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I know what botting looks like and ESO in WvW Cyrodiil is now a Botting paradise. EP has at least one botting guild that is running around. If ESO does not STOP the botting and put some serious penalties (I suggest a perma-ban on IP address) in place the game will be ruined for all.

And for those running botting programs, I say this, REALLY, you need to run a botting program for what purpose? To win? Really, Very, very sad on your part.

Just play the game as it was meant to be, one person, one toon.
  • hauke
    hm botting in cryodill seems kinda cool as you finaly get to kill those bots :-) and get a reward
  • Harbingers
    ~ Immersion is no substitute for Exposition ~
    Karesh Zeal - VR12 Templar - Live
    Abyssiana Zeal - VR10 Dragon Knight - Beta - Retired by Zenimax 5/27
  • Ulvich
    Banning IPs isn't going to stop them. I can change my IP at the push of a button, along with my MAC address.
    I do agree, however that something needs to be done.
    As hauke posted above... Let them run in Cyrodiil. You get credit for killing them. And chances are they have very poor gear and won't even fight back in most cases. And it's not an exploit by any means, just as long as you're not the bot.
    - BETA Group: 85 b 9
    - Monster Slayer
    - Savior of Nirn
    - Adventurer Across a Decade
    - Hit hard. Hit Fast. Hit Often.
  • Nooblet
    Are you talking botting, or players running multiple characters? There is a pretty big difference.
  • MCrusader
    Soul Shriven
    those bots are support by big guilds groups is only way to grind all day on goods and other stuff to store , solong big guilds that use small guilds to cover there tracks and goods , there will never be stop and in the end kill this game , and then iff want to restart a game , your enter on a old map with 99% bots / farming , fighting , flying , walking and runnin true buildings , walk and run over moutians , speeding running arround eating the maps empty and the bots are in any lvl around from 3 to 30+ and there can be stop on every map change iff there putt some check by admins on it before your can enter a new map
  • quakedawg_ESO
    So how do you know a guild is 'botting'? Please don't say something stupid like 'oh, they all follow one guy and stay in a tight group'.

    I have yet to see something like this but would be interested in what to look for.
    Pro Tip: Form a group of 4 and hang out with the zerg. Now you can claim you only run with 4. I'm l33t

    'I've never died in AvA. Undefeated!'
    'My group of 4 will often take on 100+ with no problem. I have videos to prove it'
    'All the abilities on my keyboard require real skill to spam'
  • Bitz_Maidenhell
    I'm guess you are referring to the EP guild on Bloodthorn. We have seen the You Tube video you guys posted. Here is the link for everyone to see

    If the OP is referring the group on Bloodthorn, let us introduce ourselves. We are Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]. We run a very coordinated PvP guild that has been around for a few years now. We have been testing a new strat for the past 2 days in Bloodthorn. We run no, exploits, bugs, hacks, multi boxes, etc etc. I'm sorry you guys have never seen or played with a coordinated guild with a lot of discipline. I not sorry that our 24 man raidteam is mowing over you faction by the hundreds, we worked had to play at this level.

    If any Dev's want to sit in and watch us in action, we would welcome it anytime.
    If you are an enemy, we look forward to seeing you on the field.
    If you are EP, we welcome new members of all skill levels, we do provide training and require TS3 for AvA.
    Edited by Bitz_Maidenhell on May 25, 2014 8:39PM
    Bitz Maidenhell -Officer/Commander
    Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]
  • Nooblet
    The best strategy in the game is stack and spam ae. It's pretty silly to think anyone who does it is bottling or even multiboxing.
  • lao
    I'm guess you are referring to the EP guild on Bloodthorn. We have seen the You Tube video you guys posted. Here is the link for everyone to see

    I not sorry that our 24 man raidteam is mowing over you faction by the hundreds, we worked had to play at this level.

    the level of following a guy with a zerg and spam aoe. yea i can imagine it took you years to master that xddddddddddddddddddddd

  • quakedawg_ESO
    Soooo, let me get this straight. The OP feels this guild must is botting because they are coordinated? All I see is a group following a group leader. On VoIP no doubt.

    Why do I have the feeling this is the same cry baby who posted the video on Youtube?

    Quote from the Youtube video:

    "I recorded this and after looking through the footage I noticed that they are ALWAYS exactly the same distance away from the leader. They don't respond like a regular player would in that if I would position my character next to, but not inside the train's path, all of the 'players' would simply ignore me. But they destroy anything in their path."

