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Loremaster’s Archive Q&A- Bretons of the Systres Archipelago (High Isle and Amenos)

  • Rykoth
    To Lady Arabelle,

    The Bretons have long been a thorn in the arse of my people, the Orsimer. Attacking our home repeatedly, even resorting to treachery to break a stalemate. Why should we trust anything your people say or do? What reason should we have to care about the happenings on High Isle? What place is there for my kind?

    - Skeptical Orc
    Gorthal gro-Gunthak, Chieftain of Mor'Grumaar
    Sigrun Elkhorn, Nordic Warrior and Skald

    Mor'Grumaar - Orcish Stronghold Roleplay
  • Nightlord
    Do the Druids of High Isle have any kind of relation to the Wyrds in Glenumbra, such as the Beldama Wyrd?

  • OrphanStar93
    Soul Shriven
    To Lady Arabelle,

    During my childhood, my father tell me a lot about one of his brother-in-arms, a Breton native from Dellese Isles. But, to my great astonishment, I didn't find any mention of Dellesian ships in the partial records from All-Flags Navy that I was able to consult.
    Has there been any type of relationship between Delesse and Systres during the history? How would you define the cultural differences between the Bretons of these two islands?

    Zohra af-Makela, Abecean Baandari Caravan of Tenmar
    Edited by OrphanStar93 on 22 April 2022 19:45
  • Atharaon
    My dear Lady Arabelle,

    Recently I came across an interview of one Archdruid Barnabe, who claims that the Manmeri predate both the Druids of Galen and the Wyrd, not to mention the rise of the Direnni Hegemony. Please indulge my curiosity, dear: When did the High Rock Aldmer first breed with the Nedes? Who were those elves if not the Direnni and what was their relation to Balfiera? And just who or what is this Galen I keep hearing about - man, elf, island or something else entirely?

    Ever yours,

    Countess Vesta Aurelia, Lady of Leisure
  • Axmalexia
    Lady Arabelle,

    As a fellow scholar I would wish for your input in a matter concerning the Firesong, as the Druids have so opt named the volcano of the High Isles. In my nedic studies, I have come across the name of a deity known as 'Arius', a God of Fire, who is often represented by a volcano. Is there perhaps a distant link between the two? And that the Druids long forgone the name of Arius to call it Firesong in their worship of Y'ffre?

    Many thanks,
    Alayane Maxwell, Scholar and Historian
  • CE_Nex
    To Lady Arabelle Davaux,

    Following the asassination of the Reman Imperial Family, the Akaviri Potentate established Amenos as a penal colony for those who retained their loyalty to the Dragonborn Emperors. Are there any cultural remnants or influence of the Reman Cult to be found in the Systres? Also, how do you like your tea?

    Respectfully yours,

    C.E.Nex, the Arch-Fool of Yarg
    Edited by CE_Nex on 22 April 2022 20:25
  • Ratzkifal
    Esteemed Lady Arabelle,

    as a foreigner to the Breton lands please excuse my ignorance, but it has always peaked my curiousity that the other races of man do not worship Y'ffre while the Elves do not acknowledge Dibella as a divine, yet many of the other gods find their equivalent in some form across pantheons. I have once heard from an Elf, and again please excuse this potential blasphemy born from ignorance, that Dibella is the human interpretation of Y'ffre as both are associated with the arts, like poetry, and beauty, like nature's beauty. That would resolve the question of why Y'ffre is missing from the Cyro-Nordic pantheon and Dibella missing from the Aldmeri and Khajiiti pantheon.

    But if that is to be believed, how come the Bretons worship both Jephre and Dibella simultaneously? Surely the Y'ffre worship must have originated with the Direnni hegemony forcing their beliefs onto their Breton slaves, but then how come one has not replaced the other? Is there a religious schism within High Rock that I am not aware of and no place is worshipping both at the same time? Do only the druids and Wyrd worship Jephre while the mainstream worships Dibella? The other way around appears to make more sense to me. Or are they viewed as separate entities after all and worshipped together? Why are the Bretons so special in that regard?

    I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Fyrsa
    Lady Arabelle, I seek your knowledge - what presence do daedra and their cults have on the islands, and how do they differ from mainland Tamriel? Given the location, I'm particularly interested in those with aquatic connotations, such as Molag Bal's connection to the Dreugh, and Hermaeus Mora as the Master of the 'Tides' of Fate.

    Sincerely, Fýrsa
    Edited by Fyrsa on 23 April 2022 00:14
  • Atharaon
    On behalf of Ciranya, who was awaiting an invite to the forums:

    Dear Lady Arabelle,

    I’ve heard much of your Druids, who venerate Y’ffre before all else. However, I have heard little mention of the other unique elven gods of Bretondom: Phynaster and Magnus. Can you tell me whether these et’Ada have a place in the panoply of beliefs present on the isle and, if so, which aspects of theirs are held in the highest regard? Is there any relation to the Breton "Phen" or the entity named "Cahoth'ada", after which an All-Flags Altmeri vessel was named?

