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Game not launching after Orsinium update

I updated my client. Now when I press the Play button in the launcher, it turns grey for a few seconds but nothing else happens. I've tried running repair twice. Deleting the client and re-installing did not help either.

iMac 27-inch, Late 2013
Processor 3.2 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M 1024 MB
Software OS X 10.8.5 (12F2518)
  • Darlgon
    Well.. not an IMAC, but my PC took.. 7 repairs, three computer reboots and ran the Game Analyst before the final repair .. that actually got me in.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • jhharvest
    I've reinstalled my client twice now. Still doesn't launch. Oh well.
  • jhharvest
    Oh! I think I found the problem in my console log. It was a bit difficult to spot because the client gave me absolutely no UI messages what so ever when it was quitting:
    04/11/2015 08:48:23.505 eso[12862]: application requires at least Mac OS X version 10.9.0, but is being run on 10.8.5, and so is exiting.
    It's not in the patch notes so I didn't expect that they would just simply break the whole game for me. I guess thanks for that, ZoS.
  • alcinoo
    jhharvest wrote: »
    Oh! I think I found the problem in my console log. It was a bit difficult to spot because the client gave me absolutely no UI messages what so ever when it was quitting:
    04/11/2015 08:48:23.505 eso[12862]: application requires at least Mac OS X version 10.9.0, but is being run on 10.8.5, and so is exiting.
    It's not in the patch notes so I didn't expect that they would just simply break the whole game for me. I guess thanks for that, ZoS.

    Really? no way i'll need to backup my entire system and upgrade OSX...
    i'm trying to repair for the second time but pretty sure nothing is going to change

    do you think is worth trying the "self hack" solution? https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6486

    anyone in Zenimax can help us with that!?
    Edited by alcinoo on 4 November 2015 00:12
  • alcinoo
    no luck: a second repair didn't fix it
    the application keeps closing and the launcher asks me to repair again after few clicks on the Play button

    OS X version 10.8.5
    running on a Mac Book Pro 15-inch, Mid 2012
    2.3 GHz inter Core i7, 8GB 1333 DDR3

    waiting news about that...
    Edited by alcinoo on 4 November 2015 00:57
  • Ceepax
    I had the same problem, i upgraded to 10.9 and now it's working again.
    Lil Ceep
  • jhharvest
    Changing the system requirements without mentioning it in the patch notes, then quietly quitting on launch without any error message just isn't cool. Very poor form.
  • KhajitFurTrader
    jhharvest wrote: »
    Changing the system requirements without mentioning it in the patch notes, then quietly quitting on launch without any error message just isn't cool. Very poor form.
    Um. The minimum system requirements for Mac have been last changed on 09/02/2015. But the requirement of OS X 10.9 or higher in particular has been there for quite a bit longer (at least since 04/29/2015).

    This change is not new, and it has been discussed before (mostly in conjunction with the upcoming change to OpenGL 4.1).

    Edited by KhajitFurTrader on 4 November 2015 11:09
  • alcinoo
    Ceepax wrote: »
    I had the same problem, i upgraded to 10.9 and now it's working again.

    cool ty for sharing!
    how is doing on the new OS? better / worst / the same?

    wondering if is worth upgrading to El Capitain...
    anyone running this OS version have any opinion?

    i'm on a Mac Book Pro 15-inch, Mid 2012
    2.3 GHz inter Core i7, 8GB 1333 DDR3

  • jhharvest
    Previous version definitely worked on 10.8.5. This version doesn't. It wasn't in the patch notes.
  • KhajitFurTrader
    jhharvest wrote: »
    Previous version definitely worked on 10.8.5. This version doesn't. It wasn't in the patch notes.
    Be that as it may, the minimum system requirement of OS X 10.9 has been instated some time by now, not just when the latest patch hit; as long as your system doesn't conform to the bare minimum that is required to run the game client, any functionality that may have been working up until now may cease to at any instant, e.g. when the next patch is going live. This needn't necessarily be a major (content) patch.

    When the game client switches to an OpenGL 4.1 rendering engine in the future, the (already existing) minimum requirements for the client to function are a Mac running OS X 10.9 or above, plus a GC that supports OpenGL 4.1 with its OS X driver. Not all Macs that are compatible with the former requirement can also fulfill the latter -- even though the game client may currently still run on those machines, it won't once the switch is made.

    According to §6 of the ToS and §5 of the EULA, we all agreed to and accepted the right of ZOS to make changes to their game/content/software (which we don't own in the first place) without prior (or any) notice at all. So it's a good thing that there are regularly updated Minimum System Requirements in the Support section for us to go by.
    alcinoo wrote: »
    wondering if is worth upgrading to El Capitain...
    anyone running this OS version have any opinion?