    So um, you feel they were botting because they ignored your sorry butt? Maybe they knew you were insignificant and/or too busy filming instead of fighting?

    How about people learn to play the game instead of crying on the forums. Novel Idea!
    Pro Tip: Form a group of 4 and hang out with the zerg. Now you can claim you only run with 4. I'm l33t

    'I've never died in AvA. Undefeated!'
    'My group of 4 will often take on 100+ with no problem. I have videos to prove it'
    'All the abilities on my keyboard require real skill to spam'
  • Bitz_Maidenhell
    lao wrote: »
    I'm guess you are referring to the EP guild on Bloodthorn. We have seen the You Tube video you guys posted. Here is the link for everyone to see

    I not sorry that our 24 man raidteam is mowing over you faction by the hundreds, we worked had to play at this level.

    the level of following a guy with a zerg and spam aoe. yea i can imagine it took you years to master that xddddddddddddddddddddd

    i do agree, the video isn't impressive at all. i only linked for people to see it and realize what some people think bots look like.
    Edited by Bitz_Maidenhell on May 25, 2014 9:07PM
    Bitz Maidenhell -Officer/Commander
    Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]
  • quakedawg_ESO
    lao wrote: »
    I'm guess you are referring to the EP guild on Bloodthorn. We have seen the You Tube video you guys posted. Here is the link for everyone to see

    I not sorry that our 24 man raidteam is mowing over you faction by the hundreds, we worked had to play at this level.

    the level of following a guy with a zerg and spam aoe. yea i can imagine it took you years to master that xddddddddddddddddddddd

    Not sure about years but probably twice as long as it takes to get repeatedly rolled in AvA and post on the forums crying foul. GG's

    Pro Tip: Form a group of 4 and hang out with the zerg. Now you can claim you only run with 4. I'm l33t

    'I've never died in AvA. Undefeated!'
    'My group of 4 will often take on 100+ with no problem. I have videos to prove it'
    'All the abilities on my keyboard require real skill to spam'
  • Taonnor
    lao wrote: »
    I'm guess you are referring to the EP guild on Bloodthorn. We have seen the You Tube video you guys posted. Here is the link for everyone to see

    I not sorry that our 24 man raidteam is mowing over you faction by the hundreds, we worked had to play at this level.

    the level of following a guy with a zerg and spam aoe. yea i can imagine it took you years to master that xddddddddddddddddddddd

    Kill the GW2 Turtle!

    Gildenleiter von Lux Dei (EU/AD). Offizieller Gildenspotlight für ESOTU!
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    Taonnor Annare, Sorcerer
    Thao Annare, Nightblade
  • Dealdrick
    I fought against TSym multiple times in GW2, they were very good opponents and some of the best WvW tacticians I came across. If this is the guild the OP is referring to, he is mistaken.
  • Bitz_Maidenhell
    Dealdrick wrote: »
    I fought against TSym multiple times in GW2, they were very good opponents and some of the best WvW tacticians I came across. If this is the guild the OP is referring to, he is mistaken.

    thanks for the comment and yes we are the same TSym from GW2
    Bitz Maidenhell -Officer/Commander
    Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]
  • quakedawg_ESO
    Ewww, someone said GW2! No cursing on these forums!
    Pro Tip: Form a group of 4 and hang out with the zerg. Now you can claim you only run with 4. I'm l33t

    'I've never died in AvA. Undefeated!'
    'My group of 4 will often take on 100+ with no problem. I have videos to prove it'
    'All the abilities on my keyboard require real skill to spam'
  • deadface60_ESO
    If any Dev's want to sit in and watch us in action, we would welcome it anytime.

    You say this knowing full well no dev will sit in on your raid nights, using it as a way to convince us of your innocence, hiding behind your claims of 'coordination'. I know what coordination looks like, and I know what botting looks like, the video you posted seems pretty convincing of how guilty you really are. Now by looking through the APIs of the game and the fact that there is no way to follow someone in game, it is very clear that you're using third party software to allow you to follow that one person in perfect formation.

    I don't care how 'coordinated' you claim to be, the way MMOs work, factoring lag, ping, -human reaction time- , etc. it is just impossible to say in such a tight formation making tight, instantaneous turns. Even with /follow commands in other games it was still a near impossibility.

