The Horse itself isn't lore-breaking, the lore-braking part comes when we start to see 100+ people riding a horse as rare as a Dragon or a Unicorn.
MisterBigglesworth wrote: »
Lore went out the window the moment they decided to have a "chosen one" storyline in an MMO setting.
The ashland costume set is the only thing taken from the game that not yet available to players in some form.
Actually I don't accept that. Yes, this isn't a solo game, but ZOS made the main quest and other quest lines solo for some reason. So, from my point of view I'm the Hero, I'm the one who defeated Molag Bal, and all the other players are just random adventurers.
This is what happens when people who don't understand lore start complaining about ESO.Seth_Black wrote: »At this point I just hope they will sell UNICORNS some dayto see how many dummies will buy it regardless of a fact, that Unicorn (same as Frost Mare) is simply 'store creation' not existing in game's universe at all
Actually, Guars are for Dunmer.Ruddy_Ruckus wrote: »...Guar are good for the argonians...
This is what happens when people who don't understand lore start complaining about ESO.
The sky isn't falling just because we got two unusually looking horses. I hardly ever see anyone riding the Nightmare Courses anyway, the senche are all the rage now. Was Arvak lore-breaking too? My only gripe is that thanks to the crown store, we will never get quests or books explaining the origin of these fantastical mounts. I wish they were integrated into the game more naturally.
Except unicorns have existed in the game's universe for nearly a decade, so I don't know why you brought them up.Seth_Black wrote: »
You clearly don't understand my point.
It's NOT lore breaking ...it just doesn't exist.
ESO Mounts
They SHOULD introduce it, give it some back story or anything.
Without that it's just 'money maker' based on a fact that's rare and limited offer.
I personally like collecting mountsand I got all rare mounts released so far, but all of them have some reason to exist in game.
Even Nightmare Courser has some 'legend' behind it giving you some idea about its origin 'The dire Nightmare Courser, whereof is said to be the breed of Mehrunes Dagon, and the legendary fire-spitting Hell Hound'
Seth_Black wrote: »Even Nightmare Courser has some 'legend' behind it giving you some idea about its origin 'The dire Nightmare Courser, whereof is said to be the breed of Mehrunes Dagon, and the legendary fire-spitting Hell Hound'
“I have a question for his awfulness Lyranth, but I think it concerns more the relationship between some kinds of lesser Daedra than the ranks topic treated here. I hope it will be worth the attenction of your lordship. We all recognize the fierce reptile daedroth, but I've also heard of another unspecified so-called “fire daemon", that appears to be physically related to the daedroth, but it seems to be more intelligent. I've once seen something similar when I came across into the dreaded “Haunter of the Cliffs". An analogous doubt arises about the nasty banekin and the “homunculi" whereof we can read in the “A Hypothetical Treachery" script. Are they the same creatures? And is there a relationship between the dire Nightmare Courser, whereof is said to be the breed of Mehrunes Dagon, and the legendary fire-spitting Hell Hound?
With your grace, I'd want to finally acknowledge what connection there's between all those creatures, that certainly share a common origin in the planes of Oblivion." – Shanke-Naar Righthorn
BergisMacBride wrote: »Like the looks of the horse. Unfortunately, I won't get it or any other horse due to the huge, ugly and obnoxious horse saddlebags that appear with purchased storage slots. I've sent feedback on this numerous times but guess there are no plans for the Devs to adjust the horse bag art or at least allow us to hide them. Oh well, guess I'll keep riding my cats.
Ruddy_Ruckus wrote: »With everything else going on in Tamriel, it shouldn't be hard to accept the Frost Mare into lore and I can - no problem. However, what I'd don't see is how the Frost Mare fits in with any of the playable races / classes / polymorphs available as a horse that would be ridden. Guar are good for the argonians, senche for kajiit, but who rides a Frost Mare? .