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Would you like the ability to change your class?

  • fizzylu
    How am I on the side of wanting something for nothing simply because I disagreed with your take on what a class change tokens "cost" and logistics should be? I think it should cost crowns (obviously), that there should be a requirement that you have leveled the class you want to change to to 50, that the class skill lines should start from 1 just like on a new character, and that there should be a limit on how often a player can purchase a class change.
    ESO is the farthest from being a "serious MMO" and even as someone who has played the genre the majority of their life, I don't feel accomplished by senseless grinding. I feel accomplished by spending my time doing fun and engaging things or completing difficult content on character(s) I love and value. And in the case of ESO, I have one character I love so much that I have zero desire to keep others (and creating him again with a different name just feels wrong). So for me, a class change token isn't "getting something for nothing" or "free", it's just a way for me to expand my enjoyment of the game by allowing me to put time and effort I would, even already have put into the game (leveling other classes), and simply apply it to a character of my choosing.... my favorite character across any and every MMO I've ever played, that way I'll be able to continue to do the things that make me feel accomplished on him.
    Now clearly, our enjoyment of the game differs.... and good for you if having multiple characters is something you enjoy, but for me that is not the case when it comes to ESO. So no, unlike you blatantly claimed.... I am not asking for "something for nothing". I'm asking for the option to be able to change a character to different classes, classes that I have indeed grinded and put time and effort into.

    [snip] But would I like the option and think it would be a positive addition to the game? Yes.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 21 May 2024 10:59
  • edward_frigidhands
    Most No’s in here are personal No’s for their own reasons, but I think the positive thing to do would be to give more options to the players!

    Who are you to judge how someone wants to play the game? I personally would love it as I only play one character mostly and it’d be nice to switch when I get burnt out on my main to spice things up! Especially when new classes come out and I want to try it but not start absolutely everything over.

    The thing is - a token wouldn’t affect anyone who didn’t want to purchase one themselves. It would just open up freedom for people who want it. So saying no is frankly silly in my opinion.

    I think these posts should be made regularly as they are as it shows something that MANY players do indeed want and have not received yet. The point of the forums is to draw attention to concerns, requests, etc. ZOS may not have had plans for this a year ago or 2 years ago, but that doesn’t mean it’s something they can’t work towards - especially given how many are interested. People getting sick of these posts should keep the same energy then for posts about Necro buffs or Templar support buffs - haven’t done it yet, so might as well stop posting! Right? Of course not.

    Agreed. The only reason to say no would be technical. If it impacts server performance.
  • ViggyBoi
    Honestly feels like one of the most difficult things to implement a change for for minimum upside. Never understood the desire outside of roleplay for a specific character. Honestly seems easier to just make a different toon that way you don't have to buy anything and switch between the two.
  • IncultaWolf
    Please...give the necromancer mains the ability to swap to an actual class please
  • BasP
    Nah, I don't feel the need to change my class. I have at least one character of every class by now, and all of them are leveled to 50 and have maxed the skill lines I wanted them to have.

    Having said that, I wouldn't mind it if ZOS introduced a Class Change Token. (But that's not the question that was asked in the poll.)
  • Dracane
    Yes. While not for myself, those around me wish for it. And my wish is theirs.
    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

    My debut album on YouTube:
  • GrimStyx
    Having a choice is always better than not having one, so yes. Moreover, in the game you can change almost everything except the class, and this is strange.
  • Sauce_B055
    ViggyBoi wrote: »
    Honestly feels like one of the most difficult things to implement

    How do you know that?
  • FelisCatus
    Sauce_B055 wrote: »
    ViggyBoi wrote: »
    Honestly feels like one of the most difficult things to implement

    How do you know that?

    He doesn't.
  • garir_komes_molroy
  • reiverx
    I don't think it matters. Who is it going to hurt?
  • FelisCatus
    reiverx wrote: »
    I don't think it matters. Who is it going to hurt?

    It doesn't hurt anyone, its just altholics get cranky and want to force everyone to use an alt even though some people only like using 1 character.
  • NArt
    Yes yes yes yes yes!!! 100500 times "yes"! I also have 1 class NB. and from the next patch it will be castrated. Completely destroyed. I want to change the class. I am ready to give 10 and 20 and 30 thousand crowns, please enter, it may be expensive, but such an opportunity will be there
  • Morgaledh
    FelisCatus wrote: »
    Literally zero need for a class change token when you can have 20 characters.

    Majority of people don't want 20 characters

    Wow, I have to say I read most of this thread for the hilarity, and the dead horse beating.

    Then I noticed how old the thread was, so I thought eh, no point in bumping this mess. Besides, if I posted it would all just be <snip> for the <snip> and you get it if you've spent time on these forums.

    Then I read that the OP seems to know what the majority of people in the game want.

    And then I saw that the OP bumped his own thread from June to October, and I figured hey, why not!

    No, ZOS isn't going to do this. That won't stop folks asking for it, and (from the looks of this thread) making it personal. But no.
  • M0ntie
    No. And stop flogging this dead horse. Just go make another character. Its fun!
    While levelling it you'll learn to use the class skills.
  • FelisCatus
    Morgaledh wrote: »
    FelisCatus wrote: »
    Literally zero need for a class change token when you can have 20 characters.

    Majority of people don't want 20 characters

    Wow, I have to say I read most of this thread for the hilarity, and the dead horse beating.

    Then I noticed how old the thread was, so I thought eh, no point in bumping this mess. Besides, if I posted it would all just be <snip> for the <snip> and you get it if you've spent time on these forums.

    Then I read that the OP seems to know what the majority of people in the game want.

    And then I saw that the OP bumped his own thread from June to October, and I figured hey, why not!

    No, ZOS isn't going to do this. That won't stop folks asking for it, and (from the looks of this thread) making it personal. But no.

    People will keep asking there countless threads on this and it will not end.
  • StarOfElyon
    I usually make characters with a theme in mind do I don't often want to change later. Only once I made a character because I had a theme in mind but was unsure about the class, and so I was never really happy about my class choice but I didn't have any better options. Scribing has made it so that I can get closer to the theme I had in mind so I no longer have the desire to change that character's class. So no, I have no desire for a class change token.
  • JWillCHS
    I wish there were more options available for this poll.

    The only reason why I would want to change classes with my current character is because of the grind that went into skill lines available to every class.

    I don't mind creating atls and leveling their class skill lines to max level along with the abilities; and their morphs. What I dislike is having to invest time AGAIN in just about everything else. Especially the Psijic Order, Undaunted, and Mage Guild. The solution was absolutely horrible with having skill line unlocks gated behind the cash shop. So for every alt I create I'd have to invest time I don't have, to get them up to speed or invest $200+ in the game for a single character.

    I think alts in World of Warcraft are way more manageable especially with the new system in place introduced with the recent expansion. Not to mention level 1 to max gets you everything you need regarding your abilities. The only downside is that you can only train two core trade professions.

    This is one area of the game where ZoS over-monetized the Elder Scrolls Online. And so I feel like for people saying no, at least with time(not money) we're bordering the sunk-cost fallacy. And because ESO is buy-to-play(and I still don't by the excuse) there are some QoL that is locked behind a price tag. That's actually the worst thing about this game for me anyway.
  • NskDen
    Nope, I am having 20 characters anyway
    Edited by NskDen on 22 October 2024 09:02
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