I just got a purple jewelry crafting writ from my daily writs, and I've got a red flag saying I can't do it without Ancient platings. I thought all grains were being converted to platings? Where do I find my "ancient" platings?
And the addon, whichever, couldn't interfere with actually using the writ, since the addon doesn't determine what in-game actions cause the writ to be fulfilled. I will use a legacy writ shortly and post if somehow it's a problem, which would baffle me if it is.
Writ Worthy was updated today and the problem is still there, so must be something else
No, WritWorthy was not actually updated today. And yes, the problem described in this thread is 100% an addon problem with WritWorthy.
WritWorthy was "updated" today. In that the maintainer just slapped on a new version number and pushed it out without any changes to the actual content of the addon. I.e., today's "update" was nothing more than a version bump and was not a true update.
The real update for Update 40 compatibility is, as of the time of this message, still unreleased. If you don't want to wait, you can check out the comments section of WritWorthy , which has details for what needs to be changed for compatibility with the jewelry crafting overhaul. It's a relatively simple change.