Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

This patch makes zero sense. It's like opposite day or something.

Me before actually playing the game after the patch and just reading notes:
So let me get this straight..

You buff the already ridiculously overpowered class. (Literally, cannot actually understand this at all, I am in total disbelief.)
You fix about 5% of the problems that actually need fixing on the most pathetic gimped class. Also throwing in a nerf while you're at it. How damn hard can it be to fix what should have never been allowed in to the retail version. NB is utterly useless and pointless other than for personal affection for the class.
You nerf the one damage dealing skill of the class who have practically no other DD skills. (My only thought here is that it is an anti bot measure.)

I'm kidding no-one, obviously they won't even read this but I am so disappointed and frustrated after kidding myself into thinking they might actually give NB some love this patch I had to vent somewhere.. to see the other changes just adds insult to injury.

Bla bla bla...

And after..

Ok so actually I want to apologize first for my little rant.. I will admit that I got up, read the patch notes and immediately judged them to be a change for the worse without actually playing. An amateur mistake, I know.

Second, after having played for a couple of hours now I will retract some of these outlandish statements I made and actually state that NB feels a lot better.
I'm not saying it's perfect, or even close. But it is a damned sight better than 24 hours ago. As someone else mentioned the responsiveness has increased massively.

Despite the fact that stuff has become harder to kill, it is actually easier to kill packs with a bit of common sense in choosing your skills.

So my verdict is that I got carried away in the hype this morning with all the negativity which no doubt happens a lot on the forums. In reality this patch has improved the game, vastly improved NB; although there is plenty of work still to be done.

So apologies for my rant, it was mostly unjustified, and thanks to those who made me see some sense. And thanks to ZOS because despite all the moaning they actually have improved the game.
Edited by Spectrasoul on 23 May 2014 14:13
  • ShintaiDK
    Your NB is basicly moved to 1.2x patch. And thats 6 weeks away or so.

    This patch is so messed up its unbeliveable.Specially considering its not just a 1.10 patch. But its the combination of 3 patches with QA to every single one. Yet basic massive errors and nerfs/buffs to classes that are utterly insane makes me believe those testing and developing the patches have absolutely no connection to what players play.
    Edited by ShintaiDK on 23 May 2014 10:51
  • Spectrasoul
    ShintaiDK wrote: »
    Your NB is basicly moved to 1.2x patch. And thats 6 weeks away or so.

    Right. So can someone just explain to me how buffing the class steamrollering everyone else now, takes priority over fixing the class that is a deadweight? I'm a reasonable person but.. how?!

    The whole attraction of this game is that you can play however you would like. In fact it's the total opposite. Apart from the obvious Go DK or go home, there is only a few slight variations of the same spec which actually work for NB, destro / resto staff with light armour. And that's not how everyone wants to play. (or should have to play.)

    But it's fine.. you know it's only like 8 weeks or so into the game.. who cares about another 6 right?
    Edited by Spectrasoul on 23 May 2014 10:55
  • ForTheRealm
    The whole attraction of this game is that you can play however you would like. In fact it's the total opposite. Apart from the obvious Go DK or go home, there is only a few slight variations of the same spec which actually work for NB, destro / resto staff with light armour.

    There is no more" Go DK or go home" ;-)
    My two main alts are DK and Sorc at Veteran levels. I checked how the new changes affect the classes and the builds I have, and...
    My DK build is nerfed to the ground. AoE is no more OP or even effective due to: Talons range nerf, Destruction Staff Impulse cost, Inhale - nerf. There is no more tools to do a real AoE DPS. It is also nerfed in the close range, beacuse of Talons and Bash mechanics.

    My Sorc is a bit better, as only I will need to find a replacement for Destruction Staff Impulse, but doing AoE is a lot much harder now...

    I actually hoped to level my NB right now, which waited for a better times, but not sure yet if it is really already viable.

  • Zebug
    There are other ways to kill mobs other than AOE. I can easily handle mobs of 3 with my sorc and zero AOE abilities....if there are more than 3 then it's time to group up or run around the mob.
  • Saint_JiubB14_ESO
    Don't forget that all those AoEs can only hit 6 targets, too.

    honestly I was kind of glad they addressed talons, impulse, and bash.

    I was sad to see how much of the NB was not fixed, but it looks (I don't have NB) like they will be getting fixes and buffs by 1.2.x I don't actually think it will be 6 weeks either. we went from 1.0.8(?) to 1.1.2 in one patch, they are averaging about 0.0.2 a week so 4 weeks optimistically.

