Streamers with Regular Live Shows - Sound Off!

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Krysalan8415
    Alith - the community focused PVE guild on the EU Megaserver produces a regular Webcast, live on Alith-Cast On

    All our previous episodes are available on our YouTube channel too Alith-Cast on YouTube

    Our regular streamed Webcasts are chock full of lively News and Views from the world of Elder Scrolls Online as well as Public Competitions and regular Community Updates and Events for the members of the guild.


  • Krysalan8415
    I'll throw in a plug for my own channel on Twitch.

    Krysalan8415 on

    I'm just getting started as a streamer with live streams every week from the EU server and currently regular ones from the PTS.

    Some of my previous streams are available on my youtube Channel Krysalan on YouTube


    Join me on the "Don't Fear The Beard" show and say hi, I always say hi back :smile:
    Edited by Krysalan8415 on 10 May 2016 09:26
  • Belazarus
    Alith - the community focused PVE guild on the EU Megaserver produces a regular Webcast, live on Alith-Cast On

    All our previous episodes are available on our YouTube channel too Alith-Cast on YouTube

    Our regular streamed Webcasts are chock full of lively News and Views from the world of Elder Scrolls Online as well as Public Competitions and regular Community Updates and Events for the members of the guild.



    We're very pleased to announce that Elloa has joined the Alith-Cast team as a permanent regular host!
    If you missed our One Tamriel special featuring Elloa, here it is:
  • Aggelos

    Tales of Tamriel! An Elder Scrolls Online podcast that focuses on storytelling and the game play experiences of the hosts. Our goal is to entertain the community with our experiences in the game and hopefully get people interested in forming their adventures in the Elder Scrolls universe!

    We stream LIVE every Saturday at 6PM EST on our YouTube channel list below!

  • Meilinka
    Edited by Meilinka on 31 December 2021 20:26
  • vicemen
    Soul Shriven
    Hello Guys so my name is Alexandre Verissimo aka Festoflk. I'm 22y old and I'm from Portugal.
    I'm a Twitch streamer, it's my hobby, and I'm going to start streaming ESO. I do mainly PVE, and trying to get myself to raids (never done one here, so any help is aprecieated), but i also do some PVP for those bloodtirsty ones :).

    So I hope to see you guys on the stream for loads of FUN.

    Heres the Link for my channel:
    Edited by vicemen on 10 October 2017 11:55
    In-Game ID: @Festfolk
  • xynode
    Come join all the Ninja cakes and friends on my daily Live streams! I have been streaming every day from 10pm UK time onwards for around the last 6 months or so and that isn't about to change. Come join the fun see you there! :)

  • minimeg2526
    Soul Shriven
    I just started streaming on twitch! My twitch ID is minimeg91! Come check me out!
  • Shimmer
    Hello everyone! I guess I missed this thread :DIm live on twitch regularly now, as I am part of the ZOS stream team :)

    I also post guides and tutorials on youtube so check my sig for that link!
    Edited by Shimmer on 3 March 2018 21:07
    YouTube | Twitter | Twitch | The Differently Geared

    Mistakes must be carelessly planned.
  • Ninjamonkey0169
    Hello friends
    I am Ninjamonkey0169 and I run a Twitch and a Youtube channel by the same name with a focus on ESO housing and life skills. The Twitch channel is a morning show running 6am to noon PST WED-SUN. On the Youtube channel I regularly upload luxury furnishing, house tour, crown store and game update videos. I believe that housing in ESO is the very best end game content that everyone from noobs to cp3600's can enjoy. My hope is that my fellow housing enthusiasts will come to enjoy my shenanigans and share with us their wonderful creations. you can find me in game @Ninjamonkey0169 PC NA/EU. Ninjamonkey0169 PS4 NA/EU. Xbox coming soon :smile:

