Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Guild Spotlight

  • Solcrab

    What is your guild’s name ? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    *Brothers Cache

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    *The Guilds Foundations lay with 3 BLOOD BROTHERS 3 avid gamer's with not a lot of time on there hands we are a family friendly guild and we don't require much from you; The ultimate goal being to explore and claim what is there to take, player advancement, player vs environment, player vs monster, delves/dungeons, player builds, generally helping one another with supplies for the long run, supporting each other, gaining item selling/trading capabilities. A Guild Bank, Guild Store, support for other players in game, helpful tips and just being there for one another when it's needed most them times when you just can't quite manage on your own. We have a wealth of experience upholding Guilds/Events for the masses and gained a lot of knowledge from previous releases e.g. Oblivion, Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Online, PC/MAC release.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    *Daggerfall Alliance

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    *Previously meddled in Daggerfall Alliance, have a lot of good knowledge that i hope to share with others.

    How many members does your guild currently have?


    Does your guild have a website?


    What times and days is the guild most active?

    *EU 24 Hours

    What countries do your members span?


    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?

    *Individually id expect players/members have there own plans whatever they may be we support and encourage all aspects of there adventuring decisions. As long as they are willing to encourage and support others unconditionally and themselves.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil,
    roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?


    What makes your guild unique?

    *We will support your movement as an individual
    *We do not have any requirements to join
    * We are good players with a long history of gaming experience
    *We are family friendly
    *We don't want dedication we want unconditional support

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?


    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    * As we are a fairly new guild to E.S.O we are currently in recruiting phase for now we do as we please. But as time goes on im sure there will be talk of events. we will need each other .

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?

    *The possibility to emerge as Brothers Cache
    *50+ Members

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?


    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    *I expect they like to find sanctuary in the cities.
    *Some sleep in the wild
    *Some don't sleep

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    * We love to laugh gather and be silly create a bit of a scene.
    * Free running
    * Glitch Hunting
    * Streaming
    * Recording

    On which gaming platform does your guild play?


    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    *[rogue of war] - Gamer Tag -
    *[Highjaka] - Gamer Tag -
    *[Super Shanze] - Gamer Tag -









    Edited by Solcrab on 3 August 2018 18:55
  • Ragenarokkr
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    • Our guild is called: The Brotherhood of Metal. Historically we are an offshoot of Ysgramor's Five Hundred Companions.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    • Our guild technically was formed June 9th 2015 in Earth time but in Nirn time 1E 369 but the current generation was formed 2E 582.

    Earth History:
    • I had much success in another realm leading an organized group known as Heavy Metal Invasion, alas those other realms had become stale much like a 100 year old sweet roll, I still visit that realm but Nirn has always been my gaming home away from my real life home. Months before June 9th 2015 I had recieved a notification of a portal to a familiar and superior realm was going to open. I prepared myself, I did thorough research, paid the portal toll in advance and when the time came I leapt through the portal into Nirn, oh how glorious it is to return to this realm and to the continent of Tamriel. I had awoken in Coldharbour as Ragenarokkr Thunderaxe, from there I picked up from his story as the Grand Forgelord of The Brotherhood of Metal left off.

    Nirn History:
    • By 2E 582 Ragenarokkr Thunderaxe was the last remaining member, due to the Three Banners War the others were casualties of war. With the threat of Mannimarco and Molag Bal, having escaped Coldharbour, he decided to recruit new members to the guild as a new generation of brothers and sisters. The history of how we splinted off from Ysgramor's Five Hundred Companions was that the members of that time were restless, wanted to expand and after the death of King Borgas no one had a legitimate claim to deny us or stop us from doing so. The original Council plus the original Grand Forgelord met in the Earth Forge and finalized the forging of our guild.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    • We swear fealty to no one outside of our guild but we have always cooperated with the Ebonheart Pact to achieve a mutual goal.

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    • Ragenarokkr's guild brothers and sisters died fighting beside the Ebonheart Pact, believing in the shared cause. Thus we continue to support them and honour our fallen comrads in doing so. Also it has been foretold by The Elder Scrolls that the Aldmeri Dominion later will try to oppress the people of our home, of Skyrim so we figure if we fight now to weaken the Aldmeri Dominion then future residents of Skyrim may have a better chance thus joining them would be counterproductive, even dishonourable given the future. As for the Daggerfall Covenant, while we consider the mages/warriors of that alliance to be admirable, we have other than our reasons for supporting the Ebonheart Pact to not support the Daggerfall Covenant: High King Emeric cowers behind a shield made of his paranoia and his subjects thus unworthy of consideration, to support him even by proxy would bring us shame along with disgust. Both the Aldmeri Dominion and the Daggerfall covenant are responsible for the death of Ragenarokkr's comrads, thus in addition to the reasons above, the Ebonheart Pact is the only choice.

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    • 24 but growing every day as messages requesting to join arrive daily.

    Does your guild have a website?
    • Yes indeed we do. In the realm of the World Wide Web, our site is called:

    What times and days is the guild most active?
    • Since we have a mix of European and north american members, plus non-gaming responsibilities (Family functions, work, education, etc) it is hard to determine when the guild is most active.

    What countries do your members span?
    • Canada, United Kingdom and the United States of America thus far but all players around the world are welcome. We can muddle through language barriers if need be and are respectful to fellow players around the world.

    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?
    • Questing, skyshard/treasure hunting and hanging out at the Sober Nord Tavern in Windhelm.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    • Crafting and Questing mostly. Before we officially march into Cyrodiil as a group we are aiming to increase each member's strength then do some group training exercises (along with educational material from various sources). Some of us are bards (in-game and some of us also can play instruments in real life) and/or brewers on the side as well. We may form a band to play at some point. Overall we want to enjoy the game and celebrate success over some flagons.

    What makes your guild unique?
    • Well some other guilds might share some of these traits but I'll go over the highlights hoping this interests people. We offer free Lycanthropy and Vampirism to fellow players (guild members get priority), we help each other, we don't spam locations with random guild invites (we recruit more traditionally, we ask if someone wishes to join a guid then we inform potential members of our guild then if they wish to join we invite them) and we are fans of Heavy Metal. We also do not overprice our wares, we keep the prices close to what we would get from an NPC but high enough so there is a purpose to sell to other players instead of the NPC. Overall we are just helpful, honourable, close-knit and fair to the fellow residents of Tamriel.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    • It's hard to define, we are independent currently but are open for active formal alliances (alliance name made, written agreement, etc) and are friendly with the guilds our members have created but I wouldn't really label anything currently as a formal alliance like the Ebonheart Pact for instance. Friendship or casual alliance may be a better term but we are friendly with these guilds because I've known the guildmasters personally even before this game was released and I believe they are some of the best people anyone could ask to be friends with.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    • We plan to host events and contests. These could involve skill or creativity or just plain luck. Prizes will be PSN cards or in-game items/gold depending on the event or contest.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?
    • When I was fighting Sinmur I was suddenly joined by one of our lower leveled members as Sinmur was close to defeat. She "battle-bombed" the boss fight and was of great help with her healing abilities. She travelled far from Davon's Watch, having died a few times on the way, to aid in the boss fight unannounced. I got to say, I am very proud and honoured that she is in the guild.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    • Well I wouldn't say follow but some of us are on good terms, well as good of terms as most mortals can be with most of the daedric princes. The ones we seem to collectively dislike or are not on good terms with are: Boethiah, Clavicus Vile, Jyggalag, and Molag Bal. Outside of Necessity, Morag Tong, The Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild we don't condone: authority figures, deceit, making deals for power (rather be able to stand with our own power than have power handed to us) or enslavement, though even then it's not exactly done with enthusiasm so to speak, at least for myself.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    • The Sober Nord Tavern in Windhelm.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    • We are heavy metal fans, we are honourable, we highly value certain deities (Akatosh, Mehrunes Dagon, Mephala, The Night Mother, Nocturnal, Shor, Sithis, Stendarr, Talos, Ysmir and Zenithar) either collectively or individually, major decisions are made by a 13 member council (which includes the Grand Forgelord as part of the 13) and we have certain locations we consider sacred which only members are told of.

    On which gaming platform does your guild play?
    • Playstation 4 North America Server with plans to open up in Europe but Europe players are welcome to join the North American one in the mean time.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    • Death_Omen_Dirge on PSN, Ragenarokkr on this website aka me. I handle administration, specialize in blacksmithing and I am the Grand Forgelord.
    Guild Master of The Brotherhood of Metal
  • MitchTheNewf
    Soul Shriven
    What is your guild's name? Does that name have a special history or significance?
  • Subion
    Soul Shriven
    (BHD) Better Hide or Die

    1.• What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance? BHD - Better Hide or Die. Originally we called ourselves PLYMCO on the Playstation 2 for a shooter called Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. We were internet gaming noobs and didn't know guild tags were typically 3 letters long. The origin of the name PLYMCO will be detailed in the answer to question 2 below. Once we moved over to the PS3, playing Warhawk and Resistance, we switched the tag to BHD "Black Hawk Down" in honor of our first online game.

    Later on we switched it to BHD - Better Hide or Die due to some confusion our original name was causing. While some of us may be veterans none of us were in Somolia or part of the events surrounding the entire "Black Hawk Down" event. Many times people assumed we did and were part of it all. This this didn't sit well with me, nor with a few others, so we decided to try and change the name. We wanted to keep the BHD and somehow landed on Better Hide or Die.

    2.•When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    This is a somewhat long story.

    The Year: 2006

    The Time: Late Winter

    The Story: One day PLYMCO_Pilgrim, PLYMCO_Firefly, and PLYMCO_Primo were out dirtbiking on the frozen sand when Firefly crashed and broke his collarbone. While he was at home healing he decided to buy an internet adapter for his Playstation 2 and a game called Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. He proceeded to get all of us to buy the game and the adapter and play it online with him. We loved the game a lot and wanted to get more serious with it and we saw other people with the same first name and though "we should do that".

    At this point in time I had never posted on an internet forum in my life and we had no idea the typical "guild tag" was 3 letters long. I had everyone come over my place to talk about it while doing some light partying and gaming, Championship Motocross Featuring Ricky Charmichael was our choice of head to head in the living room at the time. That or Freedom Fighters. After talking about it we decided we would go with Plymco, Plymouth Company, as our name as we were all from Plymouth.

    At some point we decided to try and join another guild called "The Old Man Clan" or the OMC. I talked to OMC's leader about joining and he said I had to answer a riddle first. I said ok. The riddle "What do a pencil and a cassette tape have in common"? My answer: You use the pencil to rewind the tape when it gets jammed in your deck. I passed, we were in!

    After a few days they said we would have to change our screennames to reflect their clan. We all thought this wasn't right, especially firefly (force) who wanted to keep his stats, and the end result was we were kicked from the OMC because we refused to change our names. This doesn't have anything to do with the name PLYMCO or BHD but it does have everything to do with how this guild is run. We don't demand people do too much other than be cool to each other here, this experience is a huge part of why we are this way. Think Bill and Ted's "Be excellent to each other and party on dude!"

    3.•What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to? Daggerfall

    4.•Why did you choose that alliance? The lore seemed closest to our Guild's ethos

    5.•How many members does your guild currently have? Currently 442 in ESO, with more whom do not have the game in other games.

    6.•Does your guild have a website?

    7.•What times and days is the guild most active? All 7 days of the week, mostly evenings. We span many time zones so there is always someone playing

    8 .•What countries do your members span? Mostly North America (USA and Canada) but we also have some members from Europe.

    9.•What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most? With such a large member base this question can't just have one answer. We have people who love every aspect of ESO. Crafting, Trading, Selling in the clan store (we have been enjoying bidding on and winning a vendor each week). Dungeon raids and helping each other with the quests/missions in game. We are just getting into the PvP now that most of our members are over level 10, Saturday the 11th will be our first official PvP night for the guild. I think this is going to end up being where BHD spends most of its time.

    10.•What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination? Again, like in question 9, our member base is so large and varied there isn't one specific answer. I don't see us doing much roleplaying in the taverns but we definitely love the dungeons, crafting, and selling our items to the public through the vendor. Cyrodil will be a lot of fun for us, as I said we will be doing this at least once a week as a "Guild Event". Our guild events are not mandatory for members.

    11.•What makes your guild unique? We are set up like a family and don't have overbearing leaders or rules or participation requirements. The leadership are adults who have families and understand the time constraints having a life and responsibilies puts on people. That is why our events and participation are just voluntary. You could be gone for a few years for whatever reason, come back, and we will treat you like you never left.

    12.•Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them? Not currently.

    13.•Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them! I've hit on this already in answering the other questions but we do have special events. For example we do Battlefield Wednesdays, GTA Fridays, and we will be starting ESO Saturdays on July 11th. I'm extra excited for ESO Saturdays as we haven't had a game where we can put over 100 players online at the same time since MAG on the PS3. We also have now started Guild raffles on ESO thx to our Guild Leader TX11 in which members can buy a raffle ticket for in game gold to have a chance to win a rare item that the guild has paid for!

    14.•What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU? Winning our first bid for a vendor for now. I think as of July 11th I think it will be our massive presence for Guild night in ESO.

    15.•Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one? No

    16.•After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down? Daggerfall, at the Bank. Trading, swapping, improving, enchanting, selling, and just giving away our loot for each other.

    17.•Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    1) We have existed for 9 years.
    2) We are run like a family which means sometimes we might not get along but that doesn't mean people will get kicked out, instead we work trough our problems with each other.
    3) We have 100's of members
    4) We value all of our member's opinions and input.
    5) Our leadership's personalities are all unique and varied, making us a much stronger group

    18.•On which gaming platform does your guild play? Mostly PS4 but a few have the XBOX1 and PC setups.

    19.•If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact? TX11 is the guild leader and the main contact for that. However, we prefer people come to and make an introduction post asking to join.

