Official Feedback Thread for Imperial City Changes

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Community Manager
This is the official feedback thread for Imperial City changes. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
  • Were you able to capture a District? If so, how long did your alliance hold it for?
  • Did capturing Districts seem worthwhile?
  • How does capturable Districts change the feel of PvP combat in these areas?
  • Were you hit for more than 20k damage by any Imperial City bosses? If so, was the damage avoidable?
  • Did you feel that killing bosses in the Imperial City and Sewers was more rewarding?
  • How did the respawn rates and overall basepop feel while traveling around Imperial City?
  • How many Tel Var Stones did you end up collecting?
  • Do you have any other general feedback?
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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Staff Post
  • Enodoc
    Very interested to see district capture. Because I won't be able to get in before it has already started, a question: do the districts have a default alliance affiliation, or do they start off Neutral?
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  • TankHealz2015
    Love the district capture change.

  • ManDraKE
    - Mobs are to easy, IC is supposed to be the hardest zone in the game. Now you can solo the bosses, the same bosses that used to wipe 5-6 man groups. Regular mobs also hit like babies, grinding there now is like grinding in old orsinium. Bring back some of the dificulty please, i'm fine with nerfing the 1-shot kill bosses, but no need to make IC a walk in the park.

    - Add more flags, one flag per district will be just "zerg the flag" and there won't be fights anywhere else. Do 2-3 flags per district, it spreads out the people more and add some strategic meta to it.

    But the rest, amazing changes. I'm going to live inside IC, thank you!
    Edited by ManDraKE on 26 April 2016 04:23
  • Strider_Roshin
    Please make the adds strong again. They were already easy, this is just overkill.
  • Preyfar
    1) Were you able to capture a District? If so, how long did your alliance hold it for?
    Captured a district easily. Guards posted no real threat solo.

    2) Did capturing Districts seem worthwhile?
    Kind of. I like the idea it helps control spawns and gives a TV bonus, but I'm not sure if I'd say "worthwhile" so much as I'd just say it adds a bit of depth.

    3) How does capturable Districts change the feel of PvP combat in these areas?
    Gives the districts more of a focal point for capture for the district.

    4) Were you hit for more than 20k damage by any Imperial City bosses? If so, was the damage avoidable?
    Didn't have any issues.

    5) Did you feel that killing bosses in the Imperial City and Sewers was more rewarding?
    Neutral on it. Didn't seem to have any issue soloing them, but the rewards still feel kinda "meh".

    6) How did the respawn rates and overall basepop feel while traveling around Imperial City?
    PTS was too empty to give real feedback on that at this point.

    7) How many Tel Var Stones did you end up collecting?

    8) Do you have any other general feedback?
    Yes. The capture points feel tacked on and unnatural. For instance, in Elven Gardens, the cap point is at the bottom of a flight of stairs with a Xivkyn just walking right by the guards' line of sight. I get it's a PVP capture point, but it doesn't really blend in with the rest of the environment. I don't expect guards to just kind of stand there while a Xivkyn waltzes on by, waves to the guards and goes "Sup!".

    I feel like there should be Daedric bodies strewn around the guards, perhaps some fortifications with faction flags. Make the capture points look like the faction battled and fought to get where they are, and are standing their ground. Perhaps even have random faction NPCs spawn in the district and fight the Daedra. As it is right now, I it just doesn't feel like it fits in with the rest of the district and, as I said, is kind of immersion breaking and they feel out of place with everything else that's going on in the zones.
    Edited by Preyfar on 26 April 2016 15:03
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    Is there a reason we were given no tel-var stones? Last PTS we had 10mil gold, 10mil ap, and 10mil telvar. would be nice to have tel var again to buy things and test them out.
  • VincentBlanquin
    extremely disappointed with this to said the truth

    we absolutely need something like more flags in districts (probably 3) and captured district to have inpact on aliance war scoring. otherwise its only another "zerg that flag and farm telvars" mode. . even nowadays imp city is better
    Irwen Vincinter - Nord - Dragonknight
    Irw´en - Bosmer - Nightblade
  • Birdovic
    Is there a reason we were given no tel-var stones? Last PTS we had 10mil gold, 10mil ap, and 10mil telvar. would be nice to have tel var again to buy things and test them out.

