there aren't really noticeable notifications of when a dark anchor is going off.

  • taylorwilenskiub17_ESO
    Arreyanne wrote: »
    So far as comparing with other games and Epicness, I really liked the path to Dark Council as Imperial Inquisitor in SWTOR (It went all downwards from that point though). But the story really let you feel like you were becoming a force to be reckoned with. I tend to agree with ESO Epic moments mentioned by OP. Sea monster fight is my favorite so far.

    have to agree the sea monster fight was fun the let down however was fighting the boss guy can't remember his name and standing at the opposite end of the ship and snipe him three times to kill him with my bow DUH

    And like you my favorite SWTOR story line is the Inquisitor one it was fun and interesting.

    One thing I loved about SWTOR is that my decisions during quests actually mattered and altered my path. In this game...not so much, regardless of what Zenimax has told us.
  • Soliss
    The initial story line through level 50 has a nice scaling quality to it.

    The VR levels are an utter disappointment. The recycled alliance content is just lazy. Regular mobs scaled up is boring. Doing other alliance quests where you kill your own faction is very "non-epic".

    The singular path progression is mind numbing. You're given an illusion of choice but really there is none.

    And there is literally no main story line in VR. Just a bunch of check boxes to complete.

    After doing the quest lines once to max level, I'd rather beat my head against the wall than follow through all the quests again. I quest levelled the max level VR character and then grinded the next VR character.
  • Sil
    I think one of the biggest Immersion-breaking things is that the devs try to make you "epic". Look, we are running around seeking materials, looting every chest and box/bag, whatever. And then the next quest is again some epic stuff as the right hand of the king/queen, whatever. It doesn't fit. Maybe if you are on your hard way to Vet12 there could be a slow progression in fame and title.
    But somehow lvl 1-49 are ridiculous set between pillager and hero....
    * auch wenn ich mich aufrege, rege ich mich nicht auf*
  • Justan
    Molag Bal was memorable, but try as i might to love this game, it isn't epic at all. It's painfully average, probably a 6/10 in it's current state.

    It's sad because it has one of the best foundations i've ever seen for an MMO... but unfortunately, that's all it is is just a foundation with nothing built on top of it. No meat on the bone so to speak.

    In a year or two, it may end up being one of the best MMO's on the market once they add more ES features... but in it's current state, it's a disaster at endgame.

    Going through the other factions quests is painfully boring, especially since it's all pretty much solo. If it was OPTIONAL and not needed to progress to vet 12, it wouldn't be an issue but they are fixing the anom grind in Crag, so people will be forced again to drag themselves through that slow content. Forever alone.

    And can we address how pathetic the pvp xp is? I'd rather have pvp xp that's TOO generous and needs to be nerfed than see it in it's current state where the game practically punishes you for going to PVP by rewarding you with such minimal xp that it's an insult.

    At the end of the day ESO is a schizo game. It's trapped somewhere between an MMO and a single player ES game and it doesn't deliver on either count. For an mmo, there are better options that are actually social, and you could always load up ES single player games and mod it to have a better experience there.

    I hope the devs deliver since i still have 100+ days on my account, but i cancelled already but will keep an eye out on the future of ESO. I really want to love this game, but it doesn't seem to love me or the community back. And it's the little things like the lack of AH (in 2014?!?) that really grind my gears.
  • vyrusb23
    As the title asks, does it?

    For me, the answer is going to be no--not really. It's been rather lackluster for me. Let me explain why.

    All of the quests are basic and the same--seal this portal, seal that portal, kill this Daedra, etc. These end results aren't the issue, it's the process of getting there that is not epic.

    I have only had 2 epic encounters in this game so far (I am a V12 for the record):

    Number 1: The first time I encountered a Titan. It was so badass and looked so cool. I felt like a true champion slaying that beast.

    Number 2: An Aldmeri quest in Malabal Tor, in the first main city when you enter. You go on a ship and have to kill this giant sea serpent using fire balistas on the ship. While I think they could have done this better and made it more epic, it was definitely the coolest and most epic moment I've had outside of main story line quests.

    The Molag Bal fight was a huge let down--it was like taking candy from a baby. I didn't feel like a hero killing him, I just felt like I was killing another Daedra spider or something.

    World Bosses suck. They can hardly be called World Bosses...oh cool, they have a lot of HP and hit like trucks--they still look like regular NPCs. In my mind, WBs are supposed to be large, the encounter epic and unforgettable...they are not.

    Even Dolmens are boring, they were cool the first time I did them but they are the exact same in every zone. Not epic at all.

    Maybe it is just me, but I thought this game would have more epic encounters...just feels meh.

    NO. ESO does not feel epic to me. It feels more like a single player game masquerading as a massively multiplayer game.
  • Evergnar
    Not Epic. Not yet. Epic or near epic moments? Sure, I think it has it's moments. So many highs & lows in this game though and just too much filler in the middle.

    For me, more epic moments need to come from the multiplayer side of things. There are too many single player quests imo and as good as they are for an mmo they pale in comparison to single player ES.

