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Fang Lair and Scalecaller Motifs Now Available

  • Pixel_Zealot
    Adernath wrote: »
    Adernath wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    The Fang Lair and Scalecaller Crafting Motifs are now available, and there are two ways to obtain them. You can either defeat the last boss in the Fang Lair and Scalecaller dungeons for a chance at the Motif pages (or a guaranteed chance from Veteran Hard Mode!), or purchase the full Motif directly from the Crown Store.

    EDIT: We had to remove these Motifs from the Crown Store temporarily due to a bug that was discovered. They will be re-added in the next incremental patch with the fix. These motifs are still dropping in-game.

    It's sad that the Motif is also made available for outright purchase in the CS. It devalues it significantly.

    So... either run a dungeon and get the reward or just purchase it. What's the point in playing at all it? I can work 1-2 hours in RL and earn my money for that Motif or work for several days in-game to get it (either by running the dungeon or earning in-game gold to purchase it in a guild store). Think about what people will prefer and if you really want a living game or a dead shop where we purchase something and wait for the next showcase while we play something else or just focus on RL.

    To be fair, you can just buy it with gold.

    Well, that's what I just said. Getting the hundreds of thousands of gold for the entire set also requires some effort. And regardless, someone would actually have to run this dungeon to farm the pages. But with the option of just purchasing it from the CS... it's just not the right way to implement it, if they are actually interested in people running that dungeon. I mean, the entire point of adding motifs into dungeons should be to have a motivation to run them, therefore increasing the health of the game and from ZoS point of view therefore also guarantee the income. In the end no one will invest into a dead game, which can not be of anyone's interest.

    In my opinion if they add it to the CS it should at least be time-limited only.

    I couldn't agree more. This approach is investing into short-term profit, and NOT the overall health of ESO.
    Dragonborn, huh? Was it your ma or your pa that was the dragon?
  • LethalTiger
    Will the Tsaesci Crafting motif be effected by this bug as well?
    Edited by LethalTiger on 28 June 2018 13:48
  • RANKK7
    So, to recap:
    • Motives got delayed for over a month to drop in the dungeons because it was planned to release them for cash in the store at the same time.
    • No word in the meantime despite an impressive number of posts asking for clarification and a date for the drop in the dungeons, we had to guess they planned to introduce them in game and store at the same time (new practice this one, never happened before).
    • In the meantime something totally wild happens, crafting system in game is rewarding Master Writs requiring those very motives (non existent in game), unbelievable.
    • Then finally the motives arrive, after all this time, and a bug is present in these 5K Crowns products.

    What to add? All this truly speaks for itself.

    At any rate, I will give my most sincere feedback on other sites, it's even better since those are the places where the potential new customers are.
    No much point doing that here anyways, this forum speaks a lot about issues never solved and dissatisfaction overall (despite deleted comments) and it seems of no use.

    As someone wrote in a wise post: "Frankly, I think this fiasco is great." Indeed it seems a fitting epilogue for how these motives release has been handled from the start and the shameful void master writs in game too.

    "I really don't know who the **** came off with this change. Definitely somebody who does not play the game, that's for sure".
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Quick update: We'll actually be able to fix both PC and console versions next Monday (rather than console waiting until the incremental in 3 weeks). We're still discussing when/how anyone affected will be fixed, but we'll have news on that soon.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • TheLoremaster
    And here we're sitting still waiting on an update regarding the snipe exploit, where you can queue multiple snipes to hit at the same time in PVP. FeelsBadMan

    Personally, I'm downright gleeful that the one time ZOS tried to scam the PVE Community out of these motifs, they ended up messing it up.

    Ps: People who bought these bugged out motifs in the crown store. They're worth 5k aka 38 dollars. Humanity please, control yourselves.
  • DPShiro
    Quick update: We'll actually be able to fix both PC and console versions next Monday (rather than console waiting until the incremental in 3 weeks). We're still discussing when/how anyone affected will be fixed, but we'll have news on that soon.

    Sweet, waiting 3 weeks would have been annoying.
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • code65536
    The expediency of their addressing of this problem is admirable.

    Of course, it would have been more admirable if this problem had been avoided in the first place, by having motifs drop in-game on day 1 of Summerset, giving people a chance to discover this problem before it hit their precious Crown Store.

    And it would be even more admirable if other issues were addressed with such haste. I'll be realistic, though: fixing performance in large-scale Cyrodiil encounters is a very, very difficult engineering challenge, whereas this motif problem is probably just one small mistake in a single line of code somewhere, so I won't say anything about performance or PvP or anything of that sort.

