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Worst Customer Service I've experienced EVER !

I can honestly say I am truly disappointed in Zenimax and their approach to Customer Service. Myself having some prior experience with Customer Service (more than 20 years in the hospitality trade and the last 4 years for Costco managing their Member Services dept (at Costco we call them members, not customers) I have never seen such a poor approach to CS.
Instead of answering my original post, you decide to 'sink' it ! Hiding a post in this fashion is borderline dishonest , would it not have been great Customer Service to of actually helped with the issue?

Phantax wrote: »
Ok, despite my own issues, while browsing the forums there seems to be two common complaints amongst all the recent threads. They are... 'Error 301' and the 'Graglorn group disconnect' problem. They obviously seem to be the two biggest issues at this time (both of which certainly can be considered as 'game breaking')

That said, there seems 'as usual' to be little or no feedback concerning these issues !
Its about time we had an 'official' statement/update as to what is being done?

Now I'm sure everybody here would love to hear you have the problem solved, but obviously you don't ! I'd also like to think everybody here has the common sense to realise these things can take time. That however, does not justify the lack of professionalism from Zenimax, showed by ignoring you're paying customers.
Tell us what's being done, even if it's just something like "We're having problems narrowing the issues down." At least that would be honest and something we can all understand. Tell us you're working on a possible fix, tell us you have a couple of teams on it right now, hell tell us what you had for (just tell us something)

The three uppermost ideals in Customer Service are 'Sincerity' 'Transparency' and 'Communication' and you are failing horribly on all accounts !

I find it hard to believe that a company of Zenimax's standing is happy to show such a lack of integrity when dealing with paying customers. How many times can you ignore/upset loyal fans before they decide to call it a day? We are not naïve, we don't expect you to wave a magic wand and solve all the issues over night, but trying to bury the problem will not make it go away.

I mentioned the three ideals of Customer Service... 'Sincerity' 'Transparency' and 'Communication'. You certainly failed there and oh boy did you fail in style !
Rather than address the issue, you chose to hide it... there goes transparency. You 'sank' my post.. bye bye sincerity. You chose not to give any feedback on the problems or what is being done about them.. so much for Communication ! Well that's 0 out of 3 on all counts !

I love this game, as do many other people. We have supported you guys (paid subs) some of us for 3, 6 months at a time. Respect isn't a gift, its something that is earned over time. This blatant lack of integrity is doing nothing to help you gain any, its is hurting yourselves AND it is hurting the Elder Scrolls franchise !

Please guys, step up to the plate
High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Fairydragon3
    "Instead of answering my original post, you decide to 'sink' it ! Hiding a post in this fashion is borderline dishonest , would it not have been great Customer Service to of actually helped with the issue?"

    ....ok this is the forums the most Unorganized aspect of CS. Why because others are allow to comment on your issues. Obviously your thead was Violating something, it was rather you or the peopl commenting, either way there is no need to rage, unless you want the same thing to happen again. so your upset that CS is not giving you enough information? They already said they are looking into it on many threads, for some it has been fixed others, it has proven more persistent. If you worked In CS before then you should Know that CS is not the same thing as Devs. IF CS doesnt know how to fix it that means the devs need to fix the server. If you really want some constructive feed back from them, call, dont use the guise of the internet where people are inclined to be *** than they actually portray themselves in real life. Tell me when your "members" are angry at you and being unreasonable would you want to help them?
  • Phantax
    "Instead of answering my original post, you decide to 'sink' it ! Hiding a post in this fashion is borderline dishonest , would it not have been great Customer Service to of actually helped with the issue?"

    ....ok this is the forums the most Unorganized aspect of CS. Why because others are allow to comment on your issues. Obviously your thead was Violating something, it was rather you or the peopl commenting, either way there is no need to rage, unless you want the same thing to happen again. so your upset that CS is not giving you enough information? They already said they are looking into it on many threads, for some it has been fixed others, it has proven more persistent. If you worked In CS before then you should Know that CS is not the same thing as Devs. IF CS doesnt know how to fix it that means the devs need to fix the server. If you really want some constructive feed back from them, call, dont use the guise of the internet where people are inclined to be *** than they actually portray themselves in real life. Tell me when your "members" are angry at you and being unreasonable would you want to help them?

