SERVERS UP - no patch?

  • Ruddertail
    HansK wrote: »

    Looks like a complete game download (~25G), patch should be around 6Gb I believe. Have you changed from EU to US server?

    Patch is around 3 gb and it's downloading fine now, on the EU client.

  • rotiferuk
    The download did not start immediately for me. I had to close and reopen the client. I have already run the NA update - I play on both servers.
    Edited by rotiferuk on May 23, 2014 9:58AM
    EU Server.
  • Nhs1982rwb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Well I tried to switch to German, and then 103 error, so I switched to English again, and then went ahead and download
  • Eylith
    Guys, just switch to NA, do the upgrade and switch back to EU...
    "Discuter avec un troll, c’est comme essayer de jouer aux échecs avec un pigeon. Tu as beau être très fort aux échecs, il arrive, renverse les pièces, chie sur l’échiquier et s’en va avec l’air supérieur comme s’il avait gagné." - Anonyme

  • Barley_UK
    Soul Shriven
    Mine has started to download on its own..... Awesome
  • Brenox
    I try again and again... and finally it is downloading the update. :)
    Edited by Brenox on May 23, 2014 9:57AM
  • Ceano
    It's patching right now for me, had the same problem as you guys before...i just ran the launcher again just now and it is downloading the patch as i write this.

    Edited by Ceano on May 23, 2014 10:02AM
  • ZOS_JordanH
    If you are still encountering issues, please close and then restart ESO and it should start patching.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Social Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • bob.oliverb16_ESO
    Deruveda wrote: »
    slow connection, but it is downloading something

    Ok seems so the Patchs size is only 2,8 gig, so sorry..
    But some says yesterday the patch size was 6 gig .. so fail

    Edited by bob.oliverb16_ESO on May 23, 2014 10:00AM
  • HaileyIbanez
    mine is downloading now too , allthough at this rate it will be done sometime next year ( 112 kB/s)
  • Azinurn
    started download :)
  • BrassRazoo
    Do you have Soul Gems?
    The VR part of the patch needs the be rezed many times ... like you will.
  • Ruddertail
    U download the Language Pack, nice troll.. languagepack size is ~2,7 gig Patch 1.1 size is 6 gig ..
    So nice Troll

    Edited by Ruddertail on May 23, 2014 9:59AM
  • becauseno1
    only 2,81mb/S ;( going slowly
    If you must argue, remember that it is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
    Blessed is he who expects nothing; for he shall not be disappointed.
  • Inreality
    It worked for me.
    At first it didn't then I ran repair which seemed to have solved it.

    Now it's downloading


    Edited by Inreality on May 23, 2014 10:01AM
  • Garetth
    No way I'm patching this piece of crap patch until it's fixed. Already canceled so you have 16 days to fix your clusterfuk ZOS
  • Deruveda
    I just hit install...

    seems that it has corrected itself now (no way I doenloaded 25GB at 500kb/s
  • Ceano
    I'm getting a nice speed 45mB/S.
  • Calrid
    I love how people think you can make demands singly to a games company, as if somehow they are going to go, oh no hold on we have a thousand more important issues to get to but since you put it like that we'll sort your issue out first. I think my unofficial response to the above would, be who the hell cares, but then that's probably why I don't run a games company. ;)

    My clients dl the patch after a delay btw.
    WTS a rare racial motif for a price that reflects it's value, you're probably the only one without an obsession for useless cosmetic crap. Who needs style anyway when you already have it?
  • becauseno1
    f79.png 156.8K
    If you must argue, remember that it is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
    Blessed is he who expects nothing; for he shall not be disappointed.
  • HaileyIbanez
    yea same here it would not patch till after i ran a repair
  • Kitty8Khajiit
    After many jumps through hoops, this one seems to be downloading the patch, but is feeling a bit leery. Purrhaps the patch has fleas, as others suggest. We shall see, hmm?
    <3 Kitty, Kitty, KittyKittyKitty! =^..^=
    <3Adopt a tiger, we need to save Earth's Senches.
  • becauseno1
    yay speed popped to 34mb/S
    2 bad that patch had 300 mb left...

    my operator has failed me ;(
    Edited by becauseno1 on May 23, 2014 10:25AM
    If you must argue, remember that it is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
    Blessed is he who expects nothing; for he shall not be disappointed.
  • HansK

    LOL, just noticed the launcher says it's downloading in milliBytes/second!
  • Ruddertail
    HansK wrote: »

    LOL, just noticed the launcher says it's downloading in milliBytes/second!

    That's the default format for connection speed. Don't ask me who came up with it.
  • Ruddertail
    Now it's downloading an additional 5 GB. Whooo boy. Time for some productive time while that's going on...
  • Loxy37
    Do this exactly.
    Start client and login. You will get a error, quit client, you get manifest error but do not repair. Quit auncher and restart the launcher. It should patch now.
  • Hilgara
    Greetings. Our team is looking into it.

    Yeah right. bet that makes everyone feel soooo much better :-/

  • HansK
    Ruddertail wrote: »

    That's the default format for connection speed. Don't ask me who came up with it.

    Respectfully disagree, all ISP's show speed in MB/s, as well as routers and download indication in browsers. As it should be.

    No biggy tho, it just got my attention.
  • killedbyping
    It is downloading full game for me, not the patch.
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