FrancisCrawford wrote: »
Actually, the specific example they used was of a skyshard achievement.
You just won't get the actual skyshards. And you'll have a harder time figuring out which ones you still need.
Danel_Vadan wrote: »AWA just might make me want to play again for more than endeavors and writs.
Danel_Vadan wrote: »AWA just might make me want to play again for more than endeavors and writs.
So here's my perspective to this thing: I don't give a rat's ass about Achievements. To me they are a non issue, a pointless and artificial "goal" to chase. They are about as interesting as a challenge of "Can you do X thing under Y minutes while blindfolded, standing on your head and yodelling the national anthem of Australia?" The answer is, and always has been, yes, yes you can. As long as you spend enough time and effort on practising it. The real question, for me at least, is it really worth the time and effort? That's just me though. I got no beef with them as such. I just mostly ignore them.
As such, this whole thing seemed irrelevant to me. I didn't have a horse in the race, so no point in muddying the waters with my thoughts. A clear case of whatever, not interested, doesn't concern me.
I was wrong.
What I do care about, is narrative cohesion. And this thing is implemented in such a stupid way that it totally wrecks the single most important thing in the game for me.
A character who has not cleared the main quest, saved Morrowind, explored Elsweyr or any of the other gazillion things to do in the game, should not be treated by the NPCs as if they had done that. And now I learn that, in addition to that, there is some content that is only doable once per account - Like the chatting with Verandis - that is utterly unacceptable.
In fact, I started doing content from new Chapters on alts for the very reasons that they had not "saved Tamriel and kicked Molags balls." It seemed utterly inane and banal to me, that my main, the fellow who did all that, would be doing any of the nonsense that the new zones have you go through. He's got better and more important things to do. And furthermore, most of the actual dialogue in the game is written from the point of view of new characters. For example, you come to Summerset for the first time, and you will be treated as some useful rando who stumbled on the mess, and not as the legendary hero who negotiated a ceasefire for the three banner war, and then led a coalition to Oblivion itself to stop the Planemeld.
There is a huge narrative dissonance when some low thug underling, not really even worthy of being called Mid-Boss(Cookies for you, if you get the reference.), is going about with confidence and bravado on how they are gonna trash my character. When they should know that I've slayed Dragons and spanked Daedric Princes. They should be running to the hills screaming instead of going all: "I's gonna cut ya!"
Doing new chapters with a character that had not yet seen it all and done it all, made so much more narrative sense. After this change, you will still be treated as some random nobody by the plot lines, with everyone involved unsure as to whether you are up to the task, but all the passers by will hail you as this almost mythic hero who has several legendary deeds under their belt And all you, the player, can do about this, is to scream at the screen: "No, no no. That's not me, that's the other guy!"
So yeah... Guess this is it. I was actually sort of somewhat optimistic about the coming chapter, since it was for once not about some cosmic calamity of stupendous proportions, and the idea of a high medieval zone of chivalry and adventure seemed interesting. I still haven't finished Elsweyr, or Greymoor, or even really started Blackwood since I was utterly put off by their silly "Treachery and doom! The baddies would unleash a great evil!! Tamriel is in peril!!!" sort of vibe. (Extra cookies with chocolate chips for you, if you get that reference - and googling it wont count.)
I was actually kinda thinking of doing High Isle with my breton warden who hasn't really done anything signifiant or particularly noteworthy during her career so far. A return to roots and making a name for herself sort of experience. Maybe getting a house there and stuff. But with these inane changes going forth, she too will now strut of the boat as the legendary hero of Tamriel, the Saviour of Morrowind, the Slayer of Dragons and who knows what other garbage she's never even seen or heard in her life.
Good grief. Guess this is the final nail on the coffin. So happy I stayed my hand, and did not pre-order or do anything stupid like that.
I just... I just don't see any point in continuing with this thing. It just isn't an RPG any more. I mean, it was gonna come eventually, the point where I hanged my cloak on the wall for good, and went on to do other things. I just didn't see it coming this way.
- sigh -
Hope Starfeld isn't a complete dud, like so many other things have been in recent years. And like ESO is hell-bent on becoming.
alberichtano wrote: »The issues you mentioned are, as far as I know a rather universal problem for MMOs.
dzugarueb17_ESO wrote: »
What are you even talking about? For 8 years this MMO game worked fine - you create a new char - you get access to practically all content in the game. There are things you cannot repeat like being level 123CP, but all the interactions, the stories, NPCs were there. Now, on PTS we see pieces of content we can see only once per account lifetime.
Can you imagine starting a new game in TES Skyrim now and getting missing quests because you've already done some of them three years ago? I can't imagine this is possible, this is some nightmare Sheogorath reality or something.
I'm a gamedev programmer myself and I can't imagine working on a game that can do this - you start a new game and a bunch of content is broken, not replayable by design.
They have to unlink NPC interactions and quests from achievements before live, if it's not done I will really assume I live in some sort of alternate reality, where gamedev truly died for good.
Judging by today's PTS patch notes, which is the very last one until release, and no mention of these broken things, your going to wake up in Sheogorath's reality in a couple weeks.
dzugarueb17_ESO wrote: »
What are you even talking about? For 8 years this MMO game worked fine - you create a new char - you get access to practically all content in the game. There are things you cannot repeat like being level 123CP, but all the interactions, the stories, NPCs were there. Now, on PTS we see pieces of content we can see only once per account lifetime.
Can you imagine starting a new game in TES Skyrim now and getting missing quests because you've already done some of them three years ago? I can't imagine this is possible, this is some nightmare Sheogorath reality or something.
I'm a gamedev programmer myself and I can't imagine working on a game that can do this - you start a new game and a bunch of content is broken, not replayable by design.
They have to unlink NPC interactions and quests from achievements before live, if it's not done I will really assume I live in some sort of alternate reality, where gamedev truly died for good.
redspecter23 wrote: »
To offer an alternative,
Thank you ZOS for creating situations where I'm encouraged to play my alts rather than just play my main. Thank you for adding account wide journalling, history and development. Thanks for giving me more opportunities to use the extra character slots I've bought as I'm not "locked" into my main anymore. Thank you for asking for feedback and beginning to implement some fixes to issues such as museum progress.
Congratulations for reinvigorating my replayability.
Very impressed.
I thought it would be important to note that while there are quite a few that are upset at the changes, there are also those that support them, though we may be drowned out in the crowd.