    Firstly I didn't 'rage' it was constructive, but forceful discussion. Second my original post is there, please tell me what violations to TOS you see. I did not name and shame, did not swear, threaten or be abusive in any way. I tried to be polite and even funny in one part.
    Neither did anybody else, there were no replies before the thread was sunk so no flame wars, trolling or bad forum conduct by others.
    Tell me when your "members" are angry at you and being unreasonable would you want to help them?
    Yes ! its my job !
    I'm not supposed to ignore them. I listen, I help (or find a suitable person to do that) I take ownership of the issue, not palm them off and I do my best to make sure they go away feeling satisfied and happy.
    Yes of course sometimes they are rude, angry, mis-informed, stubborn and abusive but I choose to ignore that. I am their first port of call in an issue and I get a real kick out of knowing I've solved their problem.
    Edited by Phantax on May 28, 2014 1:50PM
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    @Phantax - We are aware of both issues you called out: the 301 error and the crashes when forming a large group -- generally more than 12. We have the former called out in this thread, and it is currently our highest priority issue to track down and fix. The latter, as some have mentioned, is a lingering issue we're aware of and working on as well.

    We understand it can sometimes be difficult to find the specific answer you're looking for on a busy forum. We have commented on the 301 issue quite a few times in the past few days. For official posts, we'd recommend checking our Dev Tracker, please.

    Thank you.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • Phantax

    Thank you, no really ... thank you. Like I said Its not all about getting a fix (yes ofc that would be nice) but simply knowing our issues are being looked at and taken in-hand. Oh and the original post was about the CS issues, not the actual bugs But that is all done now.

    Thanks again.

    PS Did you know 'your' name occurs more than any other on the Dev Tracker (you should point that out to your bosses) of all the people I'd have expected to answer, you were top of the list.

    Oh and one last thing.... are you married?


    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Fairydragon3
    "Worst Customer Service I've experienced EVER !" is your titele that is not constructive that is critical and will obviously attract people who would argue to hell with you just for *** and giggles. despite you trying to be funny the tone is set in your title. In text it is very hard to read tone, and you should know that with your experience voice communication is the best and fastest form of communication. Your thread was most likely closed for no longer being constructive. due to people that posted on it

    I never suggested you not do your job, but still if someone is being completely unreasonable of course you would feel disgruntled yourself and would like them to just leave and let you get back to helping others. There is a difference between want to help and doing your job and your job is to help them to the best of your ability, but you still don't want to regardless. yes it does feel awesome to help someone who was really upset, but if you have done all you can and they are still pissed at you, does that make you feel good to? Every CS has their policies that they HAVE to abide by, and sometimes that can be inconvenient for their customers.

    Just Like ZOS_JessicaFolsom, they have commented on this issue multiple times that they are looking into the problem. But honestly they arent going to saw what the problem is especially if they don't know. I mean would it be better if they said. "after 2 days of looking into the issue, we still have no idea what is going on."?

  • Teevesnacks
    Obnoxious, this post is - Yoda
  • Phantax
    Worst Customer Service I've experienced EVER !" is your titele that is not constructive that is critical and will obviously attract people who would argue to hell with you just for *** and giggles. despite you trying to be funny the tone is set in your title. In text it is very hard to read tone, and you should know that with your experience voice communication is the best and fastest form of communication. Your thread was most likely closed for no longer being constructive. due to people that posted on it

    I never suggested you not do your job, but still if someone is being completely unreasonable of course you would feel disgruntled yourself and would like them to just leave and let you get back to helping others. There is a difference between want to help and doing your job and your job is to help them to the best of your ability, but you still don't want to regardless. yes it does feel awesome to help someone who was really upset, but if you have done all you can and they are still pissed at you, does that make you feel good to? Every CS has their policies that they HAVE to abide by, and sometimes that can be inconvenient for their customers.