    Edited by Subion on 15 July 2015 00:36
  • Tommy1979AtWar
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    Old and Rubbish, We're a group of mature (old) gamers who really did conquer those 8 bit classics and own the gaming rigs the hipster generation drool over today, The significance of our name is that we are a living breathing part of that history, we were retro gamers before it was cool... we have to sit in an armchair wearing comfortable slippers with a cup of tea and a biscuit when we game these days but we're still cool dammit!!

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    The Old and Rubbish site was established in 2007 as a way for mature gamers to organise events and trade games etc and through that the ESO OnR guild came to be formed in 2015 for the release of ESO on console, A couple of our members decided that whilst they were transferring their characters from PC it would be worthwhile making a thread on the OnR forum to see whom was thinking of purchasing the game on console, the overwhelming response from OnR members meant that they had little choice and were there by drawn the short straws of leadership.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    Daggerfall but we'll swear allegiance to whomever has cookies.

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    Someone said they had cookies.

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    I'll have to take my socks off to count that high... 1.. 2.. 3.. *mumbles*... over 100

    Does your guild have a website?
    You can find us at but please remember that it's for over 21's only please as it is a site aimed at mature gamers.

    What times and days is the guild most active?
    All day every day!! but early evening GMT to late is when most of us are putting our feet up and loading in.

    What countries do your members span?
    We're an international guild with members both on the EU and the north American servers however we primarily use the EU server at the moment as it's where most of our members hail from.

    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?
    Both PvE and PvP but our patience, our planning, our outright dedication to ruining someones day when using guerrilla tactics to interrupt the enemy reinforcement supply line in PvP is second to none.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    We have a quite large and eclectic member base so our focus is on there being something for everyone and not allowing anyone to be left behind or feel left out, We have an awesome group of both vet and none vet players whom help eachother daily with everything from crafting writs, world bosses, PvP and dungeon delving etc.

    What makes your guild unique?
    We're very laid back and relaxed so no matter what or whom you're gaming with it's just a fun group of likeminded people running around Tamriel wearing slippers and sipping their tea whilst destroying the very best laid plans of some poor Deadric Prince.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    We're allied with Old Guys Rule because they're old and they said they rule... someone said something about cookies too and that's really all it took for a show of hands.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    Every day as an OnR member is both special and an event but yes we are looking to organise more events in which we'll incorporate not only PvP & Dungeons etc but also lesser known but equally as rewarding pastimes such as fishing and region racing, Imperial City is something we're all eager to be involved in also so we'll most likely plan a few weekly events around that DLC too.
    Our site also promotes many other game nights among members whether it's Project Cars, Fifa, GTA, Battlefield or COD etc there's something for everyone, game nights run all week every week and new members are always welcome.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?
    Our first foray into Cyrodiil, We were a small but eager force of fresh faced but wrinkly old gamers not but a few hours older than level 10 whom, on a suicide run to the nearest keep with nothing more than a trebuche and a fire ballista fell gloriously under the swords of the enemy... which is just as well really as not unlike a dog chasing a car we'd have not had a clue what to do with it had we actually managed to capture one.
    And another OnR members amazing survivability skills
    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    Malacath, Prince of curses.... We're old and we're Rubbish so we curse a lot, it's no secret... we do.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    Absolutely anywhere there's room to accomodate our comfy seats and a pretty sunset.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    We never say die... until someone either has or is about to.
    We never leave a man or woman behind... unless we're running away to save ourselves.
    We break regularly for both bathroom breaks and tea breaks (may not be fun but both are satisying at our age).
    Trying to keep our members focused in PvP is like herding a group of geriatric kittens sometimes.
    Our resident bard sings "Brave Sir Robin" as we ride around looking for mischief which inevitably begins a round of quotes from every Monty Python sketch known to man.

    On which gaming platform does your guild play?
    Primarily PS4 and PC with XB1 in mind for the future if enough members are set up and active on that system.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    All of our members have the ability to invite however only OnR site members have access to the guild bank, It is a site promoted towards mature gamers over the age of 21 so if interested you may contact:

    Ghenghiz - (our guild leader)
    Mr_Gallows - (nice chap, always helpful)
    EvilWaterman - (nice chap and always helpful)
    Edited by Tommy1979AtWar on 20 September 2015 16:59
  • Emid
    • What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Craft Masters - guild name tells everything really - we are the guild with many very skilled crafters.

    • When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    A skilled High Elf crafter was traveling through Tamriel and found this beautiful place called Glenumbra. She was amazed with it's beauty but felt very lonely and lost in this new area. She met some other crafters who were very kind to the stranger. They taught her how to craft some new styles, gave her some tips and tricks and helped to start her first business. After some time she had so many orders for new gear, food and potions she decided she needs more people to keep her customers happy.That's how Craft Masters Guild has started growing.

    We created Craft Masters on 30th of January 2015. Today we have grown considerably since our starting days as a guild. Our goal is to provide the best atmosphere in the guild for our members and more than anything we want to keep building our good reputation, that we are a guild of not only great players, but also great people.

    • What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    Most members are located in D.C. although we also have few E.P. and A.D. members

    • Why did you choose that alliance?

    Joining the winning party in terms of faction population isn't any fun, is it?

    How many members does your guild currently have?


    Does your guild have a website?

    Yes, we have all guild info, events and forum on

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    We are active 24/7 but mostly on afternoons and evenings.

    What countries do your members span?

    We are an English-speaking international guild. Our members come from all over the world, for example Sweden, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, and Austria. We don’t care if oue members can’t speak or write “proper” English, as long as we are able to can communicate ok(ish). Good communication is key for good game play and very vital for trials.

    • What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?

    Depends on what the individual member is looking for. Some enjoy our trial nights, however I see a lot of people enjoying the chat itself, the naked dolmen runs or several other fun events such as hide and seek.Oh and don't forget about dancing!!! Drunkdancing haha

    • What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    Since we are crafting guild obviously we do focus on crafting, but it's not all we do. We actually have everything covered, everything that makes the game even more fun- trials, pvp, trading... Maybe only roleplaying is not so strong but we do a bit of it as well... Just for fun.

    • What makes your guild unique?

    The way everyone helps each other out, which leads to a very chilled atmosphere in guild chat. (No wts/wtb spamming allowed here)

    • Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    No, we are not but we do cooperate with couple other guilds in terms of exchanging members for trials etc.

    • Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    Yes we have couple regular events that everyone is free to join: Trial runs twice a week, Early bird Cyrodiil which we hope to make regular soon, Naked Dolmens, Hide and Seak. We also organize special birthday parties for our members :)
    All events info is also on our website so all members can check the calendar and join events that suit them best.

    • What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?

    There were many but one that I think everyone agree was the best one.
    We've all come together in teamspeak having quite a big hide and seek party going on. We had several rounds already, so everyone knew the game and what to look out for. The basic rule set was hide anywhere in Glenumbra, and start giving some tips in guild chat. Finally our officer "phiaa" has been chosen, who prepared several hours for this moment. She crafted herself some armor and painted it in a way to look like a common peasant and typed /sit4 next to a NPC campfire. She totally looked like she was one of those NPCs so what happend was that several members all spotted the right location, but couldn't find phiaa. They ran 10 minutes around the camp fire location without spotting her, the atmosphere in teamspeak was hilarious

    • Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    Secretly some members seem to have a strong bound with Sheogorath

    • After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    Veteran City of Ash =D. Nice and warm place to hang out after running around in the cold corridors of Aetherian Archive or running around naked all over Tamriel.

    • Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    - @SapplingTree won the Lore Duel in guild chat and enlighend us with his wisdom.
    - @Phiaa was the first member ever to post the [Lusty argonian maid] in guild chat
    - @Nick always volunteers in blowing the horn in Hel Ra.
    - In the first version of our guild tabard our guild master naaboo chose a snake on top of it. She has a python at home
    - When in doubt...../dancedrunk

    • On which gaming platform does your guild play?


    • If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    @emid, @grashek, @phiaa or our website application form on[url=""][/url]
    Edited by Emid on 18 July 2015 13:23
  • Jorvald
    Soul Shriven

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    Clan Sverker.
    • When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    We were formed in early-2012 on another game. Founded as a small ganking guild with the hopes of returning faction pride to our dying server that was dominated by the other faction, we experienced unparalleled success, evolving into what we are today.
    • What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    Jorunn the Skald-King and the Ebonheart Pact, of course! Blood for the Pact!
    • Why did you choose that alliance?
    Being based around many Scandinavian elements and most of us being a fan of Dark Elves and Nords, not to mention sharing a common love of mead and other beverages, the Ebonheart Pact was a natural fit for Clan Sverker.
    • How many members does your guild currently have?
    Currently, we have 15-25 people online during peak hours.
    • Does your guild have a website?
    Of course we do! What good guild doesn’t? You can find us on
    • What times and days is the guild most active?
    We’re most active around the evening and late nights, but still have a considerable amount of people online in the mornings.
    • What countries do your members span?
    While we’re heavily concentrated in North America, but we have many members and officers spanning across the globe. Ranging from South America, Australia, the United Kingdom to Germany.
    • What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?
    PvP! After all, we are a PvP guild! We’re also known to frequent the Sober Nord when our mead supplies run low.. we’re there often…
    • What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    The only time you can’t find Clan Sverker in Cyrodiil, fighting for the Pact is when we’re out leveling or testing new builds.
    • What makes your guild unique?
    Oh boy, there’s a lot to list there.. Well for starters, we’ve been around quite some time now and have already proven ourselves on multiple other MMO’s within the PvP community. We also offer our members an active and tight-knit alternative to the increasing number of unsocial guilds, where a sense of community can not only still be found, but is flourishing.
    • Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    No, but we’re always open to offers. We believe that team work is the key to any fight.
    • Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    We have a multitude of events for our members, being a PvP guild, most of them naturally revolve around PvP. We’ve also been known to do some real-life mead-fueled pub crawls. I'll leave the rest to your imagination, but it's quite the time!
    • What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?
    Just one? Yikes… If you're truly making me pick just one... I'd have to say it was our first PvP event here on ESO. We were playing on Haderus, riding to Brindle to make a bit of a distraction for the main Emperor push which somehow turned into a dancing contest complete with lutes, drums and tree-stump dancing. How exactly it turned into that is still a mystery to us. Must've been something in the mead.
    • Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    Does Mead count as a Daedric Prince? If so, then yes.. we’re fanatical zealots of Mead. All hail Mead!
    • After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    The Sober Nord! Oh and our guild forums or TeamSpeak. I can’t forget those!
    • Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    1. Despite only being on ESO since March, we’ve helped crown numerous Ebonheart Pact Emperors on BwB and a few on Haderus.
    2. In our past games, we’ve achieved multiple server first’s as well as scoring in the top 5% in North America and Europe.
    3. Unlike many other guilds or communities, you’ll find our forums and website to be extremely active with numerous new threads a day, ranging from build help to the latest news stories.
    4. Our leadership is overwhelming filled with PvP vets with over a decade of PvP experience ranging from such games as EQ, DaoC, Warhammer Online, and more.
    5. Many aspects of our guild, ranks, and rules are based around historical Scandinavian and to a lesser degree, Celtic aspects. While we're not RP'ers, we do take great pride in providing a certain level of "depth" to the Clan Sverker experience, especially in our hierarchy.
    • On which gaming platform does your guild play?
    • If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact
    Interested individuals should contact Zim, Kason, Agnissa or Jorvald.

    Another option is visiting us on and using the “Contact” button on our main navigation bar. If you’ve already made up your mind and want to jump right into membership, feel free to go ahead and fill out an application via the recruitment link.

    Edited by Jorvald on 22 July 2015 05:49
  • RebornV3x
    What is your guild’s name? Elite Dawn
    Does that name have a special history of significance? I wanted a name that stood out let people know we weren't your average gamers that we are something better. The name dawn came about since the dawn breaks through the darkness of night so we are the first light to shine through and bring hope to the masses.
    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be. In August 2012 me and a few co-workers started the guild we went by different name then but we used to play alot of Call of Duty Black Ops and Battlefield 3. We got our start playing first person shooters but over time we played plenty of MMO's.
    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to? Ebonheart Pact
    Why did you choose that alliance? We had a vote on our forums and because the color red looks great so it worked out.
    How many members does your guild currently have? 150 and growing
    Does your guild have a website? Yes, Facebook: and our guild site at
    What times and days is the guild most active? Noon to Midnight most players are from America
    What countries do your members span? Mostly America and Canada we have a few Australians, New Zealanders, Germans and British as well.
    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most? PVP! and doing dungeons occasionally.
    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination? Our guild mainly focuses on PVP we tend to do dungeons occasionally and we love to craft gear and cook.
    What makes your guild unique? Were a pretty laid back and relaxed guild we don't tend to take things too seriously since its just a game. Also we are very military and veteran friendly we have plenty of guild mates that are veterans or active in the U.S Army.
    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Yes we are allied with 3 other guilds they are Rogue Legionaries, Bezerkers of Eastmarch, Guardian's of Tamriel and were good friends with Rebelz Alliance. We are always looking to ally ourselfs or have other guilds merge with us.
    Why did you join them?Its always nice to play with other people and we share the same interests.
    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them! Every Friday we get groups together and do dungeons. Every Saturday is guild focused PvP pretty much if your not in Chillrend on Saturday your missing out on fun times. Lastly we will be having drawings for in-game coin or gear every month.
    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU? Its hard to pick just one but I think the time we all got together for our first guild picture was my most memorable moment.
    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one? We don't really follow any Daedric Prince but people seem to think Sheogorath is a funny guy.
    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down? We like to have some drinks at Warrior's Rest Tavern in South Morrowind Gate or relax on the beaches of Stros M'Kai.
    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    1. We like to play video games of course.
    2. We play more than just Elder Scrolls Online we also play many first person shooters.
    3. We know what the fox says...
    4. A few of are members are Army vets and a couple have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    5. Our old guild name was Disaster Company.
    On which gaming platform does your guild play? Xbox One North American server
    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact? They can contact any person below on Xbox Live on our guild site or even Facebook.
    Below are gamertags
    RebornV3x (Guildmaster)
    IIIIHellionIIII (Co-Leader)
    KOBSebas (Allied Guild Relations)
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • jbaks88
    Soul Shriven