    Levels 40-50 have been the best so far though.
  • TazerReloaded
    They should take the main quest, add some alternative paths, make it optional and put it in the end game. This way it would feel much more epic and rewarding.
    And remove that veteran system, literally everybody hates it.
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    I've had a lot of epic moments. No MMO has ever felt Epic to me but there have always been those Epic moments. Like me and this group of guys teamed up to take on a dungeon, and we come to one of the mini bosses who just keeps whooping our butts. The healer has never healed in an MMO before so I'm sure that made it worse but me and the tank are trading on and off tanking, healers giving it all he's got DPS is just pounding the boss from a distance as best he can, Tank wipes, Healer runs to the side to try to resurrect him but gets hit in an AOE and wipes, I start tanking the boss DPS is going for it I wipe with 1/4 of the bosses health to go. Boss turns to the DPS, DPS is running around shooting arrows boss hits him hard, DPS keeps trying to escape in one last ditch effort fires off his ultimate and kills the Boss while only having 1/8 of his life left. Felt pretty Epic to me.

    Also did several dungeons where I thought I could solo it and was wrong, while being pummeled on by a mob I was near death when this nightblade jumped in taking the aggro off me allowing me to pop a health potion heal and help each other finish off the mobs. That felt epic also.
  • Humanophage
    Flavour-wise, there is a strange mixture of modest assignments, like gathering rodents for sacrifice or finding pants for a Nord drunkard, with inappropriately epic ones, such as saving King Emeric at level 5 or stopping a major invasion. As a result, there is little sense of progression.
  • kaosodin
    Definantly need some improvements, but the game is better than anything out. Ill keep playing
  • Lynx7386
    When I first encountered a dark anchor - Epic.
    The first time an enemy npc did a backflip over my head - Epic.
    The first time I fought in a large battle in cyrodiil that heavily utilized siege weaponry - Epic (lag not withstanding).
    Every time I drop a sun and asteroid field on someone's head with the Nova ultimate - Epic.

    Other than that, not so much.
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • Nazon_Katts
    Killing that named VR Harvester without AOEs yesterday was kinda fun. Mr. Bal not so much, I was too busy being angry at that let down of a fight, should have been group or even raid content to acknowledge the multiplayer aspect story wise. But multiplayer story telling, where the story is the center - though not a central part - and not revolving around an individual player, but players witness it progess and can manipulate it's outcome, is probably something you'll only find in the better sandbox games out there.

    Suppose Cyrodiil fights could have been epic, but the whole experience was - and still is to some extent - too tainted with bugs, exploits, imbalance and improvable design choices, so I couldn't be bothered with it just yet, really. But due to the lack of impact on the game world, those probably are only going to be great moments (but fun), for truly epic moments do make history and cannot be repeated. By my own definition, that is.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • JinShepard01

    Number 2: An Aldmeri quest in Malabal Tor, in the first main city when you enter. You go on a ship and have to kill this giant sea serpent using fire balistas on the ship. While I think they could have done this better and made it more epic, it was definitely the coolest and most epic moment I've had outside of main story line quests.

    I found this to be a huge let down actually.. 5 npc ont he damn boat wtf... talk about destrying immersion feeling..
    Why do people complain?
    ''Because players want to provide feedback and help shape a product they still see as having the potential to be great.''
  • Elirienne
    For me...

    Epic is - when you march through the gates of Denerim, with soldiers cheering you on, with your allies that you worked and fought for for the last 20 hours of gameplay, on your side, and *that* music triggers...

    Epic is - when after retaking icecrown and fighting my way through to the citadel, i fight the lich king, it kills all of us, frustratedly click "release" and nothing happens.. and you realise that this is it... then a fricking NPC sends you a resurrect and bam - you finish a 7 year old story with a blast.

    I do not feel epic with eso because it is very young and we have neither the time nor the story and the "feels" readily invested into it. But this will come with time. We need to grow to love the npcs and feel passionate about the world first. Molag bal was a good first step towards this. The game needs to build on this, and never forget that epicness comes from one single element - emotional investment. Lots and lots of emotional investment.

    The story that felt more epic to me than molag bal so far:
    right in the beginning, in Grahtwood. when i adventure with Ayrenn and learn about her family, then go on a quest to help her stabilise her throne, only to find Naemon jumping into that device at elden root. That fight for me was epic because of the story around it.
  • Knootewoot
    I found the entire quest chain in Daggerfall covenant epic to be honest. I loved every single quest story in it.

    But after that i did not like the AD storyline. The queen is nothing but a cry baby and the final fight (walk moon path or something) is nothing compared to DC's ending.

    I just got to EP, and i must say the scenery is EPIC just by looking at it. Sadly the first thing i had to do was kill covenant soldiers. So i left and i don't know if i can do this. Killing my own brethern feels UNEPIC. (please just cut out Veteran rank and let us NOT go to enemy alliances as it ruins it entirely for me)

    Cyyrodil still is fun and has it's epic moments once in a while.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    I tried playing Guild Wars 2 after playing this game...and needless to say the world bosses there make the ESO world bosses look half-assed. In the first major zone I leveled in, there was a huge boss that like 60 people all killed, and the loot was awesome. Where is that in this game???
    Loot awesome? In GW2? HA! Look, I am a *huge* GW2 fan (played every day in organized raids from release up until ESO release) but GW2 still wasnt like that from the start. World bosses where... lame. Big yes and visually great, but they gave little to no loot. The events leading to the world bosses where better than the actual boss, which in most cases was just a static punching bag. They patched them what, like a year after release? More? I dont remember exactly. Some they just gave 10x hitpoints and more damage, before they where dropping faster than anomaly bosses. Some they completely revamped and made damn near impossible without a 100 man organized raid (like Tequila, ugh) and sure they where epic when they came out and a ghosttown a week later, but it was still not in GW2 at release in that state. Later patches (most notably SAB/halloween) and living story arcs brought some REALLY epic boss fights (marionette, best boss fight I have ever seen a game) but that was still... later.

    If a year from now, ZOS has made new zones/events with just as mediocre world bosses and improved nothing in the overall gameplay/groupplay of ESO... Maybe then I will consider your complaint justified.

    All in all, GW2 was nowhere near as epic as the ESO mainstory and quests. Because to be honest, it is a little epic. ESO is absolutely huge and the story builds up to the epic final fight with Molag Bal. GW2 is simplistic in comparison, even though it has great personality in all its characters, the storyline quests cant compete. The only thing that was epic was the time you first saw the dragon on Claw Island. The final fight with Zhaitan was one big anti-climax. Like if Caldwell brought you into Coldharbour and yelled "Hey over there, a cannon!" and then you spend the next 5 minutes in a turret shooting at Molag Bal while he flail his arms around and yell profanities at you.

    Either way its not really these things that fails ESO, its the basic fundamental gameplay. Laggy and broken combat, imbalances, buggy skills, etc, all these negative things are rotting away at the core of ESO when you try to enjoy it for what it is - an epic adventure unlike any other MMO.

    Bah! Now I made myself feel sad again.
  • taylorwilenskiub17_ESO
    I think Veteran levels killed this game. They should have kept the cap at 50 and then once you killed Molag Bal you should have been granted access to both of the other alliances and could go to any zone you pleased as they would all be scaled to level 50.

    I rise up the ranks in my alliance, kill molag bal and become a hero...just to become a noob again in another zone? Wtf lol
  • stungateb14_ESO
    I tried playing Guild Wars 2 after playing this game...and needless to say the world bosses there make the ESO world bosses look half-assed. In the first major zone I leveled in, there was a huge boss that like 60 people all killed, and the loot was awesome. Where is that in this game???
    Loot awesome? In GW2? HA! Look, I am a *huge* GW2 fan (played every day in organized raids from release up until ESO release) but GW2 still wasnt like that from the start. World bosses where... lame. Big yes and visually great, but they gave little to no loot. The events leading to the world bosses where better than the actual boss, which in most cases was just a static punching bag. They patched them what, like a year after release? More? I dont remember exactly. Some they just gave 10x hitpoints and more damage, before they where dropping faster than anomaly bosses. Some they completely revamped and made damn near impossible without a 100 man organized raid (like Tequila, ugh) and sure they where epic when they came out and a ghosttown a week later, but it was still not in GW2 at release in that state. Later patches (most notably SAB/halloween) and living story arcs brought some REALLY epic boss fights (marionette, best boss fight I have ever seen a game) but that was still... later.

    If a year from now, ZOS has made new zones/events with just as mediocre world bosses and improved nothing in the overall gameplay/groupplay of ESO... Maybe then I will consider your complaint justified.

    All in all, GW2 was nowhere near as epic as the ESO mainstory and quests. Because to be honest, it is a little epic. ESO is absolutely huge and the story builds up to the epic final fight with Molag Bal. GW2 is simplistic in comparison, even though it has great personality in all its characters, the storyline quests cant compete. The only thing that was epic was the time you first saw the dragon on Claw Island. The final fight with Zhaitan was one big anti-climax. Like if Caldwell brought you into Coldharbour and yelled "Hey over there, a cannon!" and then you spend the next 5 minutes in a turret shooting at Molag Bal while he flail his arms around and yell profanities at you.

    Either way its not really these things that fails ESO, its the basic fundamental gameplay. Laggy and broken combat, imbalances, buggy skills, etc, all these negative things are rotting away at the core of ESO when you try to enjoy it for what it is - an epic adventure unlike any other MMO.

    Bah! Now I made myself feel sad again.

    The main story quest in GW2 was far far far more in-depth than ESO.

  • Ragekniv
    Two years of ESO anticipation...

    Beta and three months subscription revenue without evidence of game stability, workable solution to bots and class balance....

    My benched VR6 Templar since the holiday massacre patch...


    Epic? Yes, ESO is an Epic failure!
    Edited by Ragekniv on June 7, 2014 8:19PM
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