  • Akira-DarkShadows

    I stream during the day. On the weekend its at night.
    PSN: AkiraNightWish
    PC: @Akira-NightWish
  • President_PUG
    Hello friends
    I am Ninjamonkey0169 and I run a Twitch and a Youtube channel by the same name with a focus on ESO housing and life skills. "
    One of the most helpful people in game!
    Housing Decorator Extraordinaire!
    Im level cp160 and I approve this Streamer.
    “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.”
  • EttinTheBreton
    Hey everybody, today I hit my 1-year anniversary of playing ESO :pogchamp

    I stream ESO on my Twitch channel (I am a variety broadcaster, which means I will occasionally play other games):

    Be sure to check out my vod from today's stream under my "Videos" tab:

    Here is my schedule for this week! All times in EDT (UTC -4) for the week of June 10th through June 16th:
    • Noon Sun - FORTNITE - done
    • 2:00 pm Mon - ESO - done
    • 2:00 pm Tue - SIEGE
    • 5:00 pm Wed - ESO
    • 5:00 pm Thu - SIEGE
    • 5:00 pm Fri - ESO
    • Noon Sat - FORTNITE

    In my stream you can expect high levels of interaction with my viewers, although lurking is totally welcome. Lately we've been questing in Summerset, but I am also looking forward to other types of ESO streams, like:
    • Fishing days! I'm going for Master Angler, so I will be fishing on stream and anyone is free to join me in-game and increase our chances of finding those pesky blue fishies (I play PC-NA)
    • WB Runs: followers of my channel can party with me to run all 6 bosses in zones of their choice
    • Other ideas to be announced!

    I'm looking forward to continuing our channel for a long time to come. Thanks for stopping by!
    Edited by EttinTheBreton on 12 June 2018 05:34
  • BattleTutorial
    Soul Shriven
    Monday- Exploration Night
    Wednesday- Battle Ground, Cyrodiil Night
    Saturday- Community Dungeon Night

    A growing Community with friendly helpers and guides
  • Forgebreaker
    I'm a newer streamer, have played ESO since console release and have just started on PC.

    There's no content in the game I'd shy away from playing, and am currently primarily focussed on grinding CP and materials.

    The stream is recommended for a mature audience and I AM Australian, you've been forewarned.

    My schedule is not set in stone, but streams will be announced on Twitter @forgebreaker
  • CyberSkooma
    I usually stream about 5 days a week and it's almost always ESO. I used to be a Mixer streamer exclusively, but I've recently begun my move over to Twitch. I show everything from housing, farming, vet dungeons and trials, PvP, and etc.
    Check me out sometime. I'd love to be able to talk about the official ESO stream team ;)

    I play this game a little bit I guess
  • Jonathan_Zane
    I Just Started an ESO Youtube Channel Called Jonathan Zane Gaming 3: Elder Scrolls Online

    Uploads will be Released on Monday's , Wednesday's , Friday's

    Here is Two of The Latest Videos released:
    ESO Clip #1
    ESO Part 1

  • MourncallerTV
    the details, day and time it airs, and a link to previous episodes.
    The Details

    Stream Focus: Casual latenight stream in the exploration of character skills and assets as they level with different classes and races. Present Focus is on stealth.

    Day and Time
    Edited by MourncallerTV on 27 November 2018 07:02
    Favorite Quote - "Never accept the proposition that just because a solution satisfies a problem, that it must be the only solution." - Raymond E. Feist
  • MizaRadioaktiv
    Howdy. I've been off Twitch streaming for a while and using Facebook Gaming, but I'm returning to Twitch!

    I stream on Saturdays at 8PM CST.

    I will be streaming ESO on the regular as well as Fallout 76. Check out my channel!


    Aldmeri Dominion:
    Kai Adevari - Altmer - Nightblade
    Maelrii Adevari - Altmer - Dragonknight
    Faelim Adevari - Bosmer - Nightblade
    Ebonheart Pact:
    Miza Adevari - Dunmer - Warden
  • Tsukyme
    Streams 1 to 3 times per week on youtube.
    When not atreaming have videos with builds, tips, tricks and other stuff for begginers and veteran players.
    At moment on PS4, sometimes at PC and Xbox ESO as well.
    English, Portuguese & Spanish sometimes in japanese as well.