    El Capitan (10.11) feels to Yosemite (10.10) what Snow Leopard (10.6) felt to Leopard (10.5): more crisper, more snappier, with very few, but extremely useful, new productivity features. I upgraded all my machines when 10.11.1 became available and haven't regretted it since -- with the sole exception of my OS X Server. But I suspect that the Open Directory installation was borked beforehand (again. So far I've been forced to start from scratch every three years or so), and the upgrade process just was the final nail in its coffin. Three times I restored that machine from a backup, three times the upgrade to El Capitan would hiccup and leave the Server installation in limbo. So it was back to square one with it, which, in an by itself, isn't all that bad.

    Edited by KhajitFurTrader on 4 November 2015 13:24
  • alcinoo
    El Capitan (10.11) feels to Yosemite (10.10) what Snow Leopard (10.6) felt to Leopard (10.5): more crisper, more snappier, with very few, but extremely useful, new productivity features. I upgraded all my machines when 10.11.1 became available and haven't regretted it since...

    Thanks KhajitFurTrader!
    Upgrading OS is not just about eso, all the tools i use for "work" need to be updated as well and I've just been too lazy to do that before :) now it's time

    Planning a clean upgrade this weekend, i suppose is better than just update El Capitan "on top" of Mountain Lion, doesn't it?
    i'll use time machine to back up my current system, do you think is a good idea to include the Zenimax folder? wandering if that can avoid me to install and donwload all the contents again? or is worth having a clean install of the eso client aswell?
  • KhajitFurTrader
    alcinoo wrote: »
    Planning a clean upgrade this weekend, i suppose is better than just update El Capitan "on top" of Mountain Lion, doesn't it?
    Don't know if a direct upgrade up from 10.8 is possible. But Apple has always been very flexible concerning upgradeable OS versions in their more recent incarnations of OS X.

    On the other hand, I never had issues going from one installed OS X version to its direct successor, even repeatedly across multiple versions over many years on the same machine. Fortunately, OS X isn't like a Windows installation (and I've used every version of Windows -- with the exception of ME -- since 3.1), which, when left to its own devices, tends to make a complete reinstall from scratch totally justifiable after 18 to 24 months. ;)
    alcinoo wrote: »
    i'll use time machine to back up my current system, do you think is a good idea to include the Zenimax folder? wandering if that can avoid me to install and donwload all the contents again? or is worth having a clean install of the eso client aswell?
    If you have the space, back up your /Applications/ZeniMax Online folder in Time Machine. After you've set up your Mac with the new OS X (use the same hostname and account name!), select your old Time Machine backup volume in the System Preferences (don't enable it yet), go to the /Applications folder in a Finder window, and enter the Time Machine app. You should be able to restore the ZeniMax Online folder to the Applications folder. Do this with /Users/<your account name>/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online as well.
  • chris.dillman
    jhharvest wrote: »
    I updated my client. Now when I press the Play button in the launcher, it turns grey for a few seconds but nothing else happens. I've tried running repair twice. Deleting the client and re-installing did not help either.

    Hi jhharvest

    You need OSX 10.9 or better.
    10.9 or 10.11 is best
    Skip 10.10 it has some lower memory issues with ESO

    -- ESO -- Lead Mac Programmer...
    Staff Post
  • jhharvest
    Thanks for that chris.dillman. I upgraded to 10.11 to see how it is. Lost 10 fps and got very funky input lag. :)
  • alcinoo
    jhharvest wrote: »
    Lost 10 fps
    whaaat? oh no that's sad...
    thinking to remain on 10.9...
  • altemriel
    I am not sure if there is such an option on MAC (on PC there is), but if yes, have you tried to run the launcher "as administrator"? that helped me yesterday
  • KhajitFurTrader
    I found that it helps to reset the video settings to their default by pressing [X] after every update, be it to the game or the OS. I then switch VSYNC back to off, set Shadow Quality down a peg, and I'm good to go.
  • alcinoo
    I found that it helps to reset the video settings to their default by pressing [X] after every update, be it to the game or the OS. I then switch VSYNC back to off, set Shadow Quality down a peg, and I'm good to go.

    one thing is killing my machine is Ambient Occlusion actually
  • KhajitFurTrader
    alcinoo wrote: »
    one thing is killing my machine is Ambient Occlusion actually
    Yeah, it does have an impact, doesn't it? ;)

    Even on my GeForce GTX 780M, it defaults to "Off". But often I indulge myself by taking overall SQ down a peg and then turning it on. It still hits FPS quite a bit, but the game looks so much nicer for it.
  • jhharvest
    My iMac has a wheezing 755M so I used to play with pretty much everything off (except specular maps on) but it ran fine in full screen. With the OS update / ESO patch it became unplayable - dunno which one is the culprit. Currently it's only playable for me in a smaller window.

    I tried a bunch of stuff, even manually switching on and off stuff in the usersettings.ini.
    Edited by jhharvest on 6 November 2015 05:16
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