    Yea i also Missed The Stones : (
  • Tillalarrien
    Few ideas here:

    - remove TS bonus in captured districts: I would probably be against 5% one, 33% is just ridiculous..only thing it is promoting is zerging the flagg and farming TVS, this is probably clear to everyone.. Leave the respawn restriction (with slight changes below) this is a really good and ONLY motivation to capture districts that both PvP and PvE players need.
    - Add multiple flags per district: 3 flaggs would be best and you need to control all 3 to control the district. Again this would spread out population instead of concentrating it one one point (u know: Zerging -> Lags -> QQing -> promises of performance improvement - just don't promote zerging in the 1st place!) It would also introduce some tactical elements like baiting all the enemies to one flagg while your friends capture other 2, then wiping enemy and forcing them to respawn in sewers.
    - Stat bonuses in controlled districts, simillarly to Cyrodiil buffs. Meaning if alliance controls all flaggs in the district, its members get 5% more hp or something while within this district.
    - Respawn changes: If alliance control a flagg (1/3) in a district, all its members can then respawn in that particular district. If one alliance captures all 3 flaggs it effectively locks both other alliances from respawning in the district, they can however respawn in others they control or in the sewers.

    - I wouln't mind harder NPCs, but removing one-hit bosses is excelent - they should however still be a challenging group content! I think that you lowered difficulty to allow for more unintereupted PvP where you pull in 10 npcs while fighting. I like that but I would suggest upping the difficulty of the mobs again and instead making them more spread out in the districts - making the room for some nice PvP fights. Additionaly adding one strong NPC to the 1v1 fight wher both players will need to avoid his AOE will make fights challenging, while adding 10 weak NPCs that are beating on you with no real dmg will just make it messy and annoying.

    - Suggestion: maybe intentionally reduce the numbers of mobs in districts (making it more PvP) but keep numbers and difficulty of the NPCs in the sewers (making it suitable for more PvE oriented audience) - both will keep elements of both pve and pvp but will give a player a go-to place depending on thier preference.

    I dont think my suggestions would need much of a work. Just copying the flag 2 more times and tweaking how capture bonuses behave. You are on excelent path ZOS - now let's make it perfect :P
    I think those are some nice ideas both PvP and PvE players will agree on, with exeption of those that want to ZERG&FARM and tbh, I like any change that they would disaproove of :D
    Edited by Tillalarrien on 26 April 2016 08:32
    Valkynaz of the Daedric Order
  • Lord_Chonus
    so will there be multiple entry points into each area?

    If so will it be population capped to amount of people in each district at a time?
  • zerosingularity
    I am led to believe it costs 250k TV stones per polymorph box. If this is true I feel it is much too high.

    For perspective, I have 2 of the 3 polymorphs, logged a number of hours in the sewers, and I doubt I have gotten more than 100k on my account. The cost may need to be adjusted.

    If I am incorrect then ignore this post.

    Kaineth - Stamina Nightblade (Weakest Player Ever!)
    Elena Stormwood - Magicka Sorcerer (vMA no Death 12/21/15 Score 401148)
    Sheila Feyrondas - Magicka Dragonknight Tank (Frost staves are gonna be fun!)