    Although the unplayability of the game right now may push that back, I was really hoping they weren't going to push the patch to the EU server, so now I'm hoping for emergency maintenance in the next 24hrs.
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

    Winston Churchill
  • Lovely
    Zebug wrote: »
    There are other ways to kill mobs other than AOE. I can easily handle mobs of 3 with my sorc and zero AOE abilities....if there are more than 3 then it's time to group up or run around the mob.

    Well, if you can EASILY handle 3 then surely you can take on 4 with a bit of effort.

  • zaria
    Zebug wrote: »
    There are other ways to kill mobs other than AOE. I can easily handle mobs of 3 with my sorc and zero AOE abilities....if there are more than 3 then it's time to group up or run around the mob.
    I never use AOE outside of group content, yes its cost effective if you draw three enemies however this is something I try to avoid, I also try to keep at least one of then busy with the clanfear.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • dcincali
    Zebug wrote: »
    There are other ways to kill mobs other than AOE. I can easily handle mobs of 3 with my sorc and zero AOE abilities....if there are more than 3 then it's time to group up or run around the mob.

    Obv a lvl 12 playing in the newb area... Or is Lyris still helping you find Sai Sahan... buhaahah..

  • JJDrakken
    I guess I am playing this game wrong?

    My Sorc is a Heavy Armor/Sword & Board. My buddy is a Restor/Destro Staff DK mostly Earth.(My duo character, they are lvl 38)

    My other chars is a Vampire Siphonblade Destro Staff(He's VR2)

    My Trio is a Destro/Resto Templar at lvl 29, Team with a Sorc Archer & a Sword n Board DK.

    So far, there wasen't an issue. I am not fully aware of one, till this evening when I play(First time after patch)
    Leader of Oblivion Crisis. Bunch of Daedric Worshiping MF's. We'll Bang Ok.
  • RagePlug
    So let me get this straight..

    You buff the already ridiculously overpowered class. (Literally,

    I stopped reading everything else. Because, LITERALLY.

  • Ker.Rakb16_ESO
    The templar is now by far the weakest solo and dps class, so in relative terms NB is actually much better off than before.
  • Zebug
    I'm VR2, so maybe its different in VR5+...haven't gotten there yet.

    Look at mob of 3..if one is ranged target him first.
    Bad guy #1: focus on him, Crystal Fragment, heavy attack with fire staff, crystal frag, finish with endless fury and get some magicka back
    By now the non ranged mobs have gotten to you.

    Destructive Clench on guy #2, knocks him back and stuns, then I use invigorating drain on guy #3 to recover any health I lost, and I gain some magicka from normal recovery time, Destructive Clench guy #3 and again on #2 as he is usually back to you, then crystal frag #3 and you might need a light or heavy attack from fire staff and finish with endless fury and recover more magicka.

    Hit invigorating drain on the last guy, #2, Destructive Clench away and burn him down however you want.

    Usually end the fight with ~80% health and basically out of magicka.

    If something went wrong in the fight, I'd have to pop a potion and I'm an alchemist so I make my potions recover health, magicka and give a spell crit increase (although I'm sitting at 36% spell crit without a potion)

    Bottom line, adapt and overcome
  • tinythinker
    Zebug wrote: »
    I'm VR2, so maybe its different in VR5+...haven't gotten there yet.



    Bottom line, adapt and overcome

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  • kitsinni
    DK's got more nerf than buffed honeslty. If you have played a Nightblade since the patch they are actually significantly better. Far more crits, execute critting .. I was tearing through things that I had issues with before.

    Do Nightblades need fixing, yes of course, but you can still do very well with them once you figure out what they are good at.

    I would go out on a limb and bet most nightblades that cry about how useless they are have not tried to find ways that work. They probably don't use their fear, don't use their cloak, don't start out the fights in stealth, don't open with the correct openers etc.
  • Yakidafi
    I can play the same way, only thing is that flying dagger cost a little bit more.

    Moons and sands shall be your guide and path.
    PC EU/NA
  • Aci
    On my VR1 sorc I can pull as many melee mobs as i want, undead preferably because the fight guild buff can even crit (close to 500 here). Simply put the aoe silence+stun ultimate on top of them. 11+ seconds time to kill all of them which is plenty.
  • kitsinni
    Aci wrote: »
    On my VR1 sorc I can pull as many melee mobs as i want, undead preferably because the fight guild buff can even crit (close to 500 here). Simply put the aoe silence+stun ultimate on top of them. 11+ seconds time to kill all of them which is plenty.

