Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Welcome New ESO Community Team Member: ZOS_Kevin – Forum Manager

  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Thanks for the welcome, @Giraffon!
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • VaranisArano
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Welcome @ZOS_Kevin.
    I sincerely hope you are active and don't mysteriously disappear like the last forum ZOS reps. :)


    We've seen community managers. They come & go, with the notable exception of Gina and Jessica. Kai's gone (at least in the english-speaking aspects of the job). Sarah seems to be holding on a bit...
    We've seen Rich try to Talk&Lurk... didn't last long.
    We've seen the three magi Edward, Chris and Holden. Didn't even last a month.
    We've had community ambassadors. Worked for a while, but it's gone now.
    We've had class representatives... has it ever worked ? Not sure, but it's gone now too anyway.

    So welcome to you, @Zos_Kevin , and let's hope you can build something here.

    Well we may not be Community Ambassadors any more but a few of us are still about :)

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    Thing is, we can't see you unless you want us to (like everything with paws and claws) ;-)

    This one has always thought that it would be nice to have a 'follow poster' option so you could see when someone you find interesting has posted, much like notifications for bookmarked threads.

    It is something this one has wished for herself on occasions. The poster could and should though have the choice of opting out of being followed if they so choose.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    More work, but you can just bookmark the profile then stalk them see if they posted anything that way... :smile:

    Sadly, I do think that has been used to harass people on the forum, though. :disappointed:

    You can bookmark profiles? TIL!

    Just remember... with this great power comes suspensions, bans, and the inevitable restraining order. :smile:

    Heh, yes, use responsibly. I might have to use it to follow the Dev accounts since we still don't have the Dev Tracker button on the Mobile version of the forums.
  • Ashtaris
    May God have mercy on your immortal soul :smile:
    Edited by Ashtaris on 28 June 2021 16:41
  • Elsonso
    @ZOS_Kevin Suggestion... get yourself a fancy forum title. Jessica and Gina get to be a "Community Manager". You are a mere "Admin". (Edit... "admin"... not even capitalized....)

    I suggest "Grand Forum Overlord". I dare you to think of something better. :smile:
    Edited by Elsonso on 28 June 2021 16:51
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    @Ashtaris, I feel like I win either way with an immortal soul. That's how that works, right?

    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    @Elsonso I'm submitting this for an official title change.

    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Welcome @ZOS_Kevin nice to have you with us and glad to see some more forum engagement headed our way.

    I think for my feedback I'd say ideally some more communication on bug status (even just a 'seen and under investigation' as a first step). Also PvP is in dire need of some interaction since the positive work Gina started prior to the performance tests.

    This would be an ideal issue to start with :)
    Edited by Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO on 28 June 2021 17:07
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • WiseSky
    Welcome Kevin Remember to keep your Cat Overload Ellie happy
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • VaranisArano
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Ashtaris, I feel like I win either way with an immortal soul. That's how that works, right?


    Well, considering that just having a soul puts you head and shoulders above thousands of Vestiges, I'd say so!
  • WastelandBaron
    Welcome! Now please fix the emperor glitch in midyear mayhem evergloam campaign before the event ends?
  • spartaxoxo
    Hey Kevin,

    Can I make a suggestion? Can you create a console subforum.

    I feel like often console specific feedback gets completely lost.

    Some primary concerns off the top of my head is that it feels like trials and dungeon hard achievements are designed with addons on in mind, resulting in it console players often being months and weeks behind PC clear times. They can swap gear during trash pulls and have a lot of communication about when to block or when an add is coming etc that console simply doesn't have. It leads to some resentment between the platforms.

    Console UI is often inadequate compared to PC because they have addons to improve it, like map pins for content they have previously discovered.