    Time & Date
    Videos droped around the week
    Live Streams Time usually at a random day on 3PM-EST
    Edited by Tsukyme on 19 February 2020 19:20
    "A'tvar where are you?"
  • ZanastaR
    Soul Shriven
    Hello=ween i am ZanastaR and i stream ESO almost everyday around 6 pm est until i am tired :D
    I am a member of the PuMpKiN SqUaD and you can join as well. You just need a pumpkin mask and if you don't have one then one will be provided to you while supplies last. I stream most of the time with a pumpkin mask on webcam.
    Come join the fun and when i reach 50 followers i will be giving away 4 times 250k gold NA server.
    We have a discord as well that you can join with good people. It's in the about section of my twitch.
    Drop a follow if you want or just hang with a chill strem :D

  • IceandFire
    Hi there! I am streaming almost everyday at different EST hours with ESO. I hope to see some new faces join my community and hang with me! I'm a fairly casual player working their way to end-game content. Come hang, play, and create with me!

  • mc_gijoe
    Hello Everyone! I'M MC GIJoe (Joe IRL). I'm a Marine Corps Veteran. I've been playing video games from Atari to PS4 and PC.

    I started MMOs with EverQuest and EQ2. I now play Elder Scrolls Online as my MMO of choice. I enjoy helping new players learn the game and running content with experienced players as well. So if you have questions, please stop by and ask.

    If you look at my Schedule, you will see 2 different times slots. That is because I have custody of my son every other week and when he is here I generally don't stream while he's awake (so 9pm - 11pm PST). The weeks he is at his mom's house I stream at 8pm (PT) for 2-3 hours.


  • Yicky
    Hi all,

    I am a twitch streamer and content creator that has now been streaming ESO for about 5 months strait. I came from Lord of the Rings Online and have absolutely loved the ESO community and streaming community.

    My channel does a lot of charity streaming for multiple charities as well as enjoyable positive gaming. I am a member of the Wounded Warrior Project official stream team and have gotten involved with some local groups such as The Tank Club and ESOU. Looking forward to streaming ESO more. If you would like to see amazing mediocre gameplay, jokes, and fun, my schedule is below!

    Sun/Mon/Wed: 7pm Eastern

    Twitch Content Creator
  • eternalshockcable
    You know me.

    A variety streamer and gaming critic .

    PC NA Tuesday- Saturday 10am- 12pm
    Prime time 7pm when I feel like it.

    Hi everyone I'm back! -theshockcabletv

    content example clip:

    Edited by eternalshockcable on 26 March 2022 04:10
    Dear Community/Followers,

    I want to address recent concerns regarding allegations of inappropriate direct messages and supposed cheating. First and foremost, I want to clarify that I do not admit to any wrongdoing. However, I understand that my actions may have been perceived in a way that caused concern.

    As many of you know, I am a disabled veteran who served in Iraq, and I am permanently and totally mentally disabled. My PTSD, which was formally diagnosed in 2013 after being reclassified in the DSM-5, has affected me in ways that are difficult to fully explain. While this is not an excuse, it has, at times, clouded my judgment and impacted my behavior. This condition is something I have lived with for a long time, and it is a daily challenge.

    As an influencer, streamer, and game reviewer with over 300 reviews, 800 followers on Twitch, and 1,600 followers on TikTok, I understand the responsibility that comes with my platform. Our role as influencers is to set a positive example, and I want to make it clear that I do not condone actions that go against the Terms of Service (TOS) or End User License Agreements (EULA) of any platform or community. Even though societal norms have evolved, and what was once deemed acceptable behavior in the past is no longer appropriate, I am committed to adapting and ensuring that my actions reflect the values we strive for today.

