Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

PTS Patch Notes v3.0.0

  • ashenb14_ESO
    lpfan678 wrote: »
    There is not a player of this game that won't say sustain issues are really irritating. It'll always be viewed as a problem. And to have the developers of the game patch in sustain issues feels really wrong? Like trying to fix a problem by introducing another problem is... strange. I don't know, from what I can tell the game is not mechanically ruined. But revamping a system to be decidedly less fun does not seem like a good route to take.

    edit: spelling/grammar

    it comes down to them nerfing pve to try and balance pvp for the most with most if not all the nerfs and major "WTF NOW" situations they have created.....guess it helps keep people busy between added attractions at the amusement park...
  • Ethromelb14_ESO
    I don't like coming in to a game and finding out MY character has been drastically altered. It begins to feel unfamiliar to me and becomes impersonal as my supposed creation. If this keeps up, I'm going to have to leave this game alone and move on to something more consistent.

    By now the foundation of the game should be steady, and from there, just being built on. Not to come out with Morrowind as a second chance at now doing right what was done wrong with Tamriel. Its kind of like wet clay ... At first its malleable, can be molded, added to, and taken from, but eventually (as time goes on) it will harden and kind of become set in stone. Any changes, additions, and/or removals would and most likely will break the mold/game, and any add-ons never really stick quite right.

    After ESO, its very unlikely that I'll ever be playing another MMO again. The crazy thing is, ESO is one of the better ones out there; but yeah, they're just to inconsistent and broken always in need of fixing.
    Edited by Ethromelb14_ESO on 26 April 2017 13:57
    Motto: Make deceivers believers.

    Strength of character is not a physical thing. -E
    Walking a mile in someone else's shoes, has nothing to do with the path taken. -E

    An accusation of elitism, is an indirect recognition of one's own inferiority. -E

    The best way to prove someone wrong, is to do better yourself. -E

    I keep forgetting to remember to get a photographic memory.
  • templesus
    waitwhat wrote: »
    templesus wrote: »
    If you do anything other then revert the major mending changes ZOS PLEASE revert the caltrops change...PvEers have cried for Stam buffs but this will just ruin PvP as a whole...balance PvE separately from PvP please before PvP is made worse then it already is because of the constant PvE powercreep.


    This is not true. Please see ongoing discussion in thread re: caltrops. No one is going to get nuked by the new caltrops. Roll-dodge granting cc immunity + the long telegraph of caltrops means you won't get snared as much as you thing.

    Finally: PVP MAGPLARS ARE MASSIVELY OVERPOWERED IN THE CURRENT PVP META. It is unfair that they are able to heal so much, in heavy armor, with excellent sustain, and still pop off 12k dark flares and 15k/sec. Eye of Flame. At the risk of schadenfreude, this is just desserts for healbots and bomplars, and the caltrops change will provide an effective group counter to the zergs that all proxy up and charge in with Eye of Flame while casting ritual/mutagen/healing springs/breath of life while wearing desert rose and rattlecage.

    Sucks for PvE healplars, but everyone who has ever brought a magplar into Cyrodiil has had this coming for a long time. You should have anticipated it earlier. The farther the pendulum swings in one direction, the harder and faster it will swing back.

    Nobody thought destro ult would be good either and look at us now. And BTW, I'm a stamplar
  • ashenb14_ESO
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    Good God, this sounds exactly like how the wow forums were. It's like hollering about something that you haven't even tried yet, let alone on something that is not even released.

    NO Stam recovery while blocking, remember that? "sky is falling oh no!"

    What, 1T? The hell is that? This isn't the eso I know from beta!

    Players will always find the best builds with what they got. If it means you gotta change, do it. Great things happen when you are out of your comfort zone, not in it.