    But what about, for example, the amount of vouchers rewarded in jewelry master writs? Here is a master writ that rewards 9 vouchers but requires a crafting material that can only be acquired by spending 20 vouchers. Surely this glaring issue with one of the flagship features of the paid Summerset chapter--an issue that people had reported two months ago early in the PTS--isn't some massive engineering challenge but a simple matter of tweaking numbers in a formula.

    So, @ZOS_GinaBruno where is the expediency in addressing other trivially-easy-to-fix issues like this? This isn't an obscure issue in an obscure system. This isn't something that can't be reliably reproduced. This isn't something that was unknown to you. This isn't a difficult problem that requires a lot of engineering resources. This is an obvious problem in a key feature of your latest chapter. This is a problem that is trivially reproduced 100% of the time. This is a problem that was reported repeatedly on PTS and on Live. This is something that could be addressed as easily as tacking on an extra "0" to the end every jewelry crafting master writ voucher reward. So, again, where is the expediency? Please, give us a reason to not be cynical, because I'm running out of them.
    Edited by code65536 on 28 June 2018 14:28
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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  • pinkempyreal
    This is an annoying issue but man... to some of the people who moan and complain I wonder if you've never had a job. Sometimes things just don't work right... people make mistakes.
  • gangyzgirl
    yeah....but you'd think if you were going to sell something worth fourty bucks that you wuld at LEAST have tested to see if learning them in a certain order would mess it up. People in jobs test things usually.
  • Apache_Kid
    This is an annoying issue but man... to some of the people who moan and complain I wonder if you've never had a job. Sometimes things just don't work right... people make mistakes.

    They had 3 weeks to test these while the motifs were waiting in the wings. They didn't just make a mistake they were blatantly negligent.

    I for one am glad this blew up in their face however. Making the motifs available in the store the same day they are in the game is an absolutely disgusting money grab. A giant slap in the face to any of us spending time to progress and learn the HMs of the two dungeons. I hope they break again when they go into the store Monday.
  • Kiralyn2000
    RANKK7 wrote: »
    [*]In the meantime something totally wild happens, crafting system in game is rewarding Master Writs requiring those very motives (non existent in game), unbelievable.

    Eh. That was totally believeable. Not surprised at all.

    Also not into the manufactured outrage about it. Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill.

    But I suppose modern online culture is all about outrage. Minor things leave people "gutted", small inconveniences are things to pull out the torches & pitchforks over, etc. Meh. Must be so tiring, being outraged all the time.
  • agegarton
    @ZOS_GinaBruno it is worth noting that the Tsaesci motif works in the sense that I am able to learn the style and use it, but it does not appear in the Journal Achievement Summary and is absent from the Crafting Motifs section of the Lore Library.

    Not sure if that is as intended so wanted to call it out.

    Thanks for keeping us informed - awesome communication like we have seen in this thread makes it so much easier to live with the issues that we will inevitably see.
  • DeadlyPhoenix
    agegarton wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno it is worth noting that the Tsaesci motif works in the sense that I am able to learn the style and use it, but it does not appear in the Journal Achievement Summary and is absent from the Crafting Motifs section of the Lore Library.

    Not sure if that is as intended so wanted to call it out.

    Thanks for keeping us informed - awesome communication like we have seen in this thread makes it so much easier to live with the issues that we will inevitably see.

    @agegarton I don't think crown store exclusives like this, frostcaster and grim show up in achievements or your lore library. I have all but Tsaesci, which I plan on purchasing. They did this so they didn't contribute to your chances of receiving master writs. People would be all over the p2w bandwagon and rightfully so to an extent.
    Edited by DeadlyPhoenix on 28 June 2018 16:28
  • Imagawa
    So what does this all mean for us who have already used the bugged motif and got nothing for it?
    Is there some sort of retroactive thing going to happen?
    TANK - that's all I do.
  • RANKK7
    RANKK7 wrote: »
    [*]In the meantime something totally wild happens, crafting system in game is rewarding Master Writs requiring those very motives (non existent in game), unbelievable.

    Eh. That was totally believeable. Not surprised at all.

    Also not into the manufactured outrage about it. Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill.

    But I suppose modern online culture is all about outrage. Minor things leave people "gutted", small inconveniences are things to pull out the torches & pitchforks over, etc. Meh. Must be so tiring, being outraged all the time.

