Maintenance for the week of June 3:
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Fang Lair and Scalecaller Motifs Now Available

  • Lorem123
    LordLomax wrote: »
    How much were these motifs in the crown store before they got removed ?
    5000 crowns. Each.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    PetiteFire wrote: »
    Quick update: We'll actually be able to fix both PC and console versions next Monday (rather than console waiting until the incremental in 3 weeks). We're still discussing when/how anyone affected will be fixed, but we'll have news on that soon.

    Do you mean this Monday the 2nd, or the following Monday the 9th? o:)

    July 2.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Vanthras79
    PetiteFire wrote: »
    Quick update: We'll actually be able to fix both PC and console versions next Monday (rather than console waiting until the incremental in 3 weeks). We're still discussing when/how anyone affected will be fixed, but we'll have news on that soon.

    Do you mean this Monday the 2nd, or the following Monday the 9th? o:)

    July 2.

    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    #Shortly..... :)
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
    NA / PC Beta Member since Nov 2013
    GM~Conclave-of-Shadows, EP Social Guild, ~Proud member of: The Wandering Merchants, Phoenix Rising, Imperial Trade Union & Celestials of Nirn
    Sister Guilds with: Coroner's Report, Children of Skyrim, Sunshine Daydream, Tamriel Fisheries, Knights Arcanum and more
    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
    “When the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people, they end up running the companies. The product people get driven out of the decision making forums, and the companies forget what it means to make great products.”

    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • agegarton
    PetiteFire wrote: »
    Quick update: We'll actually be able to fix both PC and console versions next Monday (rather than console waiting until the incremental in 3 weeks). We're still discussing when/how anyone affected will be fixed, but we'll have news on that soon.

    Do you mean this Monday the 2nd, or the following Monday the 9th? o:)

    July 2.

    Any news for those of us who bought Fang Lair and have the book in our inventory? Just want to know whether I need to do anything?

  • DeadlyPhoenix
    Avran_Sylt wrote: »
    Avran_Sylt wrote: »
    And here we're sitting still waiting on an update regarding the snipe exploit, where you can queue multiple snipes to hit at the same time in PVP. FeelsBadMan

    Personally, I'm downright gleeful that the one time ZOS tried to scam the PVE Community out of these motifs, they ended up messing it up.

    Ps: People who bought these bugged out motifs in the crown store. They're worth 5k aka 38 dollars. Humanity please, control yourselves.

    Quite honestly, I would assume Networking/Queuing errors are much harder to fix than misaddressed variables. One relies on simple logic, while the other relies on more volatile variables, such as connection speed and underlying coding practices (as well as the engine the game is built on).

    Hell, scam or not, I'm glad they're moving this route. Able to purchase costumes/motifs/etc. via crowns, while at the same time being able to obtain them via Grind. Pay with money or time, it's your choice. Just make Crowns trade-able between players and they'll have made a similar accessory economy in the vein of Warframe. (Except ESO's would be more focused on buying and selling in amounts equal to the Loot Boxes, since you can't actually buy most accessories individually with Crowns, some yes, but not the current hot topic)

    Time and cost investment have room to be improved, imo. But with the current pool of offerings like this, it's not bad.
    Personally I disagree. The decision to withhold the release of motifs to have them release with their crown store counterpart was a shady and underhanded tactic.

    All other dungeon motifs have been released with the next DLC or chapter since they started doing dungeon motifs. The reason they decided to wait and release crown store at the same time as they were available in game through drops, was to milk every cent they could from their player base.

    They know that in the past, people will farm them like crazy, people sitting on excess amounts of gold will buy them and by the time they're released on crown store the people who would really want the motif, already have them usually.

    They figured if they release them both at the same time more people will buy them and they were probably right. That does not, however, mean that it is acceptable to change the way you release motifs.

    They just threw up a huge middle finger to everyone who farms dungeon motifs and purchased Dragonbones. Many people only buy the dungeon DLCs so that they can farm and sell the motifs before they become cheap.

    In this case, they have already taken a lot of the demand for the motifs away releasing both simultaneously and as a result, the prices will not be as high nor stay as expensive for as long as usual. The demand is still there, but not what it would be if they delayed the crown store release as they typically do.

    This company is becoming more and more transparent. Usually that is a good thing, in this case it's a glaring reality check that they are con-artists devising every possible scheme they can to drain our wallets.


    Go ahead and try to get me for bashing you ZOS. I'm not bashing, merely stating my opinion on how shady of a company you are.


    Or... You know... A more likely explanation that fits with the past design schedule of ZoS is that they didn't have the functionality implemented in time, and just used the Crown Store release date as an excuse to push back the deadline... Since Marketing is already stigmatized as 'evil', it's the lesser of the two, if the other option was to tell your playerbase that you were behind schedule.