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    We are the Knights of the Alessian Order. The Order has some very special history. In the Elder Scrolls Universe our Order was formed shortly after the first Empress of Cyrodiil, Empress Alessia, passed away. The order formed to stand for her ideals and over time it was warped into a perversion of what she stood for. For those of you that don't know Empress Alessia liberated Human slaves in the first Era and fought their Elven Masters. We have reformed the Order and are slowly accepting some elves into the fold, like she did when fighting the Ayleids. Our guild Motto is "Our Blood for Her!"
    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    The Guild was formed back before PC launch in 2014. The Guild Master at that point recruited people from other forums and was hoping to make a strictly Imperial Guild. Another guild member suggested we allow all races aside from Elves. from there it started small. Once the delay for console was announced the few members in the guild broke apart for a while. Then we finally got news about release for console. I found the guild site and joined in February 2015, from there we really took off. We had to restructure and change, our Council grew. The leadership stepped up and shined. Post PS4 launch we did more re-structuring and people were moved around. I was asked to take Leadership. I was humbled by the thought and I graciously accepted, I asked the Council for help to help the Guild transition through this period and it went relatively smoothly. Great group of people and I am very proud of each and everyone of them
    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    We have sworn fealty to High King Emeric and the Daggerfall Covenant
    Why did you choose that alliance?
    We chose this alliance because it is the only Alliance with no Elves in it and two of the races have been shunned by the Elves, Bretons for being the descended offspring of Elves that forced themselves onto the human races and Orc who were outcasted
    after their transformation
    How many members does your guild currently have?
    We number 140 on our site and just about 100 in game so far. We froze recruitment to allow us time to try and get to know the 50+ recruits we got after PS4 launch
    Does your guild have a website?
    We sure do. It is
    What times and days is the guild most active?
    Evenings, but we have people playing at all times of the day. someone is always on to help out and run dungeon
    What countries do your members span?
    Canada, US, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, UK, and a few in South America
    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?
    Everything, we have weekly PVP events right now, that will grow to more days, Skyshard hunts, Dungeon delves, Fishing tournies, World boss hunts, area clear events
    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    We do everything, but if we had to pick it would be dungeons and PVP. But we really do do it all
    What makes your guild unique?
    Our Guild is unique in the sense that we are one of the very few Guilds that have based our Lore around real ES lore that fits the time period. the Alessian Order was pretty much extinct during this time so it gave us the ability to be the revivers of the Order in a time when it was needed, we stand for crowning the rightful Leader on the Ruby Throne and not be oppressed by the Elves ever again.
    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    We are not but we do hold alliances with other guilds, we just aren't one big one. From this we have conquered the Skull of Corruption campaign twice and one of our own, Necroshan, has been in the top two ranked, second in line for Emperorship
    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    Yes we do. I listed a few above but our most memorable are our PVP ones. Our Councilman Wrath Necroshan is the PVP leader and leads all in the PVP fights, he even leads myself. We all trust him with our lives and he is an amazing General
    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?
    Sneaking around PVP and kiting enemies into an ambush. Fun stuff, and shard hunting in Cyrodiil
    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    We don't worship any Daedra Princes, we hate all Daedra, that being said a fair number of us are Lycans and Vampires, some of us, myself included, see the inflection as a curse we need to bare for the time being to take down the Dominion and Pact
    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    anywhere that feels right at the time, A zone usually to shard hunt, I know this is adventuring in itself still but it calms us. Or a public dungeon for achievement hunting
    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    We have based our Council off the Small Council on Game of Thrones (A song of Ice and Fire series), Each Council has a role to do but they are not limited to that role
    We hold all things Alessia sacred
    We hole formal Knighting ceremonies in game for those that achieve that rank.
    We value everyones input no matter what.
    We do not ask that you devote a certain amount of time a week to us only that you visit the site and stay informed!
    On which gaming platform does your guild play?
    PS4 in the NA server
    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    They should visit our site or add me on PSN jbaks88

  • EmZee
    Soul Shriven
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    The Knights Of Old,
    We wanted a name from the lore of elder scrolls, such as The Knights Of The Nine, but that's a bit too generic
    A lot of our members are fans of the Star Wars games, especially The Knights Of The Old Republic.
    So combine the two of those names and there you have it.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    It was the first week of the release on xbox one, and i had never had or been in a guild before, and i felt it was time to try it, it started off with four of us who regularly played together and as we became friends with more and more players the guild grew and grew.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    There are a handful of players who also have characters in the other alliances but a vast majority are in the Pact.

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    You have the Nords, Argonians and the Dark Elves, what more do you want, and everyone knows the Nords are the best!

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    350 so there is still room for more!

    Does your guild have a website?

    Here's a picture of myself and the officers of the Guild


    What times and days is the guild most active?
    There is usually at least 40 members online at all times, in the evenings there is 100 and sometimes even more especially on weekends.

    What countries do your members span?
    The main countries we span are the United Kingdom, and the United States, we also have members from other parts of Europe such as Ireland and the Netherlands, and we also have some Canadian players.

    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?
    We enjoy Delving, Dungeons during the day And PVP in the evenings, we also occasionly play fun minigames like hide and seek.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    We enjoy a combination, but dungeons and PVP are a definite favourite of all of us.

    What makes your guild unique?
    Our diversity of nationalities, and type of player in the Guild, The member's sense of humor and ability to be relaxed but serious when necessary, And ability to work together as a group when in PVP.
    We also have a unique ranking system where each rank has its privileges and responsibilities along with a different colour scheme for each of these ranks.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    We are allied with several other PVP guilds to help bolster our forces when fighting together in cyrodiil.
    We Also have a Brother Guild, Second To None ran by my second in command for ease of finding groups to delve into dungeons with.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    Occasionally i will hide in a city somewhere, and the first guild member to find me will get a gold prize.
    We also head into PVP fairly regularly with 40+ Members sometimes even more!

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?
    We had a Role play session in Cyrodiil a few months ago, we had our group line up on the hill of kingscrest and played King Theoden's speech from return of the king, we then charged into the keep with the rohirrim music playing, as we charged in the other group there managed to take down the inner postern wall and we decimated all resistance and took the keep within minutes, it was by far one of the most memorable and fun moments we as a guild have had.

    Here's a video one of my officers took of another time we did this, unfortunately we didnt manage to record our assault on the keep.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    Sheogorath of course! he is Hilarious, and who doesnt like the wabbajack staff?

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    The Veterans enjoy chilling out in sentinel, and the others somewhere in Skyrim.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    We have an entire Family in the guild, The Father and His Sons from the age of 17- 48
    Some of us enjoy playing Cards Against Humanity together when we are winding down
    A few Members of the guild have even arranged to meet up and become friends in real life.
    We have a Weekly race for a prize.
    The Guild also gives vampire and werewolf bites for free to loyal and active members.

    On which gaming platform does your guild play?
    XBOX ONE European Server

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    Contact myself (EmZee x) kl boss or CoZmic Gary

    Thank you for your time,

    Guild Leader EmZee and The Knights Of Old
    Edited by EmZee on 29 August 2015 19:07
  • Shadowbyrd
    Soul Shriven
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    We are known as The Silver Bloods, a link to the mining family from Skyrim. However our guild itself has no connection.


    •When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    We are a very new guild, and formed when two of us decided to have a go at getting together a group of players to start a guild. We were never really sure if it would end up working out or not. Our main focus was to be assisting new and low level players, and being a friendly, welcoming group open to questions and requests from inexperienced players.

    •What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    Aldmeri Dominion! Unfortunately some of our members have characters from other alliances too, which is treachery and needs to be addressed.

    •Why did you choose that alliance?
    The Aldmeri claim is righteous, and we will not even contemplate reasons to think otherwise.

    •How many members does your guild currently have?
    We are sitting at around 55, but we are growing in number daily.

    •Does your guild have a website?
    Not yet, but as it grows we may create one

    •What times and days is the guild most active?
    We have members from all around the world and we are active almost 24/7. However, during the early hours of the morning (US time) we are often less active.

    •What countries do your members span?
    We have members from Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, and a range of other countries. However most members are located in the United States

    •What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?
    We are a casual guild, and we often have a lot of guild discussion going on. Our guild focusses on helping out newer players, and so often we have groups doing dungeons, crafting, and helping out with quests.

    •What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    We focus on helping newer players in the game, whether that be in dungeons and quests or by crafting free or inexpensive gear. There are several higher level members who are great for helping out.

    •What makes your guild unique?
    Our guild is focussed on low level players. Most of our members were recruited around level 3-10, and as they have levelled and improved, we have new low level players coming through, learning from our other members. As members level up, they change from assistees (if that's a word) to assisters.

    •Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    Our guild is a solo guild, with no major connections to any other guilds.

    •Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    Not so much a special event, but recently we organised a group dance in Vulkhel Guard where Guild members would dress in pink Homespun Khajiit gear, excluding a shirt, and dance around the forge. We attracted a lot of attention from this and had many other players removing armor and joining the dance.

    •What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?
    As a new guild, it would have to be the night we hit 50 members, and opened our Guild Store. This had been our goal from the beginning and everyone was very pleased to have reached this far.

    •Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    Not as a whole, but I am sure some members worship in private. Although not a Daedric Prince, I personally worship Razum-dar. He may be mortal but to me he is a god.

    •After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    As our guild has a largely low-level base, most of our members will return to Vulkhel Guard after dungeoning and questing throughout Auridon and the rest of Tamriel

    •Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    We are only a few weeks old, but growing fast!
    We focus on helping new players, and setting them up well for their adventures in Tamriel.
    We have a core group of founding members who are online daily, always friendly and chatty, willing to help out wherever they can
    We have members who craft free gear for new players, on request. If they are lucky, they may get a special set crafted specifically to suit their build.
    As we have lots of low level players, we are constantly doing runs of Banished Cells and other low level dungeons. So if you need help there, we are the guild for you!

    •On which gaming platform does your guild play?
    We play on the NA server on PC/Mac

    •If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    Send a mail to @RadByEn11 or @Burningpwnage in game, and we will be happy to have you! All new members are welcome, we may focus on lower level players but we can always do with new officers to help organise and recruit :)
    Edited by Shadowbyrd on 18 August 2015 11:41
  • Throren
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?


    The name of our guild is Clan Stormblade. The name is that of an old clan of nords from Skyrim, ones who like to boast that they can draw their line all the way to the time of Ysgramor. The way the name originally came to be is well, legend says in ancient times, a nord by the name of Ulfgar, traveled all across Skyrim, he was old and knew his years were at their end. Ulfgar knew if he was to earn his place in Sovngarde, he would have to die in glorious honorable battle.

    Battle after battle, Ulfgar fought with all his heart, searching for the enemy that would finally and truly best him but none could be found that could best the mighty nord. Finally Ulfgar thought all was lost, that he would never die in honorable combat...when the mountain shook with a roar. A dragon had descended from the mountains. Perhaps this would be it? Would the dragon be the one to send him to Sovngarde? It would be a mighty battle indeed. With that Ulfgar rushed into the fight with the scaled beast and they fought upon that mountain peak for what seemed like days.

    The dragon finally opened it's maw, spewing lighting from within that fanged chasm and the force of its electric breath slammed into Ulfgar and his axe. Then, with a roar to rival that of the gods, Ulfgar hefted his blade, driving it deep into the monsters skull. The nord, was victorious, but he knew the dragon's blow to him was fatal and his time had finally come. The elder pulled his axe free of the corpse, looking to see that runes, old dragon script had been inscribed upon the blade when the dragon breathed upon it. 'Strun' it read, meaning Storm in the ancient tongue of the Dovah. The old nord chuckled as he coughed up blood into his beard. "Storm...a blade of storms...Stormblade..." As Ulfgar sat back in the deep snow of Skyrim's mountains, his life ebbing away, a smile marked his face. He saw the gates of Sovngarde, he heard the laughing and cheering of the heroes and ancestors past. he had proven himself.

    Thus was the Stormblade Clan officially born under that name and it is said THE Stormblade, Ulfgar's same legendary axe, has been passed down the line from every leader of the clan, from father to son. Some say Throren Stormblade, the nord that leads the clan these days wields that same very blade.

    The Stormblade Clan emblem/sheid

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    Clan Stormblade was originally conceived back during the PC beta but was officially created within the first week of launch, on either April 6th or 7th of 2014. The guild originally started with a group of close friends looking to start some nord themed roleplay within Skyrim and from there we just advertised, got involved with the community and went out of our way to help others and RP within ESO. Slowly we began to grow over time to the guild we are now, stopping only to take a brief break for schooling in the fall of 2014.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    The Clan's loyalty is purely to Skyrim, His Majesty Jorunn the Skald-King, and by extension, the Ebonheart Pact.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    As nords and a clan loyal to Skyrim, what other choice would there be? There could be no greater honor than fighting and dying for Skyrim! We'd be damned milk-drinkers were we ever to fight for any other alliance. Blood for the Pact! Victory or Sovngarde!

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    We currently are a small to medium sized guild with about 50 members within the clan. But we grow day by day, so Kyne only knows how many members we will have in the future.

    Does your guild have a website?

