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Average Acceptable DPS now for vet dungeons?

  • HappyTheCamper
    15K DPS
    I want people to 1.) be nice, and 2.) either know mechanics or be willing to learn them.

    Otherwise I don’t care about DPS. Let your dog hold the controller, just be willing to play and enjoy it.
  • FeedbackOnly
    55K DPS
    55k dps is 30k dps on regular dummy
  • AvalonRanger
    25K DPS
    Well, it's time to stop damage amount argument. Recent DLC dungeon and trial have
    more "mech" focused game design than just mimicking target dummy practice.

    As tank main player...

    I don't like too much weak damage DPS than my pure tank, but I more dislike
    target dummy simulator 100K DPS player.

    And, most of experienced healer player have some damage buff gear or something
    for damage supportive skill. So, you don't have to do "damage all" building always,
    but should have surviving skill with effective damage work.

    Dead DPS is zero damage anyway.

    TBH the few times I have seen (good) DPS die are:
    - learning mechs
    - I *** up as tank (or am learning my own mechs)
    - not getting healed (not always the healer's fault! As tank I can't tell if they're running away from the healer or whatever usually)
    - no health buff food (17k-19k HP is a dangerous way to live in vet dungeons)

    "not getting healed"

    Insightful, I've seen many of almost fake healer who keeps killing good DPS.

    Well, leader should write this description at the group finder.
    "We'll kick bad healer, please real healer only." :/
    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    with [1Stam Blade].
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".

    Farewell Atsuko Tanaka...(-_-) I never forget epic acting for major Motoko Kusanagi.
  • ragnarok6644b14_ESO
    60K DPS
    Well, it's time to stop damage amount argument. Recent DLC dungeon and trial have
    more "mech" focused game design than just mimicking target dummy practice.

    As tank main player...

    I don't like too much weak damage DPS than my pure tank, but I more dislike
    target dummy simulator 100K DPS player.

    And, most of experienced healer player have some damage buff gear or something
    for damage supportive skill. So, you don't have to do "damage all" building always,
    but should have surviving skill with effective damage work.

    Dead DPS is zero damage anyway.

    TBH the few times I have seen (good) DPS die are:
    - learning mechs
    - I *** up as tank (or am learning my own mechs)
    - not getting healed (not always the healer's fault! As tank I can't tell if they're running away from the healer or whatever usually)
    - no health buff food (17k-19k HP is a dangerous way to live in vet dungeons)

    "not getting healed"

    Insightful, I've seen many of almost fake healer who keeps killing good DPS.

    Well, leader should write this description at the group finder.
    "We'll kick bad healer, please real healer only." :/

    Yes, though I do have problems with descriptions like that, because I think "Fake and Real" is a spectrum, just like DPS is.
    In DPS's case, the spectrum is more "measurable" (raw DPS numbers, like this poll), but here's the spectrum of tanking:
    1) A tank is a "real" tank if it has a taunt slotted.
    2) A tank is a "real" tank if it has a taunt slotted and doesn't need constant healer HOTs or attention to survive.
    3) A tank is a "real" tank if it has a taunt slotted, can survive mostly unsupervised, and holds the boss still/controls the fight.
    4) A tank is a "real" tank if 1,2,3, and it also applies debuffs to the enemy (major breach, minor breach, etc mentioned earlier)

    Same for heals, except the criteria are different. Still a spectrum from "keeps everyone alive" minimum criterion to "applies friendly buffs, damage shields, and upkeeps HOTs, while being attentive with burst heals and participating in DPS.
  • Djennku
    The facts are that of the 25+ million players in ESO, the majority don't even step foot into a normal dungeon, and most ESO players struggle to hit even 10k dps. Anyone clearing veteran dungeons on a daily basis are in the top 1% of players, regardless of how they feel about it.

    Also, there's only about a handful of true dps checks in the game, where if you don't reach them you'll never clear, and most are extremely low, with the highest individual check being downstais sunspire Hard Mode, where only three people need a munimum of 41-43k dps, not anywhere near the 100k some ask for.

    Aside from that, if you only do 1 dps (not 100, nor 1k, but just 1), it'll take longer, but as long as you can stay alive you'll kill it eventually. The key part is staying alive.
    @Djennku, PCNA.

    Grand Master crafter, all styles and all furnishing plans known pre U41.
    Vamp and WW bites available for players.
    Shoot me an in-game mail if you need anything, happy to help!
  • colossalvoids
    Djennku wrote: »

    Aside from that, if you only do 1 dps (not 100, nor 1k, but just 1), it'll take longer, but as long as you can stay alive you'll kill it eventually. The key part is staying alive.

    I'd say the key part is having two weeks of no sleep time to kill a base game world boss. Thing is respecting other's time is a common courtesy in a run, so knowingly making experience going for ages isn't the best possible move. Not advocating for mandatory big dps here, but about "any DPS will do" part being quite exaggerated and not inspiring any growth.

  • alpha_synuclein
    30K DPS
    Djennku wrote: »
    The facts are that of the 25+ million players in ESO, the majority don't even step foot into a normal dungeon, and most ESO players struggle to hit even 10k dps. Anyone clearing veteran dungeons on a daily basis are in the top 1% of players, regardless of how they feel about it.

