Team Sauce Trading: 5000+ Members! Trading, PvE, PvP, Trials, Raffles, Events! - NOW RECRUITING!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Skyhigh1218
    Soul Shriven
    Hi could I get an invite to haute sauce
    gt: skyhigh1218.
  • vinnyml
  • burleighboy
    G’day from Australia,would like to join secret sauce as I have the sleek creek pad as my main home gamer tag is Burleighboy cheers nick
  • Symposium56
    I'd love to join Secret Sauce is there is room. If not Apple Sauce is fine too. My GT is Prkl56. Thanks!
  • mmsmokey3
    Soul Shriven
    Mmsmokey3 for red sauce please
  • Danglius
    Soul Shriven
    Id like to join secret sauce, if thats full then apple.

    If thats full then Szechuan.
    Edited by Danglius on 13 March 2018 22:59
  • Grymshade
    Soul Shriven
    Would like a invite to the sauce family looking for a solid trade guild and I've seen your guilds around. Dont know what you have spots open in. GT - Silas Malleus
  • turtlemuffins
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a solid trading guild - Any trade guild will be fine.

    Invite please if room!

    GT: turtlemuffins
  • sully73
    Hi would love an invite to Au Jus if there is room. If not any other one would be prefect thanks

  • weedaleeb14_ESO
    Returning player here. If there is any room in Secret Sauce or Apple sauce, an invite would be much appreciated!

    GT: Weedalee
  • TheMajesticGeek
    Looking for room in Yum Yum sauce or Legendary Sauce
    GT: TheMajesticGeek
  • epaulsen83
    Soul Shriven
    I would love to join Haute Sauce. GT: TowerSlayer76
  • Storagefood
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, I would appreciate an invite to Haute Sauce. Thank you

    GT - Storage Food
  • Drezzdin
    GT: Drezzdin88
    Would like to join Secret or Apple, Haute if those aren't available.

  • archangel007
    Soul Shriven
    Active Trader here! Would love an invite to your guild. GT: ARCHANGEL36
  • APC_Falcon
    Soul Shriven

    Can I get an invite, preferably Apple Sauce or Secret Sauce? GT: APC_Falcon


    Edited by APC_Falcon on 18 April 2018 11:53
  • thadious
    Soul Shriven
    Gt: riggo8381. Any is fine.
  • swopiedopie
    Soul Shriven
    Very Active Trader! Looking for Inv please. GT:SwopieDopie
  • KronikFlatulenz
    I was a member, had a family emergency and ended up being unable to play for several months. Sauce was my favorite trading guild and I'd love an invite now that I'm active again, please.

    Gamertag: KronikFlatulenz

    Thanks so much!
  • WolfeLoveSpider
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I'd like an invite to Szechuan if there is room. If not, Apple or Secret would be great too. Thanks!

    GT: WolfeLoveSpider
  • MountainRespect
    Hey all! My GT is MountainRespect
    My preference would be apple sauce in belkarth. I’m a newish player but have two characters at lvl 50 and one is well on the way to mastercrafter. I’d love to get involved in the trade markets an help out a large clan. I’ve been takin in motif pages by completing 21 daily missions a day or the whole anniversary event, so I am very prepared to enter the guild trade market.
  • swopiedopie
    Soul Shriven
    HEY! Loooking to join secret sauce! GT SwopieDopie
  • Starrozez
    Soul Shriven
    I would appreciate an invite!

    Legendary sauce is my first choice, otherwise any of them is fine with me.

    GT: starsnrosez
  • vinniesea
    Soul Shriven
    Hey there, looking for an invite to Au Jus if there is room! If not, any of the other guilds will work. Thank you :)

    GT: vinniesea
  • raw0yster
    Soul Shriven
    Hey guys. Looking for invite to secret sauce please. GT: Raw0yster
  • lerdonkeyub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Lerdonkey

    Highest lvl character is a 23. I just got into it and I'm pretty active. Play a couple hours a day during the week.

    Thank you for your consideration.
  • MountainRespect
    Hey guys, not sure if you are still recruiting, but my gt is MountainRespect. I messaged you both on Xbox live as well.
  • Riccks77
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Riccks77
    looking for Haute or Legendary sauce!

    Thanks! :)
  • mbradfo2_ESO
    I'd love to join Apple Sauce please :-)

    gt is mbradfo2
  • GriffinMoses
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