Don't talk "meaningless matter" while the group boss fighting at the dungeon and trial.

Don't talk "meaningless matter" while the group boss fighting at the dungeon and trial.

"Hey! I want XXXXset dagger." "I'll take any of XXXXset please!" "LF XXX!"

Well, it's OK. But, let's talk about trading issue after finishing your job. >:)
Please concentrate to slay the boss before chattering. :#

One day those people kill every 12 team member, because some of them are too much involved in trading matter
through the combat, and lost concentration against finishing the boss.

I was very angry at that time. Please don't.

My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".
  • jlats
    People can actually ask for things like this whenever they want! Unless you’re the known raid lead in a group you have put together, you really can’t be deciding what people say and when. People leave random groups pretty much the second the final boss dies a lot of the time so often if people don’t mention it before then, everyone won’t actually see it.
    If the group is uncoordinated enough that someone typing a request in chat wipes the whole group, you were probably going to wipe anyway.

    IMO it’s best not to have such high standards for random groups. If this isn’t a random group issue, then it’s probably best to talk to your group rather than trying to tell everyone on the forums to play how you personally want. Hope this helps!
  • Ph1p
    Unless people are actually typing this in the middle of combat, I don’t understand what the problem is…

    EDIT AFTER OP'S CLARIFICATION: My mistake, I thought OP was referring to people saying this at the beginning of the trial or before the tank pulled. Writing this kind of stuff in the middle of a boss fight is indeed just stupid...
    Edited by Ph1p on 12 February 2024 08:25
  • N3CR01
    Ph1p wrote: »
    Unless people are actually typing this in the middle of combat, I don’t understand what the problem is…

    He did say during combat.
    Luckily, I've never experienced that happening.
  • N3CR01
    jlats wrote: »
    People can actually ask for things like this whenever they want! Unless you’re the known raid lead in a group you have put together, you really can’t be deciding what people say and when. People leave random groups pretty much the second the final boss dies a lot of the time so often if people don’t mention it before then, everyone won’t actually see it.
    If the group is uncoordinated enough that someone typing a request in chat wipes the whole group, you were probably going to wipe anyway.

    IMO it’s best not to have such high standards for random groups. If this isn’t a random group issue, then it’s probably best to talk to your group rather than trying to tell everyone on the forums to play how you personally want. Hope this helps!

    He is saying about peoples talking during combat, which of course is not a good time to be trading.
  • Soarora
    I’m known for typing mid combat. It’s possible but does require practice.
    Regardless, people should mention what they want at the very beginning or just wait and see if anyone links the item they need.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
  • jlats
    N3CR01 wrote: »

    He is saying about peoples talking during combat, which of course is not a good time to be trading.

    If people in a pug are just rushing through the whole trial, as is standard, then I’m not sure when else people are supposed to say it? In most pug runs I’m on people don’t really give time before bosses etc to type stuff like this they just blast through. And again, if it’s not a pug, then there’s no point announcing it to forums when you could just communicate with your planned group.
  • AvalonRanger
    Simply say, "finish your job first then talk".
    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".
  • peacenote
    jlats wrote: »
    People leave random groups pretty much the second the final boss dies a lot of the time so often if people don’t mention it before then, everyone won’t actually see it.

    This is true and, now with StickerBook, a lot of people bind on their way through a dungeon or trial. I don't know the details of the OP's scenario (first boss? second boss? etc.) but I can see some folks trying to mention what they are looking for especially during the first fight if the group got going quickly and they are trying to keep people from automatically binding gear they aren't actively farming.

    I love StickerBook but it definitely lowers the chances significantly of getting a drop you need from someone else. I bind all the way through if I need ANY piece because any piece I get reduces the number of runs I need to do in the dungeon/trial, unless I know that someone in the group is looking for something specific that I'm not actively planning to use. People who wait until the end to share their requests do miss out a little more now. I won't put my "greed" before someone's "need" but I'm not going to miss out on more curated drops by waiting until the end of the run to bind, either.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • AvalonRanger
    peacenote wrote: »
    jlats wrote: »
    People leave random groups pretty much the second the final boss dies a lot of the time so often if people don’t mention it before then, everyone won’t actually see it.