    I don't know what this "modern online culture" you are talking about is, for sure I know I had Master Writs sitting in my inventory (items that are supposed to be a nice reward for investing time in the crafting system, in case you don't know about this) requiring a non existing motive, and in the meantime we had no word whatsoever about them or when the motives would have started to drop.

    Now, if this is okay for you, I don't care in the slightest, for me it's definitely an oversight that shouldn't have been gone live and at least they could have said a word about it.

    But then you say you are "not surprised at all" that happened, so it seems you are even more pessimistic than me about this studio, interesting.

    Also the use of words like "outrage", "torches & pitchfork" to define other users opinions and feedback, I think I'm starting to catch what that "modern online culture" you mentioned is.
    "I really don't know who the **** came off with this change. Definitely somebody who does not play the game, that's for sure".
  • BuddyAces
    RANKK7 wrote: »
    [*]In the meantime something totally wild happens, crafting system in game is rewarding Master Writs requiring those very motives (non existent in game), unbelievable.

    Eh. That was totally believeable. Not surprised at all.

    Also not into the manufactured outrage about it. Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill.

    But I suppose modern online culture is all about outrage. Minor things leave people "gutted", small inconveniences are things to pull out the torches & pitchforks over, etc. Meh. Must be so tiring, being outraged all the time.

    Or maybe that there's so much wrong with the game and then new problems appear. Also combine with the fact they released to the crown store same day as dropping in game. Maybe you're an ultra casual who never runs into the plethora of problems that are currently plaguing our game, if that's the case then be happy you don't run into all of these troubles. But they do exist and we can spaz about it at this point.
    They nerfed magsorcs so hard stamsorcs felt it,lol - Somber97866

    I'm blown away by the utter stupidity I see here on the daily. - Wrekkedd
  • eso_nya
    The title is misleading. Should be "not" instead of "now" ;)
  • DeadlyPhoenix
    RANKK7 wrote: »
    RANKK7 wrote: »
    [*]In the meantime something totally wild happens, crafting system in game is rewarding Master Writs requiring those very motives (non existent in game), unbelievable.

    Eh. That was totally believeable. Not surprised at all.

    Also not into the manufactured outrage about it. Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill.

    But I suppose modern online culture is all about outrage. Minor things leave people "gutted", small inconveniences are things to pull out the torches & pitchforks over, etc. Meh. Must be so tiring, being outraged all the time.

    I don't know what this "modern online culture" you are talking about is, for sure I know I had Master Writs sitting in my inventory (items that are supposed to be a nice reward for investing time in the crafting system, in case you don't know about this) requiring a non existing motive, and in the meantime we had no word whatsoever about them or when the motives would have started to drop.

    Now, if this is okay for you, I don't care in the slightest, for me it's definitely an oversight that shouldn't have been gone live and at least they could have said a word about it.

    But then you say you are "not surprised at all" that happened, so it seems you are even more pessimistic than me about this studio, interesting.

    Also the use of words like "outrage", "torches & pitchfork" to define other users opinions and feedback, I think I'm starting to catch what that "modern online culture" you mentioned is.


    Just want to comment on the "modern online culture" part though.

    I have played MMO's for 2/3rds of my life. I started playing when I was 9 almost 30 now. I started with Ultima Online and have played everything from EQ, DAoC, Asheron's Call, WoW, numerous f2p games, the list goes on for a while.

    The difference in the culture now and especially in this game, is the silence and the unwillingness to address issues as they occur on the developers part. Back then, major issues were handled within a week, not several months down the line. Unscheduled patches and maintenance for fixes was a common occurrence.

    In this game we will go months without any official word from ZOS regarding game breaking issues, yet here this crown store item thread is receiving attention like it's #1 priority. This is what has me outraged. I thought it was funny until I was moderated and several others were as well, simply for voicing our opinions.

    This is when I became outraged. You treat us like we are servants here to do your bidding and cannot say you messed up and did a bad job, on several levels. You give this thread this much attention, with ZOS responses on every page, yet game breaking bugs and exploits still go unanswered that have been around for months. Some easily fixed, others no so easily.

    So yes, this "modern online culture" on ESO is a little sick of this "modern online company" tactics and treatment. Fix your game, stop worrying about releasing crown store content and you won't get this kind of response in the future, even if you keep to your usual tactics and remain silent and move threads to keep them from the spotlight. Or you could, you know, start showing an interest in other aspects of the game other than just crown store.
  • The_Lex
    RANKK7 wrote: »
    RANKK7 wrote: »
    [*]In the meantime something totally wild happens, crafting system in game is rewarding Master Writs requiring those very motives (non existent in game), unbelievable.