    seriously, if you where on pc...and not an idiot, this wouldnt be an issue, you could just enable the test server in the launcher and install it, and stop talking out your arse
  • Demonhunter
    Lots of hardcore players who like to exploit and like to feel OP above everyone else are probably getting angry with the morrowind base patch. They always display the same kind of anger when they get beaten in a dual even while they're cheating. We know who you are because your all in here displaying that type of anger about the nerf changes, basically you think you know it all but all you want is to have an unfair advantage just so that people might think of you as OP. But you kids are going to get your day 10 feet under come morrowind. I'm a templar, I'm not complaining, I haven't tested it yet but I will adapt to the new reality. IT is about comfort zone, game companies never win because there's always going to be people complaining and others who stick with it. So those people who are unhappy, go play another mmorpg and see if that community is all bed and roses, you will soon realize that even in " THAT " game there will be people complaining. You will never find comfort. good luck!
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    This thread of QQ is still going? *stetch-yawn* k
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    This thread of QQ is still going? *stetch-yawn* k
    Says the guy who came into the thread to troll desperately for attention... SAD!
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Lots of hardcore players who like to exploit and like to feel OP above everyone else are probably getting angry with the morrowind base patch. They always display the same kind of anger when they get beaten in a dual even while they're cheating. We know who you are because your all in here displaying that type of anger about the nerf changes, basically you think you know it all but all you want is to have an unfair advantage just so that people might think of you as OP. But you kids are going to get your day 10 feet under come morrowind. I'm a templar, I'm not complaining, I haven't tested it yet but I will adapt to the new reality. IT is about comfort zone, game companies never win because there's always going to be people complaining and others who stick with it. So those people who are unhappy, go play another mmorpg and see if that community is all bed and roses, you will soon realize that even in " THAT " game there will be people complaining. You will never find comfort. good luck!
    I got to the sentence that I made bold, and the whole post lost any relevance once that was said.

    I HAVE tested it, so have the majority of people in this thread that you're so flippantly dismissing as butt-hurt hardcores.

    You're post actually made me chuckle.

    You haven't tested the patch, yet you think you know better than the people posting here who HAVE tested it. It's bad, kiddo. And since it's so easy for you to outright dismiss any type of feedback that doesn't go along with "how great the patch will be" in your head, you'll be supremely surprised if it goes Live and you finally SEE how bad it is.

    But keep posting.

    It's pretty obvious that you have no idea what you're spouting off about.
    Edited by Uriel_Nocturne on 27 April 2017 19:28
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • Demonhunter
    Lots of hardcore players who like to exploit and like to feel OP above everyone else are probably getting angry with the morrowind base patch. They always display the same kind of anger when they get beaten in a dual even while they're cheating. We know who you are because your all in here displaying that type of anger about the nerf changes, basically you think you know it all but all you want is to have an unfair advantage just so that people might think of you as OP. But you kids are going to get your day 10 feet under come morrowind. I'm a templar, I'm not complaining, I haven't tested it yet but I will adapt to the new reality. IT is about comfort zone, game companies never win because there's always going to be people complaining and others who stick with it. So those people who are unhappy, go play another mmorpg and see if that community is all bed and roses, you will soon realize that even in " THAT " game there will be people complaining. You will never find comfort. good luck!
    I got to the sentence that I made bold, and the whole post lost any relevance once that was said.

    I HAVE tested it, so have the majority of people in this thread that you're so flippantly dismissing as butt-hurt hardcores.

    You're post actually made me chuckle.

    You haven't tested the patch, yet you think you know better than the people posting here who HAVE tested it. It's bad, kiddo. And since it's so easy for you to outright dismiss any type of feedback that doesn't go along with "how great the patch will be" in your head, you'll be supremely surprised if it goes Live and you finally SEE how bad it is.

    But keep posting.

    It's pretty obvious that you have no idea what you're spouting off about.

    The difference is I'm going to adapt, testing is irrelevant, I will eventually play and test it but I won't quit the game like you . And if your not going to quit then you might as well shut up and be constructive. Cause most likely the devs aren't going to listen to you since they don't think your numbers matter. You probably just want to maintain the status quo cause you have a exploit build that you want to keep, its all about you and no one else and that's why they dont listen to you. Please if your going to quit dont post here anymore. ty
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Lots of hardcore players who like to exploit and like to feel OP above everyone else are probably getting angry with the morrowind base patch. They always display the same kind of anger when they get beaten in a dual even while they're cheating. We know who you are because your all in here displaying that type of anger about the nerf changes, basically you think you know it all but all you want is to have an unfair advantage just so that people might think of you as OP. But you kids are going to get your day 10 feet under come morrowind. I'm a templar, I'm not complaining, I haven't tested it yet but I will adapt to the new reality. IT is about comfort zone, game companies never win because there's always going to be people complaining and others who stick with it. So those people who are unhappy, go play another mmorpg and see if that community is all bed and roses, you will soon realize that even in " THAT " game there will be people complaining. You will never find comfort. good luck!
    I got to the sentence that I made bold, and the whole post lost any relevance once that was said.

    I HAVE tested it, so have the majority of people in this thread that you're so flippantly dismissing as butt-hurt hardcores.

    You're post actually made me chuckle.

    You haven't tested the patch, yet you think you know better than the people posting here who HAVE tested it. It's bad, kiddo. And since it's so easy for you to outright dismiss any type of feedback that doesn't go along with "how great the patch will be" in your head, you'll be supremely surprised if it goes Live and you finally SEE how bad it is.

