So after taking a closer look at Hakkvild's High Hall, I'm honestly kind of disappointed in it, if I'm being honest. Mainly because I was expecting a much more diverse interior with other rooms and whatnot, rather than one large, round/octagonal room with two balconies (one of which is inaccessible without using furnishings like wood planks or something to reach it) and a small entry room. I was expecting something like the Jarl's Manor in Fort Amol, or Fulstrom Manor (which you visit during the first quest in the Thieves' Guild's storyline). So I'm definitely disappointed about that, not gonna lie.
The exterior, on the other hand, is very nice. I like how spacious it is, the room you have, the tower, and of course the Nordic crypt is a unique touch. For me, it's just a shame that the interior is nowhere near as great as the exterior is. Because I really like how this place looks on the outside and I like the crypt. But the inside has me heavily on the fence, leaning moreso away from buying it, unfortunately.
So what do you think? Do you think the exterior and the crypt are enough to overlook the one and a half rooms the interior has? Or do you think my points are valid and that HHH might not be the king of kings when it comes to housing?