Can someone show what the map looks like for an alt character of a main who has fully finished a zone. I'm curious what WB's, locations, skyshards, etc look like in those cases. I have dsl, so downloading pts would take 3 days)))
ectoplasmicninja wrote: »All right, so given that it's a storage and performance based change, it can't be opt-in. Fair. But how do alts work if we can't track our progress through quests and the game? It seems like we'll have to abandon any sense of chronologic achievement, because how do I know if I've done this delve yet if it turns white when I walk up because I have an Explorer character? Will Verandis never be on the balcony in Blackreach again to bequeath me with his name? That scene can only play out once ever?
At least you finally admitted this is for database reasons, instead of just marketing it as god's gift to the community. This change is legit horrible.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »More precisely, it's either an outright lie or -- more likely -- a confession of staggering technical ignorance or incompetence.
nightstrike wrote: »
I think it's both. They came up with "database performance" only at the 11th hour, and hoped that nobody with even a hint of CS background plays the game. The fact that they even thought that achievements could be related to DB performance shows their lack of experience. But even if there's remote (and stretched) truth to it (by deleting even one record, things are technically faster by an immeasurable, infinitesimal amount), the way you tackle problems like this is with DB design, not DB deletion! Anyone working in this field should know that!
nightstrike wrote: »
I think it's both. They came up with "database performance" only at the 11th hour, and hoped that nobody with even a hint of CS background plays the game. The fact that they even thought that achievements could be related to DB performance shows their lack of experience. But even if there's remote (and stretched) truth to it (by deleting even one record, things are technically faster by an immeasurable, infinitesimal amount), the way you tackle problems like this is with DB design, not DB deletion! Anyone working in this field should know that!
Araneae6537 wrote: »I have a question, please: Will our character data remain separate for as long as we don’t log in with them? Could I, for instance, complete the Greymoor story arc on one character and then not log in with them after the update, and get the full story, scene with Verandis included, on another character?
I'm not convinced of a billion achievements, but this game is big enough that it's well over a thousand achievements by now, possibly heading for 10k? That said, the bigger issue is that each achievement requires tracking a LOT of data, in a system that had to be designed from the start to be able to add more achievements.FrancisCrawford wrote: »More precisely, it's either an outright lie or -- more likely -- a confession of staggering technical ignorance or incompetence.
They mention "over 1 billion achivements" over the course of the game. Well, each of those achievements requires on average a few bytes of memory to track. So they might save perhaps 3 gigabytes of disk storage by making this massive change. That's not per player; that's 3 GB ACROSS THE ENTIRE PLAYER BASE. That's so trivial that even ZoS wouldn't care.
But even there, a few hundred data fields per character are a triviality to load in any halfway sensible database architecture.
Personally I am happy with the accountwide achievements, as long as they fix the auto-completed bug, and the gather quest bugs(museum/precursor/etc). However, I would still like to be able to receive achievements on other characters besides the first. Is it possible to have achievements pop up every time we meet the criteria for an achievement, regardless of if the account already has it? .. This way we can still see the achievements every time, and even multiple times per character. Which is incredibly fun.
About the new PvP motif requiring alliance rank 20, for me as a PvE'er this seems extremely high. My highest PvP-rank is only level 14, as I really dislike PvP.
Deconstruction merchant seems cool, does it incorporate the CP and skill passives to get the regular amount of deconstruction? ... As I do not want to miss out on any materials.
I was remembering an incident in eq2 years ago when zone loading was getting longer and longer. The issue was related to the fact the older the characters got, the more recipes they got and this was making load times bog down. I don't recall what they did to fix it, if anything, but I can't imagine one crafting class of recipes would be larger than a character's achievement journey, so I'm willing to consider it as a performative change.
But this sure seems like an aggressive way to address the problem. I suppose in coding an older game, you work with the cards you are dealt but I can't shake the feelings this performative angle is just a hail mary to get us to hush. Why mention it so late? OTOH, we assume they aren't cruel jerks causing pain on dunno what to think .
I feel capable of working with this change and continuing to enjoy my characters, but my heart aches for those who can't.
I was remembering an incident in eq2 years ago when zone loading was getting longer and longer. The issue was related to the fact the older the characters got, the more recipes they got and this was making load times bog down. I don't recall what they did to fix it, if anything, but I can't imagine one crafting class of recipes would be larger than a character's achievement journey, so I'm willing to consider it as a performative change.
But this sure seems like an aggressive way to address the problem. I suppose in coding an older game, you work with the cards you are dealt but I can't shake the feelings this performative angle is just a hail mary to get us to hush. Why mention it so late? OTOH, we assume they aren't cruel jerks causing pain on dunno what to think .
I feel capable of working with this change and continuing to enjoy my characters, but my heart aches for those who can't.
Araneae6537 wrote: »And when I look at what so many of us are losing and a card game is being added… It’s not right.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
Even though they're "admitting" it multiple times, it's not true.
More precisely, it's either an outright lie or -- more likely -- a confession of staggering technical ignorance or incompetence.
They mention "over 1 billion achivements" over the course of the game. Well, each of those achievements requires on average a few bytes of memory to track. So they might save perhaps 3 gigabytes of disk storage by making this massive change. That's not per player; that's 3 GB ACROSS THE ENTIRE PLAYER BASE. That's so trivial that even ZoS wouldn't care.
Clearly then, to the extent there's any truth to this claim, it's about in-memory data. But the amount of in-memory storage required will, to a first approximation, be identical; if there's any difference at all, the in-memory requirement will be slightly INCREASED.
OK -- maybe they're concerned with the effort to LOAD data into memory in advance of it being actually needed as you play your character -- i.e. at the time of a loading screen -- or similarly as you log off. I.e., if you switch alts, ZoS could leave the same achievement data in memory now rather than loading the character-specific stuff.
But even there, a few hundred data fields per character are a triviality to load in any halfway sensible database architecture.
There's just no way ZoS' technical claims make sense.
Obviously I don't know exactly what's going on in the background at ZoS.wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »
I invite anyone who does coding and programing as a living to post your opinions about this. Thank You!
Just my 2 drakes.
nightstrike wrote: »
A card game that nobody asked for, I might add
Not really, no.Are you eager to get your hands on everything coming as part of the Update 33 base-game patch?
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »There were some responses in one of the other threads from people who actually work in Programing and Data Coding in RL who broke down the technical aspects of what ZoS was claiming on performance increase , but going back to find and quote them, I found they seem to have been removed.