    *Disclaimer* I fail at emotional communication, so assume what I say is NOT meant to be offensive.
  • Wing
    I am throwing in my two cents and agreeing with the need for more capture points throughout the district. 3 seems appropriate.
    ESO player since beta.
    previously full time subscriber, beta-2024, game got too disappointing.
    PC NA
    ( ^_^ )

    You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods -Xenogears
    DK one trick
  • Burning_Talons
    More Cap Points
    Make IC district caps affect PvP outside of IC to promote strategy and not have the population capped by farmers and PvErs
    Gaurds stronger and attack nearby daedra
    Buml the difficulty back
  • danno8
    ZoS, you need to have it impact campaign scoring, otherwise it will still be empty, save for those who want to farm TV stones.
  • Contraptions
    Reduce the cost of the polymorphs please. Having ridiculously high prices on items is promoting the exact same circular zerg grind fest gameplay that killed IC in the first place.
    Patroller and Editor at UESP
  • code65536
    Please make the adds strong again. They were already easy, this is just overkill.

    I think this was in response to the complaints that the strength of the mobs made IC more of PvE zone than a PvP zone. With lower strength, they wouldn't "get in the way" as much for people looking to PvP.
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  • Enodoc
    Having it impact campaign scoring would be good, but it would also be an issue, since not everyone can access Imperial City, and therefore the score would be affected by something out of some players' control.

    I agree that a district should have more than one capture point, to make the battle a bit more interesting. The further apart the better!
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Rex-Umbra
    I really hope they improve the flag capture mechanic as it sounds awesome but any player can solo flip the flag rather quickly.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • olsborg
    The monsters in IC was far too easy now, it used to be fun because you could get bursted down if you didnt stay on edge, now its back to same cakewalk the other zones (wrothgar, craglorn etc) are. Please keep the ic mobs the same or even more difficult then currently on live.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Solariken
    I am unable to download the PTS, but I wanted to make a request for the "Imperial Physique" set. It looks like the 5-piece bonus is ONLY useful in IC - I feel this is far too restrictive. Would you be willing to make the base stat bonus active at all times and then perhaps give a 100% increase for being in IC and an additional 500% for having the 4x multiplier?
  • staracino_ESO
    There needs to be incentive for people outside of IC to want these districts. Right now, any alliance can be crippled in Cryo by having a large portion of its population in the sewers and not helping the war effort.
  • ZoM_Head
    Each Polymorph costing 250K Tel Var Stones is seriously too high.
    olsborg wrote: »
    The monsters in IC was far too easy now, it used to be fun because you could get bursted down if you didnt stay on edge, now its back to same cakewalk the other zones (wrothgar, craglorn etc) are. Please keep the ic mobs the same or even more difficult then currently on live.

    If you died from an NPC you lost 10% tel vars, if you died from another player you lost 80% of your tel vars. Now its 50% either way.

    I think the monsters are ok, you can rack up a lot of tel vars and loose them just as fast. But i will agree about the district bosses, you can solo them, they would probably need a buff.
    mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • Enodoc
    I had a quick look at the district capture yesterday; it's a nice addition but it seems as though it was just plonked in with no real purpose to it, and there's not much effort involved in the capture. You also have a bunch of alliance soldiers just standing around as Daedra and Legion Zero soldiers just pass them by; there should at least be a bit of conflict going on between them.

    Something that could address both these factors would be to move the flag further back (closer to the inoperable Palace District gate) and put in an alliance barricade. The barricade would act as a break between the Daedra and alliance forces, giving more credence to the fact that they are not engaging each other. It would also add an extra level to the capture itself, as attackers would have to get through the NPCs at the barricade before dealing with the ones at the flag.

    Beyond this, as mentioned above, I think that each district should have more than one capture point, to make the battle for the district a bit more interesting. For example, there are a number of ruined buildings in most districts, some of which are empty. Putting a capture flag in a couple of these (in addition to the one by the Palace District gate), with guards on the building entrances, would bring a bit more depth to the idea of "capturing" the entire district.

    Finally (I didn't have time to check this), there should be District Capture missions available if there aren't already, similar to the Cyrodiil Battle missions (Capture Chalman Mine, Capture Alessia Farm, etc). That would provide an additional incentive to capture a district.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Bislobo
    Enodoc wrote: »
    I had a quick look at the district capture yesterday; it's a nice addition but it seems as though it was just plonked in with no real purpose to it, and there's not much effort involved in the capture. You also have a bunch of alliance soldiers just standing around as Daedra and Legion Zero soldiers just pass them by; there should at least be a bit of conflict going on between them.