    But keep posting.

    It's pretty obvious that you have no idea what you're spouting off about.

    The difference is I'm going to adapt, testing is irrelevant, I will eventually play and test it but I won't quit the game like you . And if your not going to quit then you might as well shut up and be constructive. Cause most likely the devs aren't going to listen to you since they don't think your numbers matter. You probably just want to maintain the status quo cause you have a exploit build that you want to keep, its all about you and no one else and that's why they dont listen to you. Please if your going to quit dont post here anymore. ty

    You sure packed a lot of pure BS, supposition, and outright imagination in that reply.

    None of that is accurate in regard to any of my posts in these PTS Forums, and my Feedback has been posted in a very detailed manner in a number of threads; including with actual numbers and the comparative difference between how the game plays on the Live servers now, and with what I experienced after playing the game as it will be if the changes go "Live".

    But you'd rather live in your fantasy bubble with your imaginary image of me rather than do a modicum of research or reading.

    Also; testing is irrelevant? :D

    It's not the testing that is proving to be "irrelevant" in this discussion. Your comments, without even bothering to test the changes, makes every single word you type about them completely irrelevant.

    So, to modify your own thought: Please quit posting about changes you know nothing about until you've tested them and provided proper Feedback. Ty. ;)

    Edited by Uriel_Nocturne on 27 April 2017 20:47
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • waitwhat
    This rage-storm is probably why there wasn't another episode of ESO Live, this month. Can't blame them. If I was a dev, then I think I'd let this barn fire wear itself out before I willingly went on camera with a chat feed.

    After skimming many of these comments, I've yet to see a single argument in *favor* of builds capable of infinite sustainability. Not one.

    Maybe I'm being idealistic, but I like to think that the ungodly variety in this game was always intended to encourage a much wider variety than what we have reduced it to: a "stam" or "mag" build of each class. In other words, there are literally thousands upon thousands of ways we can vary our gear, CP passives, and spell weaving -- but we've reduced the playing field to eight builds (soon to be ten, counting the Warden). All things left unchanged, eventually, the ideal "min/max" load-out for each of these eight builds becomes the only way to compete. Not only is that an affront to the spirit of a game that, in my opinion, was made to encourage play-style diversity (not pigeon-hole everyone into flavor-of-the-month builds), it makes it nearly impossible for any NEW players to join the game, succeed, and enjoy themselves.

    Honestly, if the only people who quit are the ones who are complaining, then no big loss. Think about it -- they wouldn't be complaining if they weren't using ________ (insert complaint here) as a crutch. If they weren't perfectly aware their builds were overpowered, then they wouldn't be complaining about the changes.

    I made a post before about friends of mine who, since 2014, have tried to play this game on my recommendation. All of them quit, and their reason was almost universal: "The game is fun, but there's far too wide a gap between beginners and experts." Some dungeon groups boot anyone with less than 400 CP as a matter of course. Likewise for some trials. And let's not try to pretend it's reasonable for somebody to be able to 1v7 a group in Cyrodiil without being Emperor.

    Obviously, I'm not an elite player. I pay far too much attention to the experiences I can enjoy with little-to-no risk of having my evening ruined by some troll (the figurative kind). I get angry over things like the mounting inconsistencies with Master Crafting Writs and the awful effort/reward ratios, mostly. It's whenever I try to expand my sphere of gameplay that I'm confronted by players with a lot of expert advice this update is rendering moot.

    I always listen when "experts" give me advice, but I rarely act on it because, generally, it's encouraging me to use some specific min/max build. The reason I think that's a bad idea is reflected in this patch. Consider why the Champion System gives diminishing returns as you invest points: in theory, you get "more" out of your investment if you put some variety into your point distribution. That, in a nutshell, tells us the developers WANT build diversity, not pigeon-hole min/max builds. So it's prudent to expect the changes that come with each patch to reflect that fact.

    From the developers' perspectives, if there are champion point passives that nobody ever invests a single point into while there are a relatively small number of other passives into which players invest heavily, then there are balance issues. Those issues are expressed by players who have seemingly infinite resources and crazy DPS. That's why I don't rework my gear, points, and play-style to accommodate every flavor-of-the-month build that emerges -- the payout can only be short-term.

    Simply put, unless you're incredibly short-sighted, you have to expect OP builds to get nerfed in this game.

    This, so much. Thank you @Unlikely_Ghostbuster !

