Because at that point they wouldn't need a second digital currency.Pathfinder wrote: »Why oh why can't we buy Crown gems for Crowns???????
Some might actually have fun gambling. Otherwise, casinos and bingo wouldn't exist. If I spend money on the gambling boxes I am purchasing them with the understand that most of the time I will "lose" as that's the nature of gambling. I really don't see how this concept is so difficult for people to understand. Some people actually like gambling and don't mind spending their money on the chance to win something. I said the CHANCE. That is gambling!
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »Question please my fine fellow forum folks!
I have not voiced my opinion on crates as I wanted to wait till they went live to actually try them first.
Sooooooo... I get in game, buy 4 crates. I wait to open, then I click "Crown Crate" icon. Nothing Happens.
I move or do a action, I get the Khajiits voice over, but no UI screen to open them.
Any ideas? This happen to any one else??
Some might actually have fun gambling. Otherwise, casinos and bingo wouldn't exist. If I spend money on the gambling boxes I am purchasing them with the understand that most of the time I will "lose" as that's the nature of gambling. I really don't see how this concept is so difficult for people to understand. Some people actually like gambling and don't mind spending their money on the chance to win something. I said the CHANCE. That is gambling!
lordrichter wrote: »
And history has shown that it worked sooooo well for SOE. I still remember well the NGE.
Used to be that when a gaming studio made a mistake that "ticked off the player base" it was known as something for no1 else to even touch. (NGE known as what not to do in a MMORPG) Now?, it's "they got away with it, we can too".
Will be interesting to see if TESO goes down the exact same road that all these other lockbox MMORPGs have traveled via actual paying customer numbers, you know the ones who actually break out their wallets and give them anything other than loading in as F2P and using up good bandwidth, completly for free.
Esquire1980g_ESO wrote: »
And history has shown that it worked sooooo well for SOE. I still remember well the NGE in the latter part of 2005.
Used to be that when a gaming studio made a mistake that "ticked off the player base" it was known as something for no1 else to even touch. (NGE known as what not to do in a MMORPG) Now?, it's "they got away with it, we can too".
Will be interesting to see if TESO goes down the exact same road that all these other lockbox MMORPGs have traveled via actual paying customer numbers, you know the ones who actually break out their wallets and give them anything other than loading in as F2P and using up good bandwidth, completly for free.
VerboseQuips wrote: »I have been a suscribed player since beta and I have spent unreasonable ammounts of money on the game already. Doing so, I was (at first, cautiously, then genuinely) convinced that I helped ZOS expand the TES universe.
I cannot convince myself of that anymore. Actually, I am now convinced of the very contrary, i.e. that spending any more money on the game from now on will only fund the loss of integrity of a beloved paracosm. In other words, spending any more money on ESO now seems harmful to the TES series as a whole, in my current opinion.
VerboseQuips wrote: »If I had a very strong will, and a strong clarity for ethical matters, I guess it would lead me to immediately stop spending anything anymore on ESO.
It looks like the hairstyle and body markings I wanted from the pts in July would cost more then $120 on average. For something that would normally cost $15 dollars. I would go for $30 maybe $40. Not 8 times the value on average with a chance I might still not have it. I was so excited for these when they had style parlor in pts. Oh well. I have gladly spent money on this game since launch. Have the striped senche to prove it. Now I'm so disappointed in ZOS I am not sure I want to give them another dime.whitebeard00 wrote: »Obviously this has been said before, but ZoS one more person here who would love to give you my money for some of those cool mounts, but not going to happen with this system. Willing to pay $30 for cool looking stuff in game, not $300 or so in an RNG money-pit.
Threemoons wrote: »Okay....just watched the video linked above, AND bought 30 crates (for half price; I had stocked up on crowns when on sale).
I am usually a pretty major fangirl for ESO, but I have to say:
The drop tables SUCK.
The gem conversion for crap draws SUCK.
The gem prices for mounts and the other top two tier items SUCK as do the drop rates.
If you can't give refunds then give bonus gems to folks based on sub type and sub history/length.
This is the most naked money grab I've ever seen. It's like someone said, HEY, selling mounts for $40 OUTRIGHT isn't enough of a ripoff, let's have people GAMBLE for them and they'll SPEND EVEN MORE!
PS I couldn't enter the "trip" sweepstakes because Gambling Laws. Someone please explain to me how this is different, in any way?
VERY disappointed.
VerboseQuips wrote: »Now on a personal note, I am faced with a choice.
I have been a suscribed player since beta and I have spent unreasonable ammounts of money on the game already. Doing so, I was (at first, cautiously, then genuinely) convinced that I helped ZOS expand the TES universe.
I cannot convince myself of that anymore. Actually, I am now convinced of the very contrary, i.e. that spending any more money on the game from now on will only fund the loss of integrity of a beloved paracosm. In other words, spending any more money on ESO now seems harmful to the TES series as a whole, in my current opinion.
Reading the last few lines I just wrote, I realize how bitter I already am, and how compromised my enjoyment of TES games has already become.
This is not unexpected. Opinions were voiced. Zos remained silent. Feedback was asked, and opinions were voiced again. I have no doubt they were read, and reported. But they were deliberately ignored. Now conclusions must be drawn. To me, it feels harsh.
This whole debacle is really, really sad.
Crown Crates are purchased through the Crown Store, and contain a randomized selection of useful consumables and collectibles that are valued more than the price of a single crate.
In fact, I have two ESO Plus memberships - one for myself and another for my spouse. I did this before I lost faith in this company due to the growing number of negative things that were done to me, others and the game itself.
This means that when I cancel both subscriptions - they will lose two of their ESO Plus account holders. This seemingly does not matter to them and more's the pity.
That's NOT good business.. in fact, it's terribly BAD business. and it just adds more wood to the fire with all the bad PR that it generates. I had three couples ask me if I liked playing Elder Scrolls Online over Thanksgiving. Most had heard that it was horrible (from its disastrous start-up). I was able to ally their fears on that matter, but could not honestly recommend the game because of everything already stated above. And I am stopping now.
aheck1111_ESO wrote: »Bummer. I guess we know where the community stands in ZOS' mind. Even if I bought one crate and hit the jackpot with an Atro wolf mount, I'd be too ashamed to use it!!