    Just Like ZOS_JessicaFolsom, they have commented on this issue multiple times that they are looking into the problem. But honestly they arent going to saw what the problem is especially if they don't know. I mean would it be better if they said. "after 2 days of looking into the issue, we still have no idea what is going on."?

    Damn, you really don't like it when people disagree with you do
    Your thread was most likely closed for no longer being constructive. due to people that posted on it
    The thread was never closed, I did say that. It was 'sunk' NOT closed !
    is your titele that is not constructive that is critical
    Of course it was critical, there would be no reason to complain about a positive would there !
    I never suggested you not do your job, but still if someone is being completely unreasonable of course you would feel disgruntled yourself and would like them to just leave and let you get back to helping others
    Hell yes, that's what vodka if for and (I've taken my greatsword to so many customers over the years)
    In text it is very hard to read tone, and you should know that with your experience voice communication is the best and fastest form of communication.
    True, but the injection of a little humour (verbal or written) helps to defuse a situation and keep all sides amiable and calm.
    I mean would it be better if they said. "after 2 days of looking into the issue, we still have no idea what is going on."?
    Yes ! Its called honesty, it shows integrity, transparency, all are qualities worthy of praise.
    Ok so they haven't fixed it, they are only human. I'd rather know a mechanic is actually looking at my car and not sat on his butt drinking coffee (maybe a bad analogy)


    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • theyancey
    FWIW, my experiences with CS have all been excellent. I have had occasion to contact them in game, via e-mail and by phone. We all may wish that there were no game issues and that life was all rainbows and unicorns but game launches are what they are. I have received personal attention when that was called for. I don't expect that from general issues that effect many of us though. I think that the balance between the two has been handled well.
  • Fairydragon3
    "Damn, you really don't like it when people disagree with you do"

    I dont mind it. I'm aware of the fact that we don't work for ZOS, therefore all we can do is speculate, which means this will never become fact, just our opinions. Now tell me this is fact then that that is an actual disagreement, not difference in opinions.

    IMO, if they say something like "we are aware of the issue and are looking into it" that means I should forget about it an move on. I'm perfectly capable doing something else until it is fix. I also fel comfortable is say I am affected seriously and it persists to subscription renewal, I will just cancel sub until It is fixed. I know I can still look at the forums, and that I can still call CS about the issue. so to me they are doing fine. some people disagree with that, and call it fact. that is what I truely disagree with

  • Mephos
    I waited 21 days for an answer of the CS and all I got was a copy past mail that not even was close to my problem. Do I have to tell anything else?

  • Phantax
    @Fairydragon3 damn girl (sorry if that assumption is wrong) you're like a girlfriend I used to have... she never let me have the last word

    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Phantax
    Mephos wrote: »
    I waited 21 days for an answer of the CS and all I got was a copy past mail that not even was close to my problem. Do I have to tell anything else?

    nuff said mate, nuff said

    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Fairydragon3
    Mephos wrote: »
    I waited 21 days for an answer of the CS and all I got was a copy past mail that not even was close to my problem. Do I have to tell anything else?

    did you call? what was the issue? how did you submit it in the first place. Lost of ways that can make this not go as planed....

    also Not a girl
  • Auric_ESO
    Let's assume there is 500k players in this game. Let further assume that just 1% put in a ticket a week that are big like in nature but most are duplicates. If half are fixed by now that's still in the neighborhood of 15k tickets. Granted some are duplicates and some idiots put in 5 tickets on the same thing. And you think you need a personal response to your ticket? They can't do that. Not in this volume. They only reasonable thing they can do is keep up on the known issues list for the stuff that effects a large portion of the community.

    Should they daily be updating that list? Yes. Should they be replying to every single email ticket on the same issues every day like some people want? Not possible in my opinion. Not even sure once a week is possible. Not until the bug list is significantly reduced. Including the bot situation. They probably get 1k tickets a day on that alone

    Now phantax. Did you honestly believe that they were not aware of the 301issues before your worst ever post or did you just want some petting?
    "The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit." Morihei Ueshiba
  • Bromburak
    Phantax wrote: »

    Oh and one last thing.... are you married?