    Yours kindly,

    Ciranya of Thorvale
    Edited by Atharaon on 29 April 2022 16:31
  • yashualaydin
    To Lady Arabelle,

    My crew and I are much concerned about the grounds of The Systres. Since we would like to finally stablish a mining operation. We have our well-earned sea-soaked money to start. What minerals could be extracted from those beautiful soils?

    Captain Cyraarion. From the Infatuated Osprey.
    Baron Yashu al-Aydin - Forebear from Herne Island: "May Diagna guide my blade and Tava show me the way."

    Eshu-Moushe Auspal - Ashlander from the Mainland: "While you try to pronounce my name, you get stabbed. Simply as that."
  • chuck-18_ESO
    To the Lady Arabelle,

    Fair greetings! A group of Antiquarians, myself included, are planning a research expedition to the High Isle in the coming months, and I should like to know what to expect (and what reference materials I may wish to pack). Who were the original inhabitants of the islands, and what is known of them? Did the Ayleid empire extend even into the Systres? If so, copies of Homfrey's Ayleidoon Primer and Fyrre's Nature of Ayleidic Poesy will be a must!

    Eight Blessings, and thank you for your time!

    -Corvin Aelius, Historian of the Antiquarian's Circle, County Leyawiin
    Edited by chuck-18_ESO on 23 April 2022 02:33
    The Exclusionary Mandates of Maruhkite Selection: All Are Equal

    1: That the Supreme Spirit Akatosh is of unitary essence, as proven by the monolinearity of Time.
    1: That Shezarr the missing sibling is Singularly Misplaced and therefore Doubly Venerated.
    1: That the protean substrate that informs all denial of (1) is the Aldmeri Taint.
    1: That the Prophet Most Simian demonstrated that monothought begets Proper-Life.
    1: That the purpose of Proper-Life is the Expungement of the Taint.
    1: That the Arc of Time provides the mortal theater for the Sacred Expungement.
    1: That Akatosh is Time is Proper-Life is Taint-Death.
  • Prince_Bathorgh
    Fair Lady Arabelle,

    I believe I speak with the heart of my people when I say I would rather be deep underground, trapped betwixt cavern and chaurus, than brave the Abecean Sea. For the sake of commerce I shall, but this is beginning to look like it will be quite the long voyage. Not to mention every moment on the water taxing away on purse and sanity alike. Speaking candidly from one high-born to another, is there any chance you can get your fine craftsmen on the isle to extend the docks out a bit further? If only just by a ship length or two. Perhaps three.

    My utmost thanks,

    Bathorgh Trailslag, Merchant Prince
    Edited by Prince_Bathorgh on 23 April 2022 07:14
  • fwr.phoenixub17_ESO
    Greetings, my Lady!

    I'm interested in the peculiar climate of the isles. How come it so closely resembles the Gold Coast even if the archipelago is located hundreds miles away, in the middle of the Abecean Sea? Is it because of the local volcano (Mount Firesong, I believe?) or maybe the reason is the warm ocean current running north-westward from the Blue Divide?
    Second, what are the relations between the Systres Archipelago and the Republic of Hahd or the Emirates of Nahd, if any? What about the trade and political contacts?
    Finally, is the language spoken by the Breton nobility of the isles the same as traditional Bretic of High Rock or are there notable differences? Or do they just use modern Tamrielic like the... common folk?

    Respectfully yours,
    Scintius Aravellus Abarbus the Framer, St. Alessia's Apothecary
  • KingArthasMenethil
    Lady Garick's Sacred Shield looks quite similar to the mortal made artefact "Eleidon's Ward" is this the same shield or is it similar in creation? (Given they're both big white shields with strong Breton History)
    Edited by KingArthasMenethil on 23 April 2022 19:21
    EU 2000+ CP
    Gaius Sulla 50 Cyrodiil DragonKnight.
    Livia Sulla 50 Cyrodiil Nightblade.
    Divayth-Fyr 50 Dunmer Sorcerer.
    Ragnar Shatter-Shield 50 Nord Dragonknight.
    Selvia Sulla 50 Cyrodiil Templar.
    Attrebus Mede 50 Cyrodiil Warden.
    Zirath Urivith 50 Dunmer Dragonknight.
    Dame Edwinna Gelas 50 Breton Dragonknight.
    Agrippina Tharn 50 Cyrodiil Necromancer.
    Bedal Dren 50 Dunmer Dragonknight.
  • thejadefalcon
    Lady Arabelle,

    My sister travels more than I and regales me with most ridiculous tales. After returning from Wayrest, she spoke of Breton betrothals. This one understands the concept of marriage for political gain, alliances that benefit all, but my sister also speaks of nobles who instead keep the family "strong" and "pure" by marrying each other. Ziss'vo, surely she jests?! I ask in strict confidence, I wish not to offend in my upcoming journey to the Systres.