    Either way, they were going to lose face.


    I would buy this if it wasn't for the fact that the motifs were being called for in master writs, the style was already done, their alternate versions were already available through battlegrounds and there was no new update for the game, meaning they were already in game as they would be with Summetsets release regardless of how long it took them to release.

    It's just like yearly events. The code is already there. We are already patched to it. They just "flip a switch" to activate it in game.
    Edited by DeadlyPhoenix on 29 June 2018 16:17
  • Spiritrush
    It seems to me this Motif issue is more than just a crown store issue. Many players have lost a valuable Motif or a large amount of gold (or crowns) buying a valuable Motif, which has created a flurry of customer service requests. These requests needed immediate attention, regardless of any other pressing issues.

    While it is a little baffling how this particular bug got through testing, ZOS has no reason to do anything other than fix the problem as quickly as they can, and thereafter improve its development and testing practices (after all, mistakes do cost money - and companies by their nature must make money to be successful, or survive).

    Some of these posts are not just salty. They're toxic - little more than self-serving diatribes with no regard for anyone other than the person in the mirror. I get that expressed passion comes from something you care about, and problems do need to be fixed, but simply bashing folks doesn't help anyone, nor does it accelerate any fixes.

    ZOS has made many mistakes, which is to be expected from an undertaking the size and scope of this game (a famous CEO once declared "we will make twice as many mistakes as last year" in a speech regarding innovation and creativity and growth). ZOS will continue to make mistakes. And, unfortunately, some of those early mistakes leave legacy coding issues that are very challenging to fix.

    ZOS - keep making mistakes. Keep growing this game. You know you've already achieved some momentous milestones in game development. And mistakes come with the territory. But a common theme I hear is that, if the company intends to continue this franchise for years to come (and the game is good enough to consider that) proactive investments should be made in REFACTORING some of the legacy code, as well as in the organization and standardization of customer service and customer relations (e.g. quality of customer service and related communications are widely regarded as inconsistent, a genuinely mixed bag from exceptional to nonsensical). Both of these can be thankless undertakings with less priority than other initiatives, but so critical to long-term success!

    Great job on so many aspects of the game!

    Good luck!
    Edited by Spiritrush on 30 June 2018 14:53
  • DeadlyPhoenix
    Spiritrush wrote: »
    It seems to me this Motif issue is more than just a crown store issue. Many players have lost a valuable Motif or a large amount of gold (or crowns) buying a valuable Motif, which has created a flurry of customer service requests. These requests needed immediate attention, regardless of any other pressing issues.

    While it is a little baffling how this particular bug got through testing, ZOS has no reason to do anything other than fix the problem as quickly as they can, and thereafter improve its development and testing practices (after all, mistakes do cost money - and companies by their nature must make money to be successful, or survive).

    Some of these posts are not just salty. They're toxic - little more than self-serving diatribes with no regard for anyone other than the person in the mirror. I get that expressed passion comes from something you care about, and problems do need to be fixed, but simply bashing folks doesn't help anyone, nor does it accelerate any fixes.

    ZOS has made many mistakes, which is to be expected from an undertaking the size and scope of this game (a famous CEO once declared "we will make twice as many mistakes as last year" in a speech regarding innovation and creativity and growth). ZOS will continue to make mistakes. And, unfortunately, some of those early mistakes leave legacy coding issues that are very challenging to fix.

    ZOS - keep making mistakes. Keep growing this game. You know you've already achieved some momentous milestones in game development. And mistakes come with the territory. But a common theme I hear is that, if the company intends to continue this franchise for years to come (and the game is good enough to consider that) proactive investments should be made in REFACTORING some of the legacy code, as well as in the organization and standardization of customer service and customer relations (e.g. quality of customer service and related communications are widely regarded as inconsistent, a genuinely mixed bag from exceptional to clueless). Both of these can be thankless undertakings with less priority than other initiatives, but so critical to long-term success!

    Great job on so many aspects of the game!

    Good luck!

    Just wanted to say that I was in no way bashing any one in this thread and especially not Gina. I am not bashing the moderators. I am not bashing anyone. They all have jobs to do and are told what priority is. They people at the top of the ladder make the calls and decisions.

    I also do not have a problem with this thread or issue receiving this kind of attention and actually am happy to see it. However this kind of attention needs to be applied to other aspects of the game and more communication on their part is all we are really asking for.

    That's what a lot of the outrage is about. Yes people spent real money and didn't receive what they paid for, but how is this different from any other aspect of the game? I paid for ESO, ESO+, DLCs, Chapters, that have broken content. It's crown store related as well, but things don't get this kind of attention and response.