    Not to mention, if someone were to chain a member of that train, they would simply ignore the person chaining them and within a split second, instantly rush back to wherever the train may have moved to. I don't care how 'disciplined' you may be, simple fact is that no one would ignore another player if they could simply attack and kill them.

    Stop ripping on other players saying how they are a bunch of scrubs, uncoordinated, unorganized, and ignorant to what 'actual' coordination looks like, you're not fooling anyone.
    Edited by deadface60_ESO on May 28, 2014 11:24PM
  • deadface60_ESO
    I also dare not mention how much my guild owned this bot group using a simple strat: Avoid the leader, pick off the back and we saw no resistance, cause the bots were focused on getting back to the leader. If that doesn't scream 'BOTTING' I'm not sure what would.
  • dcincali
    I also dare not mention how much my guild owned this bot group using a simple strat: Avoid the leader, pick off the back and we saw no resistance, cause the bots were focused on getting back to the leader. If that doesn't scream 'BOTTING' I'm not sure what would.

    Where is that video?

  • deadface60_ESO
    dcincali wrote: »
    Where is that video?

    I did not record the video Bitz posted, but I'll see about recording next time we own this botting guild.

  • Bitz_Maidenhell
    wow...just wow.

    as i said in the Reddit post about this topic. apparently you dont have a lot of experience in mass scale combat games.

    In TSym we train our members to move well together, we even get called n00bs and scrubs by our own faction when we practice movements at morrowind gate before hitting the field. It dose not bother us.

    Heaven forbid us from using Teamspeak 3, to communicate with one another so we don't run around like a pick up group.

    Think whatever you want, TSym is am amazing Team of players with with one of the better commanders to step on to any large scale combat game.

    Next time, before you start accusing people of botting, hacking etc etc... do a little research.

    We worked hard to make TSym one of the best large scale combat guilds in the world.

    go to Youtube and type in TSYM, TSym, Tac Sym, Tactical Symbiosis and look at our videos from GW2 and some early ESO videos. If you do that you will understand just what you are up against.
    Bitz Maidenhell -Officer/Commander
    Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]
  • deadface60_ESO
    If you do that you will understand just what you are up against.

    Clearly we're not up against much since you require third party programs to gain an advantage over other players.
  • Bitz_Maidenhell
    dcincali wrote: »
    I also dare not mention how much my guild owned this bot group using a simple strat: Avoid the leader, pick off the back and we saw no resistance, cause the bots were focused on getting back to the leader. If that doesn't scream 'BOTTING' I'm not sure what would.

    Where is that video?
    they made it private because it's obvious we are not bots, this whole drama is from 2 guys who are mad
    Bitz Maidenhell -Officer/Commander
    Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]
  • wretch200
    wow...just wow.

    as i said in the Reddit post about this topic. apparently you dont have a lot of experience in mass scale combat games.

    In TSym we train our members to move well together, we even get called n00bs and scrubs by our own faction when we practice movements at morrowind gate before hitting the field. It dose not bother us.

    Heaven forbid us from using Teamspeak 3, to communicate with one another so we don't run around like a pick up group.

    Think whatever you want, TSym is am amazing Team of players with with one of the better commanders to step on to any large scale combat game.

    Next time, before you start accusing people of botting, hacking etc etc... do a little research.

    We worked hard to make TSym one of the best large scale combat guilds in the world.

    go to Youtube and type in TSYM, TSym, Tac Sym, Tactical Symbiosis and look at our videos from GW2 and some early ESO videos. If you do that you will understand just what you are up against.

    I've been thoroughly entertained. I am here to attest to the fact that my guild has killed large ammounts of these guys from behind and the "bots" don't even turn around to fight back, they just follow the leader. lol. It is truly awesome, so i have to thank whoever is running these 3rd party system for the hundreds of thousands of AP i have earned from you. Keep spending money $300.00/mo, so i can become emp! <3
  • Rivière
    Soul Shriven
    I'm guess you are referring to the EP guild on Bloodthorn. We have seen the You Tube video you guys posted. Here is the link for everyone to see

    If the OP is referring the group on Bloodthorn, let us introduce ourselves. We are Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]. We run a very coordinated PvP guild that has been around for a few years now. We have been testing a new strat for the past 2 days in Bloodthorn. We run no, exploits, bugs, hacks, multi boxes, etc etc. I'm sorry you guys have never seen or played with a coordinated guild with a lot of discipline. I not sorry that our 24 man raidteam is mowing over you faction by the hundreds, we worked had to play at this level.