    Something that could address both these factors would be to move the flag further back (closer to the inoperable Palace District gate) and put in an alliance barricade. The barricade would act as a break between the Daedra and alliance forces, giving more credence to the fact that they are not engaging each other. It would also add an extra level to the capture itself, as attackers would have to get through the NPCs at the barricade before dealing with the ones at the flag.

    Beyond this, as mentioned above, I think that each district should have more than one capture point, to make the battle for the district a bit more interesting. For example, there are a number of ruined buildings in most districts, some of which are empty. Putting a capture flag in a couple of these (in addition to the one by the Palace District gate), with guards on the building entrances, would bring a bit more depth to the idea of "capturing" the entire district.

    Finally (I didn't have time to check this), there should be District Capture missions available if there aren't already, similar to the Cyrodiil Battle missions (Capture Chalman Mine, Capture Alessia Farm, etc). That would provide an additional incentive to capture a district.

    Really good points here... simple to implement and game changing.
    Redguard Dragonknight - Bislobo
    Orc Nightblade - Bislobø
    Redguard Sorcerer - Bisłobo
    Imperial Templar - Bíslobo
    Altmer Sorcerer - Bisløbo
  • Saltypretzels
    So far everyone has agreed that 3 capture points are needed (and I'm sure people would all agree that having them located in interesting places would be more fun). Please make these changes unless you want a flood of complaints when this goes live.
  • Enodoc
    So far everyone has agreed that 3 capture points are needed (and I'm sure people would all agree that having them located in interesting places would be more fun). Please make these changes unless you want a flood of complaints when this goes live.
    I'm going to have a wander around the city later, see if I can find some interesting places to suggest for where ZOS could put the other two in each district :)
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Moglijuana
    Enodoc wrote: »
    I had a quick look at the district capture yesterday; it's a nice addition but it seems as though it was just plonked in with no real purpose to it, and there's not much effort involved in the capture. You also have a bunch of alliance soldiers just standing around as Daedra and Legion Zero soldiers just pass them by; there should at least be a bit of conflict going on between them.

    Something that could address both these factors would be to move the flag further back (closer to the inoperable Palace District gate) and put in an alliance barricade. The barricade would act as a break between the Daedra and alliance forces, giving more credence to the fact that they are not engaging each other. It would also add an extra level to the capture itself, as attackers would have to get through the NPCs at the barricade before dealing with the ones at the flag.

    Beyond this, as mentioned above, I think that each district should have more than one capture point, to make the battle for the district a bit more interesting. For example, there are a number of ruined buildings in most districts, some of which are empty. Putting a capture flag in a couple of these (in addition to the one by the Palace District gate), with guards on the building entrances, would bring a bit more depth to the idea of "capturing" the entire district.

    Finally (I didn't have time to check this), there should be District Capture missions available if there aren't already, similar to the Cyrodiil Battle missions (Capture Chalman Mine, Capture Alessia Farm, etc). That would provide an additional incentive to capture a district.

    This^ +1
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
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  • Beardimus
    Love the capture concept, but What happens if one alliance dominates IC? I.e. Back to the classic spawn camping we've seen in Cyro.

    Could be really off putting for anyone new / solo storylining IC if they just get killed and have to journey back etc likewise if they are trying to get the gear etc.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
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  • Saltypretzels
    This really should be connected to the overall Cyrodil scoring.
  • Enodoc
    Beardimus wrote: »
    Love the capture concept, but What happens if one alliance dominates IC? I.e. Back to the classic spawn camping we've seen in Cyro.

    Could be really off putting for anyone new / solo storylining IC if they just get killed and have to journey back etc likewise if they are trying to get the gear etc.
    Spawn camping happens in IC anyway (particularly in Memorial District since the spawn points are so close together). I don't think district capture is going to make it any worse.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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