Team Sauce Trading: 5000+ Members! Trading, PvE, PvP, Trials, Raffles, Events! - NOW RECRUITING!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • mushygizmo
    An invite to Secret would be sweet.


  • Ninja_Echo
    GT: II Xcstasy II
  • Dissolution_Reborn
    Dissolution II

    Was in your guild about 2 years ago but took a hiatus from the game.
  • MarysPoppinCaps
    Hey I'm trying to get back into eso and would love to join your guild for some motivation!

    Gt: MarysPoppinCaps

    Guild preference: Secret Sauce

    Thank you!
  • cataishi
    Soul Shriven
    GT : Yardbird 66
  • Dissolution_Reborn
    Invite plz.

    Dissolution II (Roman numeral 2)
  • ragnarok28700
    i'd like a invite plz gt THEDESTROYER280
  • aquiella
    Oh I love the new guild names!

    If any of the 5K guilds are open can I get an invite, please????

    GT: Shamrock Midori

  • Docmalone74
    Need a strong consistent trader

    Eb9nheart pact but can travel.

    GT: Docmalone74

  • HellaSkillz
    Soul Shriven
    Back into ESO after a while, would love an invite. Looking for consistent trader, thanks in advance!
    Gamertag: HellaSkillz
    Guild pref: Secret, Legendary
    Edited by HellaSkillz on 12 July 2018 03:31
  • Keogy
    Soul Shriven
    Myself and my brother started playing a week or so ago and are looking for an active trade guild. GTs are Keogy333 and MaskedGrim333. Either the ebonheart or viv city trade guild would be great!!!
  • suliabryon
    Soul Shriven
    Hi! I'm an active player with Provision Mastery (working on the others) looking for an active trading guild with good trader location. GT: Sulia Bryon
  • mushygizmo
    An invite to Guardian Sauce would be sweet.


  • Therepoman87
    Invite please GT: The Repo Man87
  • Lyndwurm
    Soul Shriven
    Are there any openings in Tzatziki Sauce in Coldharbour? Lyndwurm. Thx
  • wbernardo24
    I’m goin to clear a spot later when I come
    Home I will love to be part of stormhaven or vivic city guild , the prices are 10 and 7k? I see also in this thread it says 5k I assume price went up? I’m part of another guild Always have slots full so don’t make many sales, also the dues due are the “house cut” of my sales or separate (like just send over X gold every week) thanks for your time
    Guys my GT is crabby 666 I’ll b home tonight around 530 I’ll clear a guild Spot
  • Daron720
    @wbernardo24 Dues are separate from the house sales cut. Sadly, console doesn't have any way for us to easily or conveniently track and monitor individual member sales, so dues are due to compensate. Haute Sauce in Vivec is 7k/wk, and Empire Sauce in Wayrest is 10k/wk :)

    Also, recent invites have been sent if you commented in the last couple of days! If you have not received an invite yet and want one before I check this thread again please feel free to send me an xbox live message @ Daron720. Thanks!
  • hosehead
    Soul Shriven
    Returning player looking fo an invite to secret sauce

    IGN hose head
  • Rykonos
    Soul Shriven
    An invite to Golden Sauce would be much appreciated!
    GT: Rykonos
  • Crescentshield
    Interested in joining Golden Sauce!
    GT: Crescentshield
  • Starcat731
    Soul Shriven
    Please send invite to any available guild you have. No preference for me. Thanks.
  • wbernardo24
    Ok great, I’m looking for a guild Specifically for selling so I’ll start with haute sauce in vivic and see how I like the 7k a week if I sell a lot and seems like a Breeze I’ll switch to empire sauce for 10k, because I’m used to free guilds but I’m sure it’s fine and do you think haute sauce is good for sales? Prob not as good as empire but hopefully good, so I’ll wait for invite to haute sauce and how do I send in my weekly dues? GT Crabby 666 and I cleared space thanks so much
  • devilsgun101
    GT: Devilgun101
  • baxley85
    Soul Shriven
    killing8joke5. Golden sauce please
  • West1389
    I'd like to join HAUTE sauce

    Gt CHAOS1389
  • Anxietyhaunts
    I’d like to be invited to Golden Sauce and Empire Sauce (mournhold/wayrest) I will pay the weekly dues for both. My gamer tag is “haunts o” in game name is “adabal”
  • Anxietyhaunts
    Edited by Anxietyhaunts on 24 July 2018 21:49
  • JelliedBigfoot
    Back from a 2 year break, would love to join up and clear some inventory and get back on the grind.

    GT: JelliedBigfoot

    Prefer:Legendary & Golden
    Will pay dues for both
  • West1389
    is anyone getting a invite? they may not be adding members.
  • demonicz101
    Soul Shriven
    I was part of your guild 2 years ago when I played and now that I am back I would like to join again. The raffles were amazing! I would prefer secret if I could. Thanks

    GT GeoWarlock
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