    This is true and, now with StickerBook, a lot of people bind on their way through a dungeon or trial. I don't know the details of the OP's scenario (first boss? second boss? etc.) but I can see some folks trying to mention what they are looking for especially during the first fight if the group got going quickly and they are trying to keep people from automatically binding gear they aren't actively farming.

    I love StickerBook but it definitely lowers the chances significantly of getting a drop you need from someone else. I bind all the way through if I need ANY piece because any piece I get reduces the number of runs I need to do in the dungeon/trial, unless I know that someone in the group is looking for something specific that I'm not actively planning to use. People who wait until the end to share their requests do miss out a little more now. I won't put my "greed" before someone's "need" but I'm not going to miss out on more curated drops by waiting until the end of the run to bind, either.

    ...I don't know the details of the OP's scenario (first boss? second boss? etc.)

    Last boss of nDSR.

    Some of them(3 or 5 people) was too much keep doing "hype" for their gear trading matter
    even in last boss battle phase. And forget mech and killing add enemy, and wiped. They totally lost concentration
    against combat.

    Tank also complained against it.
    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".
  • jlats
    peacenote wrote: »
    jlats wrote: »
    People leave random groups pretty much the second the final boss dies a lot of the time so often if people don’t mention it before then, everyone won’t actually see it.

    This is true and, now with StickerBook, a lot of people bind on their way through a dungeon or trial. I don't know the details of the OP's scenario (first boss? second boss? etc.) but I can see some folks trying to mention what they are looking for especially during the first fight if the group got going quickly and they are trying to keep people from automatically binding gear they aren't actively farming.

    I love StickerBook but it definitely lowers the chances significantly of getting a drop you need from someone else. I bind all the way through if I need ANY piece because any piece I get reduces the number of runs I need to do in the dungeon/trial, unless I know that someone in the group is looking for something specific that I'm not actively planning to use. People who wait until the end to share their requests do miss out a little more now. I won't put my "greed" before someone's "need" but I'm not going to miss out on more curated drops by waiting until the end of the run to bind, either.

    ...I don't know the details of the OP's scenario (first boss? second boss? etc.)

    Last boss of nDSR.

    Some of them(3 or 5 people) was too much keep doing "hype" for their gear trading matter
    even in last boss battle phase. And forget mech and killing add enemy, and wiped. They totally lost concentration
    against combat.

    Tank also complained against it.

    Right but do you not see how this is one specific case where this has been an actual problem, and how there is no point complaining on the forums about an incident that’s already happened that didn’t involve anyone here? And how telling other people not to ask for things they need during runs is silly for the aforementioned reasons, just because you had a bad run.
    Edited by jlats on 12 February 2024 09:33
  • LaintalAy
    jlats wrote: »
    People can actually ask for things like this whenever they want! Unless you’re the known raid lead in a group you have put together, you really can’t be deciding what people say and when. People leave random groups pretty much the second the final boss dies a lot of the time so often if people don’t mention it before then, everyone won’t actually see it.
    If the group is uncoordinated enough that someone typing a request in chat wipes the whole group, you were probably going to wipe anyway.

    IMO it’s best not to have such high standards for random groups. If this isn’t a random group issue, then it’s probably best to talk to your group rather than trying to tell everyone on the forums to play how you personally want. Hope this helps!

    Yes, they can and do ask. I find it annoying and distracting. Particularly when the request is repeated. It shows that the asking player isn't really focused on playing.

    It's also somewhat disturbing to discover that other players are observing what you collect and then start an harassment campaign to get it from you. It also doesn't occur to them that I might want that item myself; or that I might be prefer to continue playing, rather than trade with them.

    No, coming to the forums and describing how you personally do play, wasn't as helpful as you might have hoped.
    Thanks anyway.
    PC EU
    Tin-can-and-string internet

    Ald Chimeris
  • Bammlschwamml
    Whenever i try to farm a set piece with random groups they either don't even read the chat and leave 1 second after the last boss dies, or they just keep whatever they get to sell it to a merchant for 10 gold... Some players don't even loot the chests. When i type "wtb set piece xy for a bunch of gold" they suddenly all respond. To me that's more annoying than some people spamming what they are looking for in chat, because some people don't want to play the same dungeon/trial 50 times.
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