    We don't have our own personal guild as of now, instead we use and share the children of skyrim forum with other Skyrim-based roleplaying guilds. We use these forums for our out of game communication. (Plus it helps us stay connected with others in the community)

    The Children of Skyrim website is located here

    And here is the thread for Clan Stormblade

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    The guild tends to be most active during weekends as many members work full time jobs and have real life obligations. As for the times, we tend to be a later guild, pretty much any time from 5pm EST to 4am EST is when you'll see most people on. Though only us dedicated night owls are up till 4 am. Oh my poor sleep schedule.

    What countries do your members span?

    Most if not all our members stem from either the United States or Canada. Though we do have a very few small number of members from other countries from Scotland and England to Norway and Denmark.

    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?

    Being a Roleplay guild, the main thing that our members enjoy doing together is well, roleplay! We get together to RP with each other regularly as well as host a myriad of different rp focused events. From tavern nights and drinking contests to brawls, battles or epic quests to track down cultists.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    As mentioned, we are mainly focused on roleplay within the world of Tamriel. Not o say we don't indulge in PVP and dungeons, but the main drive behind us as a guild is immersing ourselves in the world and roleplaying. Advancing plots, character development, intriguing and exciting storylines even master crafted emotional moments between characters. That's what drives us as roleplayers. Of course most if not all of our RP tends to be a bit nord themed but that is to be expected.

    What makes your guild unique?

    Clan Stormblade provides a warm, comfortable and inviting home to anyone seeking it and everyone who is a part of the guild are all so unique, with so many different personalities and stories to share but they are all wonderful and friendly people who want nothing more to have fun and make fiends. We also provide a great experience and way to get involved in not just Skyrim/Nord themed RP but the NA-EP RP community in general

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    I wouldn't call it an alliance per se, but our guild, Clan Stormblade, is a part of the community known as The Children of Skyrim. Children of Skyrim RP is a group made up of the RPers of Skyrim and all the major Skyrim-based RP guilds and they/we are dedicated to the growth of the Skyrim roleplaying community on ESO NA-EP. They are completely member-driven. Anyone is welcome to come and join, be a part of the CoS community and the CoS guild in-game. Share thoughts, ideas, stories, plans for RP, get involved in the community. Always remember that your voice matters.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    Our guild hosts events all the time, of course they are all roleplay themed events. Some of the rp events include festivals, competitions, fights, brawls, raids, the list goes on. of course we also have larger story/plot driven events. These storylines usually span multiple events.

    We are currently nearing the finale of an event created by one of our officers. This story line is known as "The Drinking Horn of Ysgramor" and so far it has been great fun for everyone involved, even those outside the guild. if anyone wants to read up on the plotline sorounding the drinking horn, feel free to take a gander here:

    We also helped organize a large massive event at Geirmund's Hall (which I believe was mentioned on ESO live back in July) which was Tales of the Second Era: Skyrim and the Reachman invasion. This event was a huge multi-guild event were dozens and dozens of people across multiple guilds defended Geirmund's Hall as the vile Reachman and their worm cultist masters beseiged the island. It was a ton of fun and one of the bigger events I have been a part of. If you are curious about how that plotline went feel free to take a look at the thread for it here:

    Above you can see a small group of the Stormblade Clansmen led by their leader Throren, standing victorious after defeating a worm cultist deep within a dark cave filled with undead and a small army of Reachmen.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?

    As a guild, I think our most memorable moment was during the battle of Geirmund's Hall. Allies and warriors from all across Skyrim and our Clan stood in defense of the massive undead reachmen horde. Arrows rained from the sky, the clash of steel and war cries filled the air. We held the bridges to the sialdn as choke points and when we were over whelmed, released the damn we had built across the river. The torrential flood water poured forth a wave that would have wiped out the reachman...but one of their foul cultist weaved his dark magic and froze the wave solid; a massive wall of ice, hanging above Geirmund's Hall.

    That whole RP event, not just for us, but for everyone, was such an awesome experience.

    Above, the warriors of Skyrim stay behind in a final stand at the hall against the undead and Reachmen, provided the others and civilians time to escape.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    Bah! Never! We would rather die before we willingly serve the daedra. Our faith is to gods of the nords and our ancestors! Dibella• Jhunal • Kyne • Mara • Stuhn • Shor • Talos • Tsun!

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    Clan Stormblade for the past few months have taken up residence in Geirmund's Hall in the reach at the invitation of Thane Vofknir. And after helping to fight for the hall during the Reachmen invasion, the clansmen of Stormblade feel they have earned their keep.


    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    1.A good number of us are friends outside of ESO and we regularly get together to play other games and are always open to more people joining us to just get to know each other and have fun

    2.We consider everyone equal, everyone's voice and opinions matter and we pride ourselves on being a guild that people can feel comfortable and at home in.

    3.Our guild bank is stocked to the top with crafting materials of all kinds and they are welcome to any member who joins that is looking for materials. From Jute to dwemer frames, we have it all and it's free for all our clan.

    4.If you google - Elder scrolls online nord RP guild- or any variation there of, Clan Stormblade is the first result you will get.

    5. Usually when ones becomes a full fledged shield brother/sister in the clan, they partake in a simple yet ancient nordic/atmoran ritual to signify their devotion to Skyrim and the clan. Their blood is the blood of the clan and the blood of the clan is their blood.

    On which gaming platform does your guild play?

    Clan Stormblade is located on the North American server on the PC!

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    If this piques peoples interest and they want to get in contact with us feel free to post a message either on our Children fo Skyrim thread, send me a PM through the forums or find us in game by messaging @Throren, @Dalzarin or @essie
    Edited by Throren on 20 August 2015 20:07
  • rosy_ariete

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Aedra’s Cove. We wanted a name that could represent our idea to play together and have fun and “Cove” gave off that vibe. A place were Italian players could enjoy the game together without stress. A cove is a place where you can relax with your friends, while you drink a beer and play a good game... were you can vent off your steam without issues. Something like a man cave, but open to everyone that want to have fun!
    The Aedra's part came from the co-fouder love for the role. He periodically write for the whole guild short articles on the lore!

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    The guild was formed in the beta of this game. It was just a guild to test some add-ons that we were working on, but the atmosphere was relaxing and at the same time exciting so the other Italian players flocked to us.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    Ebonheart Pact.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    Well... the Aldmeri are snobbish and the Covenants too much bound on a nobility system. Instead, the idea of three hearts as one was too cool and inspiring to be left out. So here we are fighting along races that are really different from each other, but that want to work together for their freedom!

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    Our guild counts more than 200 members and we are always in expansion!

    Does your guild have a website?

    Yes. People can find us at

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    Our guild since is a social/soft-core one, is active everyday and everytime. You can easily find someone online every hour of the day and night. During the week we have planned events that people can join (such trials, arena or raids through Cyrodiil). Our motto is “let's enjoy the game contents at our own pace!”. In a soft-core guild with a strong social imprint become natural to stimulate and help each other toward the end games contents and achieve them having fun.

    What countries do your members span?

    We are an Italian guild, but due to our magnetism, many Swiss players came to join us! Plus we have some really skilled German players that wanted to join us no matter what! Well we are hilarious and funny so it's not so strange...^^

    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?

    We like PvE, but don’t dislike PvP too (especially after the Imperial City release). In fact the implement of Imperial City allowed PvE and PvP lovers to reunite and spend their time playing together, offering them an all new zone where the two contents are finally reunited.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, role-playing in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    Our members are very different from each other so the guild became a melting pot for various gaming styles. We have members that enjoy the lore and to search for every book in the game, read it and discuss for hour on their hypothesis. Other members that enjoy the PvE to the points that are always in a dungeon or are always teaching and organizing endgame PvE events. The same goes for the PvP lovers! Always killing enemies while they teach to the new players how to survive!

    What makes your guild unique?

    Well... outside the fact that we are the only Italian Ebon guild with 200+ members; our “unique” trait is how we became like a family. The life can be really vexing and tiring so having a place where you can vent out all that stress and talk to the others is really the better! We like to help each other, tell various stories on what happens in our daily life and we do all this while we fight in trials or in PvP. In few words our guild is really a good place where to play and grow (both as player that individuals).

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    We tried really hard to create an alliance with others Italian guilds in Ebonheart Pact, but at the end these guild joined us or died. Right now, we are working shoulder to shoulder with the only two Italian guilds that are of our dimension. The Itacovenant and the Heroes of Tamriel (AD). It's funny to meet each other in PvP and bet on who will die first!

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    Well we have always events, but the special events for us are the quirks of our guild. We have some “traditions” that are really funny! For example if you turn in vampire or werewolf a member of the guild, that member will have a picture of their character being bitten totally naked posted on the forum boards.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?

    Every moments is our favourite! Especially when we manage to achieve a new trial or to wipe off the enemies in PvP with a new group. It means that we managed to raise the new player in the right way and transmitted them our love for the game!

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    Shush... We are on the Aedra's side... Our lore-master will go angry if he knows we like to go to Sanguine's parties sometimes...

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    We like to spend our time chatting in Gamevox (our voice chat), making jokes and laughing hard. The more time passes, the more beers are opened and the more jokes become NC-17 rated… so kids be aware and go to bed!

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    Our dirty jokes are famous in all the servers!
    We are TROLLS! We love to help each other and troll each other!
    We take hidden videos of every run and mix the funny moments... especially if we have foreign friends playing with us. XP
    Did we say our dirty jokes are greats?
    We keep playing together! Not only ESO! We love to play together so we have the Diablo's cove for Diablo III, Terran's Cove for Starcraft II and really a lot of other games can enjoy our dirty jokes!

    On which gaming platform does your guild play?

    We are active on PC, on the EU server.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    They could contact us via Facebook , by making apply on our website or contacting the GM (@blackcom90) in game for more informations.
    Edited by rosy_ariete on 18 September 2015 11:35
  • xXxWarKittenxXx
    Soul Shriven
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    Ghosts of the Covenant, Our name represents us as Silent, humble professionals, as well as some of our tactics in battle.
    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    Some of our members have written the lore of that night along with other stories of our travels. Please enjoy the following chapter.
    In the Second Era on a mist covered eve, daedric followers of both Boethiah and Nocturnal met in the valley of twilight, both laying claim that their prince was greater. A battle ensued, leaving the land bloodied and black as the shadows cast over it. No one survived. Disgusted at the carnage left across the field, Boethiah became furious with Nocturnal, even though what lay before them was no fault of her own. Boethiah purposed that they have a competition to see who was truly greater. Nocturnal reluctantly agreed to the wager, having the foresight to know that if left uncheck Boethiah would never relinquish his claim. As the deal was struck, Boethiah immediately sought out his faithful followers, the Dunmar. Moving to the North, he persuaded the mighty Nords and from the coast he enticed the swift Argoiains to his cause. The leaders of each army willing signed his contract in blood, agreeing to carry out his every order to the death; thus forming the Ebonheart Pact. Patient and cunning, Nocturnal waited and gauged mortal men as a thief would gauge her mark. She didn’t choose a certain race, she chose men that proved to be resourceful and could complete a task without an all-out conflict, but if need be, would finish the fight at hand to their last breathe. From Argoiains to Redguard; Nord to Bosmer, she wanted the best. She searched within the Daggerfall Covenenant for her chosen. The covenant was full of bickering men whom claimed to be lords and were in constant turmoil with each other. There were a few men and women who chose to ignore the childish squabblings of power hungry individuals; these were the chosen ones Nocturnal wanted. She had her army but now she needed a man competent enough to lead them. She sought out her sister, Azura. Azura told Nocturnal of a champion who had returned her precious lost star to her. He was a charismatic Nord, who did not wear the banner of Boethiah. The nord was followed by his 3 most trusted friends. A Breton Sorcerer, the last remaining original council member of the Psijic Order, a Khajit Nightblade; a skilled assassin and child of Lamae Bal, and a Redguard Templar who hailed from Aetherius and wielded the power of Magnus. Nocturnal observed the one her sister called Champion, and his followers seeing the Nord had the strength to lead and but enough reverent for his companions to impress Nocturnal enough that she appeared to him on the fifth night of her observance of the champion. Nocturnal had a final test for the Nord. She appeared as a wounded woman crying for assistance. As Nocturnal let out a bone chilling scream piercing the silence, the champion and his followers, unable to see what awaited them, leapt into the void of darkness. Once inside the valley, an overwhelming army of haunting figures surrounded the Champion and his companions. Undaunted, the Champion arose and charged forward into the swirling mass of shadows, followed by his companions. As the Champion charged into the valley of shadow he was consumed by the darkness. The Sorcerer, whom was called Wicked by the other members of the Champions envoy, cast a blinding light but it was quickly extinguished by the ever consuming darkness before them. Unable to see each other, the four companions were brought to their knees by an invisible power that was unable to be seen but was felt like a blacksmith’s anvil upon their chests. A beautiful figure appeared in the darkness, beckoning every wandering eye. The Nordic warrior, drawn by Nocturnal’s beauty and as her presence struck him glib, he stared up at Nocturnal. The shadows moved in a rhythmic dance as they whispered to him. She asked the Nord for his name, so that she may call upon him in her time of need.
    “Beautiful spirit, my name matters not, what does matter is the lives and whereabouts of my companions?”
    “Do not fear, Nord, your companions are safe in my shadows. I must ask you, why did you rush into certain death to save me?”
    “The sound of an innocent woman pierced the night, how could I not rush into save one who is in need? How could I ignore the cries of a citizen of Nirn?”
    “I understand that you want vengeance for the atrocities done to your family by the one they call Boethiah.”
    “Who are you woman, and who are you to talk to me about my family? Who are you to know what was done by Boethiah?”
    “I am Nocturnal, Daedric Princess of the Night and Shadow. I know of what Boethiah has done to you and your family because I am everywhere just as the shadows lurk in every corner. I have many powers that can help you exact your revenge upon the prince.”
    “I am listening, what do you offer?”
    “Boethiah wishes to challenge me on the field of battle, he is gathering his forces to march on the lands of Cyrodiil and prove once and for all that he is the better of all the Daedric Princes, what I offer is a great power, you will become like the mists of the land able to take form in the shadows of darkness and take your vengeance upon Boethiah. Do you accept my offer, Nord?’
    “I will accept your offer, Princess, with one condition, I will not leave my companions to wander these lands in the midst of a war with no leader, they accompany me or not at all.”
    “Very well, Champion, arise and give me your name.”
    Nocturnal addressed the one she had chosen as her champion and told him to swear the following oath,
    “Bjorne, Will you serve me and better the lands of Nirn and Cyrodiil? Can you be mindful of the men and women I will place in your charge? Will you exact my will upon Boethiah and his army?”
    “I swear you my loyalty, Mistress of the Night.”
    “Then shadows hide you, my son.”
    With that, she lifted Bjorne with her shadowy vortex and in that moment, a bright light filled the warrior and he arose with a ghastly appearance as he had donned new armor and wore it with a commanding authority. The shadows seem to meld around him bending to his will. Nocturnal removed the shroud she had cast around his companions. TriForce turned to his followers and with metallic voice crooned from under his intimidating helm,
    "May you serve Nocturnal and become her vigil in the casting darkness. May the shadows hide you."
    With an outreached claw he bestowed Nocturnal’s blessing upon his companions. Their individualities' were removed, their souls committed to Nocturnal, they were now Ghost. Nocturnal materialized among them and bid her champion to rise,
    "Under my decree you shall rule over the consuming darkness as my Spectral King."
    Vanishing back into the veil, the small company was once again in the valley but all with armor that was inspired by the daedric princess that had bestowed it to them. Now whispers are carried throughout Tamerial of ghostly figures that stalk the night for the Daggerfall and for Nocturnal. They are dubbed the Ghosts of the Covenant.

