Since crafting surveys are directly tied to crafting, it would be great if they could all fit snugly into that new magic side pouch - y'know, that special compartment in the new and improved craft bag designed by Shalidor?
After releasing Shalidor's sanctuary from Sheogorath's lingering hold, Shalidor offered you the gift of Eidetic Memory. What you didn't know was that he was also working on an improved version of your craft bag for you - and it has taken him some time to perfect it. Now, still grateful for your service, Shalidor has entrusted you (and only you) with this new and improved crafting bag - one where all of your crafting surveys can be found through an extra, unremarkable, easily-overlooked tab in your craft bag.
The benefits of this new and improved craft bag include:
- crafting surveys are now accessible by any character at any time
- with over 200 unique surveys currently in game (and growing), frees up considerable precious inventory slots for those that regularly complete crafting dailies, which generate surveys
- useable from the craft bag, harvestable by any character at any time when approaching any survey location – no further need to bank, transfer surveys, or change toons to harvest
- accessible to survey location addons, remaining viewable by map location at any time
Conditions for QoL benefit:
- craft bag (ESO+)
- complete The Arch-Mage's Boon quest on any toon
Bonus QoL benefit:
- If you decide to work on this, also consider the conditions under which a player can harvest multiple surveys per node at once. Perhaps those conditions are: (i) Improved Craft Bag and (ii) Grand Master Crafter (9 achievements), Grand Master Crafting Harvester (harvest materials 10000 times), and/or Master of Refinement (refine materials 3000 times) achievements. This QoL benefit should at least be partially earned, a true master crafter.
While this would only be an ESO+ perk, this long overdue QoL benefit would be worth highlighting as a part of ESO+ membership.
Good idea, or bad? Pros? Cons?
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on 29 August 2022 02:20