I wanted to be paladin, but I ended up a gimped wizard

  • oxygen_boarderb16_ESO
    Just to go back to the original topic, 2h Melee templar using heavy/med or med/hvy can clear any content in this game as it stands.
    Toktok - Vet8 Orc Templar - 2 Hand, Medium/Heavy Armor Grunt - Blacksmith/Clothier/Enchanter/Alchemist
  • Napkins
    Zepheric wrote: »
    Is it not, name another game that has a utilizable 2h paladin skill tree that came out before and after WoW.

    EQ or daoc. Take ur pick. Both 100X better than WoW. And came out before WoW
    Edited by Napkins on 26 May 2014 21:17
  • ShintaiDK
    Trying to melee in ESO is a big mistake.
  • Zepheric
    Alright I am done derailing the thread, my original point was completely incorrect and my afterthoughts stand.
    Sanguine's Tester
  • Ravinsild
    Zepheric wrote: »
    Alright I am done derailing the thread, my original point was completely incorrect and my afterthoughts stand.

    None of your thoughts stand, please go away.

  • Vlaxitov
    Zepheric wrote: »
    This paladin concept was introduced in WoW with the retribution tree, I am sorry that this game is not WoW.

    Paladin has been an English word since the 16th century.

    The concept of paladins originated around the 12th century.

    Read a book.

    Edited by Vlaxitov on 26 May 2014 21:38
  • Chrysolis
    Alright now, he admitted he was wrong about this statement and chose to stop derailing the thread. Let's not respond by bashing him further and get back to the original topic - the viability of 2h Templar builds.
  • dennissomb16_ESO
    All these useless stats and yapping yet only 1 brief mention of DAOC Pally!!
  • ZurinArctus
    Actuall, actually, actually.


    No, the game was falsely advertised as being able to play and succeed your way. That is not the case. It seems there are multiple definitions of "progression" to even one mob per ten deaths.
    Edited by ZurinArctus on 26 May 2014 21:49
  • dreamcatcher
    Soul Shriven
    Zepheric wrote: »
    Alright I am done derailing the thread, my original point was completely incorrect and my afterthoughts stand.

    @Zepheric , check Merriam-Webster dictionary for how one lacking in common powers of understanding is called.
    You had made a wrong statement in this topic and instead of admitting that actually it is wrong you've started to justify it with more wrong statements.
    /cheers for some progress though.
    Edited by dreamcatcher on 28 May 2014 17:01
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