    Her husband can't see her that often, because customers like you keep her busy ... ;)
  • Booie
    Auric_ESO wrote: »
    And you think you need a personal response to your ticket?

    "The Elder Scrolls Online is all about having a premium experience; from gameplay to customer service. So yes, we planned on having premium customer support from the beginning of the project, and put a lot of emphasis on best-in-class service." -Matt Firor

    Trion gave me in-game CS response very fast, even in the first few months of the game.
    "We will make sure that no matter where you live, every player in North America, Europe, Oceania, and many places beyond will have a polished, lag-free launch experience," -Matt Firor

    "The Elder Scrolls Online is all about having a premium experience; from gameplay to customer service. So yes, we planned on having premium customer support from the beginning of the project, and put a lot of emphasis on best-in-class service." -Matt Firor
  • Mephos
    Mephos wrote: »
    I waited 21 days for an answer of the CS and all I got was a copy past mail that not even was close to my problem. Do I have to tell anything else?

    did you call? what was the issue? how did you submit it in the first place. Lost of ways that can make this not go as planed....

    also Not a girl

    did not get the access code (invitation code) for the forums. Probably missed in the spam folder. Asked for another code and got 2 times a mail with instructions how to reset my forum pw. (comon guys)

    this was not one of the best stories..

    actually I´m in peace with CS because of just ONE dude that wrote me ingame and told me that he facepalmed about the answers of his fellow costumer supporter and that he will directly support my needs. Then we talked very personal and it made me actually believe that real people answer those tickets and not some indian hotline.

  • Fairydragon3
    Mephos wrote: »
    Mephos wrote: »
    I waited 21 days for an answer of the CS and all I got was a copy past mail that not even was close to my problem. Do I have to tell anything else?

    did you call? what was the issue? how did you submit it in the first place. Lost of ways that can make this not go as planed....

    also Not a girl

    did not get the access code (invitation code) for the forums. Probably missed in the spam folder. Asked for another code and got 2 times a mail with instructions how to reset my forum pw. (comon guys)

    this was not one of the best stories..

    actually I´m in peace with CS because of just ONE dude that wrote me ingame and told me that he facepalmed about the answers of his fellow costumer supporter and that he will directly support my needs. Then we talked very personal and it made me actually believe that real people answer those tickets and not some indian hotline.

    Yes, like I said before all CS palces have those policies that are a bit inconvenent, ity just takes some practice to know how to work it right. based on the amount of mail's I've gotten from agent Kenzie, Ive come to the conclusion that she is not real, but most other contacts have been very helpful. thats why it is very helpful to just call in. depending on the time of day the wait is actually not bad
  • Mortosk
    Now if only they would explain why biting jabs has a 1.2 second GCD when they said it was supposed to be an ICD everything would be peachy keen. The difference being we are completely locked out of our entire skill bar including potions. Would also like a translation as to what "this will be fixed in the next patch (as soon as possible)" meant as there have already been two patches since Jessica reported this.
    "Now I stand, the lion before the lambs and they do not fear. They can not fear." --Arthas Menethil (aka, The Lich King)
  • ThreeEyedCrow
    Phantax wrote: »
    I can honestly say I am truly disappointed in Zenimax and their approach to Customer Service. Myself having some prior experience with Customer Service (more than 20 years in the hospitality trade and the last 4 years for Costco managing their Member Services dept (at Costco we call them members, not customers)

    You call them members because to shop at Costco you HAVE to be a member (or borrow a member's card) to be a customer. ;)

    Also if you think this is the worst customer service, you CLEARLY never had Comcast for your internet. Count yourself lucky!

    Edited by ThreeEyedCrow on May 28, 2014 11:17PM
    V12 Corporal

    Victoria Concordia Crescit
  • Cogo
    I am sorry, but there are far to many positive feedbacks and cases from Zenimax customer support, which is 24/7 mind you!