    Anyone still on the fence about this changes, please:

    1. Remember all the times you saw anything other than a vet Maw run advertised in chat with a CP 500+ requirement.
    2. Think on all the times you got kicked from a NORMAL dungeon as a low-level by people 200 CP+.
    3. Think on all the times you were told you'll never be able to do something, because of the CLASS you chose.
    4. Recall how undiverse all the unsolicited build advice you've received has been.
    5. All the investments in your character that were greeted with incredulity or derision, how do those investments look now?

    I remember seeing normal Sanctum Ophidia advertised in Deshaan with a 500CP+ requirement.
    I remember being kicked out of normal Crypt of Hearts I as a level 25 dps, but a CP 300+, 400+, and 561, group.
    I remember being told I don't get to do vet Maw as a stamblade, because it's too risky and running cats in the back on Rakkhat is apparently intended for magicka DPS.
    I've only received advice to either wear Viper+Velidreth+Eternal Hunt as a stamblade, or to wear Vicious Ophidian in vet Dungeons, or to just not be a stamblade.
    I was told it was stupid to gold-out marksman and fasalla's with sword and board on a stamblade's back bar. Not so stupid now, is it?

    PROTIP: Being a casual is not reflective of time spent in the game. It's reflective of a mentality that only values playing for the sake of boosting one's ego.

    The patch notes changes reduce the efficacy and survivability of classes that had too much of both. Your stamDK and magplar need to die more. You shouldn't have to worry about so little in dungeons and trials. The magnitude of vitriol and quitting we hear is proof enough: too many people are so unused to dying they cannot face the prospect of death becoming a regularity. Their egos simply can't handle it. They only want to win.

    Your magplar and stamdk will still be viable. You will just have to pay better attention, be much more patient, and think for yourself about build choices. If all that makes you want to quit ESO, then leave.
    templesus wrote: »
    waitwhat wrote: »
    templesus wrote: »
    If you do anything other then revert the major mending changes ZOS PLEASE revert the caltrops change...PvEers have cried for Stam buffs but this will just ruin PvP as a whole...balance PvE separately from PvP please before PvP is made worse then it already is because of the constant PvE powercreep.


    This is not true. Please see ongoing discussion in thread re: caltrops. No one is going to get nuked by the new caltrops. Roll-dodge granting cc immunity + the long telegraph of caltrops means you won't get snared as much as you thing.

    Finally: PVP MAGPLARS ARE MASSIVELY OVERPOWERED IN THE CURRENT PVP META. It is unfair that they are able to heal so much, in heavy armor, with excellent sustain, and still pop off 12k dark flares and 15k/sec. Eye of Flame. At the risk of schadenfreude, this is just desserts for healbots and bomplars, and the caltrops change will provide an effective group counter to the zergs that all proxy up and charge in with Eye of Flame while casting ritual/mutagen/healing springs/breath of life while wearing desert rose and rattlecage.

    Sucks for PvE healplars, but everyone who has ever brought a magplar into Cyrodiil has had this coming for a long time. You should have anticipated it earlier. The farther the pendulum swings in one direction, the harder and faster it will swing back.

    Nobody thought destro ult would be good either and look at us now. And BTW, I'm a stamplar


    As I recall, everyone thought the destro ult was going to be underpowered relative to meteor on the PTS until a last-minute patch gave it a significant buff. Very different situation from what we have with the new Caltrops.

    Also, the mechanics of the two abilities are radically different. Please see previous comments in this thread for details and a comparison.
    Edited by waitwhat on 27 April 2017 21:19
    PS4 NA AD ScourgeVivec Loading Screen Simulator 2017
    Khajiit stamblade main - Walking the Two-Moons Path and robbing cute Breton boys.
    Breton magplar vet Trial Healer - Promoting wellness through self-reflection.
    Argonian Tripot DK Cyrodiil Tank - One with the Hist and guarding cute Breton boys.
    Altmer magsorc PvE DPS - Scamp tramp and unrepentant lush.

    "30s to eval"
    "Read the ******* lorebook."
  • ashenb14_ESO
    Lots of hardcore players who like to exploit and like to feel OP above everyone else are probably getting angry with the morrowind base patch. They always display the same kind of anger when they get beaten in a dual even while they're cheating. We know who you are because your all in here displaying that type of anger about the nerf changes, basically you think you know it all but all you want is to have an unfair advantage just so that people might think of you as OP. But you kids are going to get your day 10 feet under come morrowind. I'm a templar, I'm not complaining, I haven't tested it yet but I will adapt to the new reality. IT is about comfort zone, game companies never win because there's always going to be people complaining and others who stick with it. So those people who are unhappy, go play another mmorpg and see if that community is all bed and roses, you will soon realize that even in " THAT " game there will be people complaining. You will never find comfort. good luck!

