Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Unexpected crashing while in game

  • TeamAwesomee
    Soul Shriven
    Good to know that I'm not the only one experiencing problems with ESO on my Mac.

    Yesterday queued for a dungeon, after minutes of waiting the ready check was there, pressed F to join and immediately got the problem that ESO just closed itself. No sign whatsoever that my Mac closed ESO because there was a problem or anything. ESO just closed itself.

    Anyways, good to read that we are heard and that they try to fix the problems for Mac users.
  • ErinSparkblade
    Personally I’m finding it better than it was - usually several hours between crashes now, and my FPS are higher.

    Thank you ZOS for getting into it!
  • FierceSam
    Not for me. For me it's pretty much the same, 30 - 60 minutes of gametime, then a random crash

    Ticket #190130-003828

    FPS in Alinor is still lucky to get into double figures

    51 days....
  • FierceSam
    Day 52

    Around 30 minutes before crashing.

    Still unacceptable level of performance.

    Ticket #190131-001581
  • FierceSam
    Oh the total irony. There I was talking to my guildies about how to raise a support ticket. Next thing I know I'm staring at my desktop with a bunch of Apple crash code details for company.

    If I wasn't so annoyed, I would be impressed at the synchronicity of it all.

    I think Finn should be made to play on a Mac during the next stream. That should be good for a laugh.

    Ticket #190131-003776
  • FierceSam
    Day 53 More Irony. Just as I was wondering when the ZOS stream was going to start...


    Ticket #190201-003276
  • FierceSam
    Day 54

    I did enjoy the ESO stream. Somehow having to watch the promo video 7 times over and over while they attempted to fix technical glitches was so totally ZOS. It's like QA is just two letters to them.

    This constant crashing is less enjoyable.

    Ticket #190202-002320
  • FierceSam
    And even less enjoyable when it constantly crashes halfway through the Dream Wallow quest in Murkmire. That's a double pain as, not only do you crash, but when you get back you have to repeat the entirety of the quest over and over, only to crash out at exactly the same point.

    Not impressed.

    Ticket #190202-002384
  • FierceSam

    Clearly C**p Mac client + Popular time of day + PTS server load = utterly unacceptable performance for Mac players

    Now I can't even bimble about without being chucked out.

    This time I got a whopping 10 minutes of gameplay

    Ticket #190202-002450
  • nckg84
    They have no clue what they are doing people.
  • kyle.wilson
    When are we going to get this kind of communication on the poor performance of the pvp servers.

    were reaching 5 years where the campaigns are pretty much unplayable during primetime.
  • Rowjoh
    Still random crashing every 1 1/2 hours.

    Still getting regular in-game stuttering/freezes especially in Cyrodiil and main cities.

    Alinor is so bad it's migraine inducing and should come with an epilepsy risk warning.

    Game still perma-hanging on exit and will only close with a force quit.

    Still pumping out 5 or 6 auto crash reports to Apple every day.

    I'm on a high spec Mac with all the trimmings and ultra fast and reliable broadband so god knows how others on slightly older set-ups are coping with this farcical situation.
    Edited by Rowjoh on 3 February 2019 13:24
  • Kaytlin
    Thank you for the recent communication regarding Mac client crashing. Might I be so bold as to suggest that you actually test the fix on many Mac’s, for extended play times in excess of 2-4 hours. This is where this problem can be reliably duplicated without question. All of the good will and talk will do nothing if this problem exists after the promised” fix near the middle of the month. Which, BTW, is less than two weeks from now! If you cannot meet this promised schedule you need to communicate this now!
  • ErinSparkblade
    Or they could look at FierceSam’s 2437 tickets and crash logs to work it out.
  • Mintaka5
    Ecstatica wrote: »
    I take it back - crashing just as much as before, and possibly worse because (in Cyrodiil at least) rather than just exiting the game abruptly, I'm getting a period whereby my skills stop working and I can free roam around the map until it crashes.

    So in short - just as bad, if not worse.