  • Eporem
    Lady Arabelle,

    I wonder if ever you have been curious of your own true origins, your ancestry, your descendants and if so what insights you might have discovered. I wonder too of the lenses you wear and what type of glass they might be made from, for you are the first I have seen wearing these.


    One who wonders
    Edited by Eporem on 24 April 2022 00:27
  • Benefactor
    Greetings Lady Arabelle,

    I am a person who loves a good mystery and the Systres Archipelago leaves a few that I hope you can help me shed some light on.

    The Druids of High Isle seem to have a shared history that connects to the Wyrds and possibly the Reachmen, with each having a different core philosophy such as the Druid's "True way". Can it be traced back how these groups relate to each other originally?

    Another lesser mystery I wished to ask about involves Amenos Island. I have researched much on how prisoners are "Processed" but came up short. Is there anything that you can tell me about what this "Processing" is and why it leaves inmates unable to leave the island? Does it have anything to do with why the Druids did not occupy this island?

    I will be making my way to the Archipelago later this year and hope to run into you so we can discuss more.

    Thank you,
    Librarian, The Imperial Library
  • Farendaire
    Soul Shriven
    As the Society of the Steadfast is a neutral organization sponsored by a Breton house, what is their view on the "Halo of Gold" Emeric writes of in Triumphs of a Monarch? If they believe that it was a sign from the Divines, how do they reconcile this with going against Emeric's war aims? Are there parts of Breton society (nobility, temples?) which condemn them?

    To the Estimable Lady Arabelle,

    I understand that you are a member of the Society of the Steadfast, which follows Stendarr's teachings to go among the wounded, and this is godly. Yet I hear that your society is working to bring peace in the Alliance War. Have we Bretons forgotten that the Divines showed their approval of our High King and his cause by the Halo of Gold, a miracle publicly seen?

    May you be filled with grace, and with the strength and wisdom that comes from grace, through the intercession of Saint Alessia.

    Judith Farrand, Priestess of Stendarr
    Edited by Farendaire on 24 April 2022 19:45
  • Derlo123
    Soul Shriven
    Esteemed lady Arabelle,

    Given your well known close asociation with High King Emeric perhaps you can shed light on the following inquiery:

    It is a wel known fact that breton civilization reached its peak of unity, prosperity, culture and magical achievement during the direni hegemony under whose civilizing influence they had a highly priviliged position. Why then does the king of Wayrest INSIST on recreating the often opresive and religieusly fanatical empire of the cyrodills. Whom throughout history attacked and subdued his people. All the while flaunting his dubious alliances with your people's historic enemies.

    If surely the people of High rock woeld be better served by the return of their glorydays in an elven tamriel that the unforseen queen has promised then what are Emerics TRUE motives? Is it a crown he is after perhaps? One grander than the one that already dons is brow? Is he so proud and vainglorius?

    I am sure you can enlighten me and High Rocks concerned citizens about his majesty's allarming mental state.

    Blessings of Stendar upon you,

    Assistent TO the sapiarch of indoctrination.

  • Ciranya
    Soul Shriven
    Atharaon wrote: »
    Dear Lady Arabelle,

    I’ve heard much of your Druids, who venerate Y’ffre before all else. However, I have heard little mention of the other unique elven gods of Bretondom: Phynaster and Magnus. Can you tell me whether these et’Ada have a place in the panoply of beliefs present on the isle and, if so, which aspects of theirs are held in the highest regard?

    Yours kindly,

    Ciranya of Thorvale

    Yoohoo! Thanks for asking this on my behalf, got my forum access now ;)
  • gman049
    Soul Shriven
    Was there any past threat to the Systres from the Seamount Orcs, similar to the invasion/capture of Betony/Betnikh?
    Were the orcs repelled, or not interested in the archipelago?
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    Good Morrow Lady Arabelle,
    The Imperial Library has only one book that mentions "The Druids of Galen" and their link to Bretons.
    Would you enlighten us on this mysterious sect of Druids?
    Lord Wenchmore, A Scholar of the Earl of Morningwood
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
    NA / PC Beta Member since Nov 2013
    GM~Conclave-of-Shadows, EP Social Guild, ~Proud member of: The Wandering Merchants, Phoenix Rising, Imperial Trade Union & Celestials of Nirn
    Sister Guilds with: Coroner's Report, Children of Skyrim, Sunshine Daydream, Tamriel Fisheries, Knights Arcanum and more
    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
    “When the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people, they end up running the companies. The product people get driven out of the decision making forums, and the companies forget what it means to make great products.”