    nope ***, im upset, im a sorc, least hit, i dont pvp, these changes are pretty much all directed primarly at balancing pvp, it also helps make content last longer since you spend 3-5x as long killing the same mobs(try it yourself)

    the fact is, people are upset, because, without even trying it anybody can see this is a huge nerf to pve, enlarge targeted at making pvp more balanced....hows that good when the vast majority of ESO players have little to no interest in pvp...


    its adaptable and surviveable but it slows ALL content to a grin, even trash mobs take longer to kill and you endup doing alot of uber visceral and engaging...heavy attacks.....

    they need to balance pvp and pve separately on their end, keep the same kills, just tune them when on the pvp servers so they are balanced for pvp....

    i been playing mmo's and online games, as a normal player, beta tester, and even "insider" working closely with devs....

    you dont balance games by taking a sledge hammer to the mechanics every 3-6 months as zos have a pattern of doing, you make incremental changes that are small to moderate in severity and numbers, and observe teh effect...

    Again...did you not take any science classes in jr.high?

    because one thing you learn/would have learned is to CONTROL YOUR F'ING VARIABLES, you cant do that with these massive wide scoping wont be able to tell whats causing what or easily come up with ideas to tune it for balance....instead you and ZoS just do it again, smash and start over...

    guess thats a good thing though, if they nerf sustain causing a huge drop in everybodies DPS, pve content will last 3-5x as long..

    sure this will make it much harder on noobs who are taking a much more brutal beating then vets, because, sustains already VERY hard at low levels, this just makes it near impossible for most, if not all classes to sustain...again though, thats a good thing....right?

    making it take 3-5x as long to do the same content=alot more fun!!!
    Lots of hardcore players who like to exploit and like to feel OP above everyone else are probably getting angry with the morrowind base patch. They always display the same kind of anger when they get beaten in a dual even while they're cheating. We know who you are because your all in here displaying that type of anger about the nerf changes, basically you think you know it all but all you want is to have an unfair advantage just so that people might think of you as OP. But you kids are going to get your day 10 feet under come morrowind. I'm a templar, I'm not complaining, I haven't tested it yet but I will adapt to the new reality. IT is about comfort zone, game companies never win because there's always going to be people complaining and others who stick with it. So those people who are unhappy, go play another mmorpg and see if that community is all bed and roses, you will soon realize that even in " THAT " game there will be people complaining. You will never find comfort. good luck!
    I got to the sentence that I made bold, and the whole post lost any relevance once that was said.

    I HAVE tested it, so have the majority of people in this thread that you're so flippantly dismissing as butt-hurt hardcores.

    You're post actually made me chuckle.

    You haven't tested the patch, yet you think you know better than the people posting here who HAVE tested it. It's bad, kiddo. And since it's so easy for you to outright dismiss any type of feedback that doesn't go along with "how great the patch will be" in your head, you'll be supremely surprised if it goes Live and you finally SEE how bad it is.

    But keep posting.

    It's pretty obvious that you have no idea what you're spouting off about.

    The difference is I'm going to adapt, testing is irrelevant, I will eventually play and test it but I won't quit the game like you . And if your not going to quit then you might as well shut up and be constructive. Cause most likely the devs aren't going to listen to you since they don't think your numbers matter. You probably just want to maintain the status quo cause you have a exploit build that you want to keep, its all about you and no one else and that's why they dont listen to you. Please if your going to quit dont post here anymore. ty

    You sure packed a lot of pure BS, supposition, and outright imagination in that reply.

    None of that is accurate in regard to any of my posts in these PTS Forums, and my Feedback has been posted in a very detailed manner in a number of threads; including with actual numbers and the comparative difference between how the game plays on the Live servers now, and with what I experienced after playing the game as it will be if the changes go "Live".

    But you'd rather live in your fantasy bubble with your imaginary image of me rather than do a modicum of research or reading.

    Also; testing is irrelevant? :D

    It's not the testing that is proving to be "irrelevant" in this discussion. Your comments, without even bothering to test the changes, makes every single word you type about them completely irrelevant.

    So, to modify your own thought: Please quit posting about changes you know nothing about until you've tested them and provided proper Feedback. Ty. ;)

    love his "unlike you crybabies im going to adapt" despite many of us saying we would adapt, it just makes the game alot slower and more like playing a typical mmo where you dont move much, and just spam your primary attack..since with the current setup even my sorc is constantly battling to try and not spend 1/2 the fight using heavy attack to get back magica...

    he wont stop talking out his arse, he wont even watch the videos showing what it does and explaining it in detail...because, like all fanboy/fangirl types, he cannot admit that zos ever does anything but whats best for the game and player base!!really!!!

    if he and others whiteknighting for zos would watch these videos, they actually show the effects AND explain talk about them.

    im guessing hes a console player or somebody who cant figure out how to enable the pts..
    Edited by ashenb14_ESO on 28 April 2017 05:07
  • BenzZos
    Higher end players already know how to resource manage, more casual players have little or no experience in this.