    Eh. That was totally believeable. Not surprised at all.

    Also not into the manufactured outrage about it. Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill.

    But I suppose modern online culture is all about outrage. Minor things leave people "gutted", small inconveniences are things to pull out the torches & pitchforks over, etc. Meh. Must be so tiring, being outraged all the time.

    I don't know what this "modern online culture" you are talking about is, for sure I know I had Master Writs sitting in my inventory (items that are supposed to be a nice reward for investing time in the crafting system, in case you don't know about this) requiring a non existing motive, and in the meantime we had no word whatsoever about them or when the motives would have started to drop.

    Now, if this is okay for you, I don't care in the slightest, for me it's definitely an oversight that shouldn't have been gone live and at least they could have said a word about it.

    But then you say you are "not surprised at all" that happened, so it seems you are even more pessimistic than me about this studio, interesting.

    Also the use of words like "outrage", "torches & pitchfork" to define other users opinions and feedback, I think I'm starting to catch what that "modern online culture" you mentioned is.


    Just want to comment on the "modern online culture" part though.

    I have played MMO's for 2/3rds of my life. I started playing when I was 9 almost 30 now. I started with Ultima Online and have played everything from EQ, DAoC, Asheron's Call, WoW, numerous f2p games, the list goes on for a while.

    The difference in the culture now and especially in this game, is the silence and the unwillingness to address issues as they occur on the developers part. Back then, major issues were handled within a week, not several months down the line. Unscheduled patches and maintenance for fixes was a common occurrence.

    In this game we will go months without any official word from ZOS regarding game breaking issues, yet here this crown store item thread is receiving attention like it's #1 priority. This is what has me outraged. I thought it was funny until I was moderated and several others were as well, simply for voicing our opinions.

    This is when I became outraged. You treat us like we are servants here to do your bidding and cannot say you messed up and did a bad job, on several levels. You give this thread this much attention, with ZOS responses on every page, yet game breaking bugs and exploits still go unanswered that have been around for months. Some easily fixed, others no so easily.

    So yes, this "modern online culture" on ESO is a little sick of this "modern online company" tactics and treatment. Fix your game, stop worrying about releasing crown store content and you won't get this kind of response in the future, even if you keep to your usual tactics and remain silent and move threads to keep them from the spotlight. Or you could, you know, start showing an interest in other aspects of the game other than just crown store.

    Hear! Hear!

    I, too, have spent the majority of my life playing MMOs and other multiplayer games. I wholeheartedly concur with this post.
  • Aimora
    RANKK7 wrote: »
    RANKK7 wrote: »
    [*]In the meantime something totally wild happens, crafting system in game is rewarding Master Writs requiring those very motives (non existent in game), unbelievable.

    Eh. That was totally believeable. Not surprised at all.

    Also not into the manufactured outrage about it. Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill.

    But I suppose modern online culture is all about outrage. Minor things leave people "gutted", small inconveniences are things to pull out the torches & pitchforks over, etc. Meh. Must be so tiring, being outraged all the time.

    I don't know what this "modern online culture" you are talking about is, for sure I know I had Master Writs sitting in my inventory (items that are supposed to be a nice reward for investing time in the crafting system, in case you don't know about this) requiring a non existing motive, and in the meantime we had no word whatsoever about them or when the motives would have started to drop.

    Now, if this is okay for you, I don't care in the slightest, for me it's definitely an oversight that shouldn't have been gone live and at least they could have said a word about it.

    But then you say you are "not surprised at all" that happened, so it seems you are even more pessimistic than me about this studio, interesting.

    Also the use of words like "outrage", "torches & pitchfork" to define other users opinions and feedback, I think I'm starting to catch what that "modern online culture" you mentioned is.


    Just want to comment on the "modern online culture" part though.

    I have played MMO's for 2/3rds of my life. I started playing when I was 9 almost 30 now. I started with Ultima Online and have played everything from EQ, DAoC, Asheron's Call, WoW, numerous f2p games, the list goes on for a while.

    The difference in the culture now and especially in this game, is the silence and the unwillingness to address issues as they occur on the developers part. Back then, major issues were handled within a week, not several months down the line. Unscheduled patches and maintenance for fixes was a common occurrence.

    In this game we will go months without any official word from ZOS regarding game breaking issues, yet here this crown store item thread is receiving attention like it's #1 priority. This is what has me outraged. I thought it was funny until I was moderated and several others were as well, simply for voicing our opinions.