    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • folder_rats
    Soul Shriven
    Oi Lady,
    I study rats. Rats is all I think about. Day. And. Night. How the rats be up in the Systres? I've heard tell from this Pocket Guide I found in a my buddy Gary's gutter, says there's some race of akaviri rat-folk pirates. And I trust my sources. Does Systres rat? Does Akavir rat? What's the rat race name?

    This is important. We are important. Rats are important.

    Sir Guyard Numbar-Uno of the Cantemiric Rat Union
  • Ciranya
    Soul Shriven
    Yoohoo dear,

    I wonder if you could tell us where your Nedic and Elven ancestors came from? Are they related to the Atmorans and the Falmer? The Reachfolk or the Craglorn Nedes? Were they always in High Rock since the dawn of time?

  • KingArthasMenethil
    Rykoth wrote: »
    To Lady Arabelle,

    The Bretons have long been a thorn in the arse of my people, the Orsimer. Attacking our home repeatedly, even resorting to treachery to break a stalemate. Why should we trust anything your people say or do? What reason should we have to care about the happenings on High Isle? What place is there for my kind?

    - Skeptical Orc

    Then look at it as a chance to weaken High Isle for Orc raids.
    EU 2000+ CP
    Gaius Sulla 50 Cyrodiil DragonKnight.
    Livia Sulla 50 Cyrodiil Nightblade.
    Divayth-Fyr 50 Dunmer Sorcerer.
    Ragnar Shatter-Shield 50 Nord Dragonknight.
    Selvia Sulla 50 Cyrodiil Templar.
    Attrebus Mede 50 Cyrodiil Warden.
    Zirath Urivith 50 Dunmer Dragonknight.
    Dame Edwinna Gelas 50 Breton Dragonknight.
    Agrippina Tharn 50 Cyrodiil Necromancer.
    Bedal Dren 50 Dunmer Dragonknight.
  • Aramithius
    Greetings, Lady Arabelle,

    Despite now being a decidedly Bretonic archipelago, there are signs of habitation from many different races in the Systres Archipelago, possibly including those from Sunken Yokuda. Do we have any indication of when these non-Tamrielians arrived in the Isles, and the interactions they had with the early Druids who arrived from High Rock?

    I look forward to your reply.


    Aramithius, Writer in Uncertainty

    Host of the Written in Uncertainty podcast, and regular participant in the Selectives Lorecast.
    Officer of the PC-EU chapter of the Loreseekers guild.
  • DalisMagnus
    Soul Shriven
    Given Bretons descend from the various Nedic tribes of High Rock. Where are all the Nedic Ruins in High Rock? The Star Gazers of Craglorn also know as the Duraki built impressive ruins, where are the ones for the Nedes of High Rock?
  • Haarkan
    To the lady Arabelle, Herald of the Uncertain Peace

    As events proceed events, the world changes and thus grows strong as new ideas are reborn. One in particular has brought much curiosity, for its antiquity is matched by hungry passion for the minute. I speak of The Tales of Tribute, for it is a good thing to strengthen the mind. As notoriety and fame grows, so to does knowledge and yet that is precisely what I seek. It is no secret the Hlaalu, whose coin purses grow fat in duplicitous trade, are a house to be feared and yet the identity of its Grandmaster is in question.

    Thus I see Delmene Hlaalu as Grandmaster in the Tales of Tribute and I must know if they are the current Grandmaster and thus pry open the coffers of Hlaalu secrets, or if they are history. If the latter, what event made them famous (or infamous) enough to earn a place beside Saints, Kings and Warrior Lords? This I beseech, and hope you may answer.

    Arelos Sothil
  • Farendaire
    Soul Shriven
    What are the opinions among priests of the Eight Divines concerning the fate of prisoners on Amenos?
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    To her grace lady, Arabelle.

    I hope you may take time to answer a question of a humble commoner. I've heard rumours you recently met the hero known as the Vestige. Saved our small town, including the chickens we swore were cursed! And Tamriel of course. But the rumours also say more worrisome things. Like the reason the Vestige can manage do all this saving is 'cus they aren't really mortal with some strange power and can return from the dead. I'd say hogwash if I hadn't seen it myself. These rumours though say this is no longer true, that after the Planemeld the Vestige got their soul back or something and is now all mortal again and no longer can? Have you seen if this is true? 'Case that can't be good. One stray arrow and our hero is dead.

    Yours Faithfully,
    Norbert, the coachman.

    (Urgh, trying make these in character and short are so tricky.)
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
This discussion has been closed.