    Nerfing sustain through armor passives is a flat nerf to every build in pve.

    I do trials with 3 guilds, one does hardmode vets, one does vets with some difficulty, the other one enjoys normals.

    My higher end guild will carry on in vets and we will adapt, meanwhile hundreds of other players in my other two guilds will be unable to complete vet trials for many months until they can get BiS builds. Almost all of them are unable to fully gold out even one set.

    Effectively, this patch will tickle the top 1% in vet trials and exile 99% of players (many who are quite decent at the game) straight into the noob category.

    How is this healthy for the game?
  • Entegre
    BenzZos wrote: »
    Higher end players already know how to resource manage, more casual players have little or no experience in this.

    Nerfing sustain through armor passives is a flat nerf to every build in pve.

    I do trials with 3 guilds, one does hardmode vets, one does vets with some difficulty, the other one enjoys normals.

    My higher end guild will carry on in vets and we will adapt, meanwhile hundreds of other players in my other two guilds will be unable to complete vet trials for many months until they can get BiS builds. Almost all of them are unable to fully gold out even one set.

    Effectively, this patch will tickle the top 1% in vet trials and exile 99% of players (many who are quite decent at the game) straight into the noob category.

    How is this healthy for the game?

    ESO is too easy compared to other MMOs, maybe people should stop grinding xp like a zombie and start learning the game by playing it for months and THEN go into end game trials. Those casuals are actually noobs, sorry to say but if someone does not have enough gold reserve for one set then that person either grinded his way to 160 without looting and selling anything or bought most of useless stuff from the market.
  • Oakclaw
    Miscellaneous UI Updates
    We’ve added several new features and options, called out below, that will better improve your UI experience.
    •You can now enable buff and debuff trackers! These are found in Settings under the Combat section.
    •You can track debuffs on your target from everyone or just from yourself, or track buffs and debuffs on just yourself.
    •You can also toggle the visibility of permanent effects with no defined duration (such as Mundus Stones) and effects lasting longer than a minute (such as food buffs).
    •With the addition of this system, Major and Minor effects have updated with more consistent iconography. Viewing the effect in the character sheet will show the source of the buff.

    Anyone know if this applies to consoles as well?
    "Hand down the throat, a kiss for my wrist; hand on the lungs, a kiss for my arm. Grasp, tear, yank… and one last kiss for the killer's own heart."
    -The Green Lady
  • sekou_trayvond
    Oakclaw wrote: »
    Miscellaneous UI Updates
    We’ve added several new features and options, called out below, that will better improve your UI experience.
    •You can now enable buff and debuff trackers! These are found in Settings under the Combat section.
    •You can track debuffs on your target from everyone or just from yourself, or track buffs and debuffs on just yourself.
    •You can also toggle the visibility of permanent effects with no defined duration (such as Mundus Stones) and effects lasting longer than a minute (such as food buffs).
    •With the addition of this system, Major and Minor effects have updated with more consistent iconography. Viewing the effect in the character sheet will show the source of the buff.

    Anyone know if this applies to consoles as well?

    It works for gamepad mode on PC so I assume, yes.
  • FlyLionel
    Oakclaw wrote: »
    Miscellaneous UI Updates
    We’ve added several new features and options, called out below, that will better improve your UI experience.
    •You can now enable buff and debuff trackers! These are found in Settings under the Combat section.
    •You can track debuffs on your target from everyone or just from yourself, or track buffs and debuffs on just yourself.
    •You can also toggle the visibility of permanent effects with no defined duration (such as Mundus Stones) and effects lasting longer than a minute (such as food buffs).
    •With the addition of this system, Major and Minor effects have updated with more consistent iconography. Viewing the effect in the character sheet will show the source of the buff.

    Anyone know if this applies to consoles as well?