    That is unfortunately true.

    Djennku wrote: »
    Also, there's only about a handful of true dps checks in the game, where if you don't reach them you'll never clear, and most are extremely low, with the highest individual check being downstais sunspire Hard Mode, where only three people need a munimum of 41-43k dps, not anywhere near the 100k some ask for.

    Xalvakka says hi ;)
    Also, soft dps checks are very much a thing.

    Djennku wrote: »
    Aside from that, if you only do 1 dps (not 100, nor 1k, but just 1), it'll take longer, but as long as you can stay alive you'll kill it eventually. The key part is staying alive.

    I am all for setting a reasonable and achievable dps tresholds, but this is pure misinformation...
    Survival is important, but the main function of a damage dealer is dealing damage. If you need to put all your brainpower into just staying alive you are not filling your role.
  • JiubLeRepenti
    65K+ DPS
    If we speak about 21M parse, I personally consider 65k as low/mid tier. I was doing better before hybridation en 2021 when my parses were crap.

    With a basic hunding/Order Wrath/Maw of Infernal and two bars build you can easily be above that. Even if you have *** weaving (ZOS nerved it one or two years ago).

    But 65k on 21M (or 30-35k on 3M) is far enough to achieve all the vet dungeons imo. If both DDs hit like that, and if u have a buff tank and/or a buff heal you should easily be above 80k of dps for the whole group. Which is good enough.

    So in conclusion: is 65k DPS enough in order to achieve vet dungeons? Yes. But could you do better? Yes.
    BE/FR l PC EU l CP2400
    Just fell in love with housing! House vid: TES III Morrowind biggest fan!
  • JinKC98
    55K DPS
    Like others here have said, understanding mechanics and teamwork are way more important than just pure DPS.

    But to answer the post, personally I prefer teaming up with people with 55k or above DPS. 35-40k DPS is acceptable too. If you have the right gears and skills, even if your light attack weaving skills are lacking, you can still easily reach that DPS by throwing out all DOTs you have, then spam that one spammable, cast ult whenever ready.
    Edited by JinKC98 on 2 September 2024 09:53
  • notyuu
    30K DPS
    If you bring 30k DPS to the table by yourself on a regular dummy, not the trial one, no ally buffs, ect, ect then you're cruising, anything more is nice but faaar from mandatory, heck 20k would be considered the bare minimum l, but thats also comically easy to achieve even with the snoretacular heavy attack build
  • Thysbe
    0k - 65k+

    really depends on:

    - content: vet Vanilla, vet Vanilla HM, vet DLC, vet DLC HM
    - goals: quick run, story run, relaxed DLC run with friends, farmrun, achievements, trifecta
    - group: non existent to good support, non existent to good tank, stacking, moving, mechanics
    - strategy: safe, burn them, enjoy the fight
    - are you just a placeholder from Groupfinder

    as a DD dont rely too much on what others say or pretend to make as DPS. Online is the world of exaggeration, especially if it comes to DPS.

    I really recommend - find a guild and some likeminded players who go on that journey with you and help you to improve.

    Compare against yourself and the players in your group to recognise your improvements instead of looking at online benchmarks.
    If you feel like you "Mastered" one level of difficulty, try the next one.

    No DPS number can give you the confidence to face the sometimes hostile environment of PUGs. Even as a top DD you might get roasted if they have a bad day and you make 1 mistake and e.g. pull a group they superskip.
    Edited by Thysbe on 3 September 2024 09:13
  • Isteris
    I don't mean for this comment to be rude, but how are people managing to do less than 50k DPS? I main healer/support characters, so I have very little practice on my 3 DPS characters that I do have available for me to play. Even then, though, once I got my sets together - which weren't BiS sets to begin with - and without knowing or practicing my rotation, those characters still parsed above 60k DPS on the trial dummy (and usually over 70k).

    If your low CP, then that is one thing because you won't have as many slottable perks to slot up, but if you are over 1500 CP and have bad trait armor, 50k DPS should still be doable even without a whole lot of practice.

    As for the question of what is acceptable for vet dungeons? I think there is a dividing line.

    Base game vet dungeons: Can be finished with 4 tanks if you ask me, but lets just put a number out there of 20k DPS.

    DLC vet dungeons: Probably need somewhere around 50k dps (depending on quality of tank/healer), although there are even some DLC dungeons that are on the easier side of the spectrum, with Graven Deep probably being on the most difficult DLC dungeon IMO.

    just a side note to this one, i main a dk tank and we went to graven deep with a better than average dd and two newer dd's maybe 20k each. no chance you would think, well you would right until i changed where we tanked the end boss. that small change dropped the difficulty a lot and made very easy to complete. so mechs and positions are more important than larger dps for the average player.
  • dk_dunkirk
    30K DPS
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    4 years ago it was 15-20k dps was considered acceptable for a Vet dungeon DPS role. With power creep, it's now ~25k. You don't need 45k+ dps from each DPS player to clear Vet dungeons. You can absolutely do them with 25k each.

    I joined some guildies in vMoL as a healer, because I'd never done it on vet. Our combined DPS was 29K, and we couldn't keep up with the chokethorn spawns in the second boss fight. So whatever people think the number should be, 15K isn't enough, and I think 25K would be cutting it close.
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