    So glad it's not just me. This is exactly what I experience, especially on pop-locked Vivec. So disappointing since i pay a subscription, plus a higher ISP bill for gaming package, and plus a $2500 gaming laptop max specs. No addons. Most if not all Windows and app services that are not needed are turned off. Really annoying especially when you log back in to find you've been booted from Cyrodiil and have to go back into queue a 100 deep. Last time this happened I just quit the game and played something else. I will not enable this *** poor quality by giving this game my time when it's not working correctly.
  • Gattopardo
    "Mac Game Client
    Fixed some crashes on the Mac game client that would occur after long periods of gameplay."

    according to today's pts patch notes
    Edited by Gattopardo on 4 February 2019 21:28
  • FierceSam
    Day 56

    We live in hope (however tempered by many moons of bad experience)

    Although they would have to define what they mean by "long periods of gameplay"

    I would suggest that 30 minutes isn't a "long" period, it's barely a bit of a "short" period.

    Chucked out this time in Murkmire.

    The saddest thing is that I just can't summon up the energy to go back only to be chucked out again.

    I reckon my game time is about 10% of what it was prior to the slagfest that was the Dec 10 update. Although I seem to be progressing rapidly on the forums :)

    Ticket #190204-002939
  • Alhatariel
    I still crash twice each hour, have not done a single run after the update in December because of it. The crashing is so random that it doesnt matter what I do or even doing nothing. I have had a few times that I was going to use a crafting surveys, but that I crashed after taking 1 of the 6 survey items and when I came back the other 5 were gone. :-(
  • Alhatariel
    So after almost 2 monthes of crashing, not doing runs and only farm and doing crafting dailiesI really hope this will be fixed soon. It really took away the pleasure in the game for me!
  • FierceSam
    Day 59

    Hey *** same old, same old

    Can't even go bimbling around in Vvardenfeld as part of the latest Event.

    ANOTHER thing that Mac users are currently prevented from doing.

    Change can't come fast enough.

    Ticket #190207-001639

    And a more complete update from ZOS would be appreciated. A message a month is a bit of a kick in the teeth really.
  • Mintaka5
    Crashed again this morning in Cyrodiil on Vivec.
  • FierceSam
    More of the same.

    There seems to be no place in Tamriel that is immune from this Mac plague. I would blame the Sload, but it seems a bit nasty even for them.

    About to turn in my Vvardenfeld dailies when Crash.

    Is there a point in Mac users bothering to take part in this Event?

    I have lost count of the number of tickets I haven't been able to collect because the Mac client is useless or the Group Finder is useless or the PvP servers are useless. I begin to see a pattern emerging.

    Ticket #190207-002443
  • ZOS_SarahHecker
    Hey all,

    Another update here: We have an incremental scheduled for Monday that features Mac performance fixes. As always, please continue to update these threads with any feedback.

    Thanks again!
    Staff Post
  • Integral1900
    Any chance of a fix for pc eu, either something’s wrong or eso needs a maintenance urgently

    The dwemer public dungeon in vvardenfel shot the lag up from 80 to over 600, nothing else I’m doing online seems affected, just eso
  • FierceSam
    @ZOS_SarahHecker thanks for the heads up.

    Hope the incremental does the business.

  • coulterk
    Looking forward to trying the patch. Been a long time not able to play.
  • FierceSam
    Day 61

    My experience is that this game works even less well on OS Mojave. It crashes more often, keyboard lag is worse and it takes EVEN LONGER to either quit gracefully or provide the crash report.

    Change can't come fast enough. You literally CANNOT do ANYTHING in this game on a Mac

    Ticket #190209-001038

  • FierceSam
    Another Vvardenfeld world boss, another crash, another 2 reward boxes I won't be getting.

    Gotta hope that Monday's incremental does something. Otherwise there is no point playing this game on the Mac

    Ticket #190209-001282
  • FierceSam
    Simply appearing in the EU server is enough to kill this game.

    Ticket #190209-002179
  • FierceSam
    Day 62

    If it's possible, performance today has been even WORSE than usual.

    If it's not absurdly long loading screens or in-game cuts that bounce you back to where you were 10 seconds ago, it's being kicked out to the log in screen or the usual crashing out altogether. It seems that even running a basically functional server is beyond the capabilities of ZOS

    Gotta hope tomorrow's update does something to address this.

    Ticket #190210-002709
This discussion has been closed.