    @Oakclaw Yes, it's like how they introduced combat text into the base game. It will come, finally....All we need is better sensitivity and we can be on par with PC...I want to do 360 executes too.
    The Flyers
  • IrrumaboMulieres
    Soul Shriven
    Well it doesn't matter anymore...I'm done with ESO. I suggest if you want a game that is fun engaging and fresh try out Black Desert Online. It's really fun and definitely a trade up from ESO. I might come back to ESO, but not for a long time it's looking like it. Not until the devs do some serious thinking on separating PVE from PVP. I was a game Launch player from the start of ESO. I've been through it all. This is by far the largest nerf I've seen to the entire game and every class. I'm just sick of it. I don't mind grinding if it's worth the time and investment, that being said I dont have the time to q up for a dungeon and even if i get a good group it will take and hour and thirty if this patch drops the way it is. And for those who say just play with some one you know or your guild, I do that very rarely, simply because it takes a lot of time to find tank/healz. When I q up. I am usually the one carrying the group, as a healer/tank and still clear dungeon in 20 to 30 min. I used to pvp, Now its so filled with viper/tremor that I dont even like pvp at all, all it is a is a Zerg fest. This was kinda a rant, sorry bout that, oh and i have test it on PTS, suffice it to say I feel the nerf and and after a bajillion hours played and fully golded gear that i farmed for months. I SHOULD BE OP! I worked for it. And now they have killed all my hard work. So who's to say they wont do that again when this patch drops we find the BIS gear, invest all the time to farm for it, fully up grade it, then because people who didn't put n the time and feel like they are not op complain about other WHO WORKED for their opness. THEY WILL NERF AGAIN. NOT worth it in my opinion. Not worth the time, and not worth the money.

    TLTR. DON'T wast your time anymore with ESO. Come to BDO where hard work PAYS OFF
    PS. i know i have bad spelling and bad grammar/punctuation
  • TheDarkRuler
    *reading the patch notes*
    Deinstalling ESO and canceling ESO+ until ZOS decides to actively do their balancing instead of nerfing every thing into the ground.
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    TLTR. DON'T wast your time anymore with ESO. Come to BDO where Cash and RNG PAYS OFF
    PS. i know i have bad spelling and bad grammar/punctuation

  • Smmokkee

    Destiny 2, Sea of Theives, BDO console release, Tera Console release, red dead redemption 2 and, more. Not a good year to *** up zos.
  • Peekachu99
    Well it doesn't matter anymore...I'm done with ESO. I suggest if you want a game that is fun engaging and fresh try out Black Desert Online. It's really fun and definitely a trade up from ESO. I might come back to ESO, but not for a long time it's looking like it. Not until the devs do some serious thinking on separating PVE from PVP. I was a game Launch player from the start of ESO. I've been through it all. This is by far the largest nerf I've seen to the entire game and every class. I'm just sick of it. I don't mind grinding if it's worth the time and investment, that being said I dont have the time to q up for a dungeon and even if i get a good group it will take and hour and thirty if this patch drops the way it is. And for those who say just play with some one you know or your guild, I do that very rarely, simply because it takes a lot of time to find tank/healz. When I q up. I am usually the one carrying the group, as a healer/tank and still clear dungeon in 20 to 30 min. I used to pvp, Now its so filled with viper/tremor that I dont even like pvp at all, all it is a is a Zerg fest. This was kinda a rant, sorry bout that, oh and i have test it on PTS, suffice it to say I feel the nerf and and after a bajillion hours played and fully golded gear that i farmed for months. I SHOULD BE OP! I worked for it. And now they have killed all my hard work. So who's to say they wont do that again when this patch drops we find the BIS gear, invest all the time to farm for it, fully up grade it, then because people who didn't put n the time and feel like they are not op complain about other WHO WORKED for their opness. THEY WILL NERF AGAIN. NOT worth it in my opinion. Not worth the time, and not worth the money.

    TLTR. DON'T wast your time anymore with ESO. Come to BDO where hard work PAYS OFF
    PS. i know i have bad spelling and bad grammar/punctuation

    BDO is a gankfest/ grindfest, way worse than ESO. Don't know why you would suggest it other than the honeymoon period where you feel liberated from a game you don't like and fall into love with one you do. I wish people could stop being so hyperbolic and could be more accountable for their feelings and actions.
  • Blitzstorm1989
    Soul Shriven
    Greetings ZOS,

    I personally do not understand why Game Devs don't really listen to their community or try to ask them their opinions before changing anything.

    Even though I see many positive things with the incoming patch and new game release, I see many bad things.

    You are telling us you want to help casual players but truly you are making it more difficult for them, nerfing pretty much any and every thing, does not help, it may balance out things in PVP but in PVE it actually makes it very complicated, Hardcore players will leave or find a way around the system where casual players will never be able to reach their levels.

    Make it impossible to sustain and implementing heavy attacks to the combat system to be able to get ressources back it destroys the fast paced combat and the rewarding it currently gives, and we all love that.