    I think most classes can pull large groups using their ultimate.
  • Aci
    kitsinni wrote: »
    Aci wrote: »
    On my VR1 sorc I can pull as many melee mobs as i want, undead preferably because the fight guild buff can even crit (close to 500 here). Simply put the aoe silence+stun ultimate on top of them. 11+ seconds time to kill all of them which is plenty.

    I think most classes can pull large groups using their ultimate.

    The thing is that it is up everytime. I tried without the ultimate. It works so it would work for any class. Combined with the Ult its no challenge at all though. No difference post patch here.
  • kitsinni
    Aci wrote: »
    kitsinni wrote: »
    Aci wrote: »
    On my VR1 sorc I can pull as many melee mobs as i want, undead preferably because the fight guild buff can even crit (close to 500 here). Simply put the aoe silence+stun ultimate on top of them. 11+ seconds time to kill all of them which is plenty.

    I think most classes can pull large groups using their ultimate.

    The thing is that it is up everytime. I tried without the ultimate. It works so it would work for any class. Combined with the Ult its no challenge at all though. No difference post patch here.

    I won't argue that certain classes are far better at taking large groups. I think most can do it with the ultimate. Even nighblade with veil of blades can pretty much take a huge group without fear of death. At VR6 and a nightblade I just don't have that much trouble. It took trying different things and mixing class skills with weapon skills and a little more planning but I just don't see it being all that bad. I have found combinations that work with just about any armor, or any weapon except 2 Hand and Destro staff .. but to be fair I just never tried those ones.
  • navystylz_ESO
    RagePlug wrote: »
    So let me get this straight..

    You buff the already ridiculously overpowered class. (Literally,

    I stopped reading everything else. Because, LITERALLY.

    I don't get it :neutral_face:
  • Ohioastro
    I think that a lot of nightblades are complaining that the class is bad because that's what they've been told, not because the class is actually bad. I looked over the actual issues with skills (the ones not working as intended), and with one exception (stealth breaking when applying a DoT to someone else) none of them looked terribly serious. I certainly have fun with my NB (now VR1) and didn't feel particularly weak as I was leveling up.
  • Regoras
    ESO is going to heavily be a flavor of the month game with the rogue class always being over looked. I've come to terms with that... so now I play the meta game: "Roll all classes, abuse their current strengths, and watch people scream about nerfing classes week by week".
  • DireKit
    RagePlug wrote: »
    So let me get this straight..

    You buff the already ridiculously overpowered class. (Literally,

    I stopped reading everything else. Because, LITERALLY.

    I don't get it :neutral_face:

    Overly dramatic 'tone' to the text in the word usage is what We took the joke to be.
  • frwinters_ESO
    The whole attraction of this game is that you can play however you would like. In fact it's the total opposite. Apart from the obvious Go DK or go home, there is only a few slight variations of the same spec which actually work for NB, destro / resto staff with light armour.

    There is no more" Go DK or go home" ;-)
    My two main alts are DK and Sorc at Veteran levels. I checked how the new changes affect the classes and the builds I have, and...
    My DK build is nerfed to the ground. AoE is no more OP or even effective due to: Talons range nerf, Destruction Staff Impulse cost, Inhale - nerf. There is no more tools to do a real AoE DPS. It is also nerfed in the close range, beacuse of Talons and Bash mechanics.

    My Sorc is a bit better, as only I will need to find a replacement for Destruction Staff Impulse, but doing AoE is a lot much harder now...

    I actually hoped to level my NB right now, which waited for a better times, but not sure yet if it is really already viable.

    Here we go again. this argument about NB and DK';s is already starting to be driven into the ground.

    I play a NB and the biggest fix that no one realizes is the responsiveness issue. That's been the biggest issue for NB and its been fixed. I have noticed a huge difference as my abilities, for the most part, go off when I tell them too. Still some times its sluggish but much better then before. This has been the biggest problem for the class and they are still monitoring it. NB is far from useless. If you feel its useless then im sorry to say it your just not playing the class properly. Not even trying to be mean.

    the DK's getting some buffs is not unusual. Now I do not play a DK btu people in my guild and other posts basically show'd that most DK's didnt even use most of there own abilities. Talons, the Spear, the standard, the rest were weapon abilities. This goes to show you that DK's have been broken since most of there other abilities were junk, and now got buffs. Again this is just what I have personally witnessed and been told.