    This is when I became outraged. You treat us like we are servants here to do your bidding and cannot say you messed up and did a bad job, on several levels. You give this thread this much attention, with ZOS responses on every page, yet game breaking bugs and exploits still go unanswered that have been around for months. Some easily fixed, others no so easily.

    So yes, this "modern online culture" on ESO is a little sick of this "modern online company" tactics and treatment. Fix your game, stop worrying about releasing crown store content and you won't get this kind of response in the future, even if you keep to your usual tactics and remain silent and move threads to keep them from the spotlight. Or you could, you know, start showing an interest in other aspects of the game other than just crown store.

    Hear! Hear!

    I, too, have spent the majority of my life playing MMOs and other multiplayer games. I wholeheartedly concur with this post.

    Me too - I think it’s the lack of communication that is the most frustrating really for many!
    Aimora Gilidhren - 50 Hybrid Sorcerer
    Aimae Gilihdril - 50Templar Healer
    Aimsae Astasia - 50 Templar Tank
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    Looking for a friendly, progress focused guild check us out at

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  • LordLomax
    How much were these motifs in the crown store before they got removed ?
  • ZOS_DaryaK
    Removed a couple of posts that were non-constructive and threatened to derail the topic of this conversation.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Avran_Sylt
    And here we're sitting still waiting on an update regarding the snipe exploit, where you can queue multiple snipes to hit at the same time in PVP. FeelsBadMan

    Personally, I'm downright gleeful that the one time ZOS tried to scam the PVE Community out of these motifs, they ended up messing it up.

    Ps: People who bought these bugged out motifs in the crown store. They're worth 5k aka 38 dollars. Humanity please, control yourselves.

    Quite honestly, I would assume Networking/Queuing errors are much harder to fix than misaddressed variables. One relies on simple logic, while the other relies on more volatile variables, such as connection speed and underlying coding practices (as well as the engine the game is built on).

    Hell, scam or not, I'm glad they're moving this route. Able to purchase costumes/motifs/etc. via crowns, while at the same time being able to obtain them via Grind. Pay with money or time, it's your choice. Just make Crowns trade-able between players and they'll have made a similar accessory economy in the vein of Warframe. (Except ESO's would be more focused on buying and selling in amounts equal to the Loot Boxes, since you can't actually buy most accessories individually with Crowns, some yes, but not the current hot topic)

    Time and cost investment have room to be improved, imo. But with the current pool of offerings like this, it's not bad.
    Edited by Avran_Sylt on 28 June 2018 22:10
  • DeadlyPhoenix
    Avran_Sylt wrote: »
    And here we're sitting still waiting on an update regarding the snipe exploit, where you can queue multiple snipes to hit at the same time in PVP. FeelsBadMan

    Personally, I'm downright gleeful that the one time ZOS tried to scam the PVE Community out of these motifs, they ended up messing it up.

    Ps: People who bought these bugged out motifs in the crown store. They're worth 5k aka 38 dollars. Humanity please, control yourselves.

    Quite honestly, I would assume Networking/Queuing errors are much harder to fix than misaddressed variables. One relies on simple logic, while the other relies on more volatile variables, such as connection speed and underlying coding practices (as well as the engine the game is built on).

    Hell, scam or not, I'm glad they're moving this route. Able to purchase costumes/motifs/etc. via crowns, while at the same time being able to obtain them via Grind. Pay with money or time, it's your choice. Just make Crowns trade-able between players and they'll have made a similar accessory economy in the vein of Warframe. (Except ESO's would be more focused on buying and selling in amounts equal to the Loot Boxes, since you can't actually buy most accessories individually with Crowns, some yes, but not the current hot topic)

    Time and cost investment have room to be improved, imo. But with the current pool of offerings like this, it's not bad.

    Personally I disagree. The decision to withhold the release of motifs to have them release with their crown store counterpart was a shady and underhanded tactic.

    All other dungeon motifs have been released with the next DLC or chapter since they started doing dungeon motifs. The reason they decided to wait and release crown store at the same time as they were available in game through drops, was to milk every cent they could from their player base.

    They know that in the past, people will farm them like crazy, people sitting on excess amounts of gold will buy them and by the time they're released on crown store the people who would really want the motif, already have them usually.

    They figured if they release them both at the same time more people will buy them and they were probably right. That does not, however, mean that it is acceptable to change the way you release motifs.

    They just threw up a huge middle finger to everyone who farms dungeon motifs and purchased Dragonbones. Many people only buy the dungeon DLCs so that they can farm and sell the motifs before they become cheap.

