You have to remember, the Soul shriven that have returned from Molag Bal are the only ones going around riding these things. Thats the same reason we can die repeatedly and be brought back with soul shards(and the stronger we become, the more powerful the shard required to bring us back).
We are, by and large, on our own level. We're capable of great feats, which is why the NPCs around you will constantly stop and say "By Shor, you were there when...!!!!", "It's you, you stopped that thing from happening..!!!". We're not 'every random Joe" in the world, we're the bad MFs who were sacrificed to a dark daedra, brought back and are saving the world. It stands to reason, that we can summon or tame such wild and powerful mounts for our use.
Basically, use your imagination alittle. Trust me, I understand wanting to maintain the lore; it's important in any game that attempts to draw from years of it's own lore to maintain it's story, but don't be so hard-nosed about it that you're letting afew cosmetic mounts ruin the entire thing for you.
You'll either relax and enjoy the game; doing the quests, playing with friends and guildmates and enjoying the content. Or you'll be a lore snob and stop playing. Personally, I think enjoying the game and not getting caught up in rather minor details is the best option, and the community will be better for it.
You have to remember, the Soul shriven that have returned from Molag Bal are the only ones going around riding these things. Thats the same reason we can die repeatedly and be brought back with soul shards(and the stronger we become, the more powerful the shard required to bring us back).
We are, by and large, on our own level. We're capable of great feats, which is why the NPCs around you will constantly stop and say "By Shor, you were there when...!!!!", "It's you, you stopped that thing from happening..!!!". We're not 'every random Joe" in the world, we're the bad MFs who were sacrificed to a dark daedra, brought back and are saving the world. It stands to reason, that we can summon or tame such wild and powerful mounts for our use.
Basically, use your imagination alittle. Trust me, I understand wanting to maintain the lore; it's important in any game that attempts to draw from years of it's own lore to maintain it's story, but don't be so hard-nosed about it that you're letting afew cosmetic mounts ruin the entire thing for you.
You'll either relax and enjoy the game; doing the quests, playing with friends and guildmates and enjoying the content. Or you'll be a lore snob and stop playing. Personally, I think enjoying the game and not getting caught up in rather minor details is the best option, and the community will be better for it.
Can someone please help me to understand the lore behind the ice horse in more detail? How this follow lore of the TES games? From my understanding, summoning Oblivion critters only be done by train mages, not every Joe on the street and his mother. So ZOS, how can you have that everyone has an ice horse from the planes of Oblivion and still keep it with establish lore?
TBH, I don't like the fire horse or the stupid bear for the same reason I don't like an ice horse -- [snip] I still hate the idea in games that says: "if it can move, let us make a mount with it."
I can live with gold farmers, bugs, delay updates or server crashes, the quickest way to drive me and many others who love the TES game lore is to throw it out of the window. Lore SHOULD always go 1st.
The rest of the items of the items in this preview looks cool and I am digging the Gothic dress. It is / will be hard to over look lore mistakes like fire, ice and bear mounts. Worst case, I can wait for BGS who is the true master of TES games to make TES 6 and respect their lore. ESO is a spin off game after all, I am still loading out hope for it in the lore department. If ZOS keep breaking TES lore, then ZOS will force me to leave ESO.
Can anyone ( I hope ZOS can) help me with my lore concerns? Thanks.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »
@nimander99 : Could you point out the quote please? I'm looking at Fall of the Snow Prince right now and all I'm seeing about his mount was that it was "a brilliant steed of pallid white."
nimander99 wrote: »I might have miss-remembered it, I was going off memory from seven or eight years ago... there is always the good ol argument of since this game takes place a few hundred years before any of the other Scrolls games, anything they add becomes lore by defaultThat should keep ya warm at night.
chuck-18_ESO wrote: »Love the new stuff. People complaining about the Frost Horse simply can't evolve their way of perceiving TES Lore. Your explanation about Takubar makes beautifully perfect sense.
I do, however, have a complaint about the lack of men's costumes. Ladies now have two stunning dresses they can wear at social events, and I'm stuck looking like a chef, a blacksmith or a draugr. Any plans on some lovely suits for the menfolk?
Also, I'd sacrifice my own soul for an update on Spellcrafting.
ElfFromSpace wrote: »Wow that dress is TERRIBLE. The wedding dress is just poofy and unflattering and... well it's pretty ugly. Making it black does not make it any better. Please make some NEW women's costumes, something that looks actually attractive. You may notice that about 90% of the players who wear the current wedding dress are MALE characters who want to look ridiculous. That's because it's really a horrible dress that most women wouldn't wear so we don't torment our characters with it either.
ElfFromSpace wrote: »Wow that dress is TERRIBLE. The wedding dress is just poofy and unflattering and... well it's pretty ugly. Making it black does not make it any better. Please make some NEW women's costumes, something that looks actually attractive. You may notice that about 90% of the players who wear the current wedding dress are MALE characters who want to look ridiculous. That's because it's really a horrible dress that most women wouldn't wear so we don't torment our characters with it either.
How this follow lore of the TES games? From my understanding, summoning Oblivion critters only be done by train mages, not every Joe on the street and his mother. So ZOS, how can you have that everyone has an ice horse from the planes of Oblivion and still keep it with establish lore?
TBH, I don't like the fire horse or the stupid bear for the same reason I don't like an ice horse -- [snip]
There is no reason it should exist.
It would make no sense to have Arvak in the crown store, since we know there is only one.Seth_Black wrote: »I would completely understand Arvak in crown store...
@Seth_Black It would make no sense to have Arvak in the crown store, since we know there is only one.
Even though we don't know how many Frostmares and Nightmare Coursers exist, we know that there aren't as many as we see in ESO, and to me that's lore-breaking. I personally don't think the mounts themselves are lore-breaking, but I think that 100+ people riding the same fantasy mount is.
Also, half the things in ESO were never shown or mentioned before
The Alliance War & The Planemeld were never mentioned before.
Seth_Black wrote: »
That's part of the STORY
It's like you would say 'Oblivion Crysis didn't existed before release of TES IV: Oblivion!'
Tamriel History
We're talking about creatures and items (especially rare & unique) that exist in the game and DON'T exist in lore
Now show me how Frost Mare came into existence
It's different, there was no way of knowing about the oblivion crisis because it was set in the future, ESO is set on the past, so we could have had information about it in the previous games, but we did not.Seth_Black wrote: »It's like you would say 'Oblivion Crysis didn't existed before release of TES IV: Oblivion!
We're talking about creatures and items (especially rare & unique) that exist in the game and DON'T exist in lore.