Team Sauce Trading: 5000+ Members! Trading, PvE, PvP, Trials, Raffles, Events! - NOW RECRUITING!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • hellerak1
    Soul Shriven
    I would love to be part of this!
    Red Sauce
  • Ilawynde
    GT Ilawynde

    Had to leave game for real life issues

    Was a member in good standing in the 10K guilds.

    Would like to ease back in so.....can i get an invite to the 5k guilds.

    Thank you

    GT Ilawynde

  • Ni1nj4
    Returning player left in good standing


    Please invite for

    Empire Sauce (Wayrest)
    Secret Sauce (Rawlkha)

    Thank you
  • Sievertsv
    im interested in the 5k/week guilds

    GT: Daedric
  • Abelcher339b14_ESO
    GT: Perdidit
    Guild Preference: Haute Sauce

    I'd love to join the guild Haute Sauce. I'll pay dues weekly and will be active.
  • Vindit
    Soul Shriven
    Returning player/guild member, gamertag:

    Guild Choice:

    Whatever is available works!
  • Dephyrius
    xH0LLW00Dx (zero's instead of O's, No Y)

    Active player and trader just moving from PC to Xbox one. Would love an invite to Legendary Sauce or Red Sauce. Any of the other guilds would work as well if they're full.
    Edited by Dephyrius on 25 May 2018 00:34
  • LadyDestiny
    GT: Atreuss

    #1 Secret Sauce
    #2 Apple Sauce
    #3 Haute Sauce

    Thanks in advance!
    Edited by LadyDestiny on 24 May 2018 09:40
  • Sophocles1
    I’ll go clear off a guild now, if you have space, LegitLotus96398
  • Dephyrius
    Dephyrius wrote: »
    xH0LLW00Dx (zero's instead of O's, and there's no Y in it)

    Active player and trader just moving from PC to Xbox one. Would love an invite to Legendary Sauce or Red Sauce. Any of the other guilds would work as well if they're full.

    Fixed my gamer tag, sorry about that, because it was ungodly in the morning and I missed that I spelled it wrong.

    Edited by Dephyrius on 24 May 2018 23:49
  • Gruntz_II
    GT: Gruntz ii

    Returning player looking for multiple invites from ANY/ALL Sauce guilds. I have 5 open slots. Will pay dues in all of them on invite, and have tons of things to sell. I logged in after a year to see my old rawl, mournhold, Elden root, and wayrest trader guilds no where to be found. Of course, I’d prefer you’re high traffic traders if there’s open roster spots (higher dues is not an issue), but will be happy with whatever is available. Thanks in advance!
  • owenmp2020b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Just back from a break. Looking for an inv to Secret sauce was there before I left and 1 other 10k guild lots of gold for dues Thank You

    GT SlopingFawn30
  • AOSamcro
    gt: AO Samcro - secret sauce or apple sauce
  • Gaudo
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join Haute Sauce. GT: gaudo67
  • Pmaurk
    New player starting out. Interested in joining trading guild Haute Sauce. GT: Pmauk
  • chembear
    Soul Shriven
    GT chembear
    Invite to any 5k guild please
  • Shakezulah68
    Could I get on Outback Sauce?

  • dulupark
    Soul Shriven
    Sent a message to Daron720 ingame. Thanks!
  • sigmaxl
    Interested in joining secret sauce. Was once a member but left the game for some time

    It is Sig the Feared
    Gt : Sig the Feared
    [AD] [Xbox1]
  • Shakezulah68
    I forgot the space. Trying to join Outback Sauce. GT: Shakezulah 68.
  • xmaveri
    Would like to join Apple, haute, or yum yum please. I have a ton of mats to sell Xmrcxmaverickx
  • dulupark
    Soul Shriven
    When do you guys get around to updating rankings? I paid my dues to Yum Yum Sauce Bank earlier today and I still can't use the store.
  • lolzbuckets
    Edited by lolzbuckets on 9 June 2018 16:13
  • the_dayman
    GT: klutch daniish
    Secret sauce
  • Satanisme
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love to be apart of this! GT: wontcomehome
    Guild preference; Haute Sauce
  • Dillon283
    Hey, interested, if you're still recruiting. EU player recently migrated to NA servers, grinding out a Daggerfall Breton Sorcerer

    GT: AmethystPrismX

    Edit: Sorry, Guild preference would be Haute Sauce or Au Jus. Thank you.
    Edited by Dillon283 on 10 June 2018 22:06
    I shall cleanse Nirn with Aedric Light. No Daedra shall escape my wrath.
    Breton Sorcerer(DPS)Daggerfall Covenant
    GT: AmethystPrismX
  • KCW989
    x518x SPAZTIC
  • hellothere
    Can I join yum yum sauce?
  • ShrunkKoala5080
    Soul Shriven
    Would really appreciate an invite to Au Jus or Yum Yum. Any openings would suffice at this point though...

    GT: shrunkkoala5080

    Thanks for any help!
  • Ninja_Echo
    Hi I'm interested in joining
    GT: II Xcstasy II
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