    I want to go forward with a commitment to better representing the disabled members of our community. I recognize that I may never fully "fit in" or be "normal," but I am dedicated to improving and learning from these experiences. It is crucial that we have more flexibility and better support services for disabled veterans like myself, so we can remain active members of our communities without being unfairly limited by our disabilities. These services would help ensure that we can make better decisions and avoid situations like this in the future.

    Thank you for your understanding, and I am grateful for the continued support of this community as I work to become a better version of myself.

  • Achilles12348976
    Soul Shriven
    Hello all, I started a Roleplay series with ESO, Tales of Ragnar a Nightblade who starts off in Western Skyrim and discovers a gruesome Vampire plot. With the Help of lyris and Fenn they are trying to uncover the reason for the Vampire attacks and who is responsible. Currently I have 6 episodes and every Thursday at 3pm CST there is a new Episode. Don't forget to subscribe!

    Here is the 1st episode and I hope you enjoy!
  • lillfox
    🦊 Hi hi hi! LillFox here! 🐾
    Your friendly neighborhood Ohmes, and fan of goblin sculpture art!

    Updated December 2022
    Yay! I'm streaming again!

    I stream Elder Scrolls Online on Saturdays, somewhere between 6pm and 10pm eastern. Destroying all the houses! XD
    (I also stream variety on Tuesdays.)

    My focus is on researching, designing, and constructing roleplay questlines and environments, based on lore from the Elder Scrolls universe. Basically, I turn houses into ruins. I've also made some buildings for our Mages Guild campus.

    I'll walk you through all the choices I make, and why, right down to the physics of a fallen vase, and considerations for rp'er pathing. I go through the entire process of writing a roleplay questline, connecting several adventures together in a year-long story arc, and review RP session details before events, and after to see how things worked out.

    Of course, some of that stream time is spent running all over Tamriel making gold to buy more skeletons XD, or just being outright distracted.

    My builds showcase the furnishings and FX features available in the game. Often I will reskin a house, and make(cobble) custom furnishings to better suit a particular adventure. I see player houses as a... lumpy canvas, where I can create whatever stage scene I want.

    All my houses are open visitor. If you are to visit just one...
    My Masterpiece, so far, will be found in Shalidor's. This house was reskinned to represent Eastern Falkreath Hold. In ESO, we have Western Falkreath Hold as a dungeon, so I decided to... build the other half of the zone. When you enter the house, head to the right, into the ruined Colovian tower, to find the rest of the adventure in this haunted forest. You will discover the endless graveyard, Hircine, an abandoned Stronghold, a mischievous Reach witch, and a Nightingale, as well as a few Easter Eggs for the lore lover.

    To create the Eastern Falkreath build, I dug through The Imperial Library, and The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages, and The Elder Scrolls Wiki, as well as watching YouTube playthroughs of quests from TES. Each item placed is something from Falkreath lore, right down to the flowers.
    The build is recorded, with commentary, in my VODs on my Twitch Channel, . Search for Shalidor , Falkreath , or Falcreath as VOD titles.

    (This build was built as a four-house adventure to visit The Four Troubles. I, and our guild lead, had started the story prior to the leaks about Blackwood, and since Dagon is one of the house members, we incorporated the Blackwood leaks into the builds as we went. Although we didn't get to Sheo before the Blackwood launch, his story, and the fate of the witch, is planned for a future RP :) ).

    Our academics-focused RP hub, Magi Academy, hosts one to four Mages Guild expedition adventures per year, plus several other events, classes, and field trips. If I am building it, it will be created live, on stream.

    Sit back and relax as I babble forth XD. My viewers relate me to Bob Ross, and being wholesome... and I'm cool with that :)
    I hope you find peace and enjoyment, and maybe even learn a creative trick or two.
    I try to remember to save the VODs, so you (and I) can look back on previous builds and stories.

    Find us on Discord, if you'd like to learn more about our adventures!

    Twitch ya later!

    Edited by lillfox on 8 December 2022 06:18
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