    No one seems to be wanting to sit on his couch or chair pressing down a button all the time to perform an heavy attack all the time. Bosses and trash mobs don't seem to be getting easier and the rewards don't seem to be better, have to run dungeons and trials over and over again to get that piece we are missing is already hard, now imagine have to do that when it's even harder.

    People will get tired, frustrated, bored and probably and eventually quit, because the work/reward is not good enough. That will hurt the community that will hurt the fans and players, I personally believe that's going the wrong way.

    Perhaps PVP should have a totally different system than PVE, if we lose cost reductions the opponent loses reduction that enhances different builds and player skill, it is a good thing, but in PVE we get nerfed while Bosses and Mechanics remain the same, so we will die more often or get a harder time and take longer to take a Boss down, and the reward will be the same.

    I know and believe you won't even read this or even take any consideration the message from one single player and fan, but please hear out your community before you make it on the live server.

    We want fast paced and fun combat with some sort of rewarding feel, we are not playing "Dark Souls Online", we want Elder Scrolls Online.

    I want you guys want to improve and many things are indeed good, I don't see where some things can benefit your community. On another note, thumbs up for the new UI (Specially for a console user where we cannot get any add ons).

    My best regards to the team and devs, and hope you make the right choice.
  • timborggrenlarsenb16_ESO
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    These nerfs are wonderful.

    Also, argonian got buffed into the stratosphere.

    I am happy.

    LOL What nerfs???
    - Be Anyone.
    - Do Anything.
    - Go Anywhere.
  • CurvedSwords123
    So. Why are you nerfing Redguard? It's not enough u make our male dance a Miley Cyrus twerk, but you want us to be unimpressive with with our racial passives too? I also noticed u ruined the sap tank NB I was lvling up with the siphoning nerf. Thanks so much ZOS. Feels good to come back to ESO after a 2 year break to this.
  • ZeroXFF
    The good:
    - Smaller difference between low and high CP people. I'm tired of low CP people doing such *** DPS in dungeons that a quick 20 minute random turns into a 3 hour waste of time.

    The meh:
    - The regen nerf sucks, but I think I can live with it. I guess I won't be the only weirdo (templar) tank any more that runs with Willow's Path and Amber Plasm sets (or maybe I'll swap one of them for the new Shacklebreaker, we'll see).

    The bad:
    - Why the hell would you reduce the impact of high CP AND disable it in PvP?? People's sets are built around their CPs. If anything, this will prevent casuals from joining PvP, because they may not be able to afford 2 different sets for PvP and PvE. I'm one of those filthy casuals who has no time to play during the week, and not always has time to play on the weekend, and I sure as hell won't do battlegrounds if I have to collect a different set of gear before I can even join. Either get rid of CPs altogether, or give buffs to low CP people, I don't care, but don't make my stats change just because I entered a different zone. This design is beyond horrible.

    The missing:
    - Crafting jewelry anyone? Seriously, I don't have time for raiding, let me at least improve my rings and necklaces.
    - 2H weapons counting as 2 set pieces? Just make the sets calculate the equipped items based on slots that they take up instead of on the actual number of gear pieces. Shouldn't be that hard. You said that your CP change is supposed to encourage build diversity, and this is the thing that holds the build diversity back since launch.
  • Reefo
    Nordic bath towel costume when worn by a khajit or argonian still has his shorts style underwear showing through it, this should be fixed as the bath towel suits the beast races best (subjective)
    And that boy legs just looks weird.
  • Shatricor
    ZeroXFF wrote: »
    The missing:
    - Crafting jewelry anyone? Seriously, I don't have time for raiding, let me at least improve my rings and necklaces.
    - 2H weapons counting as 2 set pieces? Just make the sets calculate the equipped items based on slots that they take up instead of on the actual number of gear pieces. Shouldn't be that hard. You said that your CP change is supposed to encourage build diversity, and this is the thing that holds the build diversity back since launch.

    I think this will probably come next Year with the Big Summerset Island Addon because there will be no new class (except they starting to create a necromancer)
    Edited by Shatricor on 15 May 2017 08:45
  • Lum1on
    I think this will probably come next Year with the Big Summerset Island Addon because there will be no new class (except they starting to create a necromancer)

    Oh boy, how I would absolutely love to see the source on this one. Because, well... there are no sources!
    PC EU: @Lum1on
  • Shatricor
    Lum1on wrote: »
    I think this will probably come next Year with the Big Summerset Island Addon because there will be no new class (except they starting to create a necromancer)

    Oh boy, how I would absolutely love to see the source on this one. Because, well... there are no sources!

    its the only possible option for a new class
This discussion has been closed.