    Again, I applaud ZOS for handling this issue in a timely fashion. Now take that momentum in this thread and apply it to other aspects of the game.
  • Spiritrush
    Just wanted to say that I was in no way bashing any one in this thread and especially not Gina. I am not bashing the moderators. I am not bashing anyone. They all have jobs to do and are told what priority is. They people at the top of the ladder make the calls and decisions.

    I also do not have a problem with this thread or issue receiving this kind of attention and actually am happy to see it. However this kind of attention needs to be applied to other aspects of the game and more communication on their part is all we are really asking for.

    Again, I applaud ZOS for handling this issue in a timely fashion. Now take that momentum in this thread and apply it to other aspects of the game.

    Yes, I agree completely. I wrote my post on the remote chance this kind of message would make its way to all the right places.

    Edited by Spiritrush on 29 June 2018 20:41
  • agegarton
    PetiteFire wrote: »
    Quick update: We'll actually be able to fix both PC and console versions next Monday (rather than console waiting until the incremental in 3 weeks). We're still discussing when/how anyone affected will be fixed, but we'll have news on that soon.

    Do you mean this Monday the 2nd, or the following Monday the 9th? o:)

    July 2.

    Any news for those of us who bought Fang Lair and have the book in our inventory? Just want to know whether I need to do anything?

  • agegarton
    ^ oops repeated that by accident.
  • Kuramas9tails
    Can anyone tell me if the motif will drop on normal? Even if it's just a slim slim chance?
      Your friendly neighborhood crazy cat lady of ESO
      New PSN name: SundariTheLast. Proud seller in RedEye Empire, PURPLE GANG and Backalley Trading.
      AD High Elf Mageblade DPS (General)(Former Empress) -- Stormproof/VMOL, VHOF, VDSA completion
      AD Khajiit Mageblade DPS -- Flawless Conquerer
    • DeadlyPhoenix
      Can anyone tell me if the motif will drop on normal? Even if it's just a slim slim chance?

      It does, but it's a very small chance. At least the other DLC dungeons drop their respective motifs on normal. Just..... I've only ever seen one drop in a normal DLC run.
    • Gbnicholson1
      Excited for this tomorrow
    • Arbit
      alright... here they come... my body is now ready... not that it hasn't been ready for a while >.< just until after maintenance
      Argonian Master Race
    • Mahabahabtha
      Fixed Issue where the Fang Lair Style Book was not granting the Fang Lair Style or Fang Lair Style Master Achievement.
      Note: Those that were affected by this bug will be fixed in the near future.

      Edited by Mahabahabtha on 2 July 2018 11:51
      "In fact, I’ve met more PVEers that are worse at PvE than PvPers."
    • code65536
      From the patch notes.
      Fixed an issue so Master Writs will no longer require crafting styles that aren’t yet released.

      This is a strange patch note, @ZOS_GinaBruno, since you already "fixed" this problem this past Wednesday with the in-game release of the only two crafting styles that cause this "issue".

      BTW, this "issue" never would have appeared if these motifs were made available in-game on launch day...
      Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

      Dungeons and Trials:
      Personal best scores:
      Dungeon trifectas:
      Media: YouTubeTwitch
    • Tyralbin
      The issue were the motifs were not registering on the achievements has happened before with previous sets.

      I actually informed the trait buddy addon creator as there was a problem with that addon and he edited addon so it would no longer read from said achievement lists. The addon worked.

      So this has happened before. All the devs/mods need to do is look back to when this happened before and maybe this will help them find their fix.

      Edited: Sorry forgot to mention the issue was fixed before.
      Edited by Tyralbin on 2 July 2018 12:19
      Live a little love a lot send all your gold to this Imperials pot.
    • the_Beard
      "Fixed Issue where the Fang Lair Style Book was not granting the Fang Lair Style or Fang Lair Style Master Achievement.
      Note: Those that were affected by this bug will be fixed in the near future."

      You have got to be kidding me. So those of us that spent real world money to get the motif the day of release have to wait even longer, while everyone else can get it right now with no issues? Unbelievable. Fantastic service. I'm assuming refunding crowns to those of us that purchased while bugged is out of the question?
      Edited by the_Beard on 2 July 2018 13:53
      theBeard - PC NA cp1200+
      • Scores: vCR 127,735 | vHoF 213,293 | vAS 113,203 | vMoL 160,447 | vSO 177,706 (WR) | vHRC 154,658 | vAA 147,466 | vDSA 46k
      • Gryphon Heart / Immortal Redeemer / Tick-Tock Tormentor / Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
      • Flawless Conqueror x11 - All Classes Mag & Stam
      • 32k+ Achievement Points (global)
      • Former Emperor / Grand Master Crafter / Master Angler
      • AR Palatine Rank 35
    • Mica-Tempes
      the_Beard wrote: »
      "Fixed Issue where the Fang Lair Style Book was not granting the Fang Lair Style or Fang Lair Style Master Achievement.
      Note: Those that were affected by this bug will be fixed in the near future."