    Please see our site under our Lore book forum for more chapters.
    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Why did you choose that alliance?
    The Ghosts thrive on being the underdog in a PvP situation. Where most would cower at the sheer numbers that we go up against, in the end the Ghosts always prevail whether it be in repealing the enemy and pushing them back, delaying the enemy or outright pushing them out of their keeps.
    How many members does your guild currently have?
    We had 114 and we just downsized due inactivity, we are selective due our standards.
    Does your guild have a website?
    ABSOLUTLY! Check us out at
    What times and days is the guild most active?
    You can always find a Ghost online whatever time you’re online. Our Main events take place on Saturdays at 8pm CST.
    What countries do your members span?
    All across North America, we even have Ghosts from Australia!
    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?
    Ghosts love to PvP together and slay the enemies of Daggerfall.
    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    Ghosts primarily focus on PvP, however we have max level crafters who enjoy using their crafts to support the fight. We do PvE together in our down time between our major battles, we also have monthly Town hall meetings to discuss upcoming events as well as addressing any questions or concerns. The King and his Council’s top priority is for all Ghosts to have a comfortable stress free environment.
    What makes your guild unique?
    Since the Ghosts participate in minor roll-play aspects, such as ranking structure with King and Council and Code of Conduct, a few select Ghosts have taken it upon themselves to write a Lore book of the major feats of the Ghosts.
    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    As Ghosts we pride ourselves on being self-sustaining. We have our own trading guild, and make sure our members are stocked with food and potions for our PvP events made by our own crafters.
    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    The Ghosts PvP together as a massive force, every Saturday. We follow the direction of our King and Council and work together as a team to overcome the enemy.
    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?
    Too many to choose from! Every week the Ghosts have more epic stories to tell about the latest battle.
    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    Nocturnal. As we are Ghosts, we choose to hold true to our title. One minute we are there and the next we are gone only to leave destruction in our wake. May the Shadows hide you!
    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    The Ghost keep of course! After every major PvP battle we go to our claimed keep and wind down with dance parties and discussion. Some even form smaller groups to either continue fighting PvP or to run delves and dungeons together.
    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    1. We have every crafting aspect covered, to include our own Trading Guild
    2. Military organized style command structure; Most of our officers are military veterans.
    3. Ability to take keeps and resources on command
    4. We have organized and planned guild events, to include town halls where everyone has an equal say.
    5. We take care of our own, whether it be armor, weapons or leveling
    On which gaming platform does your guild play?
    All of our Ghosts are on the Xbox One!
    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    Please contact us at, or PM us on the site. xXxWarKittenxXx or KING TRIFORCE
    Edited by xXxWarKittenxXx on 13 September 2015 20:50
  • FlyLeaf30
    What is your guild's name? Does that name have any special history or significance?
    Aldmeri Elite; It doesn't really have any special significance however, this guild was built on the base of honor, integrity and loyalty.
    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    July 23rd, 2014. A friend and I decided to build a guild so people can group up easier and make friends and feel apart of something great.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    Aldmeri Dominion :)

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    Because, we would rather have warm sandy beaches than hot and ashy volcanos or sand blowing in our eyes any day.

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    207 members

    Does your guild have a website?

    What times and days is the guild most active?
    Nights and Weekends

    What countries do your members span?
    USA primarily, but we have members from Australia and Canada as well.

    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?
    Dungeons, Role-Playing, Trials and chatting in TeamSpeak having a good time.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    Most of us enjoy the dungeons, some of us enjoy going to Cyrodiil and some of us will group up and just start roleplaying.

    What makes your guild unique?
    We have a lot of naked Khajiit. We're just a bunch of down to earth people who enjoy laughing and having a great time together.
    Is your guild part of a bigger alliance of guild? Why did join them?
    No we not, we stand out on our own.

    Does your guild host any special events? If so, tell us about them!
    We try host auctions every week. We like to play games for prizes, trivia, hide and seek, scavenger hunts, ect.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?
    My most favorite and memorable moment would have to be our 1 Year Guild Anniversary Photos. We had a lot of fun.
    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow any Daedric Prince? if so, which one?
    A lot of our members follow Daedric Princes. Some follow Azura, Hircine, Meridia and Sheogorath.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    The beautiful beaches of Auridon or the lakes of Craglorn.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    • We have a great attitude, willing to help others
    • We have a guild drunk
    • We do a lot of dungeons and raids
    • We have created real life friendships through this guild
    • We range in ages 18-70

      On which gaming platform does your guild play?
      PC/Mac North American Server

      If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    Edited by FlyLeaf30 on 16 September 2015 02:17
    Guildmaster of Aldmeri Elite (PVE) and Tamriel Trade Center (Trading)Master Adventurer (main) Kilara Delecour
  • FlyLeaf30
    FlyLeaf30 wrote: »
    What is your guild's name? Does that name have any special history or significance?
    Aldmeri Elite; It doesn't really have any special significance however, this guild was built on the base of honor, integrity and loyalty.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    July 23rd, 2014. A friend and I decided to build a guild so people can group up easier and make friends and feel apart of something great.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    Aldmeri Dominion :)

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    Because, we would rather have warm sandy beaches than hot and ashy volcanos or sand blowing in our eyes any day.

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    207 members

    Does your guild have a website?

    What times and days is the guild most active?
    Nights and Weekends

    What countries do your members span?
    USA primarily, but we have members from Hawaii, Australia and Canada.

    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?
    Dungeons, Role-Playing, Trials and chatting in TeamSpeak having a good time.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    Most of us enjoy the dungeons, some of us enjoy going to Cyrodiil and some of us will group up and just start roleplaying.

    What makes your guild unique?
    We have a lot of naked Khajiit. We're just a bunch of down to earth people who enjoy laughing and having a great time together.

    Is your guild part of a bigger alliance of guild? Why did join them?
    No we not, we stand out on our own.

    Does your guild host any special events? If so, tell us about them!
    We try host auctions every week. We like to play games for prizes, trivia, hide and seek, scavenger hunts, ect.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?
    My most favorite and memorable moment would have to be our 1 Year Guild Anniversary Photos. We had a lot of fun.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow any Daedric Prince? if so, which one?
    A lot of our members follow Daedric Princes. Some follow Azura, Hircine, Meridia and Sheogorath.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    The beautiful beaches of Auridon or the lakes of Craglorn.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    • We have a great attitude, willing to help others
    • We have a guild drunk
    • We do a lot of dungeons and raids
    • We have created real life friendships through this guild
    • We range in ages 18-70

      On which gaming platform does your guild play?
      PC/Mac North American Server

      If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    Guildmaster of Aldmeri Elite (PVE) and Tamriel Trade Center (Trading)Master Adventurer (main) Kilara Delecour
  • LordMcSwagger
    1. What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    Our guild is Black Lotus. The name comes from the MTG card which sells for around $30,000. It’s over powered just like us 

    2. When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    Lord McSwagger leveled to 10 on console Day One to form this guild. Many of the founders played Destiny and Neverwinter together (we were really just waiting for this game to come out).

    3. What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    All hail Queen Ayrenn of the Aldmeri Dominion. May she reign forever.

    4. Why did you choose that alliance?
    Some PC gamers said it was the way to go… Plus Queen Ayrenn is much more pleasant than those other two rulers

    5. How many members does your guild currently have?
    We have a cap of 120 members. When we recruit new members, we remove inactives from the guild. We are not out to deceive anyone with inflated guild population numbers.

    6. Does your guild have a website?

    We use a subreddit: Often MOTD is too small so we reference our website posts to elaborate. We also use it for sign up for event, we post awesome member moments (videos/screen caps) on there, and we even have a spot for things people say.

    7. What times and days is the guild most active?
    Our guild is composed of mature folks and therefore daytime (boo work) is less active than evenings. So evenings (often into the morning) and weekends are our times of heaviest activity.

    8. What countries do your members span?
    We have members from Canada, USA, England, and Australia.

    9. What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?

    We are primarily an End Game PVE guild so We lean more toward trials, group dungeons, and arena.

    10. What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    We have generally been a dungeon delving group. We are almost all master crafters so we can pretty much make anything another guildie wants/needs. We are not a trading guild but we have agreements with the Guilfoyle Trading Company (one of the best) for our members to sell in their guild. We have been enjoying Imperial city, Zerging through EP infested sewers is a blast. We just recently delved into Cyrodiil and crowned 4 Emperors last week. That was very fun.

    11. What makes your guild unique?
    Our guild started with an emphasis on recruiting good people, not good players. Good players are made and we wanted to focus on making good people into good players. We believe that the success of Black Lotus rests solely on this emphasis. Where other guilds have issues with members and leadership, we seem to have little to no drama. Our leadership and members are trustworthy and after their 3 week probationary period have full access to the guild and bank.

    12. Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    Aside from an agreement with a trading guild, where our members bypass wait lists, no.

    13. Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    We hold new events every week. A few weeks ago, we had a live race through both Imperial City Dungeons. Last week we crowned 4 emperors in our guild. This week we will work to finish collecting sky shards and to increase the number of skill points we all have.

    14. What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?
    Zerging through Imperial City has become one of our favorite past times. Moon Cursed Blade is our home campaign and swarming Ebonhearts is just so fun.

    15. Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    By Talos, whatever do you mean? Daedric Worship? Not us! We only worship the Nine Divines. We often pull up a chair after mercilessly slaughtering an EP or DC and ask them (we wish they could hear us) if they have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Akatosh. Those pagans need to learn to pray to the Nine.

    16. After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    Rawl’Kha is generally our stop after gallivanting all over Tamriel. It has good traders and those Khajit bankers are very helpful even when the lines are long.

    17. Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    1. One of our tanks, Xion, has a beard that would make Jorunn Skald-King jealous!
    2. We have over half a dozen former emperors
    3. We believe that a Critical Rush is the best form of Defense.
    4. Hiath the Battlemaster trembles at the mention of Black Lotus
    5. Our clannfears are invincible!

    18. On which gaming platform does your guild play?
    We are an Xbox One guild.

    19. If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    They can contact the Guild Master: Lord McSwagger (GT) or our Master Recruiter: ErmagerdZambies (GT). Send us a message on XBL.
    Guild Master: Black Lotus
    Lord McSwagger VR16: Templar Healer
    Anne Ihilation VR16: Mage Blade
    Declan Stachenshield VR4: Sorcer
    Isabelle Stonecaller VR3: Magicka Dragon Knight
  • KingSoren


    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Guild Medieval - We are a guild that presents itself in Medieval Times.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    Guild Medieval was founded in 2001 as a haven for Diablo 2 players wishing to play in a mature, safe environment free of hacks and obnoxious behavior. We have since branched out to DDO, D3, WoW, PoE, NW and Tera, and are exploring other worlds besides. In DDO we are known as The Silver Legion, and have become one of the largest, most successful, and stable guilds on Cannith.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    We are a guild that accepts ALL alliances. No matter the alliance or level, if you wish to join, come on down.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    We have currently over 100 members in the guild. We are pretty small for a guild, but we are united and love to help.

    Does your guild have a website?

    We do have a website available:

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    We are most active around the Eastern/Central timezones.

    What countries do your members span?

    Guild Medieval is a international guild that spans across all countries.

    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?

    We love to do 4-man dungeons, along with Cryodiil exploring and PvP, at times we will even do our own guild events.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    We prefer just about everything the game has to offer, but we mainly focus on having fun with other guild members.

    What makes your guild unique?

    We are unique because, we are one of the few guilds out there that care a lot about our members, and making sure that they are having fun and most of all, enjoying the game as much as possible with Guild Medieval.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    We are currently not allied with any other guilds at the moment.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    We host many events of our own, such as a Raffle Events, Hide N Seek, Caption Contests, and more.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?