    In this case, they have already taken a lot of the demand for the motifs away releasing both simultaneously and as a result, the prices will not be as high nor stay as expensive for as long as usual. The demand is still there, but not what it would be if they delayed the crown store release as they typically do.

    This company is becoming more and more transparent. Usually that is a good thing, in this case it's a glaring reality check that they are con-artists devising every possible scheme they can to drain our wallets.


    Go ahead and try to get me for bashing you ZOS. I'm not bashing, merely stating my opinion on how shady of a company you are.

    Edited by DeadlyPhoenix on 28 June 2018 23:20
  • ktdotexe
    Edited by ktdotexe on 11 July 2019 17:03
  • ktdotexe
    Edited by ktdotexe on 11 July 2019 17:03
  • Avran_Sylt
    Avran_Sylt wrote: »
    And here we're sitting still waiting on an update regarding the snipe exploit, where you can queue multiple snipes to hit at the same time in PVP. FeelsBadMan

    Personally, I'm downright gleeful that the one time ZOS tried to scam the PVE Community out of these motifs, they ended up messing it up.

    Ps: People who bought these bugged out motifs in the crown store. They're worth 5k aka 38 dollars. Humanity please, control yourselves.

    Quite honestly, I would assume Networking/Queuing errors are much harder to fix than misaddressed variables. One relies on simple logic, while the other relies on more volatile variables, such as connection speed and underlying coding practices (as well as the engine the game is built on).

    Hell, scam or not, I'm glad they're moving this route. Able to purchase costumes/motifs/etc. via crowns, while at the same time being able to obtain them via Grind. Pay with money or time, it's your choice. Just make Crowns trade-able between players and they'll have made a similar accessory economy in the vein of Warframe. (Except ESO's would be more focused on buying and selling in amounts equal to the Loot Boxes, since you can't actually buy most accessories individually with Crowns, some yes, but not the current hot topic)

    Time and cost investment have room to be improved, imo. But with the current pool of offerings like this, it's not bad.
    Personally I disagree. The decision to withhold the release of motifs to have them release with their crown store counterpart was a shady and underhanded tactic.

    All other dungeon motifs have been released with the next DLC or chapter since they started doing dungeon motifs. The reason they decided to wait and release crown store at the same time as they were available in game through drops, was to milk every cent they could from their player base.

    They know that in the past, people will farm them like crazy, people sitting on excess amounts of gold will buy them and by the time they're released on crown store the people who would really want the motif, already have them usually.

    They figured if they release them both at the same time more people will buy them and they were probably right. That does not, however, mean that it is acceptable to change the way you release motifs.

    They just threw up a huge middle finger to everyone who farms dungeon motifs and purchased Dragonbones. Many people only buy the dungeon DLCs so that they can farm and sell the motifs before they become cheap.

    In this case, they have already taken a lot of the demand for the motifs away releasing both simultaneously and as a result, the prices will not be as high nor stay as expensive for as long as usual. The demand is still there, but not what it would be if they delayed the crown store release as they typically do.

    This company is becoming more and more transparent. Usually that is a good thing, in this case it's a glaring reality check that they are con-artists devising every possible scheme they can to drain our wallets.


    Go ahead and try to get me for bashing you ZOS. I'm not bashing, merely stating my opinion on how shady of a company you are.


    Or... You know... A more likely explanation that fits with the past design schedule of ZoS is that they didn't have the functionality implemented in time, and just used the Crown Store release date as an excuse to push back the deadline... Since Marketing is already stigmatized as 'evil', it's the lesser of the two, if the other option was to tell your playerbase that you were behind schedule.

    Either way, they were going to lose face.
    Edited by Avran_Sylt on 29 June 2018 12:01
  • Azurya
    it is only a about a book!
    omg, so much heat about a book,
    [removed baiting comment]
    Edited by ZOS_JesC on 1 July 2018 17:33
  • What_In_Tarnation
    Azurya wrote: »
    it is only a about a book!
    omg, so much heat about a book,

    Players who outraged at zos: We're outraged you fixed crown store so fast and instead, you ignore so many issues in game which are reported so many times and without any response at all .

    Players who have no idea why players outraged at zos and missed the whole point about why they're outraged for: uuoohhhh muh gawd, it's juzt a buuuoookkkk.

    I'm sorry, I have to do it.
    Edited by ZOS_JesC on 1 July 2018 17:34
  • Inarre
    So were these two motifs available for only 1 day? They are no longer in the crown store and showcase shows that they were available 6/27?
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