      You have got to be kidding me. So those of us that spent real world money to get the motif the day of release have to wait even longer, while everyone else can get it right now with no issues? Unbelievable. Fantastic service. I'm assuming refunding crowns to those of us that purchased while bugged is out of the question?

      Did you raise a ticket? I was contacted by a CS rep yesterday and offered a refund which I accepted. They deleted the style book from my inventory.

      I was also told I could hold onto the book and wait for the fix. When ever that is going to be.

      'Near future' doesn't sound very promising to me.

    • Kilandros
      So players who already bought the motif are still bugged? Can we get a damn refund @ZOS_GinaBruno
      Kilandros - Dragonknight / Grand Overlord
      Deimos - Templar / Grand Warlord
      Sias - Sorcerer / Prefect
      Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

    • the_Beard
      I did, and asked to be refunded as well. Still waiting on a reply. I just don't understand why people that purchased can't just be automatically refunded to simply avoid the hassle of going through customer service. It is infuriating to spend money on a product and never receive it.
      Edited by the_Beard on 2 July 2018 14:04
      theBeard - PC NA cp1200+
      • Scores: vCR 127,735 | vHoF 213,293 | vAS 113,203 | vMoL 160,447 | vSO 177,706 (WR) | vHRC 154,658 | vAA 147,466 | vDSA 46k
      • Gryphon Heart / Immortal Redeemer / Tick-Tock Tormentor / Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
      • Flawless Conqueror x11 - All Classes Mag & Stam
      • 32k+ Achievement Points (global)
      • Former Emperor / Grand Master Crafter / Master Angler
      • AR Palatine Rank 35
    • Vandus
      PetiteFire wrote: »
      Quick update: We'll actually be able to fix both PC and console versions next Monday (rather than console waiting until the incremental in 3 weeks). We're still discussing when/how anyone affected will be fixed, but we'll have news on that soon.

      Do you mean this Monday the 2nd, or the following Monday the 9th? o:)

      July 2.

      @ZOS_GinaBruno Did the patch not fix the problem or did a decision get made to not re-release the fixed version of these this morning?
    • SniperDaria
      Were these put back in the Store? I logged in this morning to buy them but I didn't see them in the Store.
    • ZOS_GinaBruno
      Community Manager
      Were these put back in the Store? I logged in this morning to buy them but I didn't see them in the Store.

      Sorry guys, there was a bit of miscommunication (it was my fault). The fix is being rolled out today, so they will be available for purchase in the Crown Store tomorrow morning.
      Gina Bruno
      Senior Community Manager
      Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
      Staff Post
    • Mix
      Are the motifs still being added back to the Crown Store today?
    • EngineeringElf
      Were these put back in the Store? I logged in this morning to buy them but I didn't see them in the Store.

      Sorry guys, there was a bit of miscommunication (it was my fault). The fix is being rolled out today, so they will be available for purchase in the Crown Store tomorrow morning.

      I was wondering what was going on. I saw that the Tsaesci Crafting Motif was taken out and the silly 3rd eye looking jewelry was put in but not these. TY for the update!
    • Mauin
      So... Let me get this straight: those of us wit h a bugged motif in our inventory are going to have to wait even longer for a fix, or go through customer service for a refund?

      I am really not impressed with that.
    • Kilandros
      Were these put back in the Store? I logged in this morning to buy them but I didn't see them in the Store.

      Sorry guys, there was a bit of miscommunication (it was my fault). The fix is being rolled out today, so they will be available for purchase in the Crown Store tomorrow morning.

      What about the fix for players who already bought it? Are we just ignoring that issue @ZOS_GinaBruno
      Kilandros - Dragonknight / Grand Overlord
      Deimos - Templar / Grand Warlord
      Sias - Sorcerer / Prefect
      Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

    • ZOS_GinaBruno
      Community Manager
      Kilandros wrote: »
      Were these put back in the Store? I logged in this morning to buy them but I didn't see them in the Store.

      Sorry guys, there was a bit of miscommunication (it was my fault). The fix is being rolled out today, so they will be available for purchase in the Crown Store tomorrow morning.

      What about the fix for players who already bought it? Are we just ignoring that issue @ZOS_GinaBruno

      It's not being ignored. As mentioned in the patch notes, we're still working on getting everyone fixed and will get this done as soon as we can.
      Gina Bruno
      Senior Community Manager
      Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
      Staff Post
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