    If any Dev's want to sit in and watch us in action, we would welcome it anytime.
    If you are an enemy, we look forward to seeing you on the field.
    If you are EP, we welcome new members of all skill levels, we do provide training and require TS3 for AvA.

    Lmfao. You guys would prob get rolled over by RG (also played in GW2) easy, zerg guild for zerg guild i'd rather have that sacrx yell :disagree:
  • deadface60_ESO
    they made it private because it's obvious we are not bots, this whole drama is from 2 guys who are mad

    The video is very much so not private. Did you even read my post where I nitpick the video and point out how you use third party programs to give yourself an advantage over other players?
    Edited by deadface60_ESO on May 29, 2014 2:08AM
  • leewells
    I think that you guys are grossly misinterpreting skill and coordination as a false accusation for being a bot.

    Just a few days ago, my raid hid from a DC zerg as we were outnumbered. We had one scout watching and letting us when the zerg got close. As that zerg entered a choke, we popped barriers, momentum, and wiped the zerg. The scout said, "I know you guys think that was awesome, but let me tell you, it was a lot more awesome to watch it from up here; it looked like an army of bots"

    I've seen bots in this game, and I can tell you that there is enough random movement is some of these videos that I am 99% certain these raids/guilds were not bots.

    What I find funny though, if this is Nyreal's group -- I actually have a few video's hanging around showing the guy putting caltrops on the ground under his own feet while being oiled. The irony of a cheating player accusing honest and skilled players of exploits would be epic.

    Edit: LOL it is Nireel's group -- this thread just got epic.
    Edited by leewells on May 29, 2014 2:55AM
  • Wolfahm

    |Wolf Ahm the Unchained|
    - 4 Nightblades | 3 Stam/1 Mag -
    - 2 Templars | Stam/Healer -
    - 2 Sorc | Stam/Mag -
    - 2 Wardens | Stam/Mag -
    - 1 DK | Tank/Stam -
    || Aldmeri Dominion ||

  • quakedawg_ESO
    .......and here comes the Red Guard post. Not touching that one. But, they must be bots anyway.

    Luckily there are people who clearly know what coordination looks like dammit! No human would be able to simply ... follow ... another ... player. If it's not a bot program it MUST be some sort of black magic! Clearly! It's human nature to go left when a group leader says go right. It's human nature to ignore everything when the group leader says 'get back to me now'. We all learned this at an early age! Right?

    Well, you got me convinced. It must be a bot program. Because I know black magic when I see it!
    Pro Tip: Form a group of 4 and hang out with the zerg. Now you can claim you only run with 4. I'm l33t

    'I've never died in AvA. Undefeated!'
    'My group of 4 will often take on 100+ with no problem. I have videos to prove it'
    'All the abilities on my keyboard require real skill to spam'
  • Bitz_Maidenhell
    Rivière wrote: »
    I'm guess you are referring to the EP guild on Bloodthorn. We have seen the You Tube video you guys posted. Here is the link for everyone to see

    If the OP is referring the group on Bloodthorn, let us introduce ourselves. We are Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]. We run a very coordinated PvP guild that has been around for a few years now. We have been testing a new strat for the past 2 days in Bloodthorn. We run no, exploits, bugs, hacks, multi boxes, etc etc. I'm sorry you guys have never seen or played with a coordinated guild with a lot of discipline. I not sorry that our 24 man raidteam is mowing over you faction by the hundreds, we worked had to play at this level.

    If any Dev's want to sit in and watch us in action, we would welcome it anytime.
    If you are an enemy, we look forward to seeing you on the field.
    If you are EP, we welcome new members of all skill levels, we do provide training and require TS3 for AvA.

    Lmfao. You guys would prob get rolled over by RG (also played in GW2) easy, zerg guild for zerg guild i'd rather have that sacrx yell :disagree:

    Red Guard is a great team, when they first came over to our server they wrecked everyone with their strat. They wiped the floor with us 3 times, and we pulled our team off the field. We spent a few hours thinking of counter to their "Pain Train" We took it to the field and became the first team to wipe RG on our Tier. We had some great fights and full wipes on all sides. Lotta respect for RG. Our command style is far different from sacrx's , but he is a great leader on the field.
    Edited by Bitz_Maidenhell on May 29, 2014 2:43AM
    Bitz Maidenhell -Officer/Commander
    Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]
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