    Our most memorable moment in Guild Medieval while playing ESOTU was the completions of Veteran Dungeons. We are not the most skilled players in the game, and we do not focus on getting the best gear. We are all about teamwork and making an effort to accomplish the challenges, and when we are victorious we celebrate like it's the best thing we have ever done.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    We do not secretly support any Daedric Prince.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    Since we are spread out from all Alliances, the best place to wind down would be our own guild chat, where we can socialize and laugh together after a long day of adventuring.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    1) We are branched across many several MMOs, not just ESOTU.

    2) We have our own Mumble server for those interested in chatting through a voice program.

    3) We are one of the many guilds that are drama free.

    4) We currently have over 1600+ members across different MMOs in Guild Medieval.

    5) We love to help others when in need, no matter what is going on that day.

    On which gaming platform does your guild play?

    We play on the PC/Mac clients.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    Guild Medieval has a application process that a future member can apply to. All they have to do is head to and read through the guild rules, and if they are satisfied with the rules, they are free to apply to the guild, where an officer of Guild Medieval will then process the application.
    Edited by KingSoren on 17 October 2015 21:05
    Realm Leader Of Guild Medieval

    (DC) Sorena Shadowbane - Imperial Nightblade (Dps)
    (DC) Valdarik Oath-Giver - Nord Templar (Tank)
    (DC) Jazz-Claws - Khajiit Warden (Healer)
    (AD) Maximus Frostbringer - Breton Sorcerer (Dps)
    (AD) Ariawyn Shadowheart - Wood Elf Nightblade (Healer)
    (AD) Shelga of Reman's Bluff - Orc Dragonknight (Tank)
    (EP) Turien T'rizon - Dark Elf Dragonknight (Dps)
    (EP) Sees-Only-Light - Argonian Templar (Healer)
  • Edenprime

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    The name Dragonborn Z originates from the cartoon series Dragon Ball Z

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    Our guild was formed in January 2014. A group of individuals were tired of playing World of Warcraft and decided to change to a different game. They formed Dragonborn Z before The Elder Scrolls Online Beta.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    Aldmeri Dominion, for the queen!

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    The selection time; EP was by far the most popular Alliance, which we would certainly have chosen. DC and AD were equally popular, but the idea of a “master race” and the oldest people of Tamriel was the decisive factor in choosing the alliance.

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    Our guild has been full multiple times, hence everyone who's inactive for 5 months will be removed. Now our numbers fluctuate between 460 and 500.

    Does your guild have a website? is our website, which covers the latest news in our guild. Since we are a 100% finnish speaking guild our website is only in finnish.

    What times and days is the guild most active?
    Every evening dozens of players are online playing PvP or PvE-content. Our teamspeak is in constant use and there are people that stop playing at 6am and others start playing at 7am.

    What countries do your members span?
    Finland. We recruit Finnish speaking people no matter which country they live in. Also people learning Finnish are allowed to join, as long as they acknowledge that the chat is 100% Finnish.

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    We love just chatting in teamspeak no matter if we're doing things together or if people are on their own adventures. We like doing all group content (dungeons, trials, pvp, questing) together with or without teamspeak.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    We participate in almost everything the game has to offer. We have active Cyrodiil players, dungeon delvers and a few people who largely spend their time crafting and leveling up crafting alts. A large portion of the members are new and leveling up their characters. Also our beer fishing event is very popular and we encourage new people to join and get to know each other.

    What makes your guild unique?
    We are the largest Finnish guild in The Elder Scrolls Online.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    Our guild is not part of a larger alliance, but we occasionally host PvP events with other guilds, which includes 1v1, 2v2, 4v4 etc.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    We have a few recurring events. Biweekly beer fishing, in which we have a drinking game; have a sip of your drink when someone gets a green/blue fish and when someone scores a Perfect Roe, drink your cup empty. We also have biweekly trials for everyone above Veteran Rank 5 and earlier mentioned occasional PvP events.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    When we completed Hell Ra, Aetherian Archive and Sanctum Ophidia hard modes. It took us a long time to get the timings correct and everyone to pull together as team, but in the end we prevailed.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    We follow Thalmor ideology "We only want what is best for Tamriel. Surely, the rebels will accept peace when they realize this."

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    For us, the game is a means for relaxation... But, every weekend people get together to drink and do pve/pvp content. Often with less success than on a weekday.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    1. We are the largest Finnish ESO guild
    2. None of the founding members are in the guild, yet our ranks keep growing.
    3. We have a monthly lottery and occasional competitions.
    4. We have a bi-weekly beer fishing event
    5. We have "not so serious" trial runs (heavy drinking involved), often after beer fishing.

    On which gaming platform does your guild play?
    We have and always will be a PC/MAC guild on the EU server

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    In game @Edenprime or @Zajalas, or send a recruitment message via the website
    Edited by Edenprime on 28 October 2015 13:20
    Guildmaster of the largest Finnish community for ESO (, ESO-Hub contributor, co-leader of PC/EU's largest trading network, Occasional coordinator of Bethesda Nordic community events and a raider. Twitter Twitch | Youtube
  • Valknir

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Our guild is called the <Ebon Orsimer>, the name was chosen because of our allegiance to the Ebonheart Pact, our use of ebony metal and of course, our race.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    Our guild was officially created on February 25th, 2015.

    The Ebon Orsimer was founded by Nauraug gro-Balrog of Narzulbur and Etar gro-Maggok of Dushkna Tor established the first alliance of Orcish strongholds of Skyrim. As our numbers grew, more chieftains and strongholds joined the alliance, we now have five distinct strongholds, one of them even coming from the Daggerfall Covenant to join us! New members can choose a stronghold that fits them and their Orc best!

    An early picture of our leader, Nauraug gro-Balrog (center), some of our members, and Torz gro-Skand (front-left, who is now chieftain of Dokuzrah).4/13/2015

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    The Ebon Orsimer, or Confederated Strongholds, are extremely loyal to their homeland of Skyrim and have thus joined the Ebonheart Pact.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    First, Skyrim has been the home of our strongholds since before the proto-Nords crossed over from Atmora. We feel that we have just as much of a right to the land as they do. Second, we will not bend our knees to a Breton boot-licker like Kurog, and third, as Malacath worshippers, we despise the worship of Trinimac, nor can we stand the politically correct Mauloch.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    Our membership is currently sitting at 84 members, the majority of them being active.

    Does your guild have a website?


    What times and days is the guild most active?

    We’re active most days, with the majority of our roleplaying events occurring on the weekends.

    What countries do your members span?

    Mostly the United States and Canada, but a few players are from Sweden and the UK.

    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?

    We’re an RP guild, so of course we all enjoy doing that the most together! With the release of Wrothgar, we all love doing whatever it has to offer, whether it be dungeons, questing, world bosses, playing as an Orcish Indiana Jones…

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    We’re not so much “tavern roleplayers”; we enjoy battle RP, our chieftains love political RP with our neighbors, religious sermons towards the Keeper of the Sworn Oath, etc. We’re not above a good pint with our Nord buddies, though!

    What makes your guild unique?

    We’re the only Orc guild on NA-EP, and as far as we know, we’re the largest Orc roleplaying guild in the world. If you’ve always wanted to play a Skyrim Orc, we’re your best bet!

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    As a loose confederation of strongholds ourselves, one could say that we are a larger alliance. However, we have alliances with Nord clans and Dunmer Houses. These were originally forged out of a willingness to prove our loyalty to the Pact and their people, but also to ensure our own survival in lands that have been traditionally hostile to our kind. However, the Orcs of Skyrim are never short of enemies, either, whether they be violent or not.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    Sure! We hold cross-guild RP events pretty often, even more so join in on them, and with the release of Wrothgar we have a ton of new plots in the works, mostly against a radical group known as the Vosh Rakh…

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?

    Most of our members were around for a very large cross-guild event in Skyrim involving invading Reachmen. Older members will remember our involvement in the Ashlander Conflict of Morrowind, which solidified our involvement in Pact politics.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    Yes. Malacath.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    Cradlecrush, the giant-Orcish stronghold in Eastmarch has been our base of operations for quite some time now for all sorts of events. Just being with one another often is enough of a wind-down for most of us! We're currently looking to use Shatul Range in Wrothgar as one of our stronghold's in-character locations!

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    1. Although Orcs are considered a Daggerfall Covenant race, we've always believed that the Orsimer are better suited to fight with Nords, Dunmer, and Argonians better than the former conquerors of Orsinium.
    2. One of our main goals is to break the stereotype that Orcs are dumb brutes. In RP, we walk softly and carry a big stick. The big stick is usually a sword or maul of some type.
    3. There are five strongholds in the Ebon Orsimer, and each of them is different from the other. Pirate Orcs, religious zealots, traditionalists, rough tribal nomads, and scholarly mages.
    4. There is something odd about the chieftains. They seem... uncomfortable. Dirty secrets!
    5. No one bests an Orc!

    On which gaming platform does your guild play?


    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    Any one of our current chieftains: @Valknir (GM), @Joshmp90, @magnum482, @TwoHandedWarrior, @Diamond.Golem. Send us an in-game mail if we’re not online at the time, all of us login every day (for the most part).
    Morgoroth gro-Urûkhash, Orc Nightblade, Ebonheart Pact
  • ankhor8
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    True An-Xileel(NA)/An-Xileel(EU). Yes, it's the name of the Saxhleel group that formed and was responsible for defeating Mehrunes Dagon when he/she foolishly attacked our native Black Marsh. True was placed in front of our NA division since An-Xileel was assumed by someone(who was dormant/inactive).

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be. 

    October 2015. Ankhor MSF Tree-Blood sought out a guild named An-Xileel, anticipating one must already exist. It was found on shivtr website. Tree-Blood sought membership and was eventually accepted. Then realized all the members were only in the PC universe. Tree-Blood petitioned the idea of initiating a Console branch with Marsh Shadow and Varak Drex. The idea was respected, Tree-Blood began the formation.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    The Ebonheart Pact. Some members are in others. Saxhleel is our connection, not the alliance.

    Why did you choose that alliance? 
    It is the alliance collectively agreed to by our Saxhleel people. As a Union specifically composed of Saxhleel, the decision is clear.

    How many members does your guild currently have?
    As of july 5, 2016. EU Branch = 20. NA Branch approx 334.

    Does your guild have a website?

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    True An-Xileel(NA) = 06:00 - 02:00 (20hrs of active members) (E.S.T.). An-Xileel(EU) = 14:00 - 18:00 (P.S.T.) general averages of course.

    What countries do your members span?
    East and west coast of Canada+America. Asia in the GST region.

    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?

    Questing to level up, Cyrodiil battling(pvp), and crafting for each other. We have a weekly schedule to provide options for those seeking specifics
    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, role-playing in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    Either the daily activity or individual small group preferences. We are large, will be larger and have prepared for such with an outline intended to provide for our various Saxhleels' interest. We will have three Nassa(leaders) for Cyrodiil battling, three for resource management, two for role-play and three for all type of provincial raids. Presently we have 1 resource manager, 1 Cyrodiil general, 1 role-play coordinator and and a few interested, developing towards leadership roles.

    What makes your guild unique?
    We are all Saxhleel. Although some may use alternate avatars for the whatever reason, only Saxhleel are involved in Union activities. We all have an affinity to Saxhleel. Whether it be the mechanics, the cosmetics, the Hist-ory(lore), habit(meaning one that chose Saxhleel in prior elder scrolls editions), or they liked the our community, all present have chosen to represent.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    Yes. The PC based An-Xileel‎ preceded us. Our intent is Saxhleel Unity, joining is purposeful.
    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
     If the weekly schedule is considered special than yes, if not, no. We will set a periodic Union photo schedule on the 18th of December.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
     There are multiple. The first meets with the few Saxhleel that are now in leadership positions. Yet like our Raj remind us, time is more cyclical than linear. Will state that encounters with fellow leaders are memorable. In addition, I erect the spine of respect + appreciation to our followers, we need each other to coexist.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one? 
    No. We are children of the first form. Direct offshoots of Hist. We acknowledge Sithis as a name to represent that which was before(ALL), yet it is not a Deadric prince nor is it specifically followed. Some of us do walk the path of Shadowscales and follow the night mothers decree. It is said that the night mother May be Mephala. Yet that is another discussion.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down? 
    We may convene around Hissmir, Dhalmora crafting hut, or Stormhold.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    1. We have become increasingly more organized over the past two months and anticipate more improvement.
    2. We are comprised of people that have been influential in different guilds, almost as if a safe haven for the wise, compassionate, fierce, silent, loyal, vagabond, goal driven, entertainer, grinder and the bystander(a perspective from the various stories have been told).
    3‎. Monday: merchant and crafters day. Tuesday: Delves and Dungeons day. Wednesday: shyshard, map boss, and lorebooks day. Thursday: IC role-play day. Friday: open field Cyrodiil battle day. Saturday: Majority vote day. Sunday: Imperial City battle day.
    4. We have young children and old seniors, very talkative and mostly silent. We've allocated the four channels for purposes to customize our encompassing culture.
    5. We are comprised of many responsible conscious individuals, and engaging in dialogue with them while having company at my living room, has altered people's perspective of what "video gamers" are like. Of course there are times for laughter and some others in our Union engage in elaborate comedy more than me personally, yet we vary like the branches of the Hist, and will remain acknowledging we are connected at the Root.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact? 
    Our website primarily. On playstation PSN: MSFASIM, Vile_crocodile, richrich1991, Ravag3d_Aniimal, smokeygunjaa, xSeriousBlackx, Argonian_Austin, Kota-N7-Jedi-MSF, Email:
    True An-Xileel is on‎,,, reddit and elderscrollsonline forums. Also check out our PC roots on shivtr.
    To all our Argonian scale skins, re-hatch into your true Saxhleel self. May the sun warm your scales and stay moist.‎
    Edited by ankhor8 on 7 July 2016 00:00
    Kota-Sax-Blood of True An-Xileel
    Psn community page: An-Xileel
    Seth Salute
  • Aquaking911
    Soul Shriven
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    - We are the Sentinels of Dawn - our name epitomizes who we are as a guild. Dawn is a reference to the emergence of something new, something fresh and positive (it's also a reference to the local terminology for the AD). We are an AD guild focused on promoting collaboration and teamwork within our guild and with our allies and have Spent the last six months growing our reputation as such. Sentinels is a reference to our acknowledgement that we serve a stoic, noble role that requires humility and patience. In PVP, we do not exploit to achieve top positions; we play hard and well to defend our faction and represent frequently represent a significant portion of the top 50 and 100 players. In the latest campaign, we have account for about 90% of the top 50.