    Only in these mostly negative forums, you find players who not only where happy with the fast service, but also how they fixed it so the player to play on.

    In game, there are even more who have a VERY good experience in customers support.

    Why you feel it didnt work in your case is irrelavant, because of your claim that they have the worst CS you have seen. IF its even true that you work in CS, you HAVE seen far worse.

    How many times now have you claimed that you are unsubing? can you do it multiple times in ESO? I dont know.

    But your credibility here isnt very high buddy, and I say that in the nicest way possible.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Druzinn
    There is way too much negativity to read through all of the above. The CS folks I have interacted with have been great so far. They haven't been able to help resolve my issue AT ALL, but they didn't write the code the messed up my ability to login and there doesn't seem to be any consistent fix yet or I believe they would have released it. So Zeni may lose me as a customer and will almost certainly lose others, but put blame where it is due...on the code and whomever wrote/maintained it or the evil overlords setting policy; not the unfortunate person in the CS chair trying to juggle chainsaws.
  • Phantax
    Cogo wrote: »
    I am sorry, but there are far to many positive feedbacks and cases from Zenimax customer support, which is 24/7 mind you!

    Only in these mostly negative forums, you find players who not only where happy with the fast service, but also how they fixed it so the player to play on.

    In game, there are even more who have a VERY good experience in customers support.

    Why you feel it didnt work in your case is irrelavant, because of your claim that they have the worst CS you have seen. IF its even true that you work in CS, you HAVE seen far worse.

    How many times now have you claimed that you are unsubing? can you do it multiple times in ESO? I dont know.

    But your credibility here isnt very high buddy, and I say that in the nicest way possible.

    You do know the old saying about assumption right? (every assumption starts with an ass !)
    Cogo wrote: »
    I am sorry, but there are far to many positive feedbacks and cases from Zenimax customer support, which is 24/7 mind you!.
    Really? are you reading the same forums? There are way more posts complaining than there are praising (I will agree that praise is often not mentioned, negativity often is)
    Cogo wrote: »
    IF its even true that you work in CS, you HAVE seen far worse.
    How can you possibly know what I have (or not) seen? I have neither the inclination or the need to lie or exaggerate.
    Cogo wrote: »
    How many times now have you claimed that you are unsubing? can you do it multiple times in ESO? I dont know.
    Never ! please feel free to read through any of my posts, I have never claimed to have unsubbed. I have/had a 90 day sub. yes on a couple of occasions I have said I may not renew and that is correct. (still have about 4-5 weeks left though)
    I have always said I love this game.
    Cogo wrote: »
    But your credibility here isn't very high buddy, and I say that in the nicest way possible
    You're assuming I give a crap about credibility? I'm not on here to score points, to influence people or make friends. I do that in real life and in-game.

    You talk about my credibility and yet you make an entire post based on conjecture and assumption. You claim things that you cannot possible know and try to present them as fact.
    It would seem (and I may be wrong) that all you have in fact done is made a flimsy attempt to boost your own stars rating by trying to make yourself sound clever and belittle the post of somebody who has a genuine concern.

    Please remember one thing....
    "It is better to keep your mouth shut and let everybody think you are an idiot, than to open it and prove them right" !
    Edited by Phantax on May 29, 2014 6:33AM
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Xfan
    Couldn't agree more, WORST customer support ever. It took them 3 days to react to my payment issues, PAYMENTS - the one and only reason this game was released somewhere between alfa and closed beta stage. And the only thing that should of worked flawlessly was the payment system, but heeeeyy ... why? It was funny how hard i was trying to give them my money and how stubborn they were on rejecting my payments, blocking the payment amount ofc.
    But yeah ... no response over email when you submit a ticket, after few days someone copy/paste some irrelevant info from the FAQ and when you start raging and start talking about sub cancellation then someone able to read actually reads your ticket and start talking to you, trying to help you with the issue you have.
    My experience so far was that they look at your ticket and then think - Oh, let's see if this guy is serious about it .. if so we'll hear from him in couple of days ... until then .. let's make him repair game and restart various devices he has, starting with ... hmmmm... let's seee ... the microwave .. yeah, that should do it!
  • Fairydragon3
    "You do know the old saying about assumption right? (every assumption starts with an ass !)"