    And I have been trying to alert ZOS to a broken housing feature for a while now, but haven't been able to keep it bumped. Most people here are PC so can't comment on such things.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on 28 June 2021 20:32
  • Reverb
    Gina is looking forward to the day she logs into less than 1000 forum notifications. The pressure’s on @ZOS_Kevin :D

    Welcome aboard!
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    1,000 salutations and Welcome Sera to the family!!
    Happy you are here!
    (Sorry if this a double post).. :)
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
    NA / PC Beta Member since Nov 2013
    GM~Conclave-of-Shadows, EP Social Guild, ~Proud member of: The Wandering Merchants, Phoenix Rising, Imperial Trade Union & Celestials of Nirn
    Sister Guilds with: Coroner's Report, Children of Skyrim, Sunshine Daydream, Tamriel Fisheries, Knights Arcanum and more
    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
    “When the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people, they end up running the companies. The product people get driven out of the decision making forums, and the companies forget what it means to make great products.”

    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • coop500
    You poor soul... Welcome to Hell
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • coop500
    To add more to my post: Everyone please remember poor Kevin likely doesn't fiddle with the actual coding and balance of the game! It's not his fault, be kind! Don't scare him off.
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • Joy_Division
    Hi Kevin!

    Anyone with a pet cat they care deeply about is A-ok in my book :smile:

    Your enthusiasm is welcome and I hope you can keep that up!
  • Zypheran
    @ZOS_Kevin welcome.
    Delighted to see a new team member to support the communication channels.
    It's interesting that the games we play as first games or in our teens gives away our age😄
    My own first game that I owned was Centepede on the Atari 2600 😧
    Wishing you the best of luck in the new role. Hope to see you drop by the housing channel.
    Quick question, does your role mean we no longer ping Gina for everything? If so, can we still ping her on natch potes day?😄
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Hey @Zypheran! Thanks for the warm welcome! Very much looking forward to spending some time in the housing channel soon. I've heard nothing but great things!

    I think the best way to look at it is you can include me in those general forum pings. We will be communicating as a team, so the more eyes, the better. And no change for pings for patch notes.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Lady_Galadhiel
    Welcome @ZOS_Kevin \o/ Glad to have you with us.
    Will see you in the housing section :)
    Total ESO playtime: 8325 hours
    ESO plus status: Cancelled
    ESO currently uninstalled.
  • Jaraal

    Are you taking @ZOS_Adrikoth's place as admin?
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • irswat
    What is the most difficult thing that you've done in ESO @ZOS_Kevin?
    Edited by irswat on 1 July 2021 15:43
    The Lord Jesus Christ saved me from sin and darkness. His love has transformed me so that I am a new creature in Him. May you find Him too, and experience His richness and goodness!
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    I hope this means bright things around the corner and a team hustle to get back on track after our collective two year 'break'!

    Welcome here.
    Edited by Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo on 1 July 2021 18:50
  • Lydawobbles
    Welcome! :)
  • Malpheus_Prime
    I see them welcome Kevin and I see the server break in the same day... coincidence? I think not.

    Stop it Kevin.
  • redlink1979
    Welcome @ZOS_Kevin !
    (...) “My first video game I ever played was Pokémon Blue in my Kiwi Green Gameboy Color. (...)
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother [PS5][EU] 2165 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest [PS5][NA] 1910 CP
    • SweetTrolls [PC][EU] 1950 CP
    • Bacon Rats [PC][NA] 1850 CP
  • Minyassa
    Welcome, @ZOS_Kevin, and kudos to you, you're a very brave man. I know I speak for several of us when I say that one of your top priorities in the next few days should be to post several pictures of your Ellie, because you mentioned her so now we know and that means there's a cat tax to be paid in pics.
  • Lydawobbles
    Ps NA is down again
  • StabbityDoom
    @ZOS_Kevin does this mean you will also be handling facilitating dev communication on the forums? IE does it go through you? So that we will see more of that since this is your primary focus?

    I know Gina is SLAMMED pretty much all the time so I was hoping....
    EHT zealot
  • Jaraal
    @ZOS_Kevin does this mean you will also be handling facilitating dev communication on the forums?

    I think he already checked out. No responses since last month.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • LoneStar2911
    Jaraal wrote: »
    @ZOS_Kevin does this mean you will also be handling facilitating dev communication on the forums?

    I think he already checked out. No responses since last month.

    LOL. :D I get your joke. But 3 days, oh no!
    @ZOS_Kevin Will you be checking forums from home on your days off or should we occasionally expect a 2-3 day pause between your forum interactions?
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