    ]When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be

    - Our guild started before the game launched for Xbox one. After month of playing with each other and through bumps in the road. We decided we needed to rename ourselves that represented us in a better than our old name. Thus we became the Sentinels of Dawn.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    - Our guild only bleeds one color and that color is Gold. We Stand by the Aldmeri Dominion and its Queen.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    - It provided an environment where our vision could manifest itself.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    - 175 and growing
    Does your guild have a Webpage?

    - We have a Facebook page. ESO Sentinels of Dawn XB1
    - What times and days is the guild most active?[/b]

    - We have a heavy PVP presence every night; we host trials and fishing events on weekends during the day; and throughout the week, groups are running at almost all times between 9am - 3 pm doing everything from dungeons to sewer runs, farming to fishing, PVPing and Arena runs.

    What countries do your members span?

    - We span from North America, England and Australia.

    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?
    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    - The guild does everything that Tameriel has to offer. We fight long and hard to protect our keeps and take scrolls from other alliances. We also build up courage and go into the veteran dungeons, working together to build a strong team to dominate any monster that stand in our way.

    What makes your guild unique?

    - We have FUN. Even though we may give each other a hard time and sometimes feedback is a bit harsh, we all assume good intent and get past whatever issues arise. With more than 175 active members from several countries, there are bound to be personality conflicts. Our ability to see past them and have fun makes us unique. It also makes for a safe place to be yourself and to develop bonds with other guild members. As a result of some of those bonds, members have begun to meet in real life to get to know each other better. We also have a unique leadership structure. Instead of a GM, we have 8 councilmen who have the authority and powers of a GM and who work together to achieve the vision of the guild.

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    - We’ve recently began to develop our own alliance of like-minded guilds. We have been struggling to fight the good fight in Cyrodiil and recognized a need for more support. So we aligned with numerous other guilds in Scourge to keep up the resistance against insurmountable odds
    - In our latest campaign move, we managed to move our entire alliance. With it, came hundreds of active players who took Xbox One’s Skull of Corruption campaign away from the opposing factions who have used it as a safe haven for months. We are in the process of formalizing our name; negotiating bi-laws to prevent exploiting within the alliance; and developing a long term vision to enable other AD guilds to join us.With the bi-laws we were able create a charter that every alliance that we made or will make in future has to abide by it to create a healthy and honorable relationship with guilds that joined forces to help fight the opposing factions.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    - We’ve hosted guild award ceremonies where we acknowledged accomplishments that ranged from the serious likes of Purple Heart for the person who provided the most notable or consistent revives of team members to silly awards like the Stud Muffin, awarded to the toughest player we’ve got (and they were award 200 banana muffins) and the GUI (Gaming Under the Influence) award. We’ve hosted fishing trips where we’ve spent hours navigating the Dominion in search of some of the rarest sea life. We’ve held team competitions where teams were picked dodgeball-style and then put through a series of challenges across Cyrodiil including a multi-stage team race, resource capping and holding for a set amount of time, and keep capturing challenges.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?

    Winning 8,000+ AP in a single defense against waves of Purple.
    PVP General Head-to-Head Competition
    The first time we took first place in Scourge, demonstrating the power of our emerging alliance
    Completing Trials for the first time
    Completing Dragon Star Arena
    Early days in the Imperial City districts, where we learned the power of stacked meteors on a much larger opposing force

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    - Fishing in Auridon in tabards and pants, barefist fighting anything that stands between us and our fishing holes.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    1 We avoid the use of the derogatory term, “Randoms,” instead referring to “People we don't know yet" in an effort to build a collaborative guild mindset that welcomes and encourages meeting new people.

    2 Our guild includes people from all walks of life including motorcycle enthusiasts, pre-med college students, an aspiring politician, roadies, bartenders, and even a full family of gamers with four systems set up together in one house.

    3 We have a guild member playing from Nicaragua

    4 Our original guild name was very similar to what it is now but it had to be changed after realizing that the majority of the gaming community doesn’t speak Thuum.

    5 We use a “guild price" system for exchanges between members.. which is pretty much everything for free.

    On which gaming platform does your guild play?

    - Xbox One

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    - Any Sentinel can be contacted to join.


  • OmniWeb
    Soul Shriven

    What is your guild's name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Spectres of the Phoenix.
    This guild is reborn from the ashes of its predecessors from previous games.

    When was your guild formed?

    Upon the release of Elder Scrolls Online.

    Tell us the story of how the guild came to be:

    The founder of the guild, Dreni, knew there would be a place for the guild, a place for honorable members to become a strong playing family.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    Ebonheart Pact on the North American server.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    Just by the virtue of what's in its' name -- 'Heart' naturally and sub consciously attract a better group of people that would get along better.

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    We currently have 480 members.

    Does your guild have a website?

    Yes! We also have a Facebook page for interacting with each other throughout the day.

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    We are 24/7/365, with early evening and over night PST most active.

    What countries do your members span?

    Our guild members are from all corners of the world! A large part of the guild hail from the United States and Australia, but we also have some members in Canada, Germany, United Arab Emirates, South Korea, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea, among others.

    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together the most?

    We enjoy PVP, but we do all other content as well, plus enjoying each others company in Teamspeak every day.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    We are a PVP guild, although we dabble in other content when the current campaign is not in desperate need of help.

    What makes your guild unique?

    Being a PVP guild, we strive to keep a guild of "Balance". Meaning we provide a recommended five-tier training course for all members, but it is not a requirement. We don't demand or require members to do anything specific except to stick with the crown leader when we are grouped up in Cyrodiil. We are an honor guild and the only thing we require is agreeing that you read our Code of Conduct when you register on our guild website. The most important thing that makes our guild unique is that our most active members are a team of close-knit friends that work very hard when needed and we have fun while doing it!

    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    Spectres of the Phoenix formed an Alliance Guild for all guilds that currently PVP in Azura's Star on the North American server. Most of the guild leaders of Ebonheart Pact in Azura's Star participate, which helps keep us all coordinated in the fight against the Covenant and Dominion.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    Yes! We keep a calendar on our website where we post Raid times, team training and other special events. On occasion we host a guild 'Movie Night' on Netflix, and we also have a social channel in our Teamspeak where most of hang out and play an online card game when we're not playing ESO.

    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?

    The Naked Bridge Fight, on the bridge between Sejanus Outpost and Alessia.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    The Daedric Prince of, I guess not.

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    We may go to an enemy keep and literally Swiss cheese the walls just for fun. A lot of us also hang out in Teamspeak and talk for a while, even if we're not playing the game.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild:

    1) We are tight knit family of people from all over the world and like to embrace our differences.
    2) If we ever win the lottery, we have plans to build a guild castle complete with a medieval round table, completely decked out gaming room, plus a big kitchen where we can get pizza and sushi at all hours.
    3) We have guild members of all ages, some still in high school and some retired.
    4) We enjoy teaching new ESO players how to fight in Cyrodiil, how to craft, where to find stuff, and the general "how to's" of the whole game.
    5) Our Teamspeak is organized with icons for the stats on our members. For example, at a glance you can see who is a healer, or crafter, or Vampire, etc.

    On which gaming platform does your guild play?


    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    You can get hold of the guildmaster Liv (@OmniWeb) or any of the officers in Cyrodiil (currently Azura Star) zone chat. If you type 'sotp' in zone chat, we will pick you up and you can join group for a run with us!
    Edited by OmniWeb on 11 January 2016 10:08
  • Skullstachio
    Guild Spotlight.

    What is your guilds name? Does that name have any special history of significance?

    Well since you may be keen to know we are "The Halloween Crew"
    The Stars/Legends of the Crew(in the picture/banner) are the Skeleton with his Zombie Horse Pestilence (Bottom-Left), The Scarecrow who is currently chilling with the Duke of Crows & The New-&-Improved Headless Horseman with his trusty Nightmare Coarser. All who live in the spookiest place of all, in a small pocket of Oblivion known as Crows Wood.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    Well it all started as a Vision by one being. A vision where both Werewolves & Vampires alike could work together to dominate the very face of Nirn, but with new Spooks like the Pumpkin & Scarecrow Spectres showing up in Tamriel, we figured we could invite them & cause some "Spooktacular" Mayhem & Mischief, all in good fun & festivity of course.
    Also, anyone with a Zombie Horse mount, Pumpkin Spectre or Scarecrow Spectre Polymorph will have free Admission to the guild before & after 31/10/2016

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    Just so you know, we are not a part of any alliance, for The Halloween Crew is a Global Guild & like so, all are welcome. (Just no killing each other though metaphorically speaking.)

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    Please See Answer to Previous Question.

    How many guild members does it currently have?

    Not very many now, but our numbers will flood all of Oblivion ready to invade all of Tamriel & Beyond soon enough.

    Does your Guild Have a website?

    We currently have a group on Facebook hosted by my Buddy Pontifex Mortis which does not look like much, but it mainly serves as a means of listing people who wish to join the Guild on Xbox One.

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    We are active at any time of the day but putting it specifically, it varies per player/guild member & depending on that player's time zone.

    What countries do your members span?

    Because The Halloween Crew is a Global Guild, we span the entire world like a scary pandemic.

    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?

    Celebrating Halloween like it's an Everyday thing. Other than that, we enjoy lots of things, especially if one of us decides to brave the Maelstrom Arena & prove how awesomely horrifying they can be.

    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in cyrodiil, role playing in the taverns, crafting & trading, or a combination?

    Exactly that, we focus on Pretty much everything but mostly in the form of PvE activities just to keep Emotional spirits up & happy.
    Crafting, Check. Public Dungeons, Check. Defeating a Daedric Prince & Retrieving our soul, Boo Yah.

    What makes your Guild unique?

    Me & the Spooks will have to ponder that question but we will answer it, leave no stone unturned...

    Is your Guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    Nope, Just us & the many scary faces of that which is. The Halloween Crew.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them.

    We have an upcoming event on 31/10/2016 but for more details, please see the Halloween Crew on Facebook. (make sure you have a Facebook account to see the group.)

    What is your favourite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?

    We will get back to you on that one. But until then, the most memorable moment would be when Grim Hallowed Conquered the Normal Maelstrom Arena as a Dragon Knight.

    Does your guild secretly(or not so secretly) follow a specific daedric prince? If so which one?

    You had to ask... (Just yankin your funny bone) of course we follow a daedric prince but seriously?!?! What fun is there in following one daedric prince when The Halloween Crew actually follows All of them! with Lord Hircine Being the tip of the Spear!

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    After a long day of kicking Evil in the Gluteus & achieving other Spooktacular achievements, we just cool off & Chill in Crows Wood with the Duke of Crows, conversing with them, putting the spirits around Crows Wood to rest & snoozing under the beautiful stars what with Crows Wood being a small pocket of Evergloom.

    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    Oh we can't tell you that just yet but do keep in touch, you may never know who will come a knockin.

    On which gaming platform does your guild play?

    The Halloween Guild is on Xbox One.

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    Even though we have The Halloween Crew on Facebook hosted by Pontifex Mortis, you can also send an Xbox LIVE message to Grim Hallowed so that he may put you on the list for 31/10/2016 but remember, if you have the Zombie Horse, Scarecrow Spectre or Pumpkin Spectre Polymorph, they count as free admission to the Halloween Guild, the Skeleton Polymorph on the other hand, it does not because unlike the others, it is not a limited time thing & Like Halloween, it is Limited.
    Edited by Skullstachio on 29 March 2016 22:39
    I know what you di-Iddly did... (you would be wise not to do that again during a time when Suspicion in the gaming space is at an all time high.)
    by not actually revealing real drop tables in the game for all items, you only prove what has been proven with proof of concept that you can/will manipulate item drop chances based on certain elements performed by the player.
  • WillhelmBlack
    Anyone remember these? lol
    PC EU
  • Stridig
    Here’s your chance to get your guild in the spotlight! Respond to this thread and answer the questions in our guild interview below and we’ll consider featuring you on in an upcoming article. Don’t forget to include a screenshot of you and your guildmates. This is a great chance to tell the world about your guild.
    • What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    • When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    • What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    • Why did you choose that alliance?
    • How many members does your guild currently have?
    • Does your guild have a website?
    • What times and days is the guild most active?
    • What countries do your members span?
    • What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?
    • What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    • What makes your guild unique?
    • Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    • Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    • What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?
    • Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    • After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    • Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    • On which gaming platform does your guild play?
    • If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?

    Please bring this back. There are lots of guilds out there. The community seemed so much more alive back in the old days.
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • lordhakai
    yeah it would be nice to have this back
  • Serjustin19
    Even though I don't like being a necro. But this is what I like and want to see return, not the necro but yes please bring back guild spot light. Which reminds me maybe I should continue my own guild spotlight. (For current campaign and Console and server I on) Unsure, But #1, 11 and 12 I wrote about different guild interviews.