    No one is talking about Templars as they got the most tweaks on the boards and honestly I think they are the least talked about class.

    you Sorcs are being very quiet and sitting pretty happy you got no nerfs with your short list of changes going "whew they missed us, dont say ANYTHING" <---- Disclaimer: This is meant to be a joke. Do not take it seriously.
  • kitsinni
    Ohioastro wrote: »
    I think that a lot of nightblades are complaining that the class is bad because that's what they've been told, not because the class is actually bad. I looked over the actual issues with skills (the ones not working as intended), and with one exception (stealth breaking when applying a DoT to someone else) none of them looked terribly serious. I certainly have fun with my NB (now VR1) and didn't feel particularly weak as I was leveling up.

    I agree I think it is a mix of a couple things. Group Think .. heard it on the forums no reason to try NB suck1!! Also people think of nightblade they think DW/Bow that might not be the best combo. They can work though, just don't rely on those weapons completley. You have to mix in your class skills to get the most out of a Nightblade. When I see so many relying on 100% weapon skills, not starting fights from stealth, not cloaking, not using any of their CC and ignoring some of thier most usefull class skills I can see why people think they suck.

    It isn't WoW where you can be a rogue and run in without ever going stealth and spam your dual wield until they die.
  • starkerealm
    dcincali wrote: »
    Zebug wrote: »
    There are other ways to kill mobs other than AOE. I can easily handle mobs of 3 with my sorc and zero AOE abilities....if there are more than 3 then it's time to group up or run around the mob.

    Obv a lvl 12 playing in the newb area... Or is Lyris still helping you find Sai Sahan... buhaahah..
    Lyris helps? I never knew. All she ever did was stand around, make bold proclamations, and sample any nearby table while I was getting smeared all over the walls like a cheap paint brush.

  • tino.antoninieb17_ESO
    I play NB and like the class. Actually what i see here is that some people are saying to NB's - u shouldn't be worried - it could be worst than already is. That is totally wrong. People are building their chars on basis of descriptions of skills and abilities which are not working. And yet u are saying its like no problem ? Guys - it is problem . Wake up or at least don't speak in public.
    I dont care about other classes . I just want for my NB to be able to do things how originally was intended. Stop trying to save a day for ZOS coz u are not superman.
  • kitsinni
    I play NB and like the class. Actually what i see here is that some people are saying to NB's - u shouldn't be worried - it could be worst than already is. That is totally wrong. People are building their chars on basis of descriptions of skills and abilities which are not working. And yet u are saying its like no problem ? Guys - it is problem . Wake up or at least don't speak in public.
    I dont care about other classes . I just want for my NB to be able to do things how originally was intended. Stop trying to save a day for ZOS coz u are not superman.

    I don't think anyone is saying that. There is a big difference between we have some bugged skills and need some tweaks and .. completely totally useless reroll now.
  • Darzil
    So far it's quite hard to tell how bad things are, playing, as I'm seeing so many issues it's hard to know which are related to class/content and which to other issues.

    Since patch (NA server, playing from UK) I have perfect ping (at least to the last hops that return pings), so no network issues. But monsters take an age to appear on my screen, so I can't use horse safely (indeed without it is risky), and often am more than half dead by the time they draw on the screen if I stumble across them. Just completed final Coldharbour quests by guessing where I'd put a monster and stopping for 5-10 seconds near there so the monsters would appear before I aggroed them. When I guessed wrong, I'd usually die. Getting memory leak related client crashes (when game hit around 2.8gb used). The 'lag' also affects combat, it seems. so my finishing move is taking a second or so to respond, and trying to avoid monster attacks is often impossible.

    I wouldn't consider it unplayable, but it is certainly challenging (and not in a good way). It's now a laggy mess for me, but was fine before the patch yesterday.
  • Ohioastro
    I play NB and like the class. Actually what i see here is that some people are saying to NB's - u shouldn't be worried - it could be worst than already is. That is totally wrong. People are building their chars on basis of descriptions of skills and abilities which are not working. And yet u are saying its like no problem ? Guys - it is problem . Wake up or at least don't speak in public.
    I dont care about other classes . I just want for my NB to be able to do things how originally was intended. Stop trying to save a day for ZOS coz u are not superman.

    I'm tired of the over-reaction and exaggeration. There are skills that aren't working right; they should be fixed. It doesn't break the game for nightblades as it is. It could be better, they know this, and they're working on it.
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