    actually it's "to Assume makes an Ass out of u and me"

    explanation: Assume=Ass/u/me

    "Really? are you reading the same forums? There are way more posts complaining than there are praising (I will agree that praise is often not mentioned, negativity often is)"

    it's mostly the same people posting, at most their is only really a couple of thousand on these forums, you can expect there to be some that don't know about the forums, or don't care about them, over all it's a minority of the whole client base
    Edited by Fairydragon3 on May 29, 2014 11:53AM
  • rayvn03b14_ESO
    "Instead of answering my original post, you decide to 'sink' it ! Hiding a post in this fashion is borderline dishonest , would it not have been great Customer Service to of actually helped with the issue?"

    ....ok this is the forums the most Unorganized aspect of CS. Why because others are allow to comment on your issues. Obviously your thread was Violating something, it was rather you or the people commenting, either way there is no need to rage, unless you want the same thing to happen again. so your upset that CS is not giving you enough information? They already said they are looking into it on many threads, for some it has been fixed others, it has proven more persistent. If you worked In CS before then you should Know that CS is not the same thing as Devs. IF CS doesn't know how to fix it that means the devs need to fix the server. If you really want some constructive feed back from them, call, don't use the guise of the internet where people are inclined to be *** than they actually portray themselves in real life. Tell me when your "members" are angry at you and being unreasonable would you want to help them?

    If there was a violation. they would have just said "closing this thread blah blah violation". They can and do sink threads they don't like. It's a way fo saying "We don;t like what you said, but there's no rule against it, so we'll sweep it under the proverbial rug." I thought the OP was being very civil in expressing his annoyance. I've worked in customer care in call centers, so I can see both sides. On the one side, you have us, the customers. On the other, you have a group of people who are short-staffed and overwhelmed. Not their fault. They have to regurgitate whatever the suits tell them to, or lose their jobs. Also not their fault.

    So yeah, it sucks, but they're probably not sitting over there chuckling evilly and planning how they can be uncooperative and opaque and annoying. They can only do what they're allowed to do. On the same token, some agents can and do just phone it in, and make the others look bad.
  • fyrefenix
    useless! beyond billing help... and they even screw that up 75% of the time.
    Natjur ✭✭✭
    There is currently only two classes in this game, DK and Sorcs.
    Templar's and NB are just 'extras' that have not been removed yet.
  • Razzak
    I am also surprised at the pitiful quality of CS in this game. It's like they are all just a bunch of interns with no education, skills and knowledge of customer relationships and communication.
  • Jankstar
    Auric_ESO wrote: »
    Let's assume there is 500k players in this game. Let further assume that just 1% put in a ticket a week that are big like in nature but most are duplicates. If half are fixed by now that's still in the neighborhood of 15k tickets. Granted some are duplicates and some idiots put in 5 tickets on the same thing. And you think you need a personal response to your ticket? They can't do that. Not in this volume.

    They choose the staffing they have, and could have budgeted for more. They chose not to staff as much, or not to train their cs enough to handle the volume. Nobody gets a pass on customer service issues.

    Their CS is terrible. My experience has been wonderful in game on the whole, but every time I have had to deal with the customer service department I have the same problem. They do not listen too or acknowledge the issue you are having. Their communication is not direct and does not come across as truthful. Not that I have thought they are lying, just like they are changing the subject to something else. Deflecting my concerns only makes me upset, addressing them, even if nothing can be done, makes me feel like you are concerned with my experience.
  • Rhoric
    They will sink a thread when it has served it's purpose. Your topic served it's purpose so they sunk it as it no longer needed to be highlighted and to let other topics be up top.
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