    (1st and 2nd Scourge PS4 EU is no more, But Vivec could be like Scourge)
    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
  • FiveDinosaur792

    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Pheasant Pluckers…don’t say it too quickly. It’s from the tongue twister song:
    I’m not a pheasant plucker,
    But a pheasant pluckers son,
    I’ll keep on plucking pheasants til the pheasant plucker comes…

    And that’s what we are, a bunch of pleasant guys. Anyone can join pheasants, any level, any alliance, any country, any age, anyone…but not everyone gets to stay, they won’t get to stay if they aren’t a pleasant person. We help each other and work together making Tamriel a more friendly and pleasant place. If you aren’t a team player and a jolly nice chap you won’t be staying long.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    We formed from a small group of guys that had already been in a guild together from the very beginning of Elder Scrolls Online. A group of friends. We decided to create the guild as a bit of fun, making fun ranks and grouping together. I think we officially started the guild in October 2015. Very quickly we grew, and we aimed to always keep Pheasant Pluckers as that – a group of friends, an online family. As we grow more and more ask to join us everyday – so now we are constantly removing players, to keep the guild the most social guild on our server.


    ]What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    Daggerfall! In PvP we are pure blue, however we do accept all alliances in our PvE events.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    Why, because Daggerfall is the best? I’m confused by the question…

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    We are always full… so 500! We are always struggling to remove offline players to make way for new ones.

    Does your guild have a website? There you will find information about us, how to contact us, up to date information on common items found in trade on our server and of course our sign up sheets for vet trials which we run several times a week. We also use facebook as a newsletter, and have several groups which we use the facebook messenger service and use like chat rooms. We also use Instagram and Twitter. We have a YouTube channel plus a lot of YouTubers play with might see their tabards! We even have our own trade page advertising our guild with currently 6.5k people on it.

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    We are 24/7, busiest 9am to 1am GMT. It is very unusual for the chat to be quiet.

    What countries do your members span?

    All of them! We are mainly British but we have Canadians, Americans, Aussies, people from around all of Europe and the rest of the World!


    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?

    After our monthly guild meeting an open forum for all members it has become a guild tradition for our attending guildies make the long journey to imperial city sewers strip of their gear and run the sewers naked. Our main focus as a guild is helping our members be the best they can be. We are not a crafting guild but we have many master crafters, we are not a trading guild but host an extremely busy pricing guild on our web page. We are not a pvp guild but we have a number of emperors in our ranks. We are not a trials guild but we run training for novice player and our vet team is organized by our web page. We do literally everything and support each other so we can do it.


    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    We do everything in pheasants, literally. You will not find another like us on our server...we are primarily a social guild so our chat is friendly and a lot of us have families, you will find nice people in pheasants willing to help you out because that’s what a pheasant does. Chat 1 is mainly for social chat while we use chat 2 for trials and whatnot and chat 3 for PvP in Cyrodiil, chat 4 is a very,very dark place where spiders live. We have the best crafters in all of Tamriel, crafters with literally everything in the game. We always have a trader in a good location, and we do dungeons and delves together practically all of the time, our website at has up-to-date information on the current prices of items on our server and is very popular. Our vet trials have a requirement and sign-up sheet but we won’t leave you hanging, we will help you with DPS test and gear checks and help to get you there!:);list=PLkv-BNRPM1EfxycOKUuhdGYUU3jldjBel&amp;index=14

    What makes your guild unique?

    “What makes Pheasant Pluckers unique is it's not just a guild but a "family" there is always someone on hand to offer help and guidance to any lvl player, be it from PvE, PvP thro to dungeons and trials” - Xmakaveli39mc
    “Being in Pheasants is like a second family” – WAF
    “I love this guild” - Fake E Fake
    “You guys are all crazy but I love you” – BigShep
    “I love the banter in here” – Croc
    Here’s what BladeMischief said about us this week on ESO Live!;t=3822s
    It’s hard to put it down to one thing, but here is a list of some of the things that makes us unique:

    • We value being nice and a teamplayer above all, this can be rare to find and we really mean it.
    • Active social chat with friendly mature players, which is actually active…we use all our channels not just 1 and there’s always tons of people online to talk to.
    • We do EVERY type of content in ESO!
    • A guild event EVERYDAY!
    • Always a good trader, always have one in a good spot!
    • Our chat groups mean you can contact someone 24/7 even if the game is updating!
    • We have a meeting once a month open to all members so the members can make changes themselves and we get feedback!
    • Multiple 9 trait crafters!
    • 1 true master crafter that know all styles in the game!
    • The guild was one of the first on EU XBOX to be able to craft mythic aetherial ambrosia, just 8 days after it came out!
    • There is always someone available to help!
    • There is no part of the game that groups of the guild don’t specialise in!
    • We even have real life guild raids!

    ]Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    No, but we do work with some guilds sometimes where we agree and have a kind of friendship, Arc with trade and some PvP guilds occasionally group up with us.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    Yes we host events daily! We normally have a vet trial maybe twice a week, there is a sign-up sheet on our website, trial training once a week, power levelling once a week, skyshard hunting and lorebook hunting once a week, a PvP event every week. We mix up the PvP with duelling, sewer runs, battlegrounds and Cyrodiil. We mix up the PvE with VDSA and normal DSA, Trials vet and normal, in-game achievements for things like skins, dungeons and pledges, questing, World bosses and in game events. On top of this we have a guild meeting on the 1st of every month at 9pm where anyone is welcome in the guild to come and talk about the guild, traditionally we always do a naked sewer zerg afterwards. We also do novelty events fairly like Hide and seek, Quiz night and storytelling, naked boxing, horse racing, easter egg hunt, seasonal events, drinking and fishing, Undead PvP army and casino nights.


    ]What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?

    o “Naked boxing naked sewers runs in fact everything naked…” RevPaul
    o “The time when I became an Empress the first time” – RegularFrog
    o “The time when Shep sized up an Orc at EGX” - FiveDinosaur792
    o “The time when Five though she saw something amazing” – NPUK
    o “The time when Nutty let me out from under the stairs” – Nandos
    o “OMG Spooky is questing and actually out of the sewers!!!” - Croc

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    Not really, but if any probably Sheogorath as we all are a little bit mad…(and like cheese).

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    At the end of a day adventuring we like to wind down in the local tavern and sample their fine ales and dance! We are always in chat together and are a very chatty lot…sometime we just fish or group up and do something and put the World to rights!


    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    1. Our guild hall is amazing!
    2. Most of us have been former emperors.
    3. Our GM is addicted to shinies
    4. We get stuck down holes sometimes...
    5. Sausages.


    ]On which gaming platform does your guild play?

    Xbox on the EU server and if that is down we invade the NA server. We also have some members that dabble on the PC-EU and PS EU

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    Facebook is a good way to get an invite by contacting us through the message button at or contact one of our members. You can always message FiveDinosaur792 directly through Xbox who is the Guild Master.


    FiveDinosaur792 GM of Pheasant Pluckers Guild on EU/Xbox
  • Serjustin19
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?

    Pheasant Pluckers…don’t say it too quickly. It’s from the tongue twister song:
    I’m not a pheasant plucker,
    But a pheasant pluckers son,
    I’ll keep on plucking pheasants til the pheasant plucker comes…

    And that’s what we are, a bunch of pleasant guys. Anyone can join pheasants, any level, any alliance, any country, any age, anyone…but not everyone gets to stay, they won’t get to stay if they aren’t a pleasant person. We help each other and work together making Tamriel a more friendly and pleasant place. If you aren’t a team player and a jolly nice chap you won’t be staying long.

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.

    We formed from a small group of guys that had already been in a guild together from the very beginning of Elder Scrolls Online. A group of friends. We decided to create the guild as a bit of fun, making fun ranks and grouping together. I think we officially started the guild in October 2015. Very quickly we grew, and we aimed to always keep Pheasant Pluckers as that – a group of friends, an online family. As we grow more and more ask to join us everyday – so now we are constantly removing players, to keep the guild the most social guild on our server.


    ]What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?

    Daggerfall! In PvP we are pure blue, however we do accept all alliances in our PvE events.

    Why did you choose that alliance?

    Why, because Daggerfall is the best? I’m confused by the question…

    How many members does your guild currently have?

    We are always full… so 500! We are always struggling to remove offline players to make way for new ones.

    Does your guild have a website? There you will find information about us, how to contact us, up to date information on common items found in trade on our server and of course our sign up sheets for vet trials which we run several times a week. We also use facebook as a newsletter, and have several groups which we use the facebook messenger service and use like chat rooms. We also use Instagram and Twitter. We have a YouTube channel plus a lot of YouTubers play with might see their tabards! We even have our own trade page advertising our guild with currently 6.5k people on it.

    What times and days is the guild most active?

    We are 24/7, busiest 9am to 1am GMT. It is very unusual for the chat to be quiet.

    What countries do your members span?

    All of them! We are mainly British but we have Canadians, Americans, Aussies, people from around all of Europe and the rest of the World!


    What activities in ESOTU do your members enjoy doing together most?

    After our monthly guild meeting an open forum for all members it has become a guild tradition for our attending guildies make the long journey to imperial city sewers strip of their gear and run the sewers naked. Our main focus as a guild is helping our members be the best they can be. We are not a crafting guild but we have many master crafters, we are not a trading guild but host an extremely busy pricing guild on our web page. We are not a pvp guild but we have a number of emperors in our ranks. We are not a trials guild but we run training for novice player and our vet team is organized by our web page. We do literally everything and support each other so we can do it.


    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, roleplaying in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?

    We do everything in pheasants, literally. You will not find another like us on our server...we are primarily a social guild so our chat is friendly and a lot of us have families, you will find nice people in pheasants willing to help you out because that’s what a pheasant does. Chat 1 is mainly for social chat while we use chat 2 for trials and whatnot and chat 3 for PvP in Cyrodiil, chat 4 is a very,very dark place where spiders live. We have the best crafters in all of Tamriel, crafters with literally everything in the game. We always have a trader in a good location, and we do dungeons and delves together practically all of the time, our website at has up-to-date information on the current prices of items on our server and is very popular. Our vet trials have a requirement and sign-up sheet but we won’t leave you hanging, we will help you with DPS test and gear checks and help to get you there!:);list=PLkv-BNRPM1EfxycOKUuhdGYUU3jldjBel&amp;index=14

    What makes your guild unique?

    “What makes Pheasant Pluckers unique is it's not just a guild but a "family" there is always someone on hand to offer help and guidance to any lvl player, be it from PvE, PvP thro to dungeons and trials” - Xmakaveli39mc
    “Being in Pheasants is like a second family” – WAF
    “I love this guild” - Fake E Fake
    “You guys are all crazy but I love you” – BigShep
    “I love the banter in here” – Croc
    Here’s what BladeMischief said about us this week on ESO Live!;t=3822s
    It’s hard to put it down to one thing, but here is a list of some of the things that makes us unique:

    • We value being nice and a teamplayer above all, this can be rare to find and we really mean it.
    • Active social chat with friendly mature players, which is actually active…we use all our channels not just 1 and there’s always tons of people online to talk to.
    • We do EVERY type of content in ESO!
    • A guild event EVERYDAY!
    • Always a good trader, always have one in a good spot!
    • Our chat groups mean you can contact someone 24/7 even if the game is updating!
    • We have a meeting once a month open to all members so the members can make changes themselves and we get feedback!
    • Multiple 9 trait crafters!
    • 1 true master crafter that know all styles in the game!
    • The guild was one of the first on EU XBOX to be able to craft mythic aetherial ambrosia, just 8 days after it came out!
    • There is always someone available to help!
    • There is no part of the game that groups of the guild don’t specialise in!
    • We even have real life guild raids!

    ]Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?

    No, but we do work with some guilds sometimes where we agree and have a kind of friendship, Arc with trade and some PvP guilds occasionally group up with us.

    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!

    Yes we host events daily! We normally have a vet trial maybe twice a week, there is a sign-up sheet on our website, trial training once a week, power levelling once a week, skyshard hunting and lorebook hunting once a week, a PvP event every week. We mix up the PvP with duelling, sewer runs, battlegrounds and Cyrodiil. We mix up the PvE with VDSA and normal DSA, Trials vet and normal, in-game achievements for things like skins, dungeons and pledges, questing, World bosses and in game events. On top of this we have a guild meeting on the 1st of every month at 9pm where anyone is welcome in the guild to come and talk about the guild, traditionally we always do a naked sewer zerg afterwards. We also do novelty events fairly like Hide and seek, Quiz night and storytelling, naked boxing, horse racing, easter egg hunt, seasonal events, drinking and fishing, Undead PvP army and casino nights.


    ]What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESOTU?

    o “Naked boxing naked sewers runs in fact everything naked…” RevPaul
    o “The time when I became an Empress the first time” – RegularFrog
    o “The time when Shep sized up an Orc at EGX” - FiveDinosaur792
    o “The time when Five though she saw something amazing” – NPUK
    o “The time when Nutty let me out from under the stairs” – Nandos
    o “OMG Spooky is questing and actually out of the sewers!!!” - Croc

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?

    Not really, but if any probably Sheogorath as we all are a little bit mad…(and like cheese).

    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?

    At the end of a day adventuring we like to wind down in the local tavern and sample their fine ales and dance! We are always in chat together and are a very chatty lot…sometime we just fish or group up and do something and put the World to rights!


    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.

    1. Our guild hall is amazing!
    2. Most of us have been former emperors.
    3. Our GM is addicted to shinies
    4. We get stuck down holes sometimes...
    5. Sausages.


    ]On which gaming platform does your guild play?

    Xbox on the EU server and if that is down we invade the NA server. We also have some members that dabble on the PC-EU and PS EU

    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    Facebook is a good way to get an invite by contacting us through the message button at or contact one of our members. You can always message FiveDinosaur792 directly through Xbox who is the Guild Master.


    2 things I juSt gotta say (after this)

    1. I want to help this Necro To